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Damaged Goods (Cruel Crimes Book 1)

Page 5

by Jarica James

  “Fine,” I agreed, “but I’m not submitting for you. Any of you. Never again.” At that, Kyrell literally laughed in my face, my anger coming back as I glared.

  “Alright, I believe you. But that doesn’t mean I won’t try breaking you, Kitten. You’ll be submitting at my feet before the end of the week,” he promised, leaning down and capturing my lips in a searing kiss before backing away. My brain went offline for a moment, but my body responded like it was starved for attention, every nerve-ending practically begging for him to come back, to kiss me again.

  When he stepped out of view, I saw Killian rubbing his jaw, but there was no anger behind it. After the thud earlier, I’d expected them to be fighting, but it seemed that Keir thought Killian had needed to be punished, and he’d dished it out like only an Adrostos could.

  “Ready, Princess?” Keir asked, the name somehow not sounding awful when he used it. He offered his arms, and I stepped forward without thought, sliding mine through his with a smile. His eyes softened a fraction, looking down at me like we were the only two people in the room, before turning us and leading me out of the apartment. It was only a moment later that I realized I’d submitted without thought. Fuck, the effect they have on me is infuriating. I barely managed to grab my keys, and Keir refused to let me take a wallet. Done with arguing for the moment, I nodded, following him out while Ky took my keys and locked up the apartment.

  “This place isn’t suitable for you,” he muttered.

  “That’s for me to decide,” I said back, my voice even as I hid my annoyance. I’d worked hard to get where I was, and this apartment was perfect for the lifestyle I led.

  “For now,” he conceded. I wasn’t naive enough to think they’d drop it, but it wasn’t a battle that needed to happen right now.

  As we walked down the stairs to the entry, I realized that they had gotten in without a code. The moment we stepped outside I could see why, the call box still smoking from what I could guess was a gunshot. I’d known they’d come after me, but this was insane.

  “I’m assuming the Lexus is yours?” I asked as soon as my eyes fell on the sleek black car. A group of teens I recognized from the neighborhood were standing nearby with arms crossed and eyes narrowed at anyone who got close.

  “Of course,” Keir said, chuckling and opening up the passenger door for me to climb in. A rough growl escaped when he got an eyeful of my bare pussy, and he moved slightly to hide me from view. “Naughty girl,” was all he said before he leaned over and buckled me in. His cologne, a hint of sage and citrus, was heady and familiar all at once, and without thought, my eyes closed briefly as I breathed him in.

  I didn’t say anything as he leaned away and closed the door. Just before he was able to close it, I saw Ky doling out wads of cash to the teens and smiled. They might have been tough guys, well, they were definitely beyond that, but they always spoke reverently about their city. This wasn't just about the Lexus. In one of the few conversations we’d had about our pasts, they’d mentioned how their family controlled the crime here. But instead of using and abusing anyone they could, they were cleaning it up so the city was safe for those who deserved it and dangerous for those who didn’t.

  When we were all finally closed in the car together, the tension rose again. I could practically feel Killian’s eyes boring into me, but shockingly, his gaze didn’t feel angry anymore. Instead, there was a mix of curiosity and lust. After his punishment in my apartment, I figured he’d blame me, but then a flash of me kicking him in the balls and him liking it, hit me. Maybe the punishment was really about calming the storm he was keeping inside instead of what he did to me. He’d always liked it rough, our sex after his fights was proof enough, but this was a new part of him, and I had a feeling there were going to be a lot of new things we’d be learning about each other.

  “So, you guys own a club?” I questioned, realizing I hadn’t even known that a club was nearby until this morning. But then again, I lived like a recluse for the most part. “I don’t know how I’ve never seen it.”

  “Did you even leave your apartment and shop?” Kyrell asked dryly from the driver’s seat, his hand drifting to rest on my leg. “It’s been there for years, and we own it. Most of our… business meetings are conducted there.”

  “How long have you been in town?” Keir asked, but the accusatory edge had me pausing, not wanting to answer but also not wanting to make it worse.

  “Three years,” I said quietly.

  “So, back to my question...” Keir said, sounding exasperated.

  My fingers trailed over Ky’s knuckles as I thought it over, tracing the scars and calluses on there from years of life in the mafia. I was familiar with it all, but they’d never known the extent of what I faced as Eros Priamos’ Princess. If they did, I had a feeling there wouldn’t be a single Priamos standing at the end of the day despite living halfway across the country from them.

  “Barely. I probably don’t have to tell you that my family didn’t let me go easily, so I try to stay under the radar as much as possible,” I said. Hence the apartment I could pay for in cash and the side business that gave me my own separate money I had stashed up. My backup plans had backup plans and it all played into it. In fact, the money my grandfather had sent me away with made it possible for me to buy the store, but after that, I wanted to do this on my own, cutting him from my life completely. So my store ran solely on profits, and the weapons I sold on the side kept me fed and in this apartment.

  Plus, I liked the fact that this was about as discreet as I could get, no one likely to expect a mafia princess to live somewhere so... basic. Or at least it was discreet before they found me.

  “I can’t wait for that story,” he said, turning smoothly into the backlot of the club without prying for more information. The gate opened as we approached, so we could drive right in, grabbing a spot in VIP parking.

  Killian was at my door before I could even reach the handle pulling it open and offering me a hand. I unbuckled and slid my hand into his, letting him help me out, but he barely stepped back so I was forced into his personal space as soon as I stood. The spicy, sharp smell of his aftershave invaded my senses as he towered over me.

  “Does this mean I’m no longer in the dog house?” he whispered as I stared up at him. I was confused at first before I noticed he was standing, feet apart, leaving himself vulnerable in case I was going to attack. I wasn’t sure if it was in anticipation of being rejected or showing me he would submit if I wanted. A chance for him to earn my forgiveness, but I had no intention of holding onto that anger any longer. I’d had time to think while getting ready, and I was prepared to face that. Just from the way he looked unsure for the first time ever, I had a feeling it wasn’t easy for him to do this, which made me appreciate it even more.

  “No, you’re still in the dog house,” I said, but this time the heat behind it had lessened. He nodded and stepped back, and I tried to not let it make me sad at the loss. I had to hold my ground now; otherwise, this relationship would be volatile.

  “Boss,” the men beside the door greeted as we walked up, eyes grazing over me curiously, but one cleared throat from the triplets had them ducking their heads and snapping back to attention. I peeked at them curiously, but it wasn’t fear that I saw in their eyes. The Adrostos garnered fear, yes, but they were also respected. I could see it in the way their men regarded them, following orders without shaking hands, stuttering, or nervous tics. Something my grandfather had told me was unnecessary. Yet another thing that distinguished the gap between us. When I was twenty, I had found a guy I’d hooked up with regularly. Well, when Eros discovered it, he put out a bounty on the poor guy, having him murdered. I’d lost it when I heard what happened to him, rushing up to my grandfather’s office and slamming open the door, not giving a single fuck if he was mad. His explanation? Oh, just a heartless lecture saying how caring about someone made you weak, something I couldn’t afford to be. The guy and I weren’t even in a relationship, simpl
y friends and fuck buddies, but Eros hadn’t cared either way. That was the moment that solidified my need to escape, to have freedom. It just took a few more years to gain the courage to fight for that chance.

  The pulse of music hit me as we walked through the hall, getting louder as another door opened, revealing the club itself. The lights flashed in a cycle of colors, and the heat level was intense from the bodies smashed together, gyrating on the open dance floor. Tables surrounded it, but most were occupied by empty drinks and coats, the majority of the clubgoers out of their seats. Without stopping, Keir headed straight for an open stairwell to the side, leading us into a loft which had to be the VIP lounge.

  The lounge was definitely more their style. Everything was black, silver, and red and immaculately clean. A half-circle couch lined the balcony, but strategically placed mirrors reflected the crowd below. There was a small bar up here, likely stocked with their favorites. A crystal chandelier rested over the table the couch circled around, a solitary seat on the other side. I laughed at the sight, knowing an interrogation set-up when I saw one.

  “Come on, Kitten,” Ky said, taking my hand and leading me to the couch, but instead of letting me sit on my own, he settled me on his lap, holding tight when I tried to move. “No.” The order was clear, and I sighed, stopping my struggling. Their constant touching was quickly breaking down my overthinking and awkwardness, and I didn’t want to argue. But that didn’t mean I wouldn’t take the time to torture him just a little bit.

  “What’s your poison?” Killian asked, and I looked up to see him watching me, the heat in his eyes making me squirm.

  “Whiskey on the rocks,” I said, naming one of the few drinks I could stand. He smirked as he walked away. What’s so goddamn funny about that?

  “So, why did you leave?” Keir asked, the question blunt, but I didn’t expect any less. I’d been taking bets with myself on how long they’d last before asking me again.

  “The Family,” I said simply. If I’m lucky, that’ll cover it without going into the full story.

  “Why?” And, as per usual, my luck is nonexistent. I wasn’t ready to relive that day just yet, so I shook my head and looked away, my body tensing enough that Ky noticed, his hand moving across my back in soft circles.

  “Boss?” a timid voice called out. Keir stood and gave me a look to remind me this wasn’t over before walking to the side, his lackey speaking eagerly into his ear. His whole demeanor changed, his body tensing for a moment before nodding and turning to the guys.

  “Lachs got the delivery,” he said, the other two raising their eyebrows.

  “And?” Killian implored, unconcerned with asking for details in front of me. “Is there retribution or something?”

  “They killed Timothy,” Keir confirmed with a sigh. Ky’s growl had me shifting to look at him. He didn’t say anything, but his eyes were full of anger and malice. Whoever Timothy was, he was important.

  “How fucking dare they,” he growled, fingers digging into me painfully as he breathed through his rage. Instinctively, I wrapped my hand around his wrist and squeezed until he let up. He was so distracted he didn’t even seem to register what either of us had done.

  “Was there a message?” Kill asked quickly while Keir just paced back and forth, not answering for several beats.

  “Not yet, but his brother wants a meeting. Apparently, he’ll be here in five,” he explained. Taking a whiskey from the tray offered by the waiter, he downed the whole thing at once and slammed it back on the tray. To his credit, the man didn’t even flinch, handing out our drinks and walking away to return a few moments later with a refill for Keir.

  When the cool glass was pushed into my hands, I took a sip, the warmth of the alcohol burning slightly as I swallowed it down. Thanks to the money these men possessed, it was a smooth top shelf whiskey.

  “Should I go?” I finally asked. Normally, it was completely taboo to have someone outside the family witness family business, and even though we’d once shared a relationship, I was new in this stage of their lives. It would be completely understandable and probably expected for them to want some privacy.

  “No,” all three said firmly. Ky shifted but still kept me firmly on his lap as they started discussing the few details they had of the death, my heart breaking to find out Timothy was a younger cousin, only sixteen and barely old enough to be involved.

  When their names rang out, they all froze, Ky’s hands curling around me possessively and Kill flopping down beside us. The guy walked closer, taking the lone chair while Keir settled on the other side of me. He had the same dirty blond hair as the triplets, but his features were sharper and his eyes a mossy green. As I studied him, I couldn’t help but notice the slight twitch to his left eye, piquing my interest. I was well versed in detecting nonverbal cues, something Eros taught us all early, and he was practically wearing a flashing sign that he was hiding something. All of the usual nuances were there, from the fidgeting to the clenching and unclenching hand and twitching eye. Amatuer.

  “Speak,” Keir ordered, and the man took a shuddering breath, but I noticed it seemed to be nerves, not grief.

  “His brother?” I whispered as I faced Ky, and he nodded, turning back to the guy in question.

  “Now, Victor,” Killian said, the man taking a deep breath but still looking like he was fighting the urge to flee.

  “Timothy and I were taking our newest shipment out, the pills for the east side. We’d parked and were waiting on our contact for pickup when a van pulled up. The problem was that it wasn’t our contact, but a group of men in suits and masks. They had Timothy before I could react,” he pushed out, eyes shining with unshed tears that everyone paid the courtesy of not commenting on. Me, I could see the lack of sincerity in it. He was lying, or at least bending the truth. With that lack of compassion, he’d fit right in with Eros.

  Glancing at the guys, I tried to see how they were reacting, but their faces were matching masks of stone.

  “So they killed Timothy right in front of you... and you escaped, how?” Kyrell asked, his deep voice full of ice as it drifted out from behind me, sending a shudder down my spine.

  “He’s dead?” he choked out as his right foot started to twitch nervously, his voice startled and frantic. “What the fuck do you mean?!”

  “Keir?” Killian questioned, sounding surprisingly level-headed. It was like they’d shut off their emotions to handle this, which was something I could definitely relate to.

  “Separate reports, Joe just confirmed the death,” he shared as he held up his phone, and they turned back to the man they were questioning. I was struck a bit speechless; observing them in action was sending me for a huge loop. Eros had men that handled each aspect of the Family. Sure, bigger events made it back to him, but if you made it to Eros’ desk, that was it for you. And here the triplets were, getting intel right and left from all aspects of their Family. If you asked me, that was just begging for interference and trouble. I hope their men are as loyal as they think. “I just got word of Timothy’s body showing up at the estate.”

  “Oh god,” Victor said, the first genuine reaction out of him from what I could tell. His nerves ramped up again, the grief almost an afterthought now as his jaw clenched and unclenched, though he tried to hide it. Something’s not right.

  “He’s nervous, and clearly lying.” I whispered to Keir, who turned to me, an eyebrow raised in question. I crawled out of Ky’s lap, his hands slipping away to let me go as I scooted over and leaned in close. “He’s lying about something. Watch his left eye, jaw, and right foot.”

  “Noted,” he said, kissing me softly before turning back to Victor. “Details.”

  “When they took Timothy, I tried to shoot but only got one of them before they were in the van. They tried to take the shipment, but I managed to stop that,” he explained, the nervous tics at full force as he explained. “My aim is pretty good, but I was afraid to shoot out the van with him inside. He’s my brother, after all.

  “Is that why you used him as bait?” Keir asked coldly, the tone sending a cold fear through me, and I shivered in response.

  “Uh, ex– excuse me?” He fumbled over his words, fear making him shake as he glanced over us all. “It wasn’t like that.”

  “You see… my girl here isn’t Family, but she knows things. She picked up on those tics,” Keir said, gesturing to Victor’s leg and its rapid pace. “I know guilt when I see it. Where’s the lie in this story? Maybe if you’re honest, this time you won’t die.”

  “Wait... this is crazy. I’m Family!” he protested, but Killian just laughed, the sound laced in excitement that had me wincing. The man was just as much a sadist as a masochist, and if he got his hands on Victor, he wouldn't survive the encounter.

  “Family doesn’t lie,” Ky said smoothly, Victor’s eyes full of pure malice and intention as he zeroed in on me.

  “This bitch is lying!” he shouted, getting angry now as desperation colored his words. The moment he finished that accusation, all three of the Adrostos stood with their guns trained on him, only pausing long enough to one by one screw on a silencer. My eyes flicked to the bartender, but he just hit a switch on the wall with a blank look on his face. A deep red covering started rolling down over the mirrors almost instantaneously. This is clearly not a new experience for him.

  “You’d shoot your family over a bitch you met in the club?!” Victor asked, desperate as realization sunk in, no longer even trying to think out his words.

  “She’s not just a bitch from the club. Don’t pretend you know anything about us,” Keir said, before looking to his brothers. “Secure him.” In a practiced move, they had his mouth taped and wrists bound behind him.

  “Oh, and just for calling her a bitch...” Killian said as he stepped away, dropping his gun down to the man’s knee and hitting the trigger. The muffled gunshot made me jump before the man screamed behind his tape, the sound of pure, raw agony. A warm sense of satisfaction filled me… He definitely deserved the pain.


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