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Damaged Goods (Cruel Crimes Book 1)

Page 9

by Jarica James

  “Definitely. But I’ll keep your secret. Alright, before they give in and come get you, tell me everything I’ve missed in the last two years,” she said. Time flew by as I did just that, sharing every last tiny detail from my business and my favorite coffee shop, to what the guys had been wearing at the club. She listened, chiming in with her usual sass when utterly inappropriate, as per usual. We only paused to answer the door and get our food, continuing on while we ate.

  “So, how has Eros explained my absence?” I finally asked, the question resting on the tip of my tongue since I saw her.

  “He told the Family you’re away on a mission and will be gone for a few years. There was a bet going around that he killed you and another that you failed a mission and got kidnapped or something outlandish. Oh, and Little Tony somehow manned up and got in Eros’ good graces. I think he’s intent on taking your place as the Priamos Princess even though he won’t look nearly as hot in a dress,” she snarked.

  “He could fucking have it if it were up to me, but Eros would never agree to that,” I sighed, hating how conflicted I felt about that statement. Every part of me hated that man, but I’d spent so much of my life proving myself to him that even now, the idea of not being his number one choice upset me.

  Dani softly patted my arm, already knowing how twisted and torn I was about the role I’d been raised to inherit. Thankfully, she also knew when I needed to talk about something else. “Now, about this place,” she started, shifting on my well worn couch. “Eros gave me a new identity for the purpose of this “bachelorette trip,” so call me Dani Parker! Lucky for you, I have a healthy bank account with plenty of money to buy us a place.”

  “Yeah, one he knows exists and can follow every dollar you spend or deposit. He knows I bought a shop, but everything else I pay for out of different accounts for a reason,” I shot back. The hate for my apartment was getting old fast. It wasn’t the nicest place, but it was mine, and it had been my only safe haven for so long that I was starting to take it personally.

  “You have a point,” she grumbled, frustrated. “This new life is going to be an adjustment if I can’t just use my money freely.”

  “It’s not so bad. I’ve worked hard for this life, and I’m proud of it even if it doesn’t look like much from the outside. Anyway, money isn’t really what you’ll need to survive here. I hope you came packing; Eros loves to send his playthings after me, and I’m sure you as well, now.”

  “Because of-fucking-course he does,” she growled. “I swear that man jacks off to torture videos and senseless deaths.”

  “Blood makes for good lube,” I joked, both of us bursting into laughter and breaking the rest of the tension between us.

  “Alright, I have work in the morning, and you’re coming with me. We should get to bed.”

  “Fine, but I’m crashing in your bed with you,” she asserted, following me into my room. I searched through my clothes to find something that would fit her tall, thin frame, eventually settling on booty shorts and a tank top for each of us. When we finally settled into the bed and she started to let out even breaths, my mind went right back to the guys.

  Did I make the right decision in leaving?

  Part of me wanted to say yes, but a bigger part of me was screaming what a fucking dumbass I was being. They weren’t Eros. The Adrostos weren’t the Priamos family, where blood, mind games, and insanity reigned.

  Fuck, I’ve got to figure this shit out.

  “Would you stop fucking fidgeting?” Dani complained as she guzzled down her latte with three espresso shots. Her eyes were red and glazed over, looking like she was half-dead even though she’d just had to get up a little early.

  “No, quit being crabby,” I shot back, barely holding back the eye roll. The bell on the door rang out, stopping us from verbally sparring again. Note to self, let Dani come in a few hours later if she’s going to hang out at the shop.

  “Hello, can I help you?” I asked, smiling up at the guy before realizing who he was. The receding hairline and square jaw were distinct enough that I remembered him from before. “Ah, the limited edition?”

  “Yes,” he said sharply, his clipped tone something I knew not to take offense to. The men who came in for weapons were not the type to show weakness to. Even bristling at tone would tell him one thing: I could be bothered. In my side business, you had to appear unflappable, the perfect picture of calm knowledge and professionalism.

  “Dani, watch the front,” I ordered. She gave me an odd look, which meant I’d get the interrogation late. I nodded before turning and leading my customer to the back. “My office is this way.”

  Being in the small hallway with him so soon after my trip down memory lane, my senses were on high alert. I kept my body angled so I wouldn’t be caught unaware, one hand on my Sig, just in case. When we reached my office, I opened it and gestured for him to step in first, closing the steel door and dropping the small covering that blacked out the window.

  “Now, what can I do for you?” My voice was strong and clear, my indifferent smile in place like I wasn’t studying the man intently.

  “I need a rifle this time, off the grid, untraceable, like usual. Do you do disposal yet?” His beady eyes narrowed on me, and I could’ve sworn I literally felt my skin crawling. Something was creepy about him, but I wasn’t turning down a deal while still trying to build up my business, and we’d worked fine together before. There was also the fact that the kind of people who wanted to buy weapons weren’t exactly the most upstanding citizens. It’d be more unusual if he seemed like a normal guy, to be honest.

  “I do not. I just supply them,” I said firmly, not willing to take on that kind of burden. He gave me a disgusted look, like I’d somehow shit on his favorite shoes, before clearing his face. My eyes narrowed on him, noting a tic in his jaw and the flexing of his fingers that showed a barely restrained rage. Not exactly the kind of guy you want armed, but exactly the kind of customer that keeps me in business.

  “Unfortunate. Here are the specifications I need. I’ll send my man to pick it up when it’s ready,” he said, listing off everything, right down to a specific amount of ammo. “I came to personally make sure you understood the importance of keeping my timeframe.”

  “That’s fine. As long as he can prove he’s your man, this can be picked up by another party” I said, scanning over the paper. It was a tall order, the gun fairly rare. “And this will run you a pretty penny.”

  “I’m prepared for the cost. I’ll call you in one week to check progress. I have no more than two weeks to wait for pick up,” he said, turning on his heel and stalking out of my room without another thought. I could have told him I had his gun in stock, but because he was being a twat, he could just fucking wait.

  “What was that about?” Dani asked, poking her head in once the coast was clear. I sighed and flipped the top of my mural down, showing the gun display I had back there. It wasn’t the only stash in the room, but it was the biggest. She gasped and then burst into laughter. “Man, you can’t take the mafia out of the girl, huh?” My answering smirk only confirmed her statement. Unfortunately, there was one other side effect of her comment, and my mind was now poking at me, reminding me that I shouldn’t have condemned the guys for what I’d seen. I'd done worse in my lifetime. I guess part of me is afraid they’ll want me to get involved, and that feels too much like letting Eros win. If I start working with them, then I’m nothing more than the tool my grandfather always wanted me to be.

  “It’s different. I’m my own boss, answering to no one,” I said, walking back to the front. In this neighborhood, it wasn’t a smart idea to leave the store unattended.

  Having her here could be good for both of us, honestly. She’d be happy here; she had always been more of a game nerd than me. I occasionally played with her… now that I thought about, she was probably the reason I chose the store, subconsciously missing her. And I’d have a friend, someone outside of the guys who knew me. That was something I�
�d never take for granted.

  We worked side by side for a few hours while I showed her how to inventory, order new stock, and do the tedious things that kept the shop running smoothly. But after the fifth time I spaced out, getting lost in my thoughts about the guys, she'd clearly had enough.

  “Who the fuck is this?” she asked, waving at me like I was a pod person. “The Otsana I know wouldn’t be moping around her fucking store like this.”

  “I’m just stuck in my head a bit,” I insisted in defeat, flopping back onto the floor where I had been sitting, unboxing a new shipment. “Should I have left like that?”

  “Would you be questioning it like this if you’d stayed?” she asked. “Listen, you don’t want to fall into a Family, right? That was the vibe I got last night. So here, let’s find you a wholesome, not involved in the family business kind of man. Come here.” She held out a hand to help me up, fussing with my hair for a second before pulling out a tube of red lipstick and applying it. For a final touch, she ripped the neckline of my shirt so my cleavage was visible.

  “Jesus, Dani,” I growled, my shirt now ruined, but she smacked my hands away when I tried to fuck with it.

  “Stop, just trust me. Pose, bitch,” she urged, holding up her phone and snapping what felt like seven thousand pictures, shifting a piece of hair or making me pose weirdly until she was finally satisfied. Damn, when did she get so bossy?

  “Okay, weirdo, that’s done with,” I told her, pushing her phone out of my face. “Listen, you want to stay late with me tomorrow? There’s a monthly game tournament we do,” I explained, going back to the display and covering myself the best I could. I wasn’t typically shy, but this wasn’t the club with the guys, either. I’d have customers coming in, and they weren’t coming here to scope out my chest. Of course, when I glanced up, she was tapping away at her phone, barely even listening.

  “Okay, profile done! Let’s find you a wholesome date tonight,” she said, ignoring my question.

  “Why are you even being helpful?” I asked suspiciously. Last night, she was on team Adrostos, and I knew her well enough to remember she was a great actress when she wanted to be.

  “Ew, hard pass,” she mumbled, swiping her screen. “Oh, he definitely lives in his mom’s basement and eats pizza rolls three times a day.”

  “Oh my god, Dani,” I laughed, throwing a game at her. She’d had the same training I had, or close to it, so of course she expertly dodged.

  “How do you feel about country boys? You’d make a great southern belle,” she suggested “innocently.”

  “No,” I said, but she ignored me and parked her ass right on the counter, flipping through profiles for the next hour or so while I did the inventory and helped the few customers who came in. We weren’t super busy right after releases, so at least I wasn’t swamped while she was absolutely zero help. I wanted to protest, but the idea of getting out of the house with someone who didn’t know me sounded kind of nice. Plus, at this point I didn’t care what they looked like. There was something to be said for first meetups; you could show them whatever parts of yourself you wanted, be anyone you wanted. It was freeing.

  “Okay, found you a date. Lance is thirty, clean cut, and, oooh, he’s a general manager of a bistro downtown,” she listed off. I moved forward, trying to snatch it away, but she refused, sliding it into her bra. “The date is tonight.”

  “Don’t think I won’t go in there to get it,” I challenged, but she kept out of reach.

  “Stop! Go home and change. It’s closing time, Cinderella.” I glanced at the clock, shocked to see she was right. She didn’t say anything else as we closed up and started the walk home, my chest tight with anxiety. I was so fucking conflicted that I couldn’t handle it, flopping between excitement to hating the idea of being with anyone but the triplets.

  “Alright, what am I wearing?” I asked as we kicked off our shoes and locked the door behind us… still no word from the guys. Roughly nineteen hours and counting.

  “He’s taking you to La Nostra Tavola,” she said, almost like a question.

  “Damn, home boy is out to impress. It’s one of the fanciest restaurants in the city,” I laughed, heading for my closet. Suddenly, I was nervous. I didn’t expect this to be anything but a distraction, but at the same time it was still meeting someone new.

  The worst part was that I didn’t even fucking want to go on a date. Hell, the last real date I’d had was with Killian to some drive-in movie and burger place. I’d much rather a hookup. I wasn’t sure I didn’t want the Adrostos, but Dani was right. If I was questioning myself, then I needed to figure it out. Gah, can I back out now?

  “Wear this red dress. I’ll do your hair and makeup,” Dani directed, pulling it out of the closet and throwing it at me before raiding my bathroom for supplies. Not one for modesty, at least not in front of her, I got undressed, tossing my clothes in the hamper before sliding on a lacy red bra and thong. They were the only ones that wouldn't leave horrible underwear lines.

  “Sexy, sexy!” Dani catcalled as she came out, sliding the zipper the last few inches for me before forcing me in a chair she’d slid over. A towel was thrown around my shoulders before she became a whirlwind of makeup brushes, commands, and curls.

  When she finally finished and took the towel away, I turned to the mirror and barely recognized myself. What was even more impressive was that she’d managed to cover the bruising on my face.

  “Now, give me your phone so I can add in his info while you get whatever else you need. You’re meeting there,” she said, raising a brow as I slipped on a pair of black stilettos then tucked my Sig into my clutch, custom-made to be big enough to fit it comfortably.

  “When do I have to be there?” I asked, tossing my phone to her and transferring my essentials to the new clutch.

  “You should leave now,” she said, tossing my phone back, hers going off at the same time. She was taking way too long to just be adding a number, and the small quirk of her lips was undeniably suspicious.

  “What did you do?” I asked, glancing at the screen, but the only change I noticed was a new contact for Lance, including a picture. At least he’s a cutie. He had a bright smile, his hair cut short and styled neatly. He was dressed a bit preppy for my usual tastes, but wasn’t that the point of tonight?

  “Added his number,” she said, raising her eyebrows like I’d lost my mind. “Now, shoo.”

  “Fine, but if this is a huge fail, you owe me booze,” I groaned, heading outside. My nerves were high as I checked the status of the uber Dani had ordered, but the night was quiet, not even the usual group of guys loitering out front while I waited. When the silver Charger pulled up, I checked the plates and climbed inside.

  “Fancy date?” the driver asked. I nodded and looked out the window, not in the mood to make small talk. He took the hint and didn’t say anything else, easing back onto the road and heading for the restaurant.


  “I’m going to go to her! This is so fucking stupid,” Keir yelled, slamming his fist onto his desk, the cherry wood groaning in protest. He had been itching to go get Sana, and I was nearly there myself.

  “Honestly? I thought she’d cave by now,” I agreed, falling into my chair. “She’s as stubborn as a fucking mule.”

  “I’m going to make her regret it,” Keir ground out, resting his head on his arms as he tried to calm himself down. Before Kill could chime in, all three of our phones pinged with a notification. In unison, we whipped our phones out faster than should be possible.

  Sana: Don’t text back, this is Dani. Sending my number, then deleting these texts.

  “Dani’s here?” Keir asked, confused. She was Sana’s cousin, but this was the first we’d heard of her being here. We hadn’t seen her since they left school, either. The five of us had been fairly close back then. Though she was social and had friends outside of us too, unlike Sana.

  “Oh hell no,” Killian said, the venom in his tone making me shove the phone
back in front of my face.

  Keir: What the fuck is going on?

  Dani: Look, I know my cousin better than anyone, and she’s all fucked over you guys. I’m going to do you all a major favor and fix it. She’s going on a Tinder date with a total loser. La Nostra Tavola.

  I let out a bark of laughter. Because of fucking course she’d end up at a Family restaurant. Well played, Dani.

  Keir: You want me to not kill a man that will be all over my woman?

  Dani: Murdering your citizens can’t look good, Keir. Because I know this is you.

  Killian: Ha. You aren't wrong.

  Dani: And there’s Kill.

  Kyrell: I’ll keep him from murdering anyone in the middle of the restaurant. Did you have a plan?

  Dani: Sabotage, of course. From afar. Don’t let her see you.

  Dani: Plus, look at her.

  With that, she sent a photo of Sana all dolled up. Between her bright red pouty lips and sexy red dress, I was ready to pull a Keir and tear down the place. Fuck, she’s perfect.

  Killian: God, she’s gorgeous.

  Dani: She is, did that makeup myself. Now get your waiter on it and keep me posted.

  Keir: Done.

  He stood up and dialed the restaurant, pacing as he barked orders into the phone. “Marco, I have a special couple coming in tonight. You do everything in your power to make this man regret taking out my girl. I’ll send over a photo in a moment. Do it and I’ll owe you one. Oh, and Marco? Treat her like the queen she is.” He hung up and tapped at his phone for a moment before he picked up his paperweight and slammed it into the wall, the heavy glass orb embedding there.

  “What the fuck were we not clear about?” he asked. “Did we stutter? Is this a test? Someone fucking enlighten me.”

  “She’s not just a submissive. She’s a fucking brat. I’d say she’s testing boundaries, ” I suggested. It was obvious in every twitch of her jaw and clench of her fist when she heard an order.


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