Love's Dance

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Love's Dance Page 6

by Karen Deen

  While I open the bag, Grant slips out of his suit jacket. This gets my heart pounding. His white shirt fits tightly across his muscled chest, and boy do I want to run my hands over them. I have a thing for men with strong arms and shoulders. I don’t know what it is, but it makes me sweaty just thinking what those arms would feel like with my fingers wrapped around them. He slowly un-cuffs and rolls the sleeves until they sit just below his elbows.

  “Are you okay, Zara? You’ve been staring into that bag for quite a while. Please don’t tell me you are a vegetarian or one of those munch-and-crunch girls?” Grant’s low strong voice snaps me out of my daydream.

  “Sorry, what did you say?” I mumble, feeling the embarrassment showing on my cheeks.

  “I said, I hope you aren’t a vegetarian or one of those munch-and-crunch girls.”

  “What the hell is a munch-and-crunch girl? You have me intrigued.”

  “You know, one of those women who only eats raw salad and vegetables. Nothing with any flavor. They’re scared to put their fork near a piece of meat. All because they’re worried about weight.”

  “Oh God, Grant! You can’t say things like that. What if I am one of those? You would have just insulted me and the apology you came here with would be totally wasted.”

  He smiles and laughs at me.

  “Zara, by the way your eyes opened up when you saw the bag and the smile when you smelt it, there’s no way you would be one of those girls. You love a good meal full of meat, and all the good stuff that goes with it, don’t you?”

  Why am I thinking dirty thoughts when we’re talking about food?

  “You’re right, Grant. I do love a good meaty feed. It’s been a while since meat has been past my lips.” I look for Grant’s reaction. I can tell he took the naughty road to my comment. It takes him back a bit. He didn’t expect a dirty comment from me. Well, two can play at this game, Grant. I’m not the shy wallflower you think I am.

  “Well, we will have to remedy your meat problem then, won’t we, Zara? I will make it my personal mission to make sure before we get too far, you have a big, round, long, firm piece of meat slide through those amazing red lips of yours. A taste that you will savor the memory of and it will be an experience like none you have ever had before.”

  Once again, Grant trumps me with his dirty mouth and leaves me speechless. This really starts to piss me off. I’m not this weak little girl that seems to turn up every time Grant is around. Put your boots on, Zara, and stomp your feet to declare your ground.

  “That is very presumptuous of you, Grant. What makes you think your meat would be the best I’ve had?” This brings a grin to my face. We’re at it again. It seems every time we’re together, verbal sparring is a must. It was starting softly but building quickly.

  “I am trying really hard to be a gentleman today, Zara, after my efforts from our last two meetings. But you are really making it difficult. First the towel and now that sassy mouth of yours. Don’t get me wrong, I’m loving that sassy mouth but let me assure you, my meat and your mouth, that will be an experience we both won’t forget.” We’re now both looking flustered.

  I sit here contemplating how I could ever have any sort of relationship with this man. We can’t even get through ten minutes together without sparring.

  We’re both caught in our wicked thoughts.

  God, what am I going to do?

  I can’t pursue this but with all my soul, I want to.

  Pull yourself together, Zara, and explain to Grant what is going on. Don’t lead him on, only to cut him off.

  I might be sassy, but I am far from being a bitch.



  I can’t take my eyes off her. Zara has totally taken control of my world and I don’t know how to stop it.

  This does not happen to me.

  Counting to ten, I take a breath and close the space between us, then I reach down and pull Zara from her seat. She gasps at my touch, and there’s surprise in her eyes. I’m not stopping. This is me, taking her. I can’t stand here and resist her anymore. This woman I only met yesterday, has totally consumed my world and I want her. I want her like I have never wanted another woman before.

  I run my finger down her cheek and cup her chin, tilting her head so she looks at me. There’s pure lust and want in her eyes. I know she wants this. I can see it, and I can feel the electricity. Looking into her eyes I lean forward until she’s a breath away. And just as I’m about to kiss her lips, Zara jerks backwards.

  What the fuck happened? I know I didn’t misjudge this. I would never take a woman unless I was totally sure we were on the same page.

  “Zara,” I speak with my low growl, “you can’t deny you want this too. What happened?” My words come across harsh and direct. I’m teetering on the edge. I just want to make her mine. I damn well knew she is meant for me. How can I convince her?

  “Grant,” she whispers, putting distance between us. “I can’t do this. I need you to know from the start, I can’t do this.” Her cheeks blush. I can see her chest rising rapidly just like mine. I’m hearing her, but I don’t want to listen to the words.

  “Don’t get me wrong, it took all my strength to pull away. I’ve known you for less than twenty-four hours and yet, I can’t stop thinking about you. You make me tingle in places that haven’t tingled in a very long time.” Zara hesitates.

  Without realizing it, I hear a low growl come from me.

  “I feel it too, Grant. Although you’re an arrogant, cocky man, I still feel that pull. But I can’t be in any sort of relationship at the moment. I’ve worked my ass off to get to this point. I can’t fall now.”

  Zara looks at me with those fiercely determined eyes. I have no idea what she’s talking about but there’s no way I’m walking out of here today without a full explanation. I can tell her now, it won’t be a strong enough one to stop me.

  When I want something this strongly, I fight with all that I have.

  “Zara, I know what I want, I know you want that too. However, I’m a man who’ll always respect a woman. I’ll never push you, but I need to know more.” I can feel my control peaking as I speak. I’m fighting the urge to take her in my arms and show her how easy this could be.

  “Why don’t we sit and eat the lunch we have, and chat. Please tell me everything you feel that’s holding you back. I need to know it all.” I hold her with my gaze. I’m here to listen for as long as it takes.

  “Grant, this is crazy, we hardly know each other. All you need to know is that I can’t do a relationship. It was very kind of you to bring me lunch and I appreciate it. I’m sure you have work you need to get back to, so I don’t mind if you head back to the office.” She’s trying really hard to put on her best sassy voice, but it just isn’t cutting it right now.

  “I am the boss, the office will survive without me. There is no place I would rather be right now, than here with you, having lunch. Pick your lunch, chicken or beef? You already told me you were starving so we’re eating, you’re talking and I’m listening.”

  I can tell two things. One, I pissed her off with my statement. Two, she is so hungry from the smell of lunch that she’s prepared to battle through just to get a burrito.

  “I would love the chicken one, thank you. But when we’re done you can be on your way. I have work to do so I’ll eat in my office. I appreciate the lunch and the apology. I just think it is better for us to go about our day before our verbal sparring reaches the heights of last night.” I can tell it’s not what Zara really wants, because she’s unable to look me in the eye

  Unsure how to proceed, I stand there taking in her body language. Normally I would never back down on what I want. It’s just not in my nature, but Zara’s different. Everything I normally do or feel, seems to be thrown out the window with this woman.

  “Zara, I know you want more than shutting this down. I won’t push today. Just know that I don’t give up easily. We will be having this discussion. Very soon. Nothing you s
ay will be a big enough reason to stop me from wanting to get to know you. So, take your lunch and enjoy it. Think of me while you’re eating it and get ready for the journey we are about to travel.” I lean forward, inches from her face. “A journey that’s going to end with you in my arms and you wanting to be no place else.” Being so close, I take a risk. One I hope I won’t regret. My lips touch her cheek as I gently lay a soft kiss on it. I hear all the air rush from her lungs as a small sigh escapes her mouth, my lips still zinging from the touch. I turn on my heel and head for the door, my heart thumping. I hope to hell I’ve made the right decision.

  Stopping at the door, I turn to face Zara who’s tenderly holding her cheek. “See you soon, Zara. Keep visiting me in my dreams.” I stare at her while that beautiful pink blush creeps up her cheeks.

  Savoring that vision, I then turn and leave the studio.

  Knowing I’ll be back, and next time, I won’t take no for an answer in regards to the discussion. Zara’s going to be mine whether she realizes it yet or not.


  My chest is tight.

  I feel like I can’t breathe as I watched Grant walk out of the door.

  What the hell just happened?

  My head runs back over the last thirty minutes and plays over like a movie reel. Starting with the vision of me in my towel. Grant had me hot and bothered and fighting the whole time to stay away from him. My head was telling me to stay strong, my heart was telling me to explore what was building between us. And my libido was screaming at me to drop the towel and say come and take me, hard and fast.

  Why did the universe decide to finally have a man cross my path that makes me feel again?

  I can’t do this. I can’t lose my concentration on where I need to be.

  As much as Grant had me hot and bothered, he also infuriated me. The way he walks out of here telling me he’ll see me soon. I need to make sure that doesn’t happen. I don’t seem to have much power when he’s around.

  My sassiness packs up and takes her coffee break. What a traitor that bitch is. The last twenty-four hours has been crazy. Spots of normalcy mixed with a good dose of crazy.

  My hand still rests on the cheek Grant kissed. I tried so hard to distance myself from him. Grant just never gave up. When he kissed me, it felt like butterflies were swarming in my stomach and fireworks were going off on my cheek. I’ve never been kissed like that in my life. It was a kiss that held so much tenderness in it.

  It let me know if I’d given the slightest sign of permission, Grant would have consumed me.

  It doesn’t matter how tired I’m going to be at the end of the day, I’ll definitely be dreaming of that kiss, and where it may have led.

  The chime of a message on my cell brings me out of the daydream. It’s Natalie checking in on how my day is going and if there’s any hot gossip to share. I need to put into words what the hell just happened, but I have to try to digest it first. The message, however, pulls me out of the fog. I now only have fifteen minutes before my first class of the afternoon. My stomach growls, reminding me I haven’t eaten.

  I can’t even eat my lunch without thinking of Grant. It really is sweet of him turning up with lunch. Although he made out he was in the area, I highly doubt that was the case. Turning up with one of my favorite foods was a big tick in my world. This brings a smile to my face. I’m definitely not a munch-and-crunch girl like Grant described. Yes, I watch what I eat and make sure it is good fuel for my body. It doesn’t mean I don’t eat food with flavor and enjoy a good protein hit. Stuff that crazy idea. The energy I use dancing means I need to refuel my body, a lot.

  The alarm on my cell goes off to let me know classes are due to start soon and I need to be ready for the kids when they start filing through the door. I’ve got a busy afternoon with tiny dancers all the way up to my late teenager classes. These are the classes I love to throw myself into. These girls and boys, who are almost men and women, work so hard to perfect their dance. Some of them are even looking to dance professionally after leaving school.

  Their dreams are so similar to mine.

  There are a few students who have such great potential. I also try to give them skills they need surviving in the industry. I wish I’d had a mentor at the time I was injured. Someone to watch out for me and guide me through the dark times. Teaching my students about the times they get knocked back, or god forbid injured, is just as important as dance technique, if you want to become a well-rounded dancer. If I can make a difference in the life of at least one dancer, then it’s worthwhile.

  The strange thing is, in twelve months’ time, I will be competing against some of my students for the spots in the top dance troupes. I know my time’s running out. That’s why this audition is so important to me. The age clock is not on my side anymore.

  My afternoon whizzes by as my last class finishes up. As soon as the music ends, my students head for their drink bottles and towels. “Great job tonight, ladies and gentlemen. Keep working on those rises for some of you, and the leaps for others. You all know who you are. Next lesson we will add on the choreography for the next two minutes of dance. You all did great today, thank you and see you next week. I will post the video in the Facebook group, so you can all work on perfecting what we have done so far. Thanks, everyone.” Looking around, I feel proud of the students in the room. Some of them I’ve had since the day I opened the studio. So, to see them progress to this point is very satisfying.

  Packing up for the night, I grab my gym bag and head for the door. Securing the lock makes me think of Grant. I’m not sure he’d be too happy with me standing on the street, at this time of night, locking up the studio. I don’t know what makes him think I can’t cope with this. I’ve been doing it for so long and never once had an issue. Mind you, he’s put the thought in my head and now has me looking over my shoulder.

  Time to go home and have a long, hot shower and try not to think about him or that kiss.



  My afternoon in the office doesn’t do much to take my thoughts off Zara. I know I probably shouldn’t have kissed her cheek, but I couldn’t stop myself. I’d been so close to her, with her mesmerizing scent. It was a beautiful scent of vanilla with a hint of mango. There’s something about a woman’s scent. It gives you a memory of more than just their looks when you are thinking about them.

  Their scent always enters a room before their physical beauty. The combination of both will be forged in my brain forever. I need to get close enough to add her taste to my memory. Zara has totally consumed me, my thoughts never straying far from her. I have to control it and work on my future plan.

  This is going to be a challenge. Storming forward, being gung-ho about something I want is generally how I work.

  But never before, have I ever wanted someone.

  I have to rein it in and take it slow with Zara. Something is holding her back and I need to find out what it is. I could see it in her eyes and sure as hell feel it in her touch, that she wants to take it further but pulls out at the last second. I admire her for that. She’s staying true to herself.

  I will work hard to keep my distance.

  But I can guarantee it won’t be for long.

  They say you know when that one person walks into your life. Up until now I would’ve said that’s a load of shit.

  Until Zara.

  I knew the moment she opened her beautiful sassy mouth that she was different. It didn’t take long for me to work out that Zara is ‘the one’. The one person who is meant for me. The one person who when I take her in my arms, her body fits perfectly into mine. The one person who is the part of me that’s been missing. The one person who is…mine.

  Zara, I’m coming for you and I won’t be stopping until you’re mine.

  The afternoon has come and gone, and the office is getting quiet. I should probably stay and get some work done but decide to visit the hospital instead. Speaking to Zach today, he sounded on cloud nine but also exhausted. Em
ily was in the background trying to convince him to stop worrying about her and go home for a sleep. Zach totally dismissed her. I knew there was no way he was leaving that hospital, or the room for that matter, until it was time to take Emily and Thomas home with him.

  “Uncle Grant,” the twins cry as I enter the hospital room. Their smiles are huge. There’s so much love on their faces for Thomas. This poor little boy is going to get smothered with love from the twins whether he needs it or not. They share the love of a large family now. It’s so large it’s bursting at the seams.

  I extend my arms to catch them as they race towards me. Bending down, Sophia is the first to reach me and snuggles in. She never ever misses a cuddle with me. I will miss this when she’s grown up and would rather be cuddling a boyfriend instead of her Uncle Grant. Better enjoy my time now with these amazing kids.

  Sammy is in my other arm not long after Sophia. The only difference is Sophia’s silent, enjoying the hug. Samuel, however, chats away non-stop. I hope it never changes. I hope he will always enjoy my company and talk to me about anything and everything.

  “Thomas is so cool, Uncle Grant. He smiled at us and he grabbed my finger. Mommy said it will be a while before he will be able to play with me but that is okay because I have Sophia, but we can all play when he gets bigger. Do you think he will like to kick the ball with me and ride bikes with me? Maybe we can ride the horses together or build sandcastles in the sandpit. What do you think, Uncle Grant?”

  “Whoa, little buddy, slow down. I think your little brother is going to love you both and love to play all sorts of games with you. But I think your Mom is right, you will need to wait until he gets a bit bigger. Do you think you can wait that long, Sammy?” His little eyes peer up at me and you could see he’s thinking hard.


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