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Blood and Shadows

Page 10

by Dayne Edmondson

  After changing in his quarters, Dawyn returned to the Dancing Mare Inn to find it packed with people. He stopped at the entrance to greet Bruno and give him the description of Alivia. He asked that he keep an eye out for her and then direct her to one of the private dining chambers. Making his way through the crowd of revelers was a challenge in and of itself. He had forgone any Shadow Watch Guard uniform and donned a simple non-descript brown tunic, trousers and a well-worn brown cloak, which were remnants of his time as a Ranger years before. His outfit was designed to allow him to blend in and avoid drawing attention. Just as women tended to notice men in uniform, so, too, did criminals. If any criminals happened to be lurking in the crowd, Dawyn was not about to give them an easy target.

  It was mid-evening and all of the businesses in the city of Tar Ebon, except whorehouses and drinking establishments, were closed. Music rang throughout the inn. A large group of people danced on the central floor, spilling out into the rest of the inn. Dawyn navigated his way around the dance floor and toward the kitchens. He waved to Frank, but the aging man did not see him amidst the crowd, for he was too occupied filling mugs of ale for lines of people at the bar.

  As Dawyn passed into the kitchens, he was assailed by the aroma of roasting meats and vegetables, mixed with the sweet smells of baked goods for dessert. There, sitting on one of the stools nearest the central island, was Anwyn. She was dressed the same as she had been when he left and was laughing with a gaggle of serving girls, cooks and assistants as he approached. He laid a hand upon her shoulder and she shied away, looking at him in surprise. She didn’t know him in this outfit, Dawyn realized.

  A moment later, however, recognition dawned and Anwyn leaped up from the stool to give Dawyn a hug and a peck on the cheek. How their relationship had progressed so quickly was beyond Dawyn. Perhaps it was the trauma of her ordeal, or perhaps he was just that charming, but she seemed at ease around him and he found himself feeling as if he had known her for years.

  “How did it go?” Anwyn asked in a whisper, or as much of a whisper as something could be in a kitchen of over ten women.

  “It went well. We’ve been tasked with pursuing Lord Garik and bringing him to justice. I’ve been assigned the leadership of the team and am allowed to choose my companions save one. A mage from the Tower of the Seven Stars will be joining us as part of their contribution to this. Her name is Alivia and she will be here soon.”

  “A female mage, hmmm,” Anwyn asked. “Should I be jealous?” she cracked a mischievous smile.

  “Hardly. She is not my type. I did have a question for you, however. Would you do me the honor of being a companion on this quest? We could sure use your abilities during this great hunt.”

  “Of course I’ll go, Dawyn,” said Anwyn. “You need not have asked.” She sounded offended, but he knew that if he had just assumed she was coming, he would have heard about that as well. It was hard to understand women sometimes.

  “That’s wonderful news, Anwyn,” Dawyn said. “Now, it’s time for me to find the last member of our team.” With that, Dawyn turned to leave the kitchens but held out his arm. “Would you care to accompany me, my dear lady?”

  Anwyn’s smile grew even brighter. “Certainly, my good sir,” she said. She placed her arm around his and clasped his hand as they left the kitchen.

  They did not have far to journey. The loud music had died down since Dawyn entered the kitchens. Now, a single man with a lute stood on the stage, weaving a tapestry of soft sound and words that echoed up into the rafters. The crowd hung on every word. The dance floor was empty as revelers had returned to their seats to listen to the story being illustrated before them by a master lutenist.

  “…and the founders came, in a blaze of light, from the sky itself. They rode within giant metal beasts that fell into the oceans, casting waves far and wide and washing much of the land with water. From within the bellies of the metal beasts came men and women, much like the native people, and thousands of types of animals. Creatures called horses and elephants, turtles and dolphins, whales and deer-all manner of creature-came from the mighty metal ships and spread throughout the world. Many of the creatures already existed, while others were new.

  The Founders, these people were called, and they brought with them strange magic that defied understanding. They built the great wonders of the world and brought knowledge to our world. In some lands these people were welcomed with open arms. In others, they were hunted and enslaved. In still other lands, these people enslaved those that had welcomed them with open arms.

  So it was that the Founding occurred.”

  There was a steady applause from the audience. On a cool spring evening they piled in to listen to stories they may have heard a hundred times before, told by a master lutenist that made the stories come alive in the minds of those who listened.

  The man on the stage bowed, placed his lute in its hard, black case and leaped off the stage. It was there he almost bumped into Dawyn. “Oh, my apologies, dear sir,” the man said, turning to move through the crowd.

  “Don’t you recognize me, Favio? Am I so different now?”

  The man froze and, a moment later, spun around, scrutinizing Dawyn’s features and taking in his appearance.

  “By the Founders, Dawyn, it’s you!” The man named Favio stepped forward and gave Dawyn a big hug. “It has been too long, old friend. Where have you been off hiding? Were you avoiding me?” With that, he affected a hurt expression, appearing as though he believed Dawyn may have been avoiding him.

  Favio Borallas was a man of middling height with a dark, sun-tanned complexion that was not quite ebony. His dark black hair was tied behind his head with a leather strip. He had straight, white teeth and wore a vibrant red and yellow shirt with tan trousers and black shoes. Dawyn had met the man during his many years spent traveling around the world. Back then, he had been captivated by the stories the man told and had spoken with him for long hours after he performed, buying him drinks as payment and having many an adventure. They had become fast friends and now the eccentric Favio was one of the few people that Dawyn counted as a best friend.

  Dawyn let out a hearty chuckle and slapped him on the shoulder. “No, old friend, I have not been avoiding you. I have been busy protecting this great city. It’s called work – perhaps you should try it some time.” He grinned as he said that last part.

  “You want to see work, Dawyn Darklance?” Favio said in his elegant voice, “Try memorizing an entire one of my stories or songs and reciting it while you are sword-fighting. It is the same for me playing the lute.”

  “I wasn’t aware that lutes could kill people,” Dawyn retorted.

  “In your hands, I’m sure all who heard you play would drop as if you had just stabbed them through the ears,” Favio said. As he chuckled, his eyes fell upon Anwyn and he moved over to face her, looking her over with a practiced eye. “Now who do we have here? Never have I seen such a beautiful woman. Is she accompanying you, Dawyn?”

  Dawyn nodded. “Favio, this is Anwyn. Anwyn, meet Favio, one of the greatest musicians and storytellers in the land, expert knife fighter, handy with a quarterstaff and above average card player. He and I go back many years.”

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Favio,” Anwyn said, nodding her head to him.

  “No madam, the pleasure is mine,” Favio said with an exaggerated bow. He reached for her hand, met no resistance, and brought it to his lips to brush with a kiss. “I am at your most humble service.”

  “As you’ve seen, Favio has a flare for the dramatic. Don’t mind him.”

  “Me, dramatic?” Favio said in a high-pitched voice, throwing his hand over his forehead as if he were tired. “Never.”

  “I came to talk to you, Favio. Do you have a moment to talk in one of the private dining chambers? It is a matter of critical importance to the realm.”

  Favio sobered; he knew that Dawyn did not say something was critical if it was not true. He nodded and said, “Ye
s, of course, I am free. Let me tell the band to go on again in my stead.” He stepped away for a few moments to talk to band and then returned. “Lead the way.”

  Stopping at the kitchens, Dawyn requested the use of one of the private dining chambers and Elizabeth told him that number four was free. He thanked her and gave her the same description of Alivia that he had shared with Bruno. She agreed to send her in if she saw her.

  They entered the room and took a seat. These dining chambers were designed for both comfort and privacy. There was a large round table in the center of the room and they each took a chair around the table. Elizabeth came in a short while later, carrying a large platter of sliced meat and cooked vegetables slathered in gravy. Dawyn could hear his stomach growling as he looked over the feast.

  “Thank you so much, Elizabeth,” Dawyn said. “I know I tell you this all of the time, but I really appreciate all you do for me.”

  “Oh, Dawyn, I would do anything for you. Just ring the bell in the corner by the door if you need anything and I’ll be in as quick as I can. Enjoy your meal.”

  The three companions began eating right away. Better to eat before getting down to business. Besides, Dawyn wanted to wait for Alivia’s arrival before going much further.

  “Mmmm, this is delicious,” Favio exclaimed. “I don’t think there is anything that woman can’t make taste good. In fact, one time I swear she had put a boot into the stew, but when I tasted it, I came back for seconds!”

  As they ate, they made idle chit-chat. Dawyn told Favio about what he had been up to recently and, of course, about how he and Anwyn had met. Favio seemed most intrigued about that story.

  “So you’re a druid, and they trapped you as a bear? That is amazing. I had no idea such a thing was possible. I feel a new ballad coming on.” Favio grabbed a small notepad from a pouch on his belt and jotted down some notes.

  “Trust me,” Anwyn replied dryly, “it was anything but ‘amazing’ living the experience.”

  Favio returned the courtesy and told the two all about what he had been doing for the past several months and years gone by. Had he not been interrupted, he could have told tales all night – all of them true, or at least mostly true, so far as Dawyn could tell.

  As Favio was in the midst of reciting his third tale, a story about him masquerading as a prince in an attempt to gain the favor of a princess, the door to the private dining chamber opened to admit Alivia. She had changed out of the dress and slippers and was now wearing a pair of brown knee-high boots, tight forest green trousers and tunic and a dark brown vest. Her hair, which had been undone within the castle, was tied back with a strap. Upon the brown belt fastened at her waist, was a variety of pouches and a small dagger. “Sorry I’m late,” she said. “I couldn’t decide on what to wear.”

  Favio ceased the telling of his tale and turned at Alivia’s voice to see the newcomer. From the angle that Dawyn was sitting, he could see Favio’s eyes grow wide. “My goodness,” Favio said, rising, “but aren’t you a beautiful sight for such a weary soul as myself.” Dawyn rolled his eyes. Favio stepped forward and, as he had done with Anwyn, attempted to pick up her hand to kiss it.

  To Favio's dismay, Alivia was not one for people kissing her hand and she pulled it from his grasp before he could do so. “What are you doing?” she demanded.

  “I was attempting to kiss the hand of the beautiful lady who has stolen my heart, my dear lady,” Favio said smoothly. He bowed low, as if he had just finished a performance. “I do apologize for my forwardness.”

  “You can apologize by not trying to do it again,” Alivia said. Turning her gaze to Dawyn she asked “Is he one of your companions? He seems a little odd.” Favio sniffed at the comment and sat down. Dawyn sensed disbelief in the man that his charm had not worked on her.

  “I haven’t yet asked him if he will join us on our quest, Alivia,” Dawyn said with a chuckle. “But I would ask that you not irritate him too much or he won’t join us. Please, have a seat.” Dawyn gestured to chair across from him.

  Alivia took the seat offered and looked to her right at Anwyn. She extended her hand to shake that of Anwyn. “Hello, I am Alivia. I don’t believe we have met. Are you Anwyn?”

  Anwyn seemed surprised that Alivia knew her name. She cast a quick glance at Dawyn before looking at Alivia and shaking her hand awkwardly. “Yes, I am Anwyn. How did you guess?”

  “Dawyn told the king a brief version of your tale. I must say that the king was quite sympathetic of your experience. If there is anything that I can assist you with, please do not hesitate to ask.”

  “Thank you for your kind words,” Anwyn replied.

  Dawyn cleared his throat. “Now that we are all here, I would like to tell you why I have asked you here. Our kingdom and the lands of neighboring allies are threatened by a large organization of assassins and thieves led by a man calling himself Lord Garik. The man has succeeded in consolidating every large guild between the White and Windy Mountains under his sole command by removing their leaders.” Dawyn proceeded to tell them the story that had been relayed by the king to him and Alivia. As he finished, he looked at each of them in turn. “Let me know if you are interested in joining this quest. I can’t promise it will be an easy task, but I can promise you that you’ll be doing the right thing.”

  Both Favio and Anwyn were quiet for a few moments. Then Favio spoke up. “You know I’m in, Dawyn. I can’t pass up a good fight and you’re right, it’s for a good cause.”

  “I’m in as well, Dawyn,” Anwyn said. “After all they put me through; it’s time to exact some revenge.”

  Dawyn breathed a large sigh of relief. He had been somewhat confident that both people would join this quest, but he hadn’t been 100% sure. Hearing the confirmation from them, and with such conviction, eased a burden from his mind.

  “Now that that’s settled,” Alivia said, “what’s the next step in the plan? Just go walking up to the nearest assassin and ask him where to find Garik?”

  “Well now, I’ve been giving some thought to that. Listen up and let me know what you think…”

  Chapter 10: Rumors


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