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Blood and Shadows

Page 24

by Dayne Edmondson

  The four remaining companions of what had once been over forty stood across the street from the entrance to the inn named the Five Daggers, hidden in an alleyway. The sign out front showed five bloody daggers protruding from a body. The inn, like most inns in town, was two stories high. All of the shutters were closed, though a light shone under the doorway. Two heavy built guards stood outside of the doors. The street itself was devoid of people. Word had spread to not be anywhere near this inn tonight, and people had heeded the warning.

  “So, what’s the plan now?” Alivia asked as she stood behind Dawyn and Anwyn. “Just charge in the front door?”

  “Is there any chance you could do to this inn what Nikki did to ours?” Dawyn asked. “That would be true retribution.”

  Alivia shook her head. “No. She may be expecting it, and I fear my control of such power would be unstable. I could possibly burn the entire town down. However, I can try to do something once we’re inside to even the odds.”

  “Was the amount of energy required enormous enough to leave Nikki weakened now? Perhaps weakened enough for you to challenge her?”

  Alivia nodded. “Yes, I think I will be able to stand toe to toe with her and defeat her if she is weakened. I have to be, for if I fail we all die.”

  “If any of us die the plan will be in jeopardy,” Dawyn said. “All right, let’s go.” Standing up straighter, Dawyn strode straight toward the entrance to the Fiver Daggers, the others behind him.

  The two men outside of the inn saw him and the others coming and drew their blades, glaring. “Leave if you know what’s good for you,” one of the men growled.

  Dawyn ignored their threats and drew his blades. The eyes of the men grew wide and they advanced on him. As they approached, Dawyn struck with rapid strikes that took first one and then both of the men down. They dropped dead to the ground, their chests opened up, and Dawyn sheathed his swords before reaching for the door handle. His hand on the door handle, Dawyn looked behind him to ensure his companions were there. They stood behind him, ready to follow.

  Pressing down on the handle, Dawyn shoved the door open and walked into the common room of the Five Daggers. Inside, he found a large open area that was crammed with men and women in black. Had there been no illumination within the inn it would have been difficult to see any of the assassins or thieves. A man stood at the far back of the inn, on a raised wooden stage. Lord Garik, Dawyn thought to himself. The man was tall, at least as tall as Dawyn, with long black hair that came down past his shoulders and what appeared to be dark brown or black eyes. He possessed a hooked nose and a small mouth that looked as if it were made to always wear an angry expression. He wore a black cloak as most assassins did, though the hood was down. The cloak was done up, with black boots showing through at the bottom. He had been speaking animatedly, gesturing with his hands, rallying the morale of his forces. “...together we will make Tar Ebon burn, my brothers and sisters! All the spoils of their vaults shall be ours!”

  To the left of Lord Garik stood a tall, regal-looking woman in a white dress. She had long blonde hair that went down below her shoulders and wore a silver headband on her head that possessed a diamond in the center of it, similar to what Dawyn had seen Alivia wearing the first time he had seen her. The woman had a perfectly shaped nose, what appeared to be blue or green eyes and ruby red lip stain. She wore white riding boots that peeped out from beneath her white dress which was stained with soot. Dawyn knew this was Nikki.

  To Lord Garik’s right stood the unnamed veiled assassin of the shadows. Not much could be said about the woman, except that she was shorter than Lord Garik and Nikki. She wore her hood up and her veil covered all but her eyes. Her cloak was drawn back to reveal a form-fitting black tunic and black trousers with knee-high boots. A long dagger sat at each hip and Dawyn was certain he saw a dagger strapped to the side of each of her boots. Despite everything about the woman, it was her eyes that drew Dawyn’s attention. They looked more dangerous than either of the other two people combined.

  The veiled assassin’s eyes locked onto Dawyn the moment he stepped into the room, though it took Lord Garik a moment longer to recognize that an unauthorized visitor had entered the establishment. Lord Garik ceased speaking and watched the four companions enter the inn. Nikki noticed a moment after Lord Garik and her forehead creased with a frown. Dawyn imagined that she must have been trying to imagine how these people had survived the inferno which had consumed the Bald Chicken. Surprise was good, and worked to their advantage.

  Lord Garik stepped forward and called for silence. Several assassins near the entrance to the inn had turned to face the newcomers, many drawing their weapons. “So, the great champion of the king arrives to face me. When I heard you were coming, I admit I was worried for a moment, but when I learned you were accompanied by women and a storyteller, well, I laughed, thinking it could not be true. I thought Nikki eliminated you when she incinerated the inn you were staying at, but I see you somehow survived. You should have taken the hint and left then. But now it is too late and you will die here. You were a fool to come here alone thinking to best me, Shadow Watch Guard.”

  “Garik,” Dawyn said, ignoring the man’s words, “my name is Dawyn Darklance, commander of the Shadow Watch Guard and hand of the king. I have been charged by the king of Tar Ebon to bring you to justice. I have been authorized to take your life if necessary, though I do hope for your peaceful surrender. All who stand in my way will forfeit their right to life. Do not stand in my way.”

  Lord Garik stared at Dawyn for a moment and then threw back his head, his laugh echoing through the inn. “You must be more delusional than I had heard, Commander Darklance, if you think I will surrender to you or kneel before your wretched king. No, I kneel for no man, and soon I will make the whole world bow to me.”

  “The world will bow to you over my dead body,” Dawyn replied. “You have refused surrender and so by the ancient laws of Tar Ebon you are hereby sentenced to death.” Dawyn drew his dual blades and took a balanced battle stance, ready to both attack or defend at a moment’s notice.

  “I shall enjoy watching you be gutted, commander,” Lord Garik said, anger in his eyes. “Ladies and gentlemen, as you no doubt have noticed, we have uninvited guests. They have made it clear they wish to die, so please oblige them.” He pointed toward the back of the room at Dawyn and his companions.

  Around the room, there were ripples as assassins and thieves drew daggers and other weapons. The ranks nearest the four companions began to turn and move forward, like a tide sweeping toward shore.

  Dawyn looked to his sides and found Alivia, Anwyn and Favio standing there. “Alivia, I want you to do what you can, but you must stop Nikki. Anwyn and Favio, hold the door and let none escape. Play defense for as long as possible. I will wade into this mess. Oh, and the veiled assassin is mine to fight.”

  “It has been a pleasure,” Favio said, “to fight alongside such brave souls. If we die this day I pray we shall meet again in the afterlife.”

  Chapter 24: The Battle Commences


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