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Blood and Shadows

Page 30

by Dayne Edmondson

  Dawyn strode into the throne room of the Celestial Palace as the ornate doors were opened. The throne room was massive, with large pillars holding up a domed ceiling that was built of stain glass, allowing natural sunlight to illuminate the room. Guards stood around the room, parallel to the pillars, with two by each side door into or out of the throne room. At the far end of the room was the king's throne, the queen's throne and two others, one to each side of the thrones, where their children would sit.

  The king sat atop his throne, watching Dawyn's approach. With a wave of his hand he excused his guards, and they exited through doors placed around the room. The queen, nor the prince or princess, were present.

  Stopping at the foot of the stairs leading to the king's throne, Dawyn performed a formal bow. He had changed into his formal dress uniform for this occasion.

  “Dawyn, my old friend, it is good to see you safe,” the king replied. “I read the report you sent ahead of your arrival. It appears Lord Garik was massing an army?”

  “Aye, Your Majesty, he was. With the amount of underworld forces he had arrayed there, not to mention those who had not arrived yet or not traveled to Mara Damare, they could have brought Tar Ebon, and by extension the entire kingdom, to its knees.”

  “Then it was most fortunate that you were there. In the name of the realm I thank you for your service, Dawyn. As a reward, you shall have anything in the kingdom that is in my power to give you. You have but to name your desire and it is yours.”

  Dawyn did not hesitate before answering. “I wish to be released from your service, Your Majesty. I know that a Shadow Watch Guard serves until the king dies or they die, but new information has come to light that I feel I must pursue. The fate of the world may hang in the balance.”

  The king nodded. “Yes, I read your report about the Krai'kesh creature you encountered in the woods. You believe there will be more of them?”

  “Without a doubt. If the prophecies Alivia told me about are true, then a dark time, and a more dangerous threat than Lord Garik and his minions, is about to be upon the kingdom. I wish to seek out the Saviors, so they may fight with us in a coming battle.”

  “A noble cause, Dawyn. But there is another reason, is there not? I understand from your report that your sister has been found? She was the veiled assassin serving Lord Garik?”

  Dawyn swallowed. “Yes, my sister, Bridgette, is alive. I believe she is still in the employ of Lord Garik. I fear any attempts to find her, however, would be futile. The mission to find the saviors is my number one priority and I cannot do it while still in service to the crown.”

  “I understand, and although it goes against tradition, I grant you your wish. Go, Dawyn Darklance, hero of the kingdom, and seek out the Saviors. You will have the full resources of the kingdom at your disposal – you need but ask. The kingdom will forever be in your debt.”

  Dawyn bowed. “Thank you, Your Majesty. It has been an honor serving you these many years.” Dawyn began to undo his cloak, to lay it at the king's feet.

  “No,” the king replied with a raised hand. “Keep the cloak, as a reminder of your time here. Another can be sewn for the next commander. May it keep you safe.”

  With a final nod, Dawyn re-attached his cloak and turned on his heels, heading for the doors of the throne room. His time as a Shadow Watch Guard had ended, but his service to the kingdom, and the world, would continue.

  Chapter 28: Hall of the Stars


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