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Love at First Sight : Books One-Three

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by Loni Ree

  Love at First Sight

  Books One-Three

  Loni Ree


  Love at First Sight

  By: Loni Ree

  Copyright © 2019 by Loni Ree

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Please respect the author and do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials that would violate the author’s rights.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  Edited By: Kendra's Editing and Book Services

  Cover Design By: Karlee Fast at KL’s Book Designs

  Created with Vellum


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Epilogue 1

  Epilogue 2

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Epilogue 1

  Epilogue 2

  Extended Epilogue: Part 1

  Extended Epilogue: Part 2

  About the Author

  Also by Loni Ree


  Taming Professor A+lphahole

  By: Loni Ree

  Copyright © 2019 by Loni Ree

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Please respect the author and do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials that would violate the author’s rights.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  Edited By: Kendra's Editing and Book Services

  Cover Design By: Karlee Fast at KL’s Book Designs

  Created with Vellum

  Chapter 1


  What the fuck is that peeking out of the bottom her shirt? If she permanently marked her skin, I will kill her. "Meredith Margaret! What the hell is on your back?" She spins and hides her eyes before guilt flashes across her flushed face, which is a sure sign my blood pressure is about to skyrocket.

  "I'm seventeen years old. You can't keep babying me." My little sister's words send my blood pressure through the roof.

  "That shit better wash the hell off." When her hands snap to her waist, and she gets the petulant look on her pixie face, I know the fucking ink is permanent. "Goddamn it. You know better than to get a fucking tattoo. Give me your car keys. NOW!"

  She jumps at my demand but stands firm and doesn't move. "What? You can't take away my car."

  "I'm your boss as long as you live under my roof. I pay all your bills, and I warned you to follow my rules or the car was gone. Now, get the keys for me." As I hold out my hand, she stands there and stares between my hand and my eyes like I'm crazy.

  "How do you expect me to get to school?" The panic is starting to show. Her voice wavers as I can see the shimmer of tears forming in the corner her eyes. Fury at her for taking such a drastic step helps me maintain my position.

  "Maybe you should have considered that before you got a tattoo, huh?" I hold out my hand again and raise my eyes in the direction of her room.

  "Mom and Dad would be pissed that you're treating me like this if they were alive," she calls over her shoulder as she stomps toward her room.

  "Actually, they'd be appalled at the shit you have permanently scrawled across your body," I call back to her.

  After throwing the keys at me, she stomps into the living room and drops onto the sofa. Glaring at me, she argues, "You have tattoos. What's the big deal?"

  "You knew I wouldn't allow you to get a tattoo at seventeen, and you got one anyway. That's the big deal. I got my tattoos when I was an adult and was supporting myself. How the hell did you get someone to give you a tattoo at your age?"

  She fidgets on the sofa while I wait for her to answer. "They didn't question my fake ID."

  I close my eyes and count to ten before I give in to the urge to strangle her. "Get me the fucking fake ID. You're damn well punished until you're old enough to use a real ID," I growl through clenched teeth as she slinks off to get the ID. When she returns this time, she doesn't argue after getting one look at my outraged face.

  "I don't have a way to get to school tomorrow." She sniffles, and I shrug my shoulder and walk away.

  "I guess you can figure that out tonight since you’re so grown and all." I let her murmured, "Asshole," slide and keep walking to my room. Raising a teenage sister is going to cause me to have a heart attack in my thirties.

  I walk into the kitchen and hear Meredith on the phone thanking someone for coming to pick her up for school. I spent the night going back and forth over whether or not to give her the fucking car back. Even though I'm a professor in the Economics Department at a private university nearby, Meredith decided to attend a state university further away so she could avoid going to the same school where I teach. After working on Wall Street for several years, I retired to come home and raise Meredith after our parents were killed in an automobile accident. Since I already had my Master's Degree, it only took me a year to obtain my Ph.D. in Economics and use my knowledge to begin teaching at the private university close to our home.

  Meredith hates being associated with my accomplishments and wants to make it on her own, so she demanded that I allow her to go to a school where my name is not as well known. The state school is thirty minutes away, and I worry about who's giving her a ride. She's only two months from her eighteenth birthday and acting out more and more the older she gets.

  "How are you getting to school?"

  She looks at me and rolls her eyes when I walk up behind her. "I posted in my math group chat that I needed a ride. One of the TAs lives not too far from here and is giving me a ride." Her phone dings with a text, and she grabs a banana off the counter and heads for the door. I decide to follow to check out this teaching assistant for myself. Meredith rushes ahead and tries to get into the car without me following, but I walk around and knock on the driver's side window. When the driver turns my way, I blink several times and try to swallow around the lump in my throat. Chocolate brown hair surrounds a perfect heart-shaped face with tiny freckles dotting her nose and cheeks. Innocence shines brightly from this girl. Something about her sends an arrow straight through my heart. I knock on the window, and she rolls it down, smiling shyly at me.

  "You must be Meredith's brother. I'm Tori."

  As she talks, my dick gets hard in my pants, and thoughts of dragging her out of the car and into the house run through my mind. I shake my head, trying to get control. What the fuck is going on? Her royal blue eyes widen questioningly, and I clear my throat and try to speak. "Reid Maxwell, nice to meet you." I hold out my hand, and
when she places her palm against mine, electricity flows from our clasped hands all the way to my engorged cock, and I groan in the back of my throat.

  My sister is looking at me like I've lost my mind, and I honestly think I may have finally cracked. "Reid, we are going to be late. Tori was nice enough to come to get me. I don't want her to be late because of me." Meredith's narrowed eyes snap me out of my lust coma somewhat, and I release Tori's hand.

  "Tori, why don't you come over for dinner tonight so Meredith and I can thank you for giving her a ride?" I ask quickly before she has a chance to getaway.

  Both girls' eyes are wide, but I won't take no for an answer. "I'll have dinner ready at six o'clock. Be here then." I hurry and walk into the house before anyone can reply.

  I spend the rest of the day thinking about chocolate brown hair spread out on my sheets and pouty pink lips screaming my name while I fuck her sweet little pussy. My daydreams somehow morph into tiny replicas of Tori running around with chocolate brown hair, freckles, and royal blue eyes. Thoughts I've never had in all my thirty-seven years. Throughout the day, my obsession with her grows. She consumes all of my focus. My classes notice my preoccupation but know better than to comment.

  I cut my office hours short and head home early to prepare for dinner. After ordering our meal, I'm pacing the floor, waiting for the girls to come in when Meredith walks in alone. She shrugs her shoulder and says, "Tori got a last-minute assignment from Professor Lake. She said to tell you sorry about dinner," and continues walking to her bedroom.

  Disappointment and rage rush through me. I've waited all day to see her, and I've never been one to waste time when I want something. Tori Barton is something I want above anything else in this world. I pull up Meredith's phone records, getting the numbers for the last two days, and it only takes a few clicks to find one number that belongs to Victoria Barton. Her address is just as easy to find, and I think to myself that it's a good thing she'll be living here soon. I don't have to worry about some other fucker finding her.

  I park in front of her small duplex and walk up to the door. Her neighborhood leaves quite a bit to be desired, and I plan to get her out of here tomorrow. The buildings are old, and the streets are small and crowded with vehicles. After ringing the bell, I hear a slight gasp behind the door. "Tori, open the door, now."

  She opens the door, and my mouth falls open. The tiny shorts almost cover her ass, but I can see the outline of her pussy lips, and the see-through tank top shows off her berry-colored nipples perfectly. All of my blood rushes to my cock as I growl and push Tori into the room then slam the door behind us.

  "Do you always open the door like that?" I manage to get past my dry lips.

  "You demanded that I open the door now." Her eyes narrow, and she stares at me with her hands on her tiny hips. The urge to throw her little ass on the sofa and fuck the shit out of her is almost too much to resist.

  "You have thirty-seconds to cover up before I fuck your little ass." Her eyes widen as her lips form a perfect O. "Now, you're down to fifteen-seconds." She takes off down the hall at my second warning. I look around the room and see Chinese cartons on the coffee table, and the television is on in the background. I'm so pissed that she chose that shit over dinner with me, and I plan on expressing my displeasure soon. A few minutes later, she returns wearing yoga pants and a t-shirt. Her silky brown hair is pulled back from her face in a messy ponytail, and her face glows as if it’s been freshly cleaned of any make-up. After stopping to look at me for a few seconds, she sits next to me on the small loveseat and places her hands demurely in her lap.

  "Why did you miss dinner?" My tone startles her, and she jumps slightly before turning toward me.

  "I thought Meredith would tell you. My boss gave me extra work, and I didn't want you to have to wait for me. Meredith got a ride home with another student." Her eyes move all around the room and never quite land on me as she talks and her lies piss me the fuck off.

  After standing and walking to stand right over her, I lean down and look into her eyes. "Bullshit. You felt the pull when I fucking touched you this morning, and you were running. Well, fuck that, Doll Baby. I won't let you."

  "Look, Mr. Maxwell, I'm not looking to find a bed partner right now, so I think…" Before she can finish pissing me off further, I cover her lips with my finger and cut off her irritating words.

  "I'm not offering to be just your bed partner, more like your goddamn life partner, and I won't let you run from me." The pull of her juicy lips is too much. My hands slip into her long, silky hair, and I pull the band out to release it while my lips cover her mouth. At her gasp, my tongue darts inside of her mouth, and I get my first taste. I moan when her arms wind around the back of my neck, pulling me close.

  After lifting her to my chest, I break the kiss to look around. "Where's the bedroom?"

  The lust clears slightly from her eyes for a second. She appears scared and whispers, "I've never done this before."

  Satisfaction roars through me before I smile and kiss her nose. "That saves some asshole's life." She leans back slightly and stares at me while I continue walking in the direction she took off to get dressed earlier, assuming it’ll lead me to her bedroom. "Now, we just need to clear up what's going to happen the next time you disobey my orders." When we reach the room, I set her on the frilly pink bed and start to unbutton my shirt while she stares at me with wide blue eyes.

  "Look here, Professor Alphahole. You seem to have the wrong idea." I barely contain my laughter at her nickname for me as I raise my eyebrows and stare at her. She starts to squirm under the weight of my glare.

  "We seem to have a slight problem with you understanding the dynamics of our relationship," I growl as I fold my shirt and place it on the foot of the bed.

  "You have a slight problem acting like an Alphahole," she mutters under her breath, and I close my eyes to count to ten. Her innocence doesn't seem to override her tendency to use her mouth as a weapon, an issue we will be working on in the future. My little love is going to have a fire-red ass to go with her smart-ass mouth.

  Chapter 2


  I'm running late to pick up Meredith Maxwell, so I pull into her driveway and shoot her a quick text. As I'm waiting for her to come out, I pull out my calendar and check the day’s tasks. When I look up at the front door, the calendar drops from my numb finger, and I almost swallow my tongue. The most gorgeous example of mankind follows Meredith out of the house. Wow. My heart races wildly as I watch him walk around the front of my old car to my window.

  I can't believe the wind has the nerve to blow his perfect black hair around his tan face. After shaking my head to try to get some control back, I look up into his deep brown eyes. Wetness floods my panties as I take in the look on his face. When he knocks on the window, I lower it and introduce myself then he invites me to dinner, which excites me but also scares the hell out of me.

  As soon as he says the name Reid Maxwell, I know exactly who I'm dealing with, and there's no way I have time to be another notch on his bedpost. Professor Alphahole is hot, but I don't have time to get burned, so I make up an excuse and ask Meredith to give it to him.

  After staying late to finish some overdue work, I grab Chinese on the way home and decide to have an unexciting night in front of the television. My favorite show is about to start when there is a loud banging on my front door. A glance through the peephole reveals Reid Maxwell on my front porch, and I can't contain the gasp that escapes me.

  My hackles are raised when he demands entrance, "Now," so I throw the door open, forgetting about my almost non-existent bedtime apparel. His eyes go from dark brown to black immediately. When he pushes me into the apartment and demands I change at once or "get my little ass fucked," well, I almost choose the latter. Thankfully, common sense kicks in, and I hurry along to change into more appropriate clothing.

  The whole time I'm dressing, I tell myself to hold firm. Reid Maxwell wants one thing, and a virgin like me isn'
t going to satisfy a king stud like him. After listening to my little inner pep talk, I stroll into the living room to find him relaxing on my loveseat. All my earlier instructions to myself flee my mind as my eyes roam over his hot body. I shake my head to clear my thoughts and sit next to him.

  My mind goes blank the minute he starts talking, and the next thing I know, I’m lying across my bed, watching him unbutton his black shirt. His dark eyes flash possessively as he stares at me, but I can't control my mouth. It seems to be disconnected from my brain. The more I smart off, the darker his eyes get, and his posture promises retribution. Disclosing my virginity doesn't send him running, and telling him I'm not looking for a bed partner seems to make him offer a lifetime commitment, so I've resorted to flippancy to test him.

  "This is your last warning before I spank your ass. Stop with the smart-ass mouth, Doll Baby." His eyes hold mine captive, and I realize his threat is not in jest. My lips open and close several times as I try to swallow the snarky comments fighting to leave my mouth. When he reaches down and starts taking off his pants while kicking off his shoes, the words die in my throat as I watch him lower the black pants to the ground. He carefully folds them and places the pants and his socks next to his shirt. He straightens, and the large bulge pushing at the front of his tight black boxer briefs is insanely daunting.


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