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Bloodshed (The BlackGuard Society Book 2)

Page 21

by SF Benson

“Sorry to disappoint you. Your troubles with your son don’t concern me. Perhaps you should sit down with his father.”

  I gripped the chair arm a little too tightly, and the wood cracked. “Why? I came here needing my father. You’re treating me like some employee who got caught cheating.”

  He forced a smile. “How can I give you advice? Your mother and I gave it to you, but you refused to listen.”

  My father and I could both be excessively stubborn. If we were standing on either side of a rising creek, we’d risk death before admitting the other was right. When it came to my loving Ace, however, there was no right or wrong. Our love wasn’t a matter to be discussed. I followed my heart. End of story.

  “When will you realize your antiquated beliefs don’t include me?” I asked.

  “Let’s try this in terms you might understand. You would do anything to protect the integrity of the BlackGuard. Correct?”

  “Of course.”

  “Say an agent wants to recruit someone who shouldn’t be trusted. In this scenario, let’s say the new individual is a revenant.”

  “Revenants shouldn’t be trusted.”

  Father dipped his chin. “Exactly. But you allow it. The revenant, being a despicable creature, commits a heinous act. Not only will you have to punish the beast, but you’ll also have to consider removing the agent who introduced him.”

  I understood his point, but I had one too. “But what if the revenant does good, then what?”

  “He’ll never do good. He’s one step above an animal.”

  We were no longer talking about hypotheticals.

  “Ace isn’t an animal.”

  “So he no longer is affected by the changing of the moon?”

  “He’s not a werewolf.”

  My father steepled his hands on top of his desk. “Honestly, Morgan? Are you trying to say there’s a difference between a shifter and a werewolf? Please do not insult my intelligence.”

  “Equating my husband with a werewolf is like saying you share DNA with a bat.”

  Father’s face tightened. He had always hated Hollywood’s depiction of vampires. Just because someone assumed Dracula wore a fucking cape and came out at night didn’t make him a bat. By the way, Dracula hated capes. And the night hours? According to Father, the male had a rare disease making him sensitive to UV light. Definitely not the glamorous story painted by writers of fiction.

  Clearly, I wouldn’t get anywhere with Father. He would continue to cling to his irrational beliefs. I had somewhere else to be. Pushing to my feet, I headed for the door.


  Over my shoulder, I said, “Why? You just thought of a clever comeback?”

  “Disrespect doesn’t suit you. But then again, marrying an animal will do that.”

  I gripped the doorknob. My anger channeled down my arm and heated the surface. It glowed red, and I ripped my hand away.

  “I’d appreciate it if you wouldn’t burn down my door. Take a seat.”

  “No. I’ve had enough of listening to you berate the male I love.” My voice broke, and I rested my head against the wood. “Can’t you understand how wrong you’re being?”

  “As far as Broussard goes, your mother and I stand by our decision. Employers don’t marry the help. There has been a Broussard serving beneath a Vladislav for centuries. It’ll always be the case. What you’re doing is no different than the king marrying the peasant.”

  “Stop it,” I murmured.

  “Would you like to hear about the acts the Broussards have done for me?” Father stood behind me.


  “Before Ace defiled you, he was my clean-up crew. He kept the corpses from littering Bourbon Street.”

  I whirled around. “I said stop! Whatever he did for you was part of his job. It had nothing to do with how he felt about me.” I swallowed down the rest of my fury. “I’ll call Colby and tell him to come back to the apartment. I wouldn’t want my mistake to burden you.”

  “That would be for the best.”

  I growled through my teeth, yanked the door open, and stalked out of the office. I didn’t stop moving until I reached the sidewalk. It was time to go home. I held out my palms and a portal appeared. Although I was tempted, I refused to look back as I stepped through it.

  * * *

  Water running caught my attention when I entered the apartment. I followed the sound and found Ace in the shower.

  “Hey, baby.”

  The plexiglass door opened, and he stuck his head out. “Hey, dawlin’! Care to join me?”

  “Only if you have a stiff drink in there.”

  He started to say something but froze when he took a good look at me. Seconds later, the water shut off. He stepped out and grabbed a towel. “What the fuck happened?”

  “Answer me one question.”

  “Shoot.” He wrapped the towel around his waist.

  “Did you clean up behind my father?”

  He pressed his lips together but remained silent. It was all the confirmation I needed. I pivoted on my heel and stormed toward the bedroom. I barely cleared the threshold when Ace grabbed my elbow.

  “Morgan, what’s going on?”

  “Father tried to convince me that you were no better than an animal. He said you cleaned up the corpses in the Quarter.”

  “Shit.” Ace turned me toward him. “Look at me.” When I wouldn’t, he grasped my chin and forced it up. “I have never lied to ya. When we met, ya knew what I did. Why does it bother ya now?”

  “It doesn’t bother me. Hell, I’ve never cared what you did for a living. What I don’t like is having my father toss it in my face.” Anger slipped into my tone. “My not knowing made me look like a fool.”

  “But ya did know.”

  “No, I didn’t! I thought you were like my father’s goddamned errand boy. I had no idea he left victims lying around for you to handle.”

  Ace grimaced. “I’m sorry, dawlin’. I thought ya knew.”

  I tugged my arm away and walked into the bedroom.

  “Is this going to be a problem between us?” There was a heaviness in his voice. It bordered on sadness, something I never wanted to associate with him.

  “No, but it’s a problem with my father. We need to get Colby out of my parents’ house. Unless I agree to end our marriage, none of us will be welcome there.”

  Ace sat on the edge of the bed and patted the space beside him.

  I shook my head.

  “Please, Morgan.”

  Damn. He used my given name. I dragged my feet across the floor and sat down.

  “This is between us. It doesn’t involve Colby or anyone else. Do ya love me?”

  “Of course, I do. How could you doubt—”

  Ace placed a finger on my mouth. “Do ya accept me as I am? Fighter? Alpha? Member of the Broussard family?”


  “Then ya accept everything there is about me? My past as well as my present?”


  “Then I don’t give a fuck about Julien or Deianira. They can live their lives however they see fit.” Ace pointed to the four corners of the room. “But this is my house. I run this shit. I’m ya Alpha. As such, I can tell ya to do whatever I need done. But… Morgan, ya my wife. Without ya, none of this matters. We do whatever ya need done.” He lowered his head.

  The Alpha conceding to his mate.

  How could I not love that male? If it were up to him, my parents didn’t matter. But Ace wanted me to decide how to proceed.

  “Baby…” I touched his cheek. “I married you. It’s time for me to create a life with my husband. If my parents want to be included in it, then it’s up to them. They’ll have to make amends. I’ll never apologize for loving you.”

  Ace nodded and rested his head on my shoulder. “I’ll get dressed, and then we’ll go find Colby.”

  I smiled. “Better idea. Let me get undressed. Colby can wait.”

  The sun was setting when Ace and I left the a
partment. It took that long for us to reach a mutual agreement.


  The Road to Hell


  * * *

  There were some things in life that came with guarantees—like death and taxes. I wasn’t anyone’s sure bet. I didn’t survive on my own without taking precautions. Without constantly looking over my shoulder. Despite my being a member of the undead, I had to rely on my instincts. Otherwise, my existence would end sooner than I wanted.

  I already knew Morgan wouldn’t approve of what I intended to do. The do-gooder and I would never see eye to eye. If she had been wholly human, we wouldn’t have been friends either. She was one of those entitled kids who thought they could create havoc and run back to Daddy’s safety net. Well, I didn’t have an escape hatch or anyone wishing to protect me. I was on my own, which is why I wasted no time making a decision. Prepare to leave town, commit the deed, and then get the hell out of dodge.

  First stop was an ATM over on Baronne Street. I withdrew the maximum allowed and then headed to my apartment. As I walked, I made a mental note to touch base with Club Sensualle’s manager. He still owed me a paycheck, but how would I get the cash without arousing suspicion? I hadn’t shown my face around the strip joint since the attack. If I just popped in, there would be questions.

  When I reached my apartment, I realized how much I’d miss the place. It was much nicer than the furnished dump I lived in on Dumaine Street. I had to work hard to get out of that hole-in-the-wall. The new digs stayed empty for a long time. Since I didn’t have a boyfriend or family who cared, I held down two jobs until I could furnish the spot.

  Everything I owned was within those four walls—my favorite clothes, my mementos, all of my shoes. Giving up my belongings was enough reason to end Alexander St. John once and for all. Maybe I could move it all? On second thought, it might be easier to stay portable. Just take the shit that really mattered.

  I powered up my laptop and began Googling places overseas. Movie vampires saw the world. They lived in exotic places, but somehow preferred sleeping in caskets. Not me. I’d use the curse like a damn license to travel. If there were others like me in those destinations, I’d seek them out. Before anything else, however, I had to exterminate St. John.

  After mapping out an itinerary, I booked myself a first-class ticket for Europe. For a fleeting moment, my mind drifted back to Clint. The dhampir was pretty amazing, and sex with him was phenomenal. Under different circumstances, I would have asked him to go with me, but I doubted he’d leave town. He was a guy desperately seeking his father’s approval. I hated telling Golden Boy that Kragen was a serious prick, but someone should have done it years ago.

  As I closed the lid on my computer, someone knocked at the door. I sat perfectly still and tried to pick up on who it could be. It wasn’t Clint, and it definitely wasn’t St. John. I wasn’t sensing Morgan either, but it was female.

  “Tabitha? It’s Edwina.”

  Much better. There were things she could answer for me. “Coming.”

  I tucked my wad of cash beneath the sofa cushion and then went to the door. Throwing it open, I hadn’t expected the scowl on her face. “What’s up?”

  “We should talk.” She pushed past me and went straight to the sofa.

  I hoped she wouldn’t discover the money.

  “About what?” I worried my lower lip as I sat beside her.

  “This whole thing with ya and Alexander St. John. I don’t think ya understand what repercussions killing him would have.”

  “Please.” I scoffed. “Do you honestly think I’m afraid of Kragen? He’s old as dirt. I seriously—”

  Edwina’s eyes narrowed. “I don’t give a fuck ‘bout Kragen! This concerns the BlackGuard. There’s an evil sorcerer who wants to bring the organization down. Doing so would leave all the humans in this town at risk.”

  Crossing my legs, I asked, “And just what is the purpose of the BlackGuard?”

  “Protecting humans from rogue supernaturals.”

  “Like St. John?”


  “So the BlackGuard picks and chooses who they’ll protect?”


  “Gee, I don’t remember anyone protecting me from the prick. I was left for dead in an alley. Where were the BlackGuard’s agents then? Hmm?”

  The vampire slash witch opened her mouth, but there was nothing she could say. She knew I was right. If that goddamned society had one task, they failed miserably with me.

  “Maybe someone should bring it down,” I said. “It’s clear they have no concern for those who look like you and me.”

  Edwina shook her head. “The BGS does its best to protect everyone. I won’t lie and say that cases like yours never happen. It was unfortunate—”

  I jumped to my feet. “Unfortunate! Are you fucking kidding me?”

  She glanced up at me. “If I could turn back time for ya, I would gladly do it. No one deserves the fate St. John delivers. But what’s done is done.”

  “Why the fuck are you here, anyway?”

  “I came to help ya. I thought ya might like a little basic training. Learn how to keep ya thoughts hidden.” Edwina stood and walked up to me, stopping a breath from my nose. “Looks like I was mistaken. Try to stay out of trouble. We’ll be watching ya.”

  “Don’t bother. I can take care of myself.” I stalked across the floor and yanked open the door. “Give a big fuck you to Kragen the next time you see him.”

  “What the hell?” The familiar voice came from the hall.

  Edwina crossed the floor and stopped in front of Clint. “Maybe ya can talk some sense into her.”

  He stared at the female hurrying down the hall. Golden Boy looked back at me. “Mind if I come in?”

  “Suit yourself.” I stomped across the floor and plopped down on the sofa. While his back was turned, I ran my hand beneath the cushion to make sure the money hadn’t slipped out.

  Clint closed the door and came over to me. “What was Edwina talking about?”

  “Bullshit. She thought I would care about some asshole who wants to destroy the BlackGuard. I had to remind her the supernatural Samaritans didn’t care about me.”

  He dragged a hand through his messy hair. “Why are you turning this into a race issue?”

  Was everyone so damn blind? How could it be anything else?

  “You tell me what it is. All of y’all want to tell me how the BlackGuard protects humans. Well, what the fuck was I? Nobody kept me safe from a vampire!”

  “You’re right. We failed. We were at the club that night. Morgan and Ace went after St. John.”

  “Wait a minute!” I held up my palm. “Are you telling me that y’all were at Club Sensualle the night I was attacked?”

  He nodded.

  “What the fuck! You just let him go? How hard did you try to find him?”

  Clint leaned forward and rested his arms on his knees. “I’m sure Morgan used her abilities—”


  “She’s a hybrid. Part vampire and part witch.”

  I jumped to my feet and paced the floor. “This is un-fucking-believable! Morgan’s a goddamned witch, and she couldn’t find St. John? Sorry, Golden Boy, you’re proving my point. I’m the wrong damn color for the BlackGuard to care about.”

  “Not true, Tabitha. You do realize Ace is Morgan’s husband.”

  “Big ass deal! She married a brother. Whoop-dee-do!” I stopped in front of the coffee table. “Bottom line? Your father…her father… They’re just a couple of racists! That’s why Edwina and I were forbidden to kill St. John.”

  “He’s already dead,” Clint stated flatly.

  I narrowed my eyes and pinched my lips together. Breathing heavily, I said, “Not the time to be funny.”

  “I wasn’t trying to be. But tell me, Tabitha, what do you want? The BlackGuard has protected all sorts of individuals—humans and supernaturals—of every possible shade of color for centuries. We failed. It
wasn’t the first time. It won’t be the last. But if you harm St. John, you’re putting everyone at risk. Bishop Mercier will ruin the organization. No one will be safe.”

  “News flash. They aren’t now.”

  Clint stood and came over to me. He reached for me, but I jumped back.

  “Keep your fucking hands off me!”

  He exhaled loudly. “You need to calm down, Tabitha. You’re getting all worked up for nothing.”

  I rolled my eyes. He wouldn’t get it. He was born a dhampir. A monster. It took a human to understand human pain.

  “You’re wrong, Tabitha.” Clint tapped his temple. “I understand, but that won’t erase your present. The best thing you can do is make a clean break with your past. Forget about what you used to be. Learn to appreciate what you’ve become.”

  “Oh, that’s fucking rich especially coming from you! Do you appreciate what you are, Clint Bonaparte?”

  His brows lowered, and he took a tiny step backward.

  I punched my finger into his chest. “Do you appreciate a father who doesn’t give a shit about you?”

  Another step back. His pulse kicked up a notch.

  “Maybe you like the fact he’ll never appreciate you.”

  The back of Clint’s leg hit the low table, and he fell backward. I didn’t stop. As his body wedged between the sofa and the table, I practically crawled on top of the male. My fangs descended.

  “Maybe you appreciate being less than everyone else. Just a fucking dhampir. An abomination unable to fully enjoy being a vampire or a human.”

  Clint swallowed hard, and his veins practically sang to me. It would be so easy to put him out of his misery. Drain his blood and then break his neck. He didn’t deserve to share my eternity.

  “You don’t mean that, Tabitha. I’ll admit you didn’t get a fair chance with the BGS. But I can’t allow you to ruin life for everyone else. If you go through with your plan, I’ll alert every agent along with Kragen. Trust me, you don’t want to end up staked in a wall.”

  I laughed and pushed off Golden Boy. “You’re not even worth it. Get the hell out. Don’t bother coming back either. If you do, I’ll bite you just for the fun of it.”


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