Book Read Free


Page 24

by Everly Taylor

  I might have been completely wrong on what he would need but I had little knowledge of sorcery. There were only a few times I had watched a coven of witches perform spells or rituals on the beach in the middle of the night. I remembered watching them in fascination as they spilled salt in a circle and some sort of pattern before placing the candles on it. Their dance and chanting was mesmerizing and I recalled wanting to be right there with them dancing in the nude.

  My memories of the past were interrupted by Adar coming through the door. Butterflies danced in my stomach as I took in how sexy he looked with his dark hair still wet and dripping down his face. Wetness pooled between my legs and I tried to greet him. It came out different than I wanted, “Welcome to our hideaway. Come in and have a seat on me.”

  He laughed at my slip and for once I let my nerves get to me. For some reason, with Adar I couldn’t play off my slip as a part of my normal outbursts. I wrung my hands together and he thankfully said nothing. Seating himself on the crate, he took in the items I set out. “That was very nice of you to do this.”

  I shrugged and sat down next to him, careful to not get too close. My nose had other ideas as his rich amber scent enveloped me. I found myself leaning closer as my heartbeat sped up. Though he wore a clean uniform, he didn’t have it buttoned up and perfect as he normally wore it. He had forgone the blazer and rolled up the sleeves on his dress shirt. I noticed a tattoo that I hadn’t seen before. It looked like a family crest, but it was much darker as if someone had changed it to be a gothic knockoff. The animal in the middle was a skeleton and the dark colors were nothing like any crest that I had ever seen before.

  He was engrossed in the book and didn’t notice me staring at him. I was relieved as it gave me more time to watch as his muscles in his forearms rippled as he turned the pages. It was getting really hot in here, but I had to keep my hormones under control otherwise I’d rip his clothes off and ride him until I broke his dick.

  I changed to watching his face, the masculine lines of his jaw that I imagined would feel so good between my legs and the crease in his forehead that I wondered if it would be there when he came. “Una, I think I found it,” he said as he pointed to a page that was written in a language I didn’t know. “I’m sure this is it. I just have to write it out and change a few words to suit our needs. Do you have any paper?”

  “Shit! I forgot to bring my notebook with me,” I said as I slapped my head. It was the one thing I was supposed to bring because I had used up the last of my stash here. “We can run to grab some from the library,” I suggested.

  He agreed and we carefully made our way out, checking that the guards had passed before leaving through the door that led to the main hallways. He followed me so closely that I could feel the heat coming from his body. I jumped when he grabbed my hand and pulled me through what looked like a solid wall. It turned out to be a passageway.

  “How did you find this?” I asked, shocked he knew about one that I didn’t.

  He shrugged, “I struggled with feeling claustrophobic when I arrived, so as soon as the doors opened, I was out exploring. I figured if my castle had a bunch of secret passageways that this place wouldn’t be much different.”

  I squeezed his hand, “That’s the worst part of this place, being locked up. The first few days were the hardest, but it got easier. It’s that reminder, all your freedom is gone. I’m pretty sure I cried for days because I missed the seas so much.”

  He tugged me closer to him and held me as if comforting me. The only thing it did was turn me on even more. My mind knew we had to go and that I shouldn’t, but every fiber of my being wanted to finally feel him inside of me. I pulled his face to mine and our mouths crashed as all the yearning we felt came rushing out. Our hands fervently roamed each other as we tried to satisfy the need that was in both of us.

  I felt his hard cock pressed against me and I reached down to let it free. I wanted him more than anything and I wasn’t going to stop until I had my fill. He ripped my panties off and lifted me as he pressed my back against the stone wall. Our lips stayed connected as he pushed inside of me.

  I slipped my tongue in his mouth and groaned as I felt every inch of his cock sliding inside of me. His hands gripped my ass as he paused before slamming into me again. I pushed my hips to meet his, begging with my body for him fuck me faster and harder. I loved the feel of his fingers digging into my ass as he obliged and pounded into me. The only noises were our muffled sounds of pleasure and our bodies slapping together as he pistoned into me.

  My fingers gripped his hair and my body heated as I felt everything I had been missing snap into place. I pushed against him, craving more, needing more. No matter how close he was to me and how deep his cock thrust into me, it wasn’t enough. I felt the orgasm building inside of me as his pelvis slammed against my clit. I was falling over the edge and I wanted him to come with me. I trembled and my walls clenched as wave after wave of intense pleasure rocked through my body. He groaned against me and I felt his body stiffen as I pulled him with me and he came hard and fast, his body jerking as he let go.

  He leaned his forehead against mine as he pumped a few more times. “Wow,” he breathed out before peppering kisses on my nose and my mouth.

  “Yeah, wow,” I replied, for once at a loss for words. It felt so right and I wanted to stay like this. I knew we had to go and made sure that I was the first one to mention it knowing that the gentleman in him wouldn’t.

  He slowly let me down causing shivers to erupt as my still sensitive nipples slid against his hard chest. I felt the breeze as I looked around in the dim light for my panties. He held them up and laughed, “Sorry, you drove me a little wild.”

  I grabbed them from his hand and used them to wipe myself off before tucking them in my skirt. I planned to throw them in the garbage can that was outside of the library. “Oh well. It’s not like they were pretty or anything. I hate those damn things.

  “When we get out, I’ll buy you a whole store of beautiful lingerie to wear,” he promised as we finally started walking again.

  I shrugged, “Not if you cavemen keep ripping them off of me. I’d rather go naked all the time when we get out.”

  “That I can live with,” he chuckled before we came out by a bookshelf in the library that hid us from view. We quickly grabbed the paper and some pencils and then ran out to finish our work before curfew. I dropped my ripped cloth in a garbage can on the way out giggling to myself as I did.

  Chapter 30 – Jet

  I followed Beck to a room that Jaxon had told us about. It looked like it was an old forgotten bunkhouse for the employees. There were several cots placed around the room and a few wardrobes scattered here and there. Most of the cots looked as if they hadn’t been used in decades, though there were a few that looked like they had been recently used.

  “Do you have the route?” Beck questioned and I knew he felt helpless that he couldn’t go with me.

  “Yeah, I’m good. I can always listen in the pipes if I need to,” I assured him even though my stomach flipped. It had been a long time since I used this power of mine and I only hoped it worked as well on land as it did in the depths of the sea. “I’ll send water to the spout by the library if I run into any trouble.”

  “You know I’ll go to Frost with you when you get the confirmation we need,” he offered again.

  “Like I told you before, we can’t risk the veritician taking your memories as well. Una will be okay eventually if one of us is left behind. She will not be okay if we are both left behind.” It was hard to know that I may be sacrificing myself and thinking of how much Una would be hurt if I did but we had no choice. I knew she wouldn’t be able to live with herself if we didn’t do everything we could to help her friend.

  “I think she’s going to add Adar to our family,” he said as I stripped off my clothes. “Before she talked to him, I would have fought it. Now, I might actually like him.”

  “Yeah,” I agreed. “I’m not sure how
a human will be able to live in our world though. You know Una wants to return to the sea and expose her sister.” I didn’t know what Adar’s special abilities were, but I knew it wasn’t anything to do with water. Beck may not be a sea creature but at least he had enough control over the element that he could join us on our next quest.

  “He’s only half human,” he replied dryly. “Remember, he’s a mage or some shit like that. I’m sure he could come up with something. I don’t know. We will work it out. For now, we need to concentrate on busting this asshole and getting you in and out safely.”

  “You’re right. Okay, I remember Una’s song to get through the passageways to the dungeon. Let me test out my camo.” I concentrated on the light around me and bent it so that it would hide me from sight at the same time as I changed the color of my skin to blend into the shadows. “How does it look?” I asked startling Beck.

  I watched him turn toward where he heard my voice and squint. “I don’t see you,” he said as I moved closer to him. “I can hear your breathing. Maybe try to calm it down a bit.”

  I laughed and reached out and poked him in the forehead. “I don’t breathe heavy,” I denied even though I knew he was right. I was nervous and my breathing was erratic. “Alright, I’m going to head out to Frost’s wing. Stay with me for as long as you can.”

  “You know I got your back. I’ll make a scene to pull the guards away from the door at the entrance so you can slip through. It’s a good thing you’re a skinny fucker and don’t have to open it much,” he chuckled before poking his head out the door to make sure the coast was clear.

  I was odd to walk down the hall and have no one greet me. Many said hello to Beck, and it made me feel better, knowing they couldn’t see me and this might actually work after all. My shoulders started to relax as I became more used to using my ability again.

  By the time we reached the spot where he would be leaving me, I was confident that I could pull this off. He walked up to the guards and the tall one glowered at him, “No students allowed without Headmaster Frost’s permission and I know he hasn’t called for anyone.”

  As I got closer, Beck started making a scene, “Fuck that shit! I demand to see him! He needs to know about this shit food the cook is feeding us. Are you all using the rats as meat? Because it tastes like shit!”

  Ignoring his voice getting louder, the same guard sternly told him, “Move along. You can send a request through your teacher and Headmaster Frost will schedule an appointment.”

  Beck backed away as planned and made sure he would be able to lead the guards away enough for me to slip through the door. “Fuck no. We need a student council. I hereby declare myself student body president and demand to see the headmaster.” He waved his hands in the air and drips of water came out splashing the guards in the face.

  “You little shit,” the other one said, his voice surprisingly soft and feminine. “Powers are not allowed in the school.” He started stalking toward Beck who slipped away as he taunted the guard. The other one went after him also, unknowingly walking in the water that he had purposely spilled on the floor. This part of the prison was tiled, not stone as the rest of it. I guessed because Frost wanted to make an impression on the parents that came to unload their hellions on him. They naturally assumed fancy floors and furniture in this area meant the rest was like that.

  As both of the guards got closer, I watched as they started to slip on the wet tile. Beck shot out one of his water ropes and wrapped it around their feet as he continued to rant and keep their attention. He pulled and they both crashed down on the floor, their heads landing with a crack as both of them hit. I cringed at the sound, but Beck gave me a thumbs up to let me know they were out, and I snuck through the door.

  I knew he would give them a pill to take away their memories that we had found in Sebastian’s office. The druid had a need to keep records and label everything with precision and I was glad for that. The guards might be dickheads, but we didn’t want to kill anyone.

  I carefully made my way down the abandoned hallway to the door that Una instructed me to enter. I listened for any sign of life and hearing none, I opened the door and slipped into the dark passageway.

  Her song was amazingly easy to remember and follow and I wondered why she didn’t use it to find the right stone on our hideaway. I smiled to myself at one of the many quirks that she had. She was certainly something else and I couldn’t wait to be in the open waters with her. I was so excited to see her tail and show her my own sea form with a humanlike upper body and eel lower body.

  My mind in the game, I noticed that there were some passageways that branched off and seemed to not be used as much. The floors were dust covered and I could see a few boot prints in them. The path I followed was clear of dust and though not clean, it was dust free compared to the others.

  I heard the sound of footsteps coming from behind me, a loud thumping as if it were boots hitting the stone. I ducked into a side passage and waited as the person approached. I knew I couldn’t be seen but it didn’t stop my heart from hammering in my chest. It squeezed as the person passed and I recognized him as Craig from Una’s drawings.

  I waited until he was further away and quietly made my way out to follow him. He followed the same path as Una had given me in her song. That was good enough for me to know he was headed for the dungeon. I only hoped that I would catch him near Shay and it wasn’t just a normal round. Either way, I needed to find Shay’s cell, and stay there for as long as it took for me to catch someone in the act.

  I wasn’t really worried about making it back before the cells shut for the night. Una revealed that everything happened to Shay long before we were to be in our cells, and she visited after the doors shut. Shay had to take some time to recover before she could sneeze herself into Una’s cell or however that fairy thing worked. I knew the way back and if anything, I would come back tomorrow. I had to watch the time and make sure I could make it out the door before the guards woke up from their “accident.”

  I made my way through the caves, grateful my power wasn’t affected by the iron that laced the walls here. I had spent my whole life on the seafloor, exposed to higher than normal traces of iron, so I had become immune. It was a secret that few outside of our pod knew, and one I didn’t see the need to share with everyone.

  I heard voices ahead of me and carefully snuck up on the group of men that were in the doorway. Craig was giving orders to two men who were dressed all in black. As I neared, I could make out a square wooden trough on the floor between them, with rope handles on either end. “The last one wasn’t as much. Make sure you get it all in the box this go round. And I better not find you two high like I did last time,” he growled orders at them. “No sneaking the product.”

  “Sir, the dust tends to fly in the air. It’s hard to not inhale it,” one of them stuttered out.

  “Why the fuck do you think you are wearing masks?” Craig shouted, his voice vibrating off the walls. “Put another cloth over your mouth and noses if you need to. If you want the money to buy your girlfriend that diamond ring, I suggest you get enough out of the damn fairy for me to sell it to these rich brats.”

  I made sure to take in their features and burn it into my memory before they pulled their masks over their faces. Craig stood in the doorway and watched them walk away. I needed to get through and it would be a very tight fit. I wasn’t sure I could make it, but if I wanted more information I needed to try. I put my hand against the wall and felt for the pipes, thankful that I didn’t glow while using my power as many supernatural creatures did. It was the benefit of being a born predator of the dark depths of the sea.

  I found the pipes deep behind the layers of stone and followed the path to an exit at the bottom of the stairs. I pushed my power into it and heard the ancient channels groan as the water rushed through them. Craig tilted his head as if he were looking for the source of the sound. I watched him jump as the water came out in a gush down below and the sound echoed throu
gh the stairwell.

  “Son of a bitch!” he swore before rushing off to find the source of the problem. I took my chance and squeezed through the door before it swung shut. I heard his boots pounding down the stairs and used the rhythm to hide my own footsteps as I rushed after him.

  I took the time to glance at him before creeping along the wall to follow the other two men who were halfway down the long corridor already. Craig looked stunned at the mess of water that was at his feet and bent over to pick up the faucet that I had blown off the sink when I forced the tsunami of water through the pipes. The water still flowed out now that there wasn’t anything stopping it. I was glad that it would keep him busy while I got the answers on what was really happening to Shay.

  The two men opened the door and dragged the trough in. I could hear a small voice whimpering and she almost sounded like a child. Anger boiled up inside of me and I tried to keep it in check as I approached. They didn’t close the door and what I saw was horrifying.

  A very petite, blonde haired girl was being held up over the box by one of the men. Her hair was chopped as if it had been run through a mower, her dress was ripped, dirty and stained with tiny dots of what was once the original green color barely peeking through the layers of dirt.

  Unlike her clothing and hair, the rest of her body was cleaned, and I could see why as I watched the second man stroke her legs as glowing dust sparkled and drifted down to the trough below her. A dim light seemed to glow from beneath her skin and it flickered in and out which seemed to correspond with the amount of dust that fell.

  “Give us more than that you little shit. I know you’re holding out,” the man holding her demanded. I recognized his voice as the one that argued with Craig.

  Her tiny voice answered, and it reminded me of little bells, “Please, I need to be outside to make more. I need fresh air and nature. That’s how my kind are.”

  Ignoring her pleas, he proceeded to shake her, and more dust came out in a rush. Her light dimmed out and I wasn’t sure exactly what it meant, but I had a good idea. Just as Una said, they were dusting her dry and not allowing her the things she needed to produce more.


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