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Stone and Steel: Vampires of Blood and Bones

Page 7

by B. A. Stretke

  They were just finishing dessert when Ismael was called out of the room on an urgent matter. They continued talking although Wolfe could sense that Silas's attention was on the door his father just walked out of. Something was up, even he could feel it. A few minutes passed, and Ismael returned, asking for Silas to come with him.

  “I’ll be right back.” He said and bent to place a kiss on Wolfe’s lips before straightening and following his father out of the room.

  Wolfe looked at Easton hoping that he could give him information on what was happening, but all he got was scrunched shoulders. "My Ismael is second in command; it could be anything. Don't worry, there isn't a situation that may arise that he couldn't handle." Wolfe didn't doubt their ability to handle themselves; he only worried because he could feel Silas's tension spike when his father was called from the room. He wondered wildly if it had something to do with Raymond Roya.


  "Ira sent the information to me so that I could present it to you face to face rather than through a text." Ismael began. Silas tensed up, wondering what could be so bad that Ira would prefer to have his father present it to him.

  "They found Roya, but he has been given sanctuary in a coven in Urbandale, Iowa. It's his birth coven, and they have claimed the right of Blood Tie. His relatives are standing with him, and the law states that we cannot go in and take him." Ismael looked as pained as Silas felt. It took a few moments for the implications of his words to sink in and for Silas's anger to explode.

  "How dare they protect that monster." He shouted. "I demand satisfaction, my beloved demands satisfaction, every man who died in that wretched house demands satisfaction." Silas walked to the far side of the room and then looked back at his father when in the heat of his rage, the answer suddenly came to him.

  “Bellum!” He roared. “I invoke the right of Bellum. I demand single challenge combat in retaliation for the dishonorable treatment of my beloved.” Ismael stood silent for a moment as the declaration sunk in.

  The Right of Bellum superseded the right of Blood Tie and all other stands that may be made in the defense against retribution. Bellum had not been used in centuries, it was a savage, violent, brutal form of hand-to-hand combat conducted in a closed venue specially constructed for the battle. It had fallen out of favor due to its barbaric nature.

  “I have engaged in Bellum more than once in my life as has Master DuCane, but you have only ever been a spectator my son. Are you sure this is the path you wish to take? Such a declaration has not been heard for over three centuries. It is old world, ruthless and wild.”

  "Bellum," Silas stated clear and straight, and Ismael nodded his head in acceptance.

  "You will make your claim before Master DuCane, and the order will be dispatched to Urbandale. They cannot refuse." Ismael walked up to Silas and pulled him in for a hug. "Let's talk to Louis. I think he's going to be quite excited about this. He hasn't had the opportunity to use the Bellum chamber in a very long time."


  Silas was aware that sharing this information with Wolfe was going to be tricky. He didn’t want to upset him with the news of Roya finding protection and then add in the explanation of Bellum. But Wolfe was not a child. Although barely twenty-two, he’d matured early in life. He could not deny him the facts and the explanation in its entirety.

  They were back at Silas's place, and he'd given him his personal items from the bedside table and hoped that it would occupy his mind while he put together how best to present this current development.

  He slipped off his jacket and tie and hung them on the back of a chair and unbuttoned the neck of his crisp white shirt all the while keeping his gaze intently on his beloved. Wolfe checked his things and then returned them to the drawer. He then looked up at Silas from where he was seated on the edge of the bed. His eyes were the deepest of blue and seemed to consume Silas where he stood. They were eyes that demanded answers.

  Silas walked over and sat next to him, their bodies touching. “They’ve located Raymond Roya.” He said and felt Wolfe stiffen next to him. “He has been granted sanctuary by his birth coven.”

  “What does that mean.” Wolfe cut in sharply.

  "They're protecting him through with what is known as the Right of Blood Tie," Silas explained, but Wolfe cut in again before he could finish.

  "No one can touch him, he's free?" Wolfe's agitation was rising, so Silas took his hand and held it in his.

  "Let me finish, my love," Silas stated, and Wolfe began to calm. "We can't go inside the coven and take Roya, vampire law forbids it due to Blood Tie, but we can invoke a more powerful claim than Blood Tie to force them to hand him over." Silas paused and then continued.

  "I have invoked the Right of Bellum, single challenge combat. I can do this because he is guilty of dishonoring my beloved. Beloveds take precedence over all else in the vampire world. Once I declared Bellum, his coven has no recourse except to hand him over." He noticed Wolfe turn to look at him directly those razor-sharp blue eyes cutting through him.

  "Single challenge combat, is this some sort of righteous duel? Are you in danger? Let me tell you, Roya is dirty. There isn't a shred of decency in that man. He won't fight fair, if that's what you're referring to here." Wolfe was worried, and Silas was understanding, but this was the way it had to be.

  "It is hand-to-hand in a specialized location attended to by my Master, my father, and Ira Shaw who will be acting as my second. It's what has to be done, my love. Roya must pay, and I will make him pay."

  “Is it to the death?”


  "I know you're crazy fast and strong, I saw you in action, but Roya is pure evil. You don't have to do this for me, honestly Silas, I'm not worth it."

  That was enough, Silas would listen to his concerns, but he would not listen to his self-degradation. He stood and pulled Wolfe to his feet, holding him tightly by the upper arms. "You are worth everything to me. I've been on my own for four hundred years waiting for my beloved. You are the one I have waited for. You are everything I could have hoped for, and no one is allowed to speak down to you ever, not even you. I will not stand for it.” He declared and pulled Wolfe in for a heated kiss that started out with resistance but ended in bliss.

  Wolfe was blown away by what Silas had just shared with him. The idea that Silas was going to meet this madman in some sort of face-off was tearing his heart in two. Wolfe kissed him like his life depended upon this man, which strangely felt correct. Silas has come to mean so much to him and to think Silas was willing to go into battle for his honor was unreal.

  This isn’t the dark ages this is a time of laws and diplomacy and shit like that. Wasn’t it? He managed to pull away although he was still held firmly against that hard expanse of Silas’s chest. He groaned and dug his fingers into Silas’s shirt the man was so handsome and smelled so good, but he needed to talk, there needed to be some clarity, some understanding.

  "You're trying to distract me with your amazing lips, but the facts are still the facts, sweetheart," Wolfe whispered breathlessly as Silas kissed down his throat and started pulling at his top trying to get it off. "We need to talk Silas."

  “We need to get naked, Wolfe and call me sweetheart again, I liked it.” He chuckled and tore off Wolfe’s top and tossed it on the floor.

  “I liked that top, sweetheart.” Wolfe teased as he danced away from Silas’s grip.

  "Do you like those pants? If you do you better get them off or I'm going to remove them for you." Silas moved with him from side to side, blocking him into the corner of the room.

  Silas felt his cock hardening and pressing painfully against his pants as Wolfe began a sexy, sultry dance of moves so hot, he thought he'd combust just watching him. His beloved was a delicious dancer. Wolfe slowly swayed and stripped, showing more and more skin as he entranced and enthralled with his dancing. All the time, he kept his deep blue gaze on Silas. The moment the clothes were gone, Silas struck and grabbing him around the middle, tosse
d him onto the bed.

  Wolfe got up onto his knees and with a sensual look that fascinated started stroking himself in front of Silas. "Are you going to dance for me, sweetheart?" He asked.

  "I'm going to fuck you, my love. Fuck you hard, fast, and forever." Silas moved towards the bed as he stripped off his clothes.

  “Promises, promises, baby.” Wolfe smiled and rolled his head back on his shoulders and moaned as he stroked his hard cock in a firm grip. Silas moved closer and eased his way onto the bed even though he wanted to jump his beloved and take him now he controlled himself, barely.

  "I never make a promise that I don't keep." Silas moved over top of Wolfe as he dropped back onto the pillows with a sultry smile and a lust-filled moan.

  "You are so beautiful, Silas." Wolfe breathed and Silas smiled. No one had ever called him beautiful.

  "You're the beautiful one, Wolfe. My wild, gorgeous beloved." He dropped down and began a kiss that was so deep it could suck the air right out of Wolfe's lungs. He held Wolfe's chin as he went deep and ate away at the soft sweetness of his beloved's mouth.

  The go-go boy in Wolfe was being dominated by the vampire and Silas was delighted at the way his beloved was submitting. They moved together in perfect rhythm, touching, kissing rubbing their bodies as their pleasure began to build with their unguarded passion.

  "I love your body Silas all hard and strong and demanding." Wolfe latched onto Silas's neck just below his ear, and the sensation was explosive. Silas groaned as he willed himself not to come and forced his vampire back. The need to claim was a fire in his heart and mind. Wolfe continued to thrust and grind against Silas's hard cock, and Silas knew he wasn't going to last long with his beloved drowning him in such intense pleasure.

  Wolf had his legs wrapped around Silas’s waist which gave Silas easy access to Wolfe’s entrance all tight and waiting for him. He circled the area with his lubed thumb eliciting a delightful moan and then gradually pushed until his thumb popped inside. The sensation of stretching caused Wolfe to grind even harder against him, making Silas's own body light up as he pressed another finger and then another. Wolfe was so pliant and sweet, and his scent made Silas yearn to claim him, bind their souls and set their lives on a path together.

  Wolfe had never been prepared with such loving care. Sex and love had never been one before, and now he understood how beautiful it could be. Silas was as eager as he was, but Silas didn't rush him, he was making sure the experience would be wonderful for them both.

  All thoughts of the impending battle had shifted to the back of Wolfe’s mind as Silas brought him a feeling of pleasure and a sense of completeness. He would never run away from this man, he was everything he’d ever dreamed of in a partner, husband, and lover. He was perfect.

  Silas's fingers were stretching and sending jolts of delight up his spine, and his cock was so hard it was at the point of pain; Wolfe was so ready. "Now, Silas, I need you now." He was whining, but it didn't matter because this was Silas and Silas accepted him foibles and all.

  “I got you, my love. I’ll take care of you.” Silas’s words brushed the side of Wolfe’s neck and sent a fresh wave of tremors through him. The next thing he felt was his legs being lifted to rest on Silas's arms as he pressed the head of his large cock against Wolfe's well-lubed opening. The thrill was complete when instead of taking it slow and inching inside Silas plunged forward and buried himself to the hilt in one thrust. It was sensory overload for a moment as Wolfe struggled to catch his breath and then realized he’d just come from that one move alone.

  “You make me so hot.” He said as he came down from the force of his sudden climax. Hot seed covered them both, but Silas seemed focused on bringing him to the edge one more time as he began a punishing pace of thrusts pounding inside Wolfe while holding him in a steel grip.

  Silas couldn’t stop himself from hammering his beloved after the man came so hard with just his touch. The sight was sexy and erotic in a way that once again set Silas on fire. His vampire was pounding the edges of his consciousness, demanding that he claim his beloved. His control was slipping as the scent of Wolfe's hot release enveloped him. Sweat dripped off his brow as he fought his instinct to bite while he thrust inside and held as the pinnacle of the experience hit him, and he came hard, stream after stream of his hot release filling his beloved.

  “Let me claim you Wolfe. Only a drop, I only need a drop. Let me claim you.” He pressed for permission while shaking with the strength it took to resist.

  Wolfe hesitated for just a moment as his eyes took in the man struggling to resist. "Just a drop." He repeated and with a slight tremble turned his head, exposing his neck to Silas. He felt him kiss the spot and then ever so gently which seemed impossible considering the effort it took to hold back, Silas broke the surface of his skin, just a prick and licked the surface rather than sucked the wound.

  Wolfe felt Silas tumble over the edge and wrapped his arms tightly around him as Silas came again adding to the copious amount already filling Wolfe's channel. Wolfe felt a powerful sexual sensation from the bite. The intensity of it sent a shiver down to his cock, stirring it to life once again as he erupted spreading more seed between them. He wondered what it would feel like if Silas actually feed from him if just a little prick elicited such a powerful sensation.

  Silas felt the energy course through him even with just a drop. His beloved was potent, and the connection between them shifted and snapped into place. His soul felt lighter and yet fuller at the same time. He could feel Wolfe in his heart; his love, his fears, and his hopes. They were all there for him. The bond was complete. "I love you Wolfe." He said without hesitation and gathered him in his arms for another heart-stopping kiss.


  Master Louis DuCane and Ismael went together to the basement room that housed the Bellum Chamber. It had not been used in a very long time, as a matter of fact very few covens apart from Coven DuCane still had a Bellum Chamber. The years passed and the supposed civilized nature of this modern age had caused the need for such a supposedly barbaric ritual to fall out of favor. They threw on the lights, and the room came to life once again.

  "What a magnificent structure," Louis exclaimed. It was a massive cage with vertical black steel bars that were magic infused and damn near indestructible. Each bar stood eighteen feet tall and four inches apart. The circumference of the structure was eighty feet enough room to fight but very little room to run away. The basement room was simple stone walls and stone floor completely bare except for the chamber.

  Louis came up to stand beside Ismael, who was staring at the structure looming before them with concern edging into his expression. "Don't worry Ismael, you have trained him well. We have both experienced the Bellum Chamber, and you know as well as I that Silas is more than prepared for the challenge."

  "Only one walks away," Ismael stated. "I trust his abilities, but it is hard not to worry." He paused, "He's my only son. I know what kind of brutality this challenge ends with. How can I just let him walk in there?" The pain of worry was written all over his face.

  "It was his only recourse, and thankfully, the old ways were there for him. Without this path, justice would not be served. The Right of Blood Tie would protect this man for as long as his family survived. His blood and the blood of his beloved would still cry out for vengeance. Frustration and heartache would take over and darken the hours, the days and perhaps the lifetime of this couple. No relationship can last with such pain and dishonor unrequited. Silas knows what he is doing, the old ways are the best.” Louis spoke from the heart. “He is your son, he will prevail.”

  "Yes, he will," Ismael said, looking at the bars of the Bellum Chamber.


  Wolfe lay awake as he continued to fly with the sensations still pinging around his system after their lovemaking. His body and mind had never been lit up in such a manner before, and it was fantastic. Silas had declared his commitment even though Wolfe was still holding back. But he didn't
want to hold back any longer. He lay there safe and comfortable in Silas's arms and decided to be completely honest with the man who seemed to have become an actual part of him over the past few days.

  “Are you awake, Silas?” He spoke softly over his shoulder. Silas had him cuddled with Wolfe’s back to his chest. He felt him kiss his shoulder and gather him closer before answering.

  “Yes, my love.” He said and peppered more kisses to the back of Wolfe’s neck.

  "I love you, Silas. I've never said that to a single soul in my entire life and never thought I would. You barged into my life, took it over, to a certain extent, and have made me happier than I can ever remember being." He snuggled closer, loving the feeling of Silas wrapped around him.

  "This challenge that you're engaged in, tell me what it is, tell me everything. I'm not a weak fool, and I won't fall apart on you. I just need to know the danger involved. I can't lose you, Silas, I've just started to trust you."

  Silas chuckled softly behind him. “I love you too, Wolfe and thank you for trusting me. Your trust isn’t earned easily, so more worth the having.” He stopped to drop a kiss to the side of his neck before continuing.

  “Roya will arrive tomorrow early afternoon. He and his second will be held in confinement until the challenge which is scheduled for six in the evening.”

  “What if he doesn’t come?”

  “His coven will deliver him. If they refuse, then the law states that Coven DuCane is free to declare war on the Urbandale Coven. After Toledo, no coven will willingly go to war with Louis DuCane.”

  Wolfe turned in Silas’s arms so that he could look at him. “Where will this fight take place?”

  "The basement of the East Wing in the Bellum Chamber." Silas described the chamber and the room in as much detail as he could remember. He hadn't been down there in quite a few years, but there was nothing in the room except the chamber.

  "The steel is infused with magic, which makes it impossible to break or compromise, and once the door is closed, it will not open again until the chamber detects only one life force inside. Two enter but only one leaves." Silas pushed the hair back on Wolfe's forehead and placed a loving kiss there.


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