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Passion Bear

Page 1

by M J Waverly

  Passion Bear

  Charmed Bear Series 2

  M.J. Waverly

  Copyright © 2020 by M.J. Waverly

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  For my Jack!


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9


  About the Author

  Also by M.J. Waverly

  Chapter 1

  Courtland, Oregon

  Barron Montgomery admired his reflection in the Mountain Peak Sporting Goods Store window. "I make this suit look good." He adjusted the sleeves. "Lorie will be swept off her feet when I walk in the door at the nightclub."

  Harrumph! His inner-bear growled. "She'll run after you open your mouth. You scare women with your overconfidence and arrogance.

  "I didn't ask for your opinion, sir." Barron straightened. "You should be happy. We went for a run this morning. You were allowed to be free."

  Barron had shifted and spent the early morning hours as a bear in the national forest lands outside of Courtland, Oregon.

  "I've wanted to discuss that with you. I'd like to visit Alaska. Something calls me."

  "Alaska?" Barron arched an eyebrow. "The fishing would be good." He was in a sporting goods store, and he could purchase needed fishing equipment.

  He glanced at the poster of Eli Whitlock, an extreme snowboarder on the store window. Barron imagined he could do that, too. He'd have to work out, but snowboarding, fresh fish, outdoors, and possibly inviting a lady or two to spend those cold evenings by a fire sounded like his kind of adventure.

  "I'll think about it."

  His bear laughed. "You'll do more than think about it."

  In the distance, an owl hooted, and panic flooded Barron. His heart raced like a wild stallion bolting through a mountain meadow. He took a deep breath. Strange to hear an owl in the daytime. Studying the trees, Barron's forehead broke out in a cold sweat.

  "It's not her. Just my imagination."

  "Would you like to buy a charm, sir?" A purple-haired woman in hiking boots, flannel sweatshirt, and jeans looked up at him. She smiled, and lines creased around her lips and eyes.

  Barron did a double-take and back stepped. "Where did you come from? You weren't here a few seconds ago."

  'I've been here the whole time." She waved her hand over the folding table filled with silver jewelry and other handmade trinkets. "A charm for your special lady."

  Usually, Barron wouldn't have bothered and would've shooed the lady away. He didn't deal with street vendors. Being a billionaire industrialist, he didn't deal with the public. He had his assistants do that for him.

  "Look at what she is offering." His bear encouraged in a soft murmur.

  "I will work for you. I don't want to be late for the luscious Lorie." He'd made arrangements with his favorite Courtland companion and anticipated her flexibility at a suite at the Ritz Carlton.

  His bear chuckled. When his bear chuckled, it didn't bode well for Barron.

  The woman smiled, revealing two-missing front teeth. He really didn't want to touch the silver charms on the table. If he humored his bear, then Barron would have the evening with Lorie without any unbearable interruptions. He laughed at his pun.

  His bear groaned as he perused the charms. The middle-aged artisan must have an animal fetish because all of the charms were tigers, wolves, bears, and an owl. Something hooted from the table. Rubbing his right ear, Barron had too many beers at lunch.

  Warner, his personal assistant, had warned Barron to slow down. As always, Barron ignored Warner's advice.

  A glimmer caught his eye. The bear charm with the triangle. "What does this represent?" Barron's hand hovered over the unique piece of jewelry; it tugged at something within in a weird way.

  "It represents passion," the artisan woman answered.

  "Passion." He was filled with charm. Barron couldn't resist the call of the charm. He had to touch it. His fingers touched the triangle, and he placed the charm in his palm. Then something sparked within. He had to find her. His bear spirit burned brighter, and a bright light flashed before him. He blinked rapidly to adjust his eyes. "What happened?"

  The kind, grandmotherly artist with two missing teeth had disappeared. Her table had vanished. Barron's mouth dropped open. An owl swooped from the top of a Douglas fir and landed on the shoulder of a purple-haired woman.

  Barron's knees weakened.

  She was none other than Artemis, the goddess of Nature, and protector of shifters.

  Barron gritted his teeth. He glanced down at the bear charm with an engraved triangle symbol on the side. He wouldn't be seeing flexible Lorie tonight.

  "It's time we find her. Our lifemate." His bear shouted.

  One problem: Barron wasn't ready to settle down with one woman. If this symbol represented passion, he had all the passion he could want with a new and different woman every night, starting with Lorie at the Ritz Carlton.

  Minerva, or Minnie, her white snowy owl hooted at him.

  Barron bowed his head. "It's been a while, Artemis."

  Artemis folded her arms over her chest and glared. "You haven't answered my emails."

  "I've been busy." Barron flashed a smile. It always charmed the ladies at the nightclubs.

  The goddess scowled. "You haven't been busy with our plans for the bear sanctuary in Bear Bay, Alaska."

  He shriveled on the inside. He'd been avoiding returning the goddess's emails. He glanced down at the bear charm in the palm of his hand. As soon as he touched this blasted thing, it meant his life was about to change. Forever.

  "Do you know what the symbol means to you?" Artemis pursed her lips as if trying not to laugh.

  "Passion." He held his arms out wide. "I have lots of passion."

  ""I'm not talking about lust." She grimaced and then waggled her finger at him like an angry teacher. "You, Barron Montgomery, have lost your way.

  "I'll get a map." Barron laughed, hoping to ease the tension until he found a way to get out of this situation.

  Artemis bared her teeth.

  Guess his little humorous quips weren't easing the tension. He held out his hands. "Seriously, I will buy the land you need for the bear sanctuary and hire the best people to create it."

  Artemis sighed and cut her eyes over at Minerva. The owl lifted her wing and then hooted.

  Barron didn't speak owl, and it concerned him.

  "I agree," the goddess laughed.

  Shivers of doom traveled up Barron's spine. It never turned out well when a god or goddess laughed at you.

  Artemis smiled, revealing she had a full set of white teeth. "Barron Montgomery, you're on your way to Bear Bay, Alaska, where you will find your passion. Her name is Evergreen Carter. Good luck. I've made arrangements for you to stay in town."

  Artemis snapped her fingers.

  And the next thing Barron knew he was no longer in Courtland, Oregon outside of the Mountain Peak Sporting Goods Store. Where was he?

  He turned around, and his mouth dropped open as he read the sign. Welcome to Bear Bay, Alaska.

  Across the road was the Grizzly Gulch Motel.

  Pushing open the door, the overhead bill chimed as Evergreen Carter strolled into the Broken Toe Cafe.

  Olivia pointed at an empty stool around at the counter next to Homer and Hank, the two town gossips.

rgreen nodded.

  Olivia's boyfriend, the French chef, Jacque Baissier, yelled out food orders in French.

  Ever since he'd arrived, and took over the cooking, The Broken Toe had remained super busy with people from Bear Bay and the surrounding area. People even drove from Lamberton for Jacque's food.

  Even now, at ten o'clock in the morning, the cafe was packed with people. When business had been slow, the cafe had been Evergreen's refuge for conversation and coffee.

  Evergreen had never seen Olivia look happier, and her friend deserved happiness.

  Evergreen slipped onto the stool. Olivia plunked down a coffee mug and filled it with the delectable brew. "The usual pancakes."

  "You betcha."

  "Olivia, sausage croissant with gravy," Jacque called out.

  "On my way. Need Evie's pancakes." Olivia called over her shoulder.

  "Oui. Making them now," Jacque leaned out the pass-through and waved.

  Evergreen waved back.

  "How's your Dad?" Hank asked.

  "I could never live in Arizona. The heat would be too much," Homer chimed in.

  "He's doing well. The weather agrees with him." She clenched her hands and released them.

  "Good to hear. Good to hear." Homer nodded. "We were worried about him.

  "How are you?" Hank squinted at her.

  Taking a big sip of her coffee, Evergreen plastered a grin on her face. "I'm well, too." Her chest felt tight with anxiety whenever she thought about her Dad in Arizona, staying with her Uncle Harold. She still had her two cats, Percival and Pistachio.

  "You still have a problem with that nasty developer. Homer's tone of voice turned serious.

  "Not recently." She lied.

  Devoted to the land, Evergreen considered herself its guardian. No one was going to build on her family's property, which backed up to the national forest.

  "If they give you any problems, you let us know." Homer motioned between himself and Hank. "We'll be there to help you out, young lady."

  "I appreciate it."

  Indeed, Evergreen still had problems with the Hunter development company, who wanted to create a mine, destroying hundreds of pristine land.

  Orion Hunter had wanted to buy her family's acreage. When her father had refused Orion Hunter, he'd harassed her father until he had a heart attack from the stress. Dad had moved to Arizona to recover. Being away from Bear Bay had been good for him, and he'd recently taken up golf.

  Olivia served up pancakes and brought over real Canadian maple syrup. Evergreen's mouth watered in anticipation as she grabbed her silverware.

  "You pulled an all-nighter, didn't you?" Olivia poured more coffee into Evergreen's cup.

  "Yes." She had to finish carving the last sculpture of a bear. She had an art show in Anchorage associated with the state parks.

  Evergreen would love to talk to Olivia, but with Homer and Hank next to her, she didn't want her current problems to be the topic of conversation at the Bear Bay Assisted Living Home.

  Olivia poured more coffee into Evergreen's cup. Honestly, if Evergreen were to admit the truth, she was lonely, and she missed her Dad. It was just her and the cats.

  She blamed Orion Hunter for the current status of her family. She hadn't admitted to anyone, but the developer had started sending her text messages and asking if she was ready to sell after Dad had moved to Arizona. Orion Hunter had offered more money to buy the land. A lot more money.

  Evergreen simply ignored his messages, but she'd made it abundantly clear to his lawyers she wasn't selling. Orion Hunter wasn't a man who took no as an answer.

  On high alert, she'd seen a black truck with tinted windows parked at the end of her driveway early this morning.

  She had to find a way to protect herself from trespassers.

  Chapter 2

  Outside the Broken Toe Cafe, Barron noted the black SUV with tinted windows waited up the street. Very suspicious. They'd been there ever since the beautiful young woman had entered the restaurant.

  Evergreen Carter walked outside and opened the door to a rusted and beat-up pickup truck. As soon as she exited the parking lot, the shady SUV followed.

  Barron's bear growled. "Our lifemate is in danger. We must protect her."

  "I agree, my friend. I agree." Fury filled Barron.

  Even if Evergreen wasn't his lifemate, how dare whoever stalked this gorgeous woman in danger.

  He cranked his Jeep and trailed after them.

  Ahead, Evergreen turned down a secluded dirt road, Bear Tree Forest Lane, which disappeared into the forest. According to Artemis, Evergreen Carter lived in a very secluded valley surrounded by woods and mountains.

  The goddess wanted to acquire Evergreen's family property for the bear sanctuary because it backed up to the national forest. She would create a magical boundary called the zeal around the sanctuary to keep out hunters and others, who'd harm bear shifters and the animals under their protection. The goddess hadn't gone into details about her plans.

  The SUV drove past Bear Tree Forest Lane. Barron decided to see where they went. Ten miles later, they'd disappeared. He was back on the main road into Bear Bay. They'd driven around a curve and simply disappeared.

  "What happened?" He glanced back in the rearview mirror.

  "I don't know." His bear answered.

  "Let's check on Evergreen to make sure she is safe." Hs bear replied.

  "Good idea."

  He u-turned and drove back down to Bear Tree Forest Lane, keeping an eye on the curve where the SUV disappeared.

  Nothing. He didn't sense any magic. It didn't make sense.

  What did he do next? His lips quirked up when he decided he should introduce himself to Evergreen Carter, and explain, he wished to purchase her family's property. For a future wildlife refuge, which he was, but it would appeal to her nature-loving side.

  From what he learned about Evergreen, his future lifemate already considered herself a guardian of wildlife and the land.

  Despite Artemis's insistence, he lacked the kind of charm which would impress Evergreen, Barron knew without a doubt, she wouldn't be able to resist him. If this young woman was his lifemate, she'd respond in a positive manner because their natural attraction to one another would be irresistible.

  His confidence level surged up one hundred percent. He rarely flopped in business ventures, which was why he was the only billionaire bear shifter in the United States. He'd purchase this property, help Artemis, and explain to Evergreen, even though they were lifemates, he wasn't ready to settle down.

  In time.

  He'd be back in Courtland in a matter of days. His lawyers could handle the details of the purchase. He might invite Evergreen to spend a few days with him, so she could see how truly busy he was. Living in Bear Bay, Alaska, wasn't an option for Barron Montgomery.

  He parked his Jeep in the driveway of the log cabin with three porches. Two large ginger cats peered down from the rooftop.

  A large shed, with enchanting stained glass windows, sat behind the house. Wooden gargoyles perched atop the roofline.

  "How unusual." Barron narrowed his eyes when he took in the wood sculptures in the yard. There were bears, moose, and fairy-like creatures all captured in wood. On the other side of the shed, he heard a chainsaw buzzing in the back.

  Was someone with Evergreen? He couldn't imagine she'd be using a chainsaw. She must be inside the studio. He was about to knock when he heard footsteps.

  He turned around, ready to flash his megawatt smile. He frowned, held up hands, and then backed up.

  "Who the hell are you?" Evergreen Carter held the chainsaw up to his nose. He inhaled gas fumes.

  "Don't you recognize me? Don't you feel our bond?" Barron had never had a chainsaw pointed at him, but confident his lifemate would recognize him.

  "Are you nuts?" Evergreen eyed him warily as she lowered the chainsaw.

  Barron could not believe this. He's envisioned his lifemate falling into his arms and begging him to
kiss her the moment they'd met. The animal magnetism of his bear should've drawn her to him. Apparently, that was not the case.

  Evergreen scowled as she heaved the chainsaw upon her shoulder. "Why are you here?" She inched closer as he backed away.

  "I want to buy your land." Barron couldn't help but admire her well-defined arm muscles.

  Her scowl morphed into a baleful glare as her face turned beet red. He could almost imagine smoke billowing out her ears. "My land is not for sale. You can tell Orion Hunter, I'm not selling. No matter how many times he threatens me. If I see any of his friends or associates or his workers on my property. I will shoot him full of arrows. And trust me, I know how to shoot his thing."

  "Who is Orion Hunter?" Barron lowered his hands.

  She stomped closer, swung the chainsaw around and aimed it at his chest. "Don't play games with me. Get off my property before I chop you up into little pieces, and then I'll call the sheriff and tell him it was in self-defense. Around here, they're going to believe me before they'd believe you."

  Barron quickly turned around and jumped into his Jeep. He backed up the road at eighty miles an hour, and he didn't stop until he hit the highway. He cranked the engine and backed up all the way down the three-mile driveway and then drove until he was near the National Forest.

  "You're an idiot. We're going to have a hard time convincing Evergreen she is our lifemate after that fiasco." His bear scolded.


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