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Passion Bear

Page 3

by M J Waverly

  Barron's expression turned dark, and he motioned with his hands. "I would never stoop to the low practices this man does. I may be a conceited asshat, but I'm honorable. I believe in protecting those that can't protect themselves, and that includes nature, the earth, and wildlife. I want to create a wildlife sanctuary. You could say it's a new passion I recently discovered." His voice faltered, and then he straightened.

  Evergreen didn't know if she believed him or not. But something in his voice spoke true.

  "Think about it. You don't have to sell the land to me, but maybe think about a partnership where we create a sanctuary together. To protect the animals. I have the resources to make it happen."

  The vision of the bear returned. "You can trust him."

  Evergreen lowered the crossbow. "How do I know you're serious? Let me see if I have this right. I retain ownership of the property, but you'll pay for the costs of the sanctuary."

  He nodded. "I'll have papers drawn up, and your attorney can look them over. It's a real, legit offer."

  Barron back-stepped to his Jeep. "Think about it."

  Evergreen nodded. "I will. Send the papers to my attorney, Jason Whitlock, in town. He'll look over them."

  Barron gave a slight nod, "I will." He slid back into his Jeep.

  Evergreen wasn't sure how to respond to Barron's proposal on the wildlife sanctuary. If the land was protected, it'd stop Orion Hunter from trying to take over. Barron Montgomery had the financial resources to go against Orion Hunter.

  She watched him Barron's Jeep back down her driveway and disappear around the bend in the road. "Could this be for real?"

  She needed to think about his offer. A hike would help ground her. If she saw the bear from her vision, then it would a sign from the land. She grabbed her sketchbook and pencils.

  She found herself near in the valley, near the rushing river filled with newly melted snow. She inhaled the fresh air, and gladness filled her. An owl hooted nearby, and she hoped to glimpse her friend. The bear who'd been telepathically contacting her. Still, she had to be rational. Her bear visions could be part of her vivid imagination.

  "Thank you for protecting me," Evergreen said out loud. She hoped the owl heard her.

  Barron parked his Jeep near the valley and magically shifted. As a bear, he could use his claws for his next project. Two hours later, he'd dug up the bear traps and dragged them back to his Jeep.

  He transformed back into a human and then wiped the dripping sweat from his forehead. He hadn't physically worked this hard in a year or more. Felt good. He kicked at the cursed with their steel jaws. The people who sold and hunted with them should experience the pain from their traps.

  A white owl swooped down and landed on his shoulder. "Tell Artemis, I need help disposing of these."

  "You have it."

  Barron spun around. The purple-haired goddess dressed in a park ranger uniform motioned for him to move.

  She scowled when she saw the traps. "This is Orion's doing."

  Barron wrinkled his forehead. "Orion Hunter?"

  "Yes." Artemis narrowed her eyes. "What do you know about him?"

  "He's the one who has been wanting to buy Evergreen's property, and yesterday, I was chased by two of his men on all-terrain vehicles."

  The goddess pursed her lips and remained silent as if mentally digesting his last comment.

  Barron wasn't sure how to react. He'd never known or heard of Artemis remaining quiet. Awkward.

  She held out her hand, and a spear materialized. She threw it at the collection of steel traps, and in a burst of bright light, the traps disappeared with the spear remaining in the ground.

  Artemis dusted her hands together. She marched over, tugged the spear from the muddy ground. She held the spear up, and it disappeared. "That was most satisfying."

  I assumed he was in the area when I saw the vehicle trailing Evergreen. She will need protection along with her father. I want you to shift and keep watch."

  Barron nodded. "What if the hunters come after me? Do you want me to attack?"

  Artemis grinned and pushed back her ranger hat. "I want you to pursue them, and I will prepare you for that."

  She removed her park ranger hat and swirled her hand over it. Small stars whirled in a mini-vortex. "This is the magic of nature. You will be imbued with superpowers."

  Barron's mouth opened wide. "I'll be like Super Bear."

  "Yes." Artemis held up her hands, and a tornado of small gold and silver stars swirled between her palms. "Your fur is impenetrable to bullets, arrows, and any other instrument of death. You can grow to fifteen feet tall. Your claws will be like steel, and your speed will be like that of the wind."

  She swept her hands forward, and the magic penetrated into Barron. He shouted as his skin burned, his bones stretched, and his muscles contracted. The magic soaked deep into him.

  Barron blinked after the pain subsided, and he suddenly realized he was in the real world.

  "Now shift," Artemis replaced her ranger hat back on her head.

  Barron shifted and transformed into a bear. He glanced down at his fur. Still the same.

  "What now?" His voice sounded deeper even to him.

  "Protect Evergreen. If the hunters come near her house. You must protect your mate."

  "We must work to strengthen the Zeal. Orion is an old companion who seeks revenge against me. He must know I had plans for this area, and I will find out how he knew. And woe be to the one who betrayed me." Artemis grimaced.

  After sunset, Barron patrolled Evergreen's house. With his increased strength and power, he'd protect his lifemate or anyone that threatened her. A new vigor burned through his veins.

  He heard whispers and the soft crackle of sticks a mile away. Men hunted. He bent his ears forward to listen. Men hunted. He listened with his magically improved hearing.

  "Archer said to leave this on her front door as a message. She'll know what it means."

  Barron sniffed. Blood. A deer.

  They had killed needlessly. Artemis would be angry.

  Barron turned and followed the hunters. His prey. They meant harm to Evergreen.

  "I can't believe they keep playing these mind games with the woman. I say take her, take the land, and no one will ever know," The first man spoke.

  "She's under the protection of the old nature hag," The second man answered.

  Barron could see them in the darkness. Two men dressed all in black carried the deer. They two men were lucky Artemis hadn't heard them refer to her as 'an old nature hag.' Death would've been their reward.

  "Orion said to wait and see how she reacted. He said we might need to go ahead and snag her. We're to wait for orders from headquarters. "

  Barron unsheathed his metal claws. He rose up on his hind legs, and power and strength filled him. He connected with the first bear, to all bears, he carried their power within as the magic surged through his body.

  Evergreen must be protected.

  He growled, and it sounded like thunder being ripped from the skies. He dropped down to the ground and gave chase.

  "Do you hear that?" The first man asked.

  "Yeah. It sounded like Big Foot or something." The second man answered.

  Barron crashed through the trees, growling, and huffing. The men screamed, dropped the deer, and ran for their lives. He pursued them until they arrived back at their all-terrain vehicles.

  "Hurry. That's the biggest bear I've ever seen in my life."

  Barron stopped and stood on his hind legs, knowing he towered above some of the trees. He growled, and it echoed through the valley like booming thunder.

  The roar of the all-terrain vehicle engines sounded like metal mosquitoes as the two men tore out of the wood and away from Barron.

  He returned to the forest near Evergreen's house, where he would watch over her. No one would harm his life mate.

  Chapter 5

  The next morning Evergreen peeked out her kitchen window over her sink. Dark gra
y clouds hung heavy with the threat of possible spring snow. She decided to make her own breakfast rather than driving into the Broken Toe. She didn't want another uncomfortable encounter with Ryan Archer and Barron Montgomery. Did not need that stress in her life. She still needed to think about Barron's offer.

  She opened her pantry and frowned at the sparseness. The only thing she had were peanut butter and saltines. Peanut butter crackers for breakfast. Protein, and carbs. She did have some instant coffee and creamer, leftovers from the winter stock up.

  After breakfast, she checked on her supplies in the studio. She still had to finish the bear. Right now, she wanted to take an early morning hike while she finished her coffee, and part of her hoped she'd catch sight of her bear. Her bear.

  As she hiked the trail behind her studio, Evergreen decided to take the path near the river, which ran fast and hard with snowmelt. She wanted to contemplate Barron Montgomery's offer. She'd call Jason Whitlock and seek his opinion on the deal.

  Along the trail, an owl hooted, and she saw a flash of white in the dark green trees.

  It was reassuring to see the owl. "Good morning, my beauty." She would do an owl carving as her next art project. Owls in certain cultures and religions represented wisdom and transitions.

  Her cell phone dinged. Dread filled her. She knew before looking it was a text message from Orion Hunter. Her anxiety level rose and flooded her body like the rushing water in the river.

  Strange how, she found comfort in the owl and its symbolism, and one unwanted text from Orion Hunter shredded her sense of safety. Get it over with; otherwise, he'd keep contacting her. With trembling fingers, she reached inside the pocket of her jacket.

  She checked her phone, and her heart thumped against her chest. Yes. Orion Hunter.

  How are you, Evergreen? Why are you talking to Barron Montgomery? The property belongs to me. Also, he will tell her how is your father doing in Scottsdale, Arizona?

  Barron followed Evergreen on the trail after sleeping in a tree overlooking her house. Sniffing the air, she'd eaten peanut butter for breakfast, and his stomach rumbled. He needed food and soon.

  Her phone dinged, and he bent his ears forward. She'd received a text message, and from the upset expression, the news was bad. Had to be another text message from Orion Hunter.

  Damn the man for upsetting Barron's life mate.

  In the distance, a loud noise reverberated through the valley. He rose up and saw two all-terrain vehicles and another car that looked appeared to be the Batmobile. All black with thick knobby tires.

  Hunters! Danger! Barron growled. Must save her. Must save her.

  He climbed down the tree and ran after her. His dig claws digging into the ground. If she kept going north, Hunter's men would capture her.

  She turned in the direction of the loud roaring engine noise. She froze as panic filled her eyes.

  "Run. Run." Barron shouted. "They will try and take you. Run to the forest."

  Confused, Evergreen whirled around, trying to find who called out. Barron didn't have time to gently explain he was a bear shifter.

  Her eyes widened when she saw him, a giant bear charging down the trail. She bolted in fear. He would have to guide her to the forest protected by the zeal. Hunter's men wouldn't penetrate the boundary.

  A white owl flew overhead, and Evergreen followed it. Minerva led the way. Evergreen didn't look back over her shoulders.

  Shots were fired at Barron.

  Increasing his pace, hot magic spilled through his blood, and his heart thumped in time with the Earth's. He gained ground and was a few feet behind her.

  "Run. Evergreen. Run." She didn't look back but pumped her arms up and down as she bolted down the trail. Her hair flying out behind her.

  Once, he made it on the other side of the Zeal, and Evergreen was safe. Barron Montgomery, as a bear, or as a human, would meet Orion Hunter.

  Gunfire cracked the air.

  A white owl swooped down and guided Evergreen to the zeal, and then a bright light shimmered, and Evergreen was through the protective barrier.

  A bullet zipped past him.

  He surged toward the magical barrier, and once he crossed it. Barron sighed in relief.

  Evergreen backed up with dilated pupils and taking in deep breaths after the exertion of running for her life. "Listen, Mr. Bear, I don't want any problems." She didn't make eye contact; merely bowed her head.

  Barron plunked down on his butt and exhaled. "It's me, I'm trying to protect you from them."

  Evergreen tilted her head. "Did you just speak to me?"

  Barron nodded his big bear head. He should shift back, but he didn't have the energy, not after hauling ass over the river and through the woods.

  "You're the bear behind the studio who watched me." Evergreen's eyes widened. "What are you?"

  "It's me, Evergreen. Barron Montgomery." He lifted up his huge claws.

  "What?" She cocked her head. And then she touched her face. "Is this for real? Did I faint?"

  Barron lifted his paws up in the air. "It's me. I even sound like me."

  Evergreen shook her head and paced back and forth. "No. No. This isn't real. I have fainted. That's the only logical explanation why this bear sounds like Barron Montgomery, but he's a self-absorbed idiot."

  Barron glowered. From what he'd observed about Evergreen, she would have to make up her own mind. He would give her time to work out her confusion. He could simply shift, but he needed to rest. "I'll disregard the insults."

  She plunked her hands on her hips. "Why are you here?"

  "I'm here because I'm a shapeshifting bear. I want to build a sanctuary to protect my kind and for wildlife." Barron snapped. Her words that he was a self-absorbed idiot stung his pride.

  A confused expression crossed Evergreen's face. "What happened to the hunters?"

  "We are protected by the magic of a goddess," Barron answered.

  An owl hooted nearby, and then Minerva drifted from one tree to another.

  I keep seeing this owl. It is a message from the goddess."

  Barron knitted his claws together. "You're good. The owl belongs to the goddess of wildlife, Artemis. You are under her protection. She sent me to watch over you."

  "The goddess Artemis." Evergreen's voice was awe-stricken. "I thought Athena had the white owl."

  "Apparently, Minerva liked Artemis more than Athena, and they made a trade. Athena has a deer companion, but the mythology books haven't made the update."

  "Artemis is the goddess of wildlife and bear." Evergreen glanced up at the owl, preening in the tall pine.

  "Yes. She sent me to protect you," Barron rose to his four paws.

  "So, explain it to me?" Evergreen insisted. "I have to admit the last person I thought I would hear as a bear would be Barron Montgomery. You."

  Offended, Barron narrowed his eyes. "Why not? I'm athletic, well-rounded, and honor my inner-bear spirit."

  "Inner-bear spirit?" She laughed.

  Barron decided actions spoke louder than words. He summoned the magic, and in a burst of light, he shifted into his human form.

  He stood naked in front of Evergreen. "Believe me now?" He asked.

  Evergreen's mouth formed an 'o.' "Wow."

  He looked down at his cock. "Yes, well. I am rather large."

  "Not that." She waved her hand in dismissal. "You're a bear shifter. That's like in paranormal romance books."

  "No, it's real. I'm real."

  Chapter 6

  Thunder boomed in the distance. An early spring storm had formed in the mountains. Added to the wet ground from the melting snows, the muddy ground made it hard to hike.

  Barron Montgomery had transformed into a bear. Now, he stood naked beside her, and she had to admit, she liked what she saw

  Really liked the sculpted abdomen, the tight ass, and his cock.

  She tried to look into his eyes and not down, but her gaze was drawn to that area. It had been a long time since she had sex, and right
now, a naked man was a good distraction from the wacky events.

  But, she had to remember a few minutes ago, he'd been a bear.

  Her head might go boom from everything she'd seen and was attempting to process in a logical form. Artemis. Minerva, the owl, and the pompous Barron Montgomery was a shapeshifting bear.

  "Like what you see." He asked with a smug smile as small raindrops splattered down.

  "I like you better as a bear." She arched an eyebrow. Then she recalled Orion Hunter's last message, and fear-filled adrenaline surged through her. "My Dad. He might not be safe."

  Barron's humorous expression turned into a mask of rage. "Tell me about your father as we return to your house. I'm not sure of the strength of the zeal." They hiked along a muddy trail.

  Evergreen told him about the messages from Orion Hunter. "My Dad is in Scottsdale. Orion Hunter inquired about his health. It was a veiled threat. Orion kept bullying my Dad and creating such stress that it led to Dad having a heart attack."

  Barron growled.

  Evergreen stopped, but her right foot landed in a patch of brownie-like mud, and she slipped, twisting her ankle.

  "Are you okay?" Barron held out his hand, and she accepted. He pulled her up into his arms.

  "Yeah." She shuddered as more rain pelted her skin like little B. B. Pellets. Those men who shot at us are with Orion Hunter. This is worse than I thought." A sob escaped her.


  "This won't work." Bursts of light pulsed around Barron and then changed into a bear in the blink of an eye. "Jump up," he ordered.

  Evergreen gasped. "What?"

  "Climb aboard, and I'll take you back to your house." Moving nearer to her, Barron's thick fur radiated warmth. Evergreen grabbed a hunk of bear fur and then climbed up. She settled behind his neck and wrapped her legs around his neck. "Are you okay?"


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