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Sleepers: Shifters Confidential Romance Collection

Page 38

by Juniper Hart

  He thought of the reserve bank account that Anatoli had set up for him and presumably all the Sleepers. If he used that money, he would certainly raise red flags back at the compound, but Damon knew it would be well worth it.

  He snuck a glance at Liv and read the compassion on her face as she studied the couple, her initial ire evaporating.

  She understands how dire this situation is. She’ll do her best, I’m sure of it.

  She felt his gaze and eyed him, nodding slightly as if she could clearly read his thoughts. A wave of relief shot through Damon.

  “We’ll figure it out,” he promised them with more confidence than he should have had. Neither Miguel nor Ana looked convinced, but Damon didn’t permit them to further ponder their fate.

  “Get the kids,” he instructed. “And sit down at the dining room table. You need to eat.”

  Ana opened her mouth to argue but Miguel put a hand on her.

  “Okay,” he said simply, guiding his wife out of the kitchen.

  “They’re not convinced,” Liv sighed, stating the obvious.

  “Not yet,” Damon said with determination. “But they will be.”

  Despite Ana’s thinly veiled antagonistic attitude toward Liv, Cara was smitten with the demon.

  “You’re pretty,” the six-year-old cooed. “Like a princess. Are you a demon princess?”

  “Cara, that’s enough!” Ana barked.

  “Ana…” Miguel grumbled. “Leave her be.”

  But Cara didn’t seem to heed her mother’s warning any more than Liv, who winked and smiled at the little bear.

  “No, darling. I’m far from a princess,” she replied slyly. “I’m more of a white knight.”

  Jose snorted from his end of the table.

  “Only boys can be knights!” he protested but it was Damon who answered this time.

  “Oh, I don’t think that’s true,” he said slowly. “A knight’s job is to protect and be brave. I think Olivia certainly qualifies.”

  Jose widened his eyes and stared in disbelieving awe at Liv.

  “Really? You’re a knight?”

  Liv chuckled and gave him an appreciative look as they continued their meal. Miguel gave Liv a begrudging look of approval, even if his wife was steadfast on her disgust.

  After Anatoli brings down the Cabal, situations like this will never happen again. Beings will be judged on their own merit, not by old biases that have nothing to do with personal experience.

  Damon wondered if he was being naïve.

  After dinner, Ana reluctantly helped Liv with the dishes and Miguel herded his children upstairs. Damon offered his services but as he expected, he was ordered out of the kitchen. He retreated into the living room and flopped heavily onto the sofa, realizing how exhausted he was.

  But there’s no time for sleeping, he reminded himself. I have to stay alert just in case.

  It wasn’t until he felt a cool hand on his cheek that he saw that he’d inadvertently drifted off. Blinking wildly, he looked up at Liv’s face.

  “Why don’t you go to bed?” she suggested softly. “You look peaked.”

  Damon sat up and shook his head.

  “No, I can’t,” he said firmly. “I have to stay awake.”

  Liv nodded understandingly.

  “What if I take first watch? You rest and I’ll wake you in a few hours.”

  The offer was sweet and tempting but suddenly, Damon wasn’t tired anymore.

  “Where’s Ana?” he asked, looking over the back of the couch toward the kitchen. The lights were out everywhere but for the single lamp illuminating from the corner of the room.

  “She went to bed with the others. She wanted me to tell you goodnight.”

  He nodded and sank back, extending a hand for Liv to sit at his side. She perched gently beside him and he smiled.

  “You must be tired too,” he said. “Why don’t you go to bed? Take my room. It’s the master at the very end of the hall upstairs.”

  Liv stared at him, pressing her lips together as her face tinged slightly pink.

  “Why don’t you show me?” she breathed. Her meaning was unmistakable and Damon’s pulse quickened as he nodded.

  “Sure,” he agreed, rising, his hand still twined with hers.

  Without a word, he led her up the stairs and through the second floor toward his bedroom. When the door closed behind them, Damon was ready for her.


  Liv spun around to look at the huge master bedroom for the second time since arriving. It stole her breath as much as it had the first time but as much as she wanted to ask him how he was managing all this, Liv wanted Damon more.

  His strong arm encircled her waist, a hot kiss landing below her ears as she fell back against him to feel the rhythm of his strong heartbeat.

  “I don’t know what we’re doing,” he whispered in her ear, the words sending shivers through her body. “I have no idea how any of this is going to play out but being with you is the only thing that feels right.”

  Liv closed her eyes as they walked forward, their bodies meshing together, allowing her to sense every curve of Damon’s frame. His hardness pressed into her and she was consumed by heat.

  Her legs met the mattress of his king-sized bed, her arms falling forward to catch her as Damon’s hands slid along the hem of her skirt. Liv sighed, knowing she was helpless to do anything even if she had wanted to. She was completely at Damon’s mercy, pinned beneath him as he began to explore her body again.

  The heat of his breath sent endless waves of pleasure through her and as he removed piece after piece of clothing, she was showered in the warmth of his kisses.

  His tongue trailed along her spine, his own garments ending up along the floor until their flesh was joined, hot and sweaty. Once more, his mouth found its way to her ear.

  “We’re going to figure all this out,” he whispered. “Together.”

  “I know,” she murmured as he entered her, the words trailing off into a moan. Swiftly and deeply, Damon filled her. Liv writhed beneath him, her buttocks rising up to meet his ever-intensifying jabs.

  A cry threatened to escape her throat but she managed to suppress it in a pillow. Damon’s hands cupped her breasts and Liv could take no more, allowing herself to release against him as her body quivered.

  In less than a minute, Damon had reached her heights and with a spasm, he, too, allowed himself to be sated.

  Breathing raspily, Damon looped his fingers into hers, Liv’s face still pressed against the pillow as she turned her head to meet his mouth for a kiss. He tasted salty, delicious, and in that moment, Liv knew she would never get tired of sampling his mouth.

  “I mean it, you know,” he rasped, falling beside her without releasing her hands. “We’ll figure this out.”

  She nodded slowly.

  “I know you do,” she replied quietly. “And I think you’re right. I just don’t know how.”

  Damon shook his head.

  “If you sincerely can’t get your boss to extract them, I have an absolute last resort plan.”

  He paused, a stricken look overtaking his face.

  “And we haven’t discussed what we’re going to do with you yet,” he reminded her.

  “Me?” Liv untangled her fingers and sat up, her hair falling to cover her swollen breasts. “What about me?”

  “You need to get out of the country too.”

  Liv couldn’t help but laugh.

  “No. I’m not going anywhere.”

  “Why the hell not? Your story is bust. Stayin here is only going to get you in more trouble.”

  Liv gave him a smirk.

  “I thought you liked having me here,” she teased but he could hear the edge in her tone.

  “You know that has nothing to do with what I’m saying,” he growled. “Don’t turn this around like that.”

  She stifled a sigh.

  How was she going to explain to him that she was there on behalf of the Cabal and couldn’t leave until t
he job was done?

  “It’s not so simple,” she said evasively, half ready to come entirely clean.

  Not yet, she thought. Don’t ruin this moment between you. He’s clearly here to get away from his life in the States. I’ll tell him…just not yet.

  “I think you’re just being stubborn,” Damon insisted. Liv laid her head against his chest, forcing him back down against the soft mattress.

  “I think you’re ruining a perfectly good moment by overthinking,” she replied quietly. “Just hold me for a bit. We’ve been running ourselves ragged over the past few days.”

  His answer was the feel of his hand against her tresses, his fingers working small circles around her crown, lulling her into a state of sleepiness as he moved.

  “It’s like you said,” she murmured. “Everything will work out.”

  Yet as her eyes dropped closed, she knew that wasn’t what Damon had said at all—nor was it what she believed. She was clinging to an illusion that was going to be horribly shattered when everything finally came to light.

  The pale strains of sunlight on her face woke Liv from a dreamless sleep. She gasped as she realized she was alone in the bed and panic touched her.

  “Damon?” she called out uncertainly.

  There was no sound in the bedroom and a quick survey of the master bathroom told her that he wasn’t there. Wrapping herself in one of Damon’s oversized t-shirts, she ambled into the hallway. The house was still and that gave her a semblance of comfort as she made her way to the main floor.

  Damon lay asleep on the sofa, his chest rising and falling slightly as she approached. Liv paused to study him, her heart filling with affection for him.

  He was shirtless, his well-formed abs the focal point of her eyes as she trailed her gaze over his handsome frame. He was delicious, sexy, protective—everything she could have ever wanted in a mate.

  Is that the only reason I’m refusing to leave? she wondered. Because of the job? Or am I staying because of Damon?

  The answer unsettled her as she neared him to place a throw blanket over his half-naked form. Instantly and without warning, Damon leapt up, his face shifting as he moved. Liv reeled back in shock.

  “Liv!” Damon barked, falling back into his human form. “You scared me.”

  She laughed weakly.

  “I scared you?” she repeated. He gave her an apologetic smile.

  “Sorry. I didn’t realize I’d even fallen asleep,” he muttered.

  “You were down here all night?” Liv asked, sliding onto the couch beside him. He nodded and flopped back, blinking the sleep out of his eyes. Guilt overcame her.

  “You should have woken me up,” she told him softly. “I would have stayed up with you.”

  “What’s the point in both of us being exhausted?” he joked. “Anyway, you looked so peaceful sleeping. I couldn’t bring myself to move you.”

  Liv blushed slightly and turned away, lest he see the embarrassment on her face.

  How is he making me feel like a schoolgirl? Have I ever been this abashed by anyone in my life?

  If she had, Liv certainly couldn’t remember it.

  “Come on,” Damon yawned. “I’ll make breakfast.”

  She shook her head and rose, pausing to kiss his lips softly.

  “No,” she told him. “I’ll do it. You just relax.”

  “I’d argue with you but you’re a much better cook than me,” Damon chuckled as she parted for the kitchen.

  Damon’s shopping trip had rendered the fridge and pantry fully stocked, making breakfast an easy chore. In minutes, she had coffee on the go, the smell luring the Santos family downstairs in their bedclothes.

  “Buenas dias,” Liv said brightly. “How did you sleep?”

  There was a general incoherent mumble of approval and it wasn’t until their stomachs were full of eggs, bacon, and baked beans that real words started falling from the adults’ lips. By then, Damon had stumbled to the table, taking only coffee as he sat with the others.

  “We thought about what you had to say last night,” Miguel offered, grabbing for another piece of toast. “And I think you’re right. We do need to get out of the country. Los Asesinos aren’t likely to let this go.”

  Damon seemed relieved by his concession and Liv felt her shoulders relax slightly also but that didn’t change much from her perspective. There was still the matter of how.

  “We can find a mule,” Miguel went on. “We know some people—”

  “HELL NO!” Liv and Damon shouted in unison. Their cry startled the children and caused the adults to stare at them.

  “Are you crazy?” Damon went on. “Mules are more dangerous than the gangs themselves. And they cost money!”

  “No,” Liv interjected. “The mules belong to the gangs. You’ll be walking right into Los Asesinos and a death—”

  She cut herself off when she saw the children’s identical expressions.

  “Just no,” she went on. “Forget it.”

  Miguel grimaced.

  “How else are we going to do this?” he snapped. “Is Damon going to stay up on the couch for the rest of his life, hoping that Los Asesinos don’t come breaking down the doors?”

  “Don’t worry about me,” Damon barked back. “Worry about your family. Liv and I are working on a plan to get you out, okay? Stop talking crazy and lie low. That’s all you can do right now.”

  “Jamie has been calling my phone,” Miguel muttered. Damon paled.

  “Have you answered?” he demanded. “Turn off your damned phone. It can be tracked, pendejo!”

  Miguel paled more and jumped from the table to do as he was instructed.

  “No, I didn’t answer, of course. What was I going to tell him?”

  “That’s good,” Damon called after his retreating back. “Ignore his calls for now. If we play our cards right, we’ll have you out of here in the next day or two. Hopefully that’s enough time.”

  “Mama, we’re leaving Colombia?” Cara asked in confusion.

  “Shh, Carita. Not when the adults are talking—”

  “I don’t want to leave Colombia!” Jose cried out, his brow furrowing. “My friends are here and my primos! I don’t want to go!”

  “Ninos, calmate!” Ana snapped. Liv could see she was coming apart at the seams with all that had been thrown at her over the past day and the demon couldn’t blame her for being so overwhelmed.

  And the kids want answers just as badly, Liv thought grimly.

  “Do you guys like games?” Liv asked, shifting the children’s hurt looks toward her. They nodded slowly.

  “Well,” Liv offered, “we’re in the middle of playing a game right now.”

  They eyed her curiously.

  “What do you mean?”

  Liv cast Ana a quick look, wondering if she had overstepped, but the woman seemed happy that her children weren’t bombarding her with questions that couldn’t be answered in that moment.

  “Right now, we’re hiding. Do you like hide and seek?”

  Both children nodded vigorously.

  “Right now, we’re winning this game because we’re so well hidden, no one can find us,” Liv went on, improvising as she spoke. She didn’t have a lot of experience with children but she had their full attention now and whatever she was saying seemed to be putting them at ease.

  “But our seekers are getting closer,” she continued. “So we’ll have to move again so they don’t find us. We don’t want to be found, right?”

  Jose and Cara shook their heads in sync.

  “That’s why we might have to move to another country.”

  “That’s a crazy game of hide and seek,” Jose mumbled. Liv laughed breathlessly.

  “Yes. It is, but we want to win, don’t we?”

  Again, they bobbed their heads.

  “Then you need to listen to your parents, okay? And remember, this is a game. It’s fun.”

  They grinned at her and when Liv lifted her head, she met Ana’s look of gra
titude. It was the first time that she’d looked at her without trying to kill Liv with her eyes.

  “Gracias,” Ana mouthed from across the table and Liv smiled, darting her eyes toward Damon. His expression was just as appreciative.

  Don’t thank me yet, she thought grimly. We might lose this game still.


  Being outside felt strange after so much time indoors.

  Damon didn’t bother to voice his thoughts aloud. At least he had been freer to come and go as he pleased. Liv and the others had been trapped inside for two days, unable to even step outside, lest the neighbors somehow be connected to Los Asesinos.

  “We can’t wait any longer,” Liv had told him the previous night. “We’re working on borrowed time right now. I need to get to my apartment if there’s any hope of getting them out of here.”

  Damon had been thinking the same thing, but he hadn’t wanted to rush things. The problem was, he couldn’t gauge which was the bigger threat—going to the apartment or staying put. In any scenario, he knew they were inching into the “sitting duck” category.

  The Santos family was getting antsy, the children not as easily placated by Liv’s explanation as they had been before. Tensions ran high and even if everyone was treating one another with some civility, there was bound to be an eruption if a move wasn’t made.

  “I’ll go. Tell me what to get and where to find it,” Damon said. As he had already suspected, Liv snorted loudly and rudely.

  “The hell you are going alone,” she replied. “I’m not staying cooped up in here for one more second. Anyway, you wouldn’t understand what to look for.”


  “Damon, if they’re still there, we’ll see them and we’ll try again tomorrow. If they’re not there, we’re in the clear. It doesn’t hurt to try. By now, they have to be complacent in the idea that I’m not coming back.”

  Damon wasn’t sure if that was entirely accurate but he was hard-pressed to argue with his stubborn mate.

  They parked three blocks from Liv’s apartment before climbing out of her Kia. Dressed in dark hoodies, sunglasses masking their faces, they ambled casually toward the apartment building.


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