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A Cowboy’s Christmas List: Holidays in Heart Falls: Book 4

Page 17

by Vivian Arend

  Her lips twitched. “I have so many questions, but let’s start with, where is he?”

  Alex shook his head. “That’s not a very good place to start. How about I ask you a question first? Did Josiah give you something to bring with you?”

  She frowned. “Yes?”

  “Fantastic. Stay here, and I’ll be right back.”

  He moved fast, but he still had a layer of snow on his head and shoulders by the time he returned from grabbing the package.

  Yvette had taken off her coat and boots, but she remained standing awkwardly in the kitchen area. Alex marched past her and put the package on the counter then turned and gathered her in his arms.


  She ruffled his hair, and a snowstorm flew around them. “Hi.”

  “Answers second, kisses first,” he murmured before leaning in and taking another taste of what he so desperately needed. The sweetness of her fingers locked around the back of his neck, the tease of her tongue against his. The curl of her smile against his lips before they broke apart.

  He took a moment to remove his coat and boots, passing her a pair of slippers. “We may as well get comfy.”

  Her gaze darted all around the room, but she sat in a kitchen chair and obediently pulled on the set of moccasin-like slippers. “Are you going to get around to the point where you explain what’s going on?”

  He’d had a good solid hour to plan how to sum it up, and it still hadn’t been enough. “Stay sitting.”

  She arched a brow. “That bad?”

  “Honestly, that good.” He handed her the letter that had been propped up on the kitchen table. “At the risk of making a long story too short, Creighton has decided to move—no, let me try that again. Creighton has moved into town, as of today. As of like two hours ago. I drove him into town, and he is now living there. He wants to sell his place to you.”

  “What?” She blinked in confusion, fingers fumbling to open the letter as if hoping it would make more sense than what he’d just announced. “He moved? Then how come I’m supposed to take a look at one of his dogs, neither of which seem to need to be looked at?”

  “That’s my fault,” Alex confessed. “I needed a way to get you up here, and Josiah offered to send you on a job.”

  She slid the paper from the envelope and unfolded it. She smoothed it on the table as Alex stepped behind her, leaning down to wrap his arms around her waist as they both read the words he’d already examined earlier.

  * * *

  Ms. Wright

  Dr. Wright


  * * *

  I remember the first time you came out here. I thought Josiah had a baby sister he’d brought along for the ride. You had these braids poking out from underneath your cowboy hat, and you looked about twelve years old.

  Only, when you and him got to talking about the animals, I couldn’t understand half the words that came out of your mouth. That’s when I realized you were a whole hell of a lot smarter than me.

  You didn’t act like you were better than me. No matter how terrible I was, you stuck to your guns and treated me, and my animals, with respect.

  I’ll admit I’m not the easiest man to get along with. Stubborn, willful. Pretty damn set in my ways, and quite content with how I’ve lived my life. The only thing I never did accomplish was finding someone to spend my life with. Never got to raise a family.

  There are plenty of times, when a man’s by himself, he gets to thinking and wonders what might’ve been. I think about all the times you came up here on your own and I was extra cranky, so you rightly sassed me off and told me exactly what I needed to do, yet never raised your voice—

  I ain’t planning on writing a novel. You’re a fine veterinarian. You’re a good person. If I did have any kids, I would’ve wanted them to be like you.

  So now that I can’t live out here anymore, I’ll let you have first dibs at purchasing my land. You still need to pay me, because I’m no fool. But I only need enough to live comfortably, and I don’t mind getting it in a few chunks, if that’s easier for you. I left the price I’m willing to accept on the next page.

  I hope you’ll take care of the dogs, no matter what. Tex is old, and quiet, and his bones will enjoy retiring with me to the new place in town. The other two are too full of vim and vigour still to be happy anywhere except outdoors.

  Thanks for all you’ve done for me over the years. Because I know I didn’t say it enough.

  You give it some thought about buying the farm, then come see me.

  * * *

  Your friend,

  Creighton Reiner

  * * *

  Yvette twisted in her chair as Alex settled next to her, holding her hand.

  She was still staring at the letter, shuffling underneath for the second page. A gasp escaped her. “He wants me to buy his place. But that’s not nearly what it’s worth. He may as well be giving it away.”

  “Which is what he would do if he could,” Alex said softly. “It’s quite a compliment. That he thinks so much if you, he basically wants you to inherit his life’s work.”

  Shock danced in her eyes, but her lips curled upward slightly. She took a deep breath and nodded. “Yes, that is a compliment. I still can’t believe it’s true.”

  “Give it some time to sink in. Let me tell you about the other reason you’re here,” he offered.

  Her smile twisted again. “Please do.”

  He held her hand, brushing his thumb back and forth over the pulse point of her wrist. “You have the rest of the day and all of tomorrow off. By some strange coincidence, so do I.”

  He leaned in and pressed his lips to her cheek. To her jaw. To the sweet spot under her ear.

  “Go on,” she purred. “This sounds intriguing.”

  “Well. Since we’ve both got nowhere we have to be, I thought maybe we could take a good look around what could possibly become your new home. See what you think, make lists of pros and cons. Also, get a really good massage from your boyfriend.”

  “All of that sounds pretty wonderful,” Yvette said before tilting her head and asking him playfully, “Where is go hungry because there’s nothing to eat on this schedule?”

  “Oh, ye of little faith.” Alex motioned toward the kitchen. “I brought supplies. I brought music. We both have books to read—I picked up your new gruesome tome from Fallen Books.”

  She snickered.

  He winked. “Plus enough food, including bacon, for us to stay until I have to go on shift Saturday morning. That bag is your clothes. Brooke slipped over to your place and packed it for you then dropped it off with Josiah.”


  “Yup. And in case you’re wondering, I also brought fresh bedsheets and a large pack of condoms.”

  Laughter filled the small cabin. The happy sound bounced off the walls and echoed back into his heart.

  She slid a hand against his cheek, examining his face as if trying to memorize every line. “I would love to stay here with you.”

  Sheer happiness flooded through him, and before he realized what he was doing, he was on his feet, tugging her to the soft rug he’d tossed in front of the wood-burning stove.

  He gathered her in his arms, just sitting together as the heat slid over them, his thoughts in a whirl.

  Yvette kept turning her head slowly, looking over every inch of the little cabin. “I feel like I’m in a dream.”

  “But it’s true.” He kissed her temple. “You’re an amazing woman. Creighton wants you to have good things because the goodness in you has been shining through for years.

  She blinked for a moment. “Oh. I’m not talking about the situation with Creighton. I’m talking about being here. With you.” She lifted her fingers and pressed them over his lips before he could speak. “I’m talking about how much things have changed since I opened that envelope you sent me. The one with the very first key chain.”

  “It’s been good, hasn’t it?” Alex brushed his knuckles against
the rosy glow of her cheek. “I’ve had a lot of fun watching you open the drawers. Spending time with you.”

  “I’ve changed,” Yvette whispered. “And it’s been good, but here’s the part that feels like a dream.” She looked straight into his eyes. “I’m in love with you.”

  Alex’s brain buzzed as if he’d been hit on the head with a two-by-four.

  He had no words. All the blood that would normally supply his brain with the ability to think and reason and talk had completely shut down.

  The only thing still functioning was his heart, and the damn thing was pounding so hard, he swore the walls should be vibrating.

  Yvette’s serious expression turned into amusement. “Alex?”

  He pulled her across his lap and into his arms and squeezed her so tight, he might’ve forced a squeak out of her. “Oh my God. Oh my God.”

  Laughter bubbled up, her torso rocking against his. “Not the reaction I expected, but I like it.”

  Somehow, he let her free far enough, he could cup her face in his hands. “Really? You love me?”

  “That’s what I’m going with, yeah. I’ve never felt like this before,” she said, amusement draining away and seriousness returning. A lightness remained, bouncing between them and slipping out in her words. “I care about my friends, and I know what it feels like to want the best for people. But this thing inside that I feel for you? It’s brand new. It feels precious, but not like a teacup or a delicate statue. It’s the dogs racing around in the yard or finding a new batch of kittens. It’s horses running in the springtime, kicking up their heels.”

  Trust the veterinarian to describe her emotions in such a way. So perfect for her.

  Perfect for them.

  He was still holding her. “I love you too. But I never dreamed this would happen.”

  “See? See what I mean? It’s like a dream.”

  But it was the dream Alex had been hoping for from the beginning. “First kiss after saying I love you. This one should be extra sweet.”

  He put his lips to hers and took them softly.

  She curled her arms around him, bodies coming into contact. Then she was tugging his T-shirt free and pulling it over his head. Stripping off her own top so they were skin to skin the next time their lips met.

  Her words came out lusty and low, breath ghosting past his cheek as she played her fingers down his back. “Are we doing this here, or did you already put sheets on the bed?”

  “Yes. And yes.” It took a couple wiggles to get her straddling his legs, her jeans stripped away so she hovered close in just her bra and panties. Hands on her hips, he dragged her forward slowly over the thick ridge of his cock. “Damn, you feel good over me. “

  “Would feel even better if you took everything off,” she suggested, rocking her hips against him as little sounds escaped from the back of her throat. She stared into his eyes. “This is fun. And it’s good, but I want it to be good for you too.”

  “I have a mostly naked woman in my arms who says she loves me. I’m pretty much riding on a high right now,” he confessed.

  Still, he pushed her back far enough to scramble out of his own clothes. Yvette stopped in the middle of wiggling out of her panties, lifted her fingers to her mouth, and damn near giggled.

  He glanced around. “What?”

  She finished her task and crawled toward him, sliding her hand along his thigh—going the wrong direction. She patted his ankle and the thick wool socks still covering his feet. “You’re such a cowboy.”

  The man in front of her—buck naked except for the socks, flashed her an enormous grin then pulled her back into his lap. “I could get in so much trouble giving you a comeback to that line,” Alex said.

  A flashback to a time before, when she didn’t understand why he was constantly teasing. To a time when she was a bit too sensitive and he was a little too brash.

  But that was before, and this was now. “You did get in so much trouble, but I’ve figured out your brand of teasing.”

  “I don’t want to give up all teasing. Especially not the kind that you like.” Big, sturdy hands wrapped around her body. Fingertips drawing circles before sliding along her spine. Then he played with the sensitive skin at the top of her butt, grin growing wider the more she squirmed.

  Every bit of her body was sensitized. Mentally, she urged his touch to travel. She wanted him to take hold again and squeeze her tight. To put their bodies in motion, sliding until they were no longer two separate units but one. That’s what she wanted—

  That’s what she needed.

  What Alex wanted too, but he seemed to be on a slow track to the main event. Or at least a whole lot slower than Yvette hoped for right now.

  It was time for a little encouragement of her own. She eased her hand along his thigh and stroked steadily higher. “You’re a big fan of teasing, are you?”

  A tortured gasp escaped him as she wrapped her fingers around his hard length. “Oh, hell yes.”

  Easy strokes, fingers tightening around the warm, silky heat. “So you don’t mind if I do this for a while?”

  Every muscle in his body had tightened. Head falling back, shaking gasps escaping his lips. “I want inside you. I want to be surrounded by your heat and held in your arms.”

  A shiver struck. Taunting him for longer would be fun, and yet she’d learned this lesson as well. Getting the thing you truly wanted was a special kind of joy.

  Yvette snagged her abandoned jeans with her free hand and fished in the pocket for a condom. He groaned as she rolled it over him, fingers fumbling as excitement grew.

  He cupped her ass as she knelt over him, her hand curled over his cock as she lifted then fell slowly, sliding together wickedly without slipping him into her sex. Nerves tingled; heat rose. The slick wetness from her body coated him.

  “Yvette.” He whispered her name.

  She looked up as his tip notched between her folds. Their eyes met.

  One slow, intimate glide, and they were joined. The pleasure in her body was matched by the joy in her heart—

  His eyes. Oh, his eyes were so full of happiness and tenderness and love.

  Truly, love.

  She kissed him. “First kiss during sex after saying I love you.”

  “Making love,” he corrected softly. “It’s always making love between us.”

  Which set her heart fluttering even harder.

  She lasted all of three minutes going slow. Then the sweet caress of his hands over her body plus the hungry nip of his teeth along her neck broke her. Yvette dug her fingers into his shoulders and rode him like a pony. Both of them gasping for air, small noises and grunts of pleasure stealing into the quiet of the cozy cabin.

  Alex tightened his grip on her hips and held her high enough to pound up into her, her hand tucked between them as she stroked the place where they joined, teasing her clit.

  They broke together, his loud growl echoing in her ear as he pulsed against her. Grunting again as her climax tightened around him.

  She laughed, and he laughed, and they were kissing and holding each other so tight, there was nothing between them.

  Nothing but love.

  She was thankful to discover the cabin contained a surprisingly decadent bathroom, with a shower big enough for two. Which made cleaning up a little slower than usual but a lot more fun.

  The day kept getting better. They worked together until a simple supper sat on the sturdy kitchen table. A meal that included crisp bacon and plenty of it.

  Lots of talking still had to happen, but this was a good place to begin.

  Only one concern still hung over her. Yvette waited until they’d finished eating and the small kitchen was tidied. Then she guided him back to the couch and took Alex’s hand in hers. “There’s one thing we need to talk about sooner than later.”

  “You’re looking pretty serious.”

  “There’s only one day left in the countdown chest.” No matter how awkward, she had to have this conversation.
“If we do spend the whole day up here, that means I won’t open day twenty-four until Christmas Day.”

  Nothing untoward registered on his face.

  “You have given me some amazing presents. Obviously, what you planned pretty much worked, because spending all that time together and getting to really know you made a difference.”

  “You’re still looking worried,” Alex said. “Now you’re getting me riled up, and not in a good way.”

  Maybe it was better to just rip it off, Band-Aid style. “At one point I had to do a little surgery on the calendar chest. I dropped a key, and taking it apart was the only way, but when I got the key back, something else fell out.”

  She wiggled until she could slip it from her pocket. Because yes, she was still carrying it with her everywhere.

  Obsessed, much?

  She held up her hand, the ring resting in her palm.

  Alex frowned, picking it up and examining it carefully. “Well, that’s odd. I went over that chest from top to bottom when I was outfitting it with locks. Never the slightest idea there was something like this in it.”

  “So, it’s not from you?”

  His head snapped up, and he stared at her with enormous eyes. “Umm, no?”

  She couldn’t help it. A snort escaped. “That was definitive.”

  “I’m still wrapping my brain around this. It’s a ring.” He gasped. “Oh my God, it’s a ring.”

  Yvette quivered with suppressed laughter. He’d echoed her first thoughts.

  He shook his head. “Wow. I know I’m an optimistic son of a bitch, but even I find it difficult to imagine going from zero to ring in barely four weeks.”

  She let out a sigh, her spine melting with relief. “Thank God.”

  Alex lifted a brow. “The entire time, you thought I was about to propose? That must’ve been nerve-racking.”

  “Not the entire time. But yes, the last two weeks have been a little brain-tangling.” She poked him in the chest. “I thought you were going to give me condoms way earlier than you did too, if you remember.”


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