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The Dungeon

Page 8

by June Leung

  When they stopped briefly for a rest and to take a few sips of water, Helen’s mind turned at full speed, trying to figure out what happened.

  Did Adrian not say someone other than the gang is after Lia? Dammit… They will kill her in no time…

  Helen’s heart hammered in her chest. Although she really wanted to find Lia in one of the alleys, her hunch was now even stronger, suggesting otherwise. Their search would end up with nothing.

  William was very tense, tapping his feet on the ground. His arms crossed. She could almost hear the gears turning in his head.

  “What do you think happened to Lia? Where could she be?” Helen asked.

  “I wonder… I have different guesses, but none seems to best fit what happened. I used to think whoever is after Lia wanted her to die, seeing both times, the killers were sent for her life. They seemed to show no attempt in capturing her. But there’s no saying they must keep doing what they have done.

  “I am leaning towards the dark magicians. I am pretty certain they are lurking somewhere. But I don’t know whether it means there are two different groups of people after Lia’s life or not. They may be connected to those who tried to kill her. From what I know, they will go to whatever length necessary to see their evil goal fulfilled.

  “Maybe we can stop searching. If Lia is captured, and if it was them, they probably won’t leave any traces. I have my fair share of experience with them. Whoever did it is very skilled.” He sighed, running his fingers along his hair.

  Helen gulped, William seemed to already know a lot. “Why would they want to catch Lia?”

  “If it is the dark magicians, probably for her power. They seem to have an obsession to capture or to control magicians for their power. Lia would be a good target for them. She has the power and the potential, but she has yet trained up her combat magic, making her an easy target.”

  “What would they do to her?”

  William shook his head, wincing. “Nothing good. They had their ways of torturing their prey. Back in the day, some of us that were captured by them… Either they failed to treat a dead body well or they wanted us to see it. The bodies were… something you will never want to see for yourself. I hope Lia isn’t in their hands…”

  But I hope Lia is in Adrian’s hands. If she wasn’t, it could only be worse. Adrian wouldn’t hurt her. What happened between William, the Elements, and the dark magicians?

  Maybe it was another gangster from The Orbit looking for revenge. They had been going after Lia. The thought sent a chill down her spine.

  Please be safe, Lia…

  Chapter 16


  Hours ago, Benjamin had stopped in the closest alley he could use to hide himself from William’s eyes. The crow told him that Lia was out there with her team. Maybe it was his little dream, but he wanted to tell Lia how Adrian had been recently. It wasn’t fair to her for him to push her to talk to Adrian, but for his King, he would try.

  The fire on the building was crazy. Even at a distance, the heat made the spring feel like summer, and even the extra moisture in the air didn’t seem to help.

  As he watched Lia and Helen protecting victims, he raised his brows with his arms crossed. The fire seemed to be nothing special. There could only be two reasons for William to take this case: either the fire was indeed special, or he was running low on cash. After the meteorite monsters, there seemed to be few ways for the Elements to make money.

  He leaned against the wall, watching the team and the firefighters in action. Lia looked to be fine as she shot at debris. That woman looked strong and very capable despite some time away from her training. Benjamin sighed. He saw why Adrian would like her, but still there’s no telling why he wouldn’t let her know. When he knew Lia was out of the clan, he called Adrian, but no one picked up.

  Lia received a woman from Helen’s vine, shouting for the paramedics and settling her on a stretcher. Then Lia was walking away from the scene. The fire was still burning—where was she going? She stumbled to sit. William walked to her side, handing her a bottle of water. She downed it, panting.

  There was the smell of dark magic in the air. Crap! Lia…

  William was right there by her side. Benjamin’s heart skipped a beat. Lia was shaking, holding her head. The chance of the power overwhelming her was too high for him to bet his luck. He didn’t come to just look at her. If he didn’t get her out safely, the King would tear him into pieces. Hell, where even was Adrian?

  Helen was walking towards Lia as she reached for her pocket. William tensed, almost lifting his hand towards Lia. Benjamin flicked his eyes to the burning building. He mouthed a sorry to whoever that may still be inside the fire. He narrowed his eyes, focusing his magic into the building. He clenched a fist, cracking the nearest window. At least he was still in range with the psychic force. There was a loud bang of things breaking.

  As Helen and William spun around, Benjamin jumped out of the alley with only a split second in his hands. He focused, connecting himself to the power field of Zitannas. Please work! he chanted, warping the memories around him as he dashed towards Lia. He grabbed her on the waist with one arm and lifted her under the knees with the other. She was hot like melting iron in his hands. His heart raced as he made his way back to the alley. He was drenched in sweat, the power inside him draining as he fought to delay William and Helen’s senses.

  It didn’t help that Lia seemed to be immune from the memory warp trick. She seemed to know half of what was happening. She struggled as her hands wrapped around his throat. The choking and nausea hit him. He grunted, quickly draining Lia’s power. Dammit, she was strong. He barely ducked into the alley before he heard William’s shout.

  “What the hell?”

  Benjamin’s heart almost jumped out of his chest. There didn’t seem to be footsteps coming his way though. Hopefully, his magic was enough to deter them. He kept running back to his car by the other side of the alley. Lia was limp, her face buried in his chest as he held her tight.

  He looked around, slowing his steps as he left the alley. There were people around, he better not look like a kidnapper. The fire seemed a world away, but William and Helen would be searching around soon. He opened the door of his car, putting Lia to the back seat. He hurried to get behind the wheel and started the car. He was drenched in sweat, panting from the rescue. At least when he pulled into the street, no one seemed to be paying attention.

  Now that he was a bit at ease, a monster-like headache almost caused him to run the red light. He rubbed his temple, wincing as he hunched over the steering wheel. It was crazy how strong Lia had become. His throat tightened as her power seemed to be tearing at his organs and blurring his vision. No way he could drive. Where was Adrian? Benjamin slammed at his phone, the dialling seemed to go on for an eternity.

  The cars behind him were honking. He took in a shaky breath. He had to get as far away as he could. He forced himself to sit up straight. Lia was in the backseat, unmoving. You better keep the King happy, or else… Well, Adrian should be the one I am blaming…

  He steeled himself, starting the car again. His phone finally clicked and Adrian’s sleepy voice answered. “Ben…?”

  “What the hell are you doing! Before I crash the car with your precious girl inside, do something!” Benjamin shouted. It was absolutely not a good idea to drive when the pain was threatening to swallow him and his arms were a bit too numb to lift, not helpful to add in the shout.

  “Lia? Gosh!” There was scrambling from the other end of the phone and Adrian finally sounded awake.

  The pain in Benjamin’s body slowly eased as if the boots that stomped on his chest lifted. He gasped, his lungs finally seeming to work. His vision cleared and driving became easy again. If he had failed to wake Adrian, Lia’s power could have already killed him. He shivered at the thought.

  “Ben… What’s happening? You are with Lia?” Adrian asked, his voice trembling.

  Benjamin nodded, despite Adrian wouldn’t
see him. He flicked his eyes to the back seat. Lia was still lying motionless. He wanted to stop and check on her, but they were on a highway. There was nothing he could do to help until the King was around. Benjamin cursed himself under his breath. Why didn’t he try to make Adrian tell him more about the dark magic? “Well, when you are still a pile of drunk mess, the Elements were out fighting a fire. Lia could’ve died with William finding out her power.”

  “Dammit… is she still alive now?” Adrian swallowed audibly.

  “Alive, yes, but unconscious. I am heading to the den. I think she needs more help than your office could give.” Benjamin pinched the bridge of his nose. Lia didn’t even stir from the two of them chatting hand-free on the call.

  “I will be there as soon as I can.” There was a low thud from that side of the phone, accompanied by Adrian’s yelp.

  Benjamin chuckled, shaking his head. “Turn on the light before you stub your poor toes again.”

  Adrian muttered under his breath before cutting the call.

  Poor Lia had to suffer all these without any help. If only Adrian wasn’t that avoidant of his feelings, and would actually care more about her. Or if only he knew how to help her more, just so she wouldn’t be in such a misery.

  There was now no turning back. William saw Lia struggling. Maybe he had felt dark magic there. William wasn’t smart, but he wasn’t that dumb either. She could no longer go back as if nothing happened. Benjamin swallowed, his throat burning. Would this push Adrian to finally make a decision?

  Benjamin grabbed Lia as he arrived near the den. It was in a remote countryside, safely away from the rest of the busy city, with a five-minute walk to the entrance. He peeked at the road through the thicker forest to make sure no one was following them. He lifted Lia, she didn’t move a bit. She better still be living, otherwise, he may as well die in a car crash than to be facing a mad Adrian. There’s no sign of Adrian’s car, he probably was still on the road. Anyways, he knew where to bring Lia.

  Kicking open the hidden door to the den, he carefully made his way in with Lia in his arms. He squinted as his eyes grew to accommodate the dim corridor of the den. He was walking down the stairs into the den when Lia came out of her slump. Her eyes snapped open, glowing bright red. Benjamin’s breath caught, and before he could drop her, she screamed like a fierce beast, snatching for his throat. He jerked back—his throat was spared, but she’d gotten his shoulder.

  With deadly force, she twisted his arm off its socket, her nails digging deep into him and leaving his arm numb. Benjamin gritted his teeth, biting down a scream. He shoved Lia away with his other arm. He winced, she probably tore a few tendons. He willed his arm to move, but it didn’t move an inch but shouting pain. It dangled at his side, the air knocked out of him.

  Lia got up from the floor, her eyes still red as ice began to form in her hands when a shadow from his back pushed him to the side, pinning Lia to the wall behind her. He bumped into the wall and slipped down to the floor. Lia’s eyes soon dimmed as she slumped onto the floor as well.

  “Sorry I’m late.” Adrian turned around. Benjamin never expected to feel such relief. Adrian hurried to his side, checking on his poor arm. Benajmin didn’t feel a thing under Adrian’s hand.

  “Will it still work?” Benjamin grimaced. He had no idea how he’d stay alive with one arm.

  Adrian chuckled as he rubbed Benjamin’s arm, reaching towards his shoulder, but none of the touch registered in Benjamin’s mind, probably still drowned by the immense pain. Adrian pinched the socket of Benjamin’s shoulder. It shot another surge of pain, he barely held back a sob.

  “You think I am out of tricks, huh?” Adrian rested both of his hands on Benjamin’s shoulder. The pain made it hard to know where the hands were if he wasn’t watching with his eyes wide with fear.

  A strong and hot stream channelled through Benjamin’s body, spreading to every part of him. Another pain lit inside him, he gritted his teeth, willing it to end. Eventually, the pain slowly left with a few popping sounds from his shoulder, a scratching noise, and jolts of electricity near the joint. It was still a bit too intense to keep his face straight. Hopefully, Adrian knew what he was doing.

  He flicked his eyes to Lia as Adrian was busy healing his injury. She was lying by the wall with her eyes closed. His instinct shouted at him to get further away from her in case she launched at him again, but he shook his head. It wasn’t Lia; it was her power.

  After a minute, Adrian straightened, gently patting Benjamin’s shoulder. “Feeling good?”

  He wriggled his fingers and lifted his arm. Happy tears escaped him as he could finally move it. Stupid for him to take that as granted before. He let out a heavy sigh of relief, letting himself slump on to the wall behind. “Gosh! I thought I lost my poor arm.”

  Adrian winced, rubbing his temple, but he chuckled. “I’m not letting that happen anytime soon. She is fierce, right?” He glanced at Lia with a glint of sadness in his eyes.

  Benjamin sat up, following Adrian’s gaze. “I’m blaming that on you. You’re the one leaving your girl unattended.”

  Adrian huffed. “I… She is not my girl.”

  “How about before she tears off my other arm, we get her settled first?” He carefully stood, holding on to the wall. His injured arm felt fine from Adrian’s magic, but he didn’t want the risk of hurting it that soon with his own weight.

  “Sure.” Adrian stood and reached for Lia. He leaned down to her, wrapping his arm around her. He grimaced, a sob escaped him before he lifted her. His brows knitted.

  Benjamin asked, “Is it bad?”

  Adrian’s voice was trembling. “Yes. I don’t even know whether she’ll wake up or not…”

  Chapter 17


  “Is this really necessary?” Helen asked, shifting slightly in her seat. It was the day after Lia disappeared. Helen had just finished training and she and Patrick were in the arena with Eric sitting opposite to them. A deafening silence and a sense of emptiness lingered in the large space.

  “It is William and my decision. We have no idea what happened to Lia. She’s been attacked twice, and now she vanished before William’s eyes. We worry whoever kidnapped her is after magicians and will probably target you down the road.” Eric scratched the back of his neck, sighing heavily.

  “But we aren’t children. You don’t have to follow us everywhere,” Patrick said.

  Helen struggled to resist a smile as she pictured William and Patrick walking on the street side by side when Patrick was on his way to shop for rock music albums. Neither of them was going to like this idea at all.

  Eric said, “Do you think we have too much time on our hands? Before we know what is happening, we have to be careful. It would be better for you to stay here and stop going out. We cast a magic here, so that if someone tries to get in, it will alarm us. Especially anything magical.”

  “Shouldn’t there have been something like that before?” Helen asked.

  “Basic surveillance, yes; instant notification, no. We don’t have the time to dig through footage when there haven’t been any threats.”

  Helen said, “Would we trigger the magic?”

  “No, but please don’t sneak out because of that. Just stay here until we figure things out, OK?” Eric fumbled with his hair. “If even William couldn’t sense anything, whoever captured Lia is very strong, or at least very fast. Don’t take that risk.”

  Helen stared at the ground, rubbing her feet together. She had been trying to reach Lia through text to no avail. Although if she was captured by someone, she probably wouldn’t have access to her phone anyway. They hadn’t even been delivered.

  Yesterday was extremely tough for Helen. She had been walking with her heart elsewhere since Lia disappeared. As she and William headed back to his car, she almost bumped into a lamp post and people a few times. She could hardly buckle the seat belt; her hands were shaking too much.

  Back in the clan, William dismissed her from the r
est of her training and cases that day, telling her to get some rest. She could barely register what was said. After she made it back to another guest room, she collapsed onto the bed, crying. She clenched the cover tightly, gritting her teeth. She should’ve been looking at Lia, not checking out the stupid explosion, then at least she would have seen who kidnapped her.

  Maybe Lia felt the same when she was in the hospital after getting chewed on by the meteorite monsters. Helen sighed; there seemed to be no way to stop bad things from happening.

  She woke up to Patrick knocking on the door, letting her know dinner was ready but she had no appetite at all. She refused dinner and curled back up into a ball on the bed. What would happen if whoever was in charge of the gang got Lia? What were they doing to her? Was she already dead?

  Her breath caught at the thought. Adrian would be very mad at her. Maybe it wasn’t that bad an idea to stay in the clan. Glad she didn’t reach out to him yet. He may not already know. If she found Lia before him, maybe it would work out. But that was Adrian after all…

  “…Are you listening? Helen?”

  Helen snapped her head up at Eric’s voice. Both Patrick and Eric were looking at her with concerned looks. “Sorry, I was thinking about other things…”

  Eric sighed, patting her shoulder. “That’s OK, I know it’s hard. We are digging through surveillance cameras from buildings and cars nearby, hoping one of them caught what happened. Hopefully, we will find her soon.”

  Helen sank her hands into the pocket of her tracksuit pants. She flinched at the touch of the piece of amber Adrian gave her. The coolness of it sent a shiver down her spine.

  Right. I have an angry devil waiting somewhere to chop my head off…

  Patrick and Eric were still talking about something, but she stopped listening.


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