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A Match Made In Vegas

Page 11

by Debra Salonen

  She knew without a doubt this had to do with Mark. He should have been back from the bus stop by now, she thought, hurrying across the wet grass to the far corner of the yard where she could see the street in both directions. A block away, a large orange bus was lumbering off.

  The bigger bus was Luca's. Lately, Mark had taken to waiting for the older boy to arrive from school, hoping Braden and Luca would become better acquainted. Had Mark seen the cops?

  She watched the three figures turn and start toward the school. Mark was too far away for her to see his expression, but she could tell by the way his shoulders were set that he was bracing himself for something bad.

  She hurried back to the gate and stepped out. "Zeke," she called. "What's going on?"

  The silver-haired detective joined her. "The informant who gave us Mark's name was found dead this morning. Gunshot."

  “That's too bad, but surely you don't think Mark did it?"

  Zeke's face was unreadable, but Alexa could tell that he was upset. "We have to bring him in for questioning. Procedure. If his alibi checks out, he'll be out in a couple of hours."

  "You're going to take him away in a police car?" she cried. "In front of his son? No way. That isn't right. Zeke, please, I'm begging you. Let Mark come inside and get Braden settled, then he can come back here and leave with you."

  Zeke's gaze was on the man walking between two little boys. Mark appeared at ease, although Alexa could tell he wasn't.

  “This dog-and-pony show wasn't my idea," Zeke said, his voice harsh. "I'll keep them off his tail for ten minutes."

  Impulsively, Alexa rose up on her toes to kiss his leathery cheek. 'Thanks." Then, she dashed to the corner to intercept Mark and the boys.

  "Hi, guys. Lots of excitement today. We have to hurry and get inside, then Mark is going to come back and go with the police to help them."

  "Help them do what?" Luca asked.

  "Solve a crime. Zeke couldn't tell me all the details, but Mark is the only one who can help them find the bad guy."

  Mark hesitated, as if not sure whether to accompany her inside or not. She grabbed his arm and plastered herself to his side as she took Braden's hand. 'This is a really important job. I know you'll have a wild story to tell us when you get back, but we need to chat a minute before you leave. Okay?"

  He was close enough for her see the fine greenish gold tint to his irises. Such pretty eyes for a man, she'd always thought. Now, those eyes were narrowed with concern. "Sure," he said, not even looking toward the police cars.

  Alexa did, though. Zeke was engaged in an animated discussion with two uniformed policemen and one female officer. The woman seemed visibly upset.

  "That was Tracey's best friend when she was on the force. Can't remember her name," Mark said, as he and Alexa waited for Braden and Luca to walk into the building ahead of them.

  "You're not surprised she put on a big show to arrest you?"

  He nodded. "Zeke called me on my cell as I was waiting for the bus. He wasn't sure he'd get here in time to help." His lips quivered a second then turned up. "I should have told him not to bother since you raced to my rescue."

  She wasn't sure whether to laugh or cry. "What happens now? Are they arresting you?"

  "I don't know what's going to happen." He closed the door and turned to look her in the eyes. "Will you keep Braden if this runs long? I hate to ask, but I really don't have a choice. I'm sorry. I know you don't feel too hot today."

  His observation surprised her. She thought she'd hidden her symptoms well, but apparently not that well. "I'm fine. A little PMS. Braden can stay as long as it takes. I have a whole drawer of extra kids' clothes that I've accumulated over the years. Not to worry."

  He nodded. "Thanks. That means a lot to me. Now, I'd better get inside and make up something to tell him."

  "Tell him the truth—well, as close to the truth as you can. I think he's comfortable enough with me that he won't feel abandoned."

  He put his hand on the small of her back and leaned around her to open the door. His lips brushed past her ear and he added, "You're a lifesaver, Alexa. Thank you."

  Then he kissed her.

  Just a peck. Hopefully hidden from the cops on the street. But a sweet taste of the past—of what they'd almost had. And can't have again.

  She hurried inside. Fortunately, she had her hands full calming the children and getting their focus off the flashing lights on the street.

  "Everybody, where are your ears?" she asked, putting both hands to either side of her head. "What do we do with our ears?"

  "Listen," the high-pitched chorus cried.

  “Good. Then come to the circle and sit down, and while we talk about the police officers who are helpers in our lives, Miss Rita will get our snack ready. Luca, Maya, will you join us, please? Braden can come when he's done talking with his daddy."

  Maya, who had been part of the group at the window until her friend walked inside, didn't appear anxious to leave Braden's side. "But Auntie Alexa—"

  "Can you come by yourself or do you need my help?"

  With a dramatic sigh, the little girl trudged across the room and sat down—well away from Alexa. Luca, who usually stayed at the "big kid" table, sat down beside her.

  "Thank you. Now, who can tell me what kinds of officers were outside just now?"

  "I know. I know," William shouted. "Police."

  Mark, who was trying to make sure he handled what was coming without scaring his son, heard the word reverberate through the connected rooms. Braden didn’t react outwardly, but Mark sensed his building anxiety.

  He pulled up one of the spare chairs and sat down, his knees practically touching his chest. "Bray, I have to go with Zeke. You remember him, don't you? He's a police officer. Like Mommy used to be."

  Braden hung up his coat and turned to face Mark. Even though no question came from his son's lips, Mark could hear the big "Why?"

  "I don't know exactly what's going to happen, son. I might be there a couple of hours, maybe even overnight. But Alexa said you could stay with her for however long this takes. Are you okay with that? You like her. You're safe here. Everything will be okay. I promise."

  Mark held out his arms. "Hug goodbye?"

  Braden ran to him. His thin arms squeezed Mark tightly. Mark was blinking back tears when he looked up and spotted Zeke in the doorway of the cloakroom. He kissed his son then turned him around and pointed him toward the rug with the sunshine circle. "Be good for Alexa. I love you, Braden."

  Chapter 13

  "Hey, cuz, Luca told me about the excitement around here this afternoon. You and the kid okay?"

  Alexa smiled at the phone. "We're fine, Gregor. Thanks for asking. Braden just had a bath and is getting his pajamas on. A hand-me-down pair from Luca, I think. Something with Star Wars figures on it."

  "Sounds like Luca's. He was pretty upset that the cops took Braden's dad away. What was that all about?"

  "They took him for questioning. I don't know the details, and I haven't heard anything since they left."

  "Does this have to do with the kid's mom's death?"

  "I think so."

  Her cousin let out a soft groan. "Man, and I thought my life was screwed up. At least my wife is getting better." He paused then added, "Did I tell you the doctor said MaryAnn could come home for the holidays? Two full weeks. And if she does okay, she'll be able to stay for good."

  Alexa finished drying the skillet she'd used for their hamburgers. She'd been afraid Braden would be too upset to eat, but the child had finished off every bite of his sandwich and a good-size mound of green beans. Even Maya turned her nose up at vegetables.

  "That's wonderful news, Gregor. When do you pick her up?”

  "Saturday. I was going to throw a party, but your mother said we should play it low-key to let MaryAnn settle back. Smart woman, your mother."

  "I agree. Besides, MaryAnn will see everybody at Christmas, right? That's only thirteen days away."

on't remind me. I haven't bought any presents. I wanted to, but then I thought maybe that's something MaryAnn and I should do together. But you know how stressful shopping is. The people, the noise...the money. It's gonna be a little skimpy under our tree unless Santa hits the lotto."

  Unless Santa hits the lotto? Oh, no, does that mean Greg is gambling again?

  As if in answer to her unasked question, he said, "I meant the North Pole Santa, not me. I haven't laid a wager since MaryAnn went to Montevista."

  Alexa believed him. Although her cousin had been a carefree goof-off as a kid and downright lazy and immature as an adult, he'd changed after nearly losing MaryAnn. That near-miss had made him grow up.

  "I'm really glad to hear that, Greg. MaryAnn is going to be so proud of you." Before she could add that the whole family was proud of him, Braden walked in. Damp blond hair sticking up in all directions. His plastic-soled sleepers made a scratching sound against the tile floor. He looked at her and smiled, and Alexa's voice left her.

  Coughing into her hand, she said, “My houseguest is here. Gotta go. Thanks for checking on us."

  "No problem. Call if you hear from Mark or you need anything. Braden could come over here, if you have to go pick him up or anything."

  "Sweet of you to offer, but I think we'll be fine. Night."

  She hung up the phone then walked to where Braden was standing, looking a little lost. "Nice jammies. They fit perfectly. They were Luca's, you know."

  Braden looked down and pointed to the image of a young boy with blond hair. Alexa had seen all the original Star Wars movies, but hadn’t gotten into the more recent releases, so she didn’t recognize the character by name, if that was what he was asking. "I don't know who that is. He looks a little bit like you, though, doesn't he?"

  Braden grunted, as if slightly put out.

  "Sorry, honey boy, I don't understand. Do you want to find out this character's name? We can go online. My laptop is in my bedroom. Follow me."

  She started away but was stopped by a single word.


  She turned around. "Braden. You spoke. Wow. Your dad would be really happy to hear that. But I still don't understand. Do you want to watch the movie? I don't have it on video, but Gregor probably does."

  "No." This time he shook his head, too.

  Alexa wanted to jump up and down and shout, but she didn't think she should make a big deal about this foray into speech. As if he were a feral kitten and she was coaxing him to eat, she squatted in front of him and said, "Do you know who this character is?"

  Braden nodded.

  “Can you tell me his name?"

  He took a deep breath and opened his mouth, but before he could say a word, the doorbell rang. Her first thought was her cousin had run something over for Braden, but then Mark appeared in her mind. "Hold that thought, sweetheart. I'd better check in case it's your daddy. Maybe his cell-phone battery died."

  She'd tried Mark's number earlier and had been told the cellular customer she was calling wasn't available.

  She stood up and started toward the hallway when she felt a small, cool hand touch hers. "Do you want to come?"

  Braden nodded.

  "Okay. Let's go see who it is."

  Out of habit, Alexa looked through the peephole before opening the door. A woman in her mid to late fifties was standing on the stoop. A brightly colored wool scarf was wrapped several times around her neck with the ends tucked into her black leather jacket. Her faded blond hair stuck out in wisps not unlike the way Braden's had looked when he'd gotten out of the bath. She was smoking a cigarette, which she dropped to the cement beside the welcome mat and ground out with her heel.

  Alexa's heart rate sped up. A stranger, but Alexa had a suspicion about who this was.

  She took Braden's shoulders in her hands and made sure he was looking at her. "Go over by my desk and wait. I don't recognize this person." The bell rang again. "But I don't think she's going away."

  After making sure the safety chain was in place, Alexa opened the door. "Yes?"

  "I'm here for my grandson."


  "I'm sorry, but I don't release any child in my care to anyone without a parent's written consent. Please go away."

  "And let my grandson stay in the same house as his mother's worst enemy? Not on your life, baby cakes."

  Baby cakes? The archaic choice of words almost made Alexa smile, but the fact that this woman considered her Tracey's worst enemy wasn't pleasant. She hadn't really known Tracey, except by reputation.

  She started to close the door, but the woman stuck her arm through the narrow opening and leaned inward. Her breath, which smelled of liquor and cigarettes, was almost enough to make Alexa gag.

  "You need to leave. Now," she said, as sternly as possible. "Mark will be back soon. If you have a complaint, take it up with him."

  “Come here, honey boy," the woman called, making an awkward motion with her hand. “Come to Grandma Odessa."

  Alexa glanced over her shoulder and saw Braden cover his ears and scoot around the corner of the desk. The look of abject fear in his eyes brought out Alexa's fury. She put both hands on the twig-like leather-clad arm and pushed, until the woman let out a yelp and yanked it back.

  Leaning her full weight against the door, she closed it firmly and yelled, "Get off my property now before I call the police and file a complaint. If you ever come back, I'll slap a restraining order on you and make sure you spend time in jail.”

  She could hear the woman's furious reply, but most of the words were unfit for a child's ears so Alexa raced to the desk, scooped Braden up in her arms and hurried down the hallway.

  She locked the dead bolt on her bedroom door, then grabbed her cell phone and carried Braden to the love seat in her suite area. She made sure he was okay, and then she punched in the first number that came to mind.

  "Greg, there's someone on my porch. I'll call the police next, but I want you make sure she doesn't try anything while they're coming. Can you—?"

  "Hell, yes." he said, not letting her finish the question.

  Alexa heard him running with the phone. A couple of seconds later, his voice slightly breathless, he said, "Whoever it was is gone. A car took off just as I ran out the door. All I saw was taillights. Couldn't make out the plate. Sorry, cuz."

  Alexa let out a deep sigh of relief. "No problem. Since I know who it was, I'll text Zeke, instead of calling 9-1-1. Thanks, Greg. I really appreciate it."

  "No problem. The offer still stands. You and the kid can come over here or we can stay with you."

  She was more tempted now than she had been earlier, but first she'd see what Zeke had to say. She told Gregor she'd call him back with her decision.

  Her fingers were shaking too badly to text so called Zeke's cell number. The line was busy. She chose not to leave a message because she didn’t want Braden to hear just how upset she was.

  She set her phone on the side table. "Wow. That was pretty wild. Your grandmother doesn't take no for an answer, does she?"

  Braden looked up—his eyes huge and still filled with worry. Alexa 's heart shattered, and she had to swallow twice before she could speak. "Braden, I can tell that your grandmother scares you. Heck, she scared me and I'm an adult. I don't like people like that, and I promise I will never let her near you unless you and your dad say it's okay. Do you believe me?"

  It took a few seconds before he nodded.

  “Good. Now, let me try Zeke again and we—"

  The doorbell buzzed.

  Braden turned his face into the pillowy cushion of the sofa, as if hoping it would swallow him whole. "You stay here this time, kiddo. I don't want you to hear what I plan to tell that woman."

  Taking her phone with her, Alexa hit Redial as she stalked down the hallway. She'd left the lights on in the day care. This time, she didn't even bother to look out the peephole. Forgetting that she'd called Zeke, she planted her feet just opposite the door and shouted, "What is your problem
, you stupid woman? What part of 'Go away or I'm calling the police' don't you understand? My mother's boyfriend is a cop. My sister is marrying a cop. My other sister is married to a lawyer. Believe me, this is one family you don't want to mess with."

  When no reply was forthcoming, Alexa cautiously leaned closer and looked out.

  “Zeke," she yelped.

  She couldn't get the door opened fast enough. Her fingers felt as if she had ski gloves on. She had to tuck the phone under her arm until she finally got the latch off and the lock undone. “I was just calling—" She made a little cry and whipped the phone out from her armpit. "Sorry," she said sheepishly as she turned it off.

  "Not a problem. I was on my way over here when Gregor called. Mark had asked me to drop by and check on things. Are you okay?"

  “I am, now. How's Mark? Are you still holding him? Why? You know he didn't kill his wife or anybody else."

  "Spoken like a woman defending her man," he said in a kindly way. "He's got a call in to your brother-in-law. Things took a tricky turn. Mark gave the investigators permission to search his house and cars. A gun—the same caliber as the one that killed the drug dealer—turned up in his Nissan."

  Alexa's stomach rolled and the pain that had been dogging her all day finally let loose a punch that nearly made her bend over. "Whoa, Alexa, take it easy. Nobody believes Mark was stupid enough to leave his kid alone in the house while he drove across town and shot the person who was accusing him of murder, then tucked the damn gun under his seat. The gun is a plant. We just have to find the person who put it there."

  "Someone who hates Mark enough to try to put him behind bars. Someone like Tracey's mother."

  "Yes, I know. I talked to her earlier. Just a hunch, but I think that's how she found out where the little boy was staying. Unfortunately, she has an airtight alibi at the time of death. She was on camera in a blackjack tournament at the Gold Spike. But the lowlife scum she's living with is another possibility. We're looking for him, but so far no luck."


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