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The Devil’s Plaything: A Dark Mafia Romance

Page 6

by René, Dani

  Strangely, in this darkness, I feel safe, even if it’s just for this moment. There’s no guarantee he will listen to my pleas, and any promises made by Satan himself cannot be trusted. But deep down, I pray that Victor will allow me to plead my father’s case and give him the leniency that I think he deserves.

  Punishment comes after a crime, it’s how the world works, but I need to save my father, and if I’m the payment that Victor wants, then I’ll gladly sacrifice myself. Perhaps I can make him see that I could be an asset to him, rather than him killing me and making a spectacle of it.

  He could’ve walked down here and slit my throat for what papá did. But he didn’t, he told me I’d be his toy. Whatever that involves, I’ll bear it, as long as he keeps his promise and lets my father leave, without hurting him even more.

  And, once my payment is up, I get to leave as well.

  I lean to the side, curling into a ball; I breathe in and out, attempting to calm my heart rate while I attempt to think my way out of the situation that I now find myself in. All my life, I’ve been taught to keep my family close, but this time, I’m going to need to keep my enemy even closer.

  My father taught me to be intelligent, to watch people’s actions and listen to their words. When you’re observant, you can pick out their weaknesses and use them to your advantage. And I know that’s what I have to do with Victor; I need to find out what makes him weak.

  * * *

  A screech tears from my throat when I open my eyes to see a man hovering over me. He doesn’t move, merely stares down at me as if I were on display, and he was a paying client. Those gold eyes are glimmering with amusement at my fear, and I recognize the smirk that tilts his full lips.

  “You’re rather skittish, Sofía,” he tells me, before taking a step back to observe me from farther away. Even though he’s no longer leaning over me, his presence is like a force of nature. It’s almost as if he’s holding me down on the small bed.

  “Where is my father?” The words tumble free before I can ask about when he’s letting me out of this fucking box that I’ve been holed up in.

  “Feisty little toy,” he utters. “Your father is currently being held in one of my warehouses.” He turns his back to me, and I can’t help my gaze from trailing over his large frame. He’s easily double my weight and more than a foot taller.

  The thought of fighting him doesn’t seem like a possibility. My heart sinks when I think about my father being in a cold, empty warehouse with Victor’s thugs hurting him.

  “Is he even alive?” I bite out angrily, causing him to chuckle darkly. The sound is low, a vibration of happiness at my sadness. He’s a fucking monster.

  “Of course, he is, juguete,” he confirms, turning to face me. “I keep my promises. And you’ve been so kind as to offer yourself as payment. Tonight, will be your first event.”


  “Si, Sofía.” He holds out his hand to me, offering me a way out of the cell, and as much as I hate him and he scares me, I know I’ll have to submit to him. He won’t give up until he’s seen me bow down to him and that thought has my chest tightening. I focus on my breathing, trying to calm my thoughts along with my heartbeat.

  I slip my hand in his, and he tugs me up without effort. His strength is unmistakable. The man could kill me with one hand wrapped around my slender throat. The thought causes me to shiver. Victor’s eyes hold mine hostage for a moment, as if he is trying to read my mind, then he turns and leads me up the stairs he appeared from last night.

  “Where are we going?”

  He doesn’t respond. When we reach the top of the steps, he tugs me through the doorway, and I’m met with bright light, which hurts my eyes, causing me to wince in agony. Victor waits, his eyes on me at all times, while I allow my vision to get used to the sunshine streaming through the kitchen window.

  “This is the castle.” I speak without thinking, knowing it’s stupid to be in awe of it, but it’s one of the homes I’ve always wondered about. Knowing my father would come here daily, I always begged him to bring me to work, but he always refused.

  “It is indeed the Cordero Compound,” my captor tells me, with a proud grin on his handsome face. “Come, little one, you need to get clean,” he tells me, as if I’m a burden on him because I’m sweaty and smelly.

  He leads me through the home toward a staircase that’s beautifully carpeted with deep reds and auburns. The railing looks as if it’s gilded, and as we make our way to the second floor, I can’t help admiring how exquisite the house is.

  The paintings that hang on the walls are opulent, in frames made of the finest gilded wood, and the tapestries look like they’ve been hand woven by a million angels. Everything in this house screams of the wealth that Victor has because of the crimes he commits.

  I’m led into a bedroom that has a large four-poster bed, with dark bedding the color of red wine. The curtains are open, offering a view of the gardens. There’s a small armchair positioned toward the window, a small vanity with a mirror and stool, and a door off to the right opposite the bed.

  “The bathroom is over there,” Victor points to the door I’ve been staring at. “Everything you need will be there. If there’s anything missing, tell me and I’ll have the maid head out and buy it for you.”

  “I want to see my father.”

  “Once you’ve showered and changed into clean clothes, you’ll be able to see him.” He seems serious, rigid almost, and I wonder what’s running through his mind as he watches me. Is this something he does all the time? Kidnaps girls and locks them in a bedroom for later use. The thought makes me shiver once more, a cold, fearful chill trickling through me and I have to shake it off if I’m going to survive this. I need to stay strong, show him I’m not easily broken.

  “Don’t go back on your word.” I don’t look at him when I say this; instead, I keep my gaze on the gardens of the compound. Even though my back is to him, I’m not fearful of him hurting me in here. I’m not sure why. I can’t explain it, but I stay standing, hoping he’ll walk out soon.

  “Sofía,” he calls my name slowly, sensually, as if he’s tasting it on his tongue. Allowing him my eyes, I cast a glance over my shoulder, with my arms folded across my chest, my attempt at closing myself off to his lies. “I’m not the monster in your fairy tale.”

  “This is no fairy tale, Mr. Cordero. My life has been nothing but a sad saga of a girl who believed too hard and lost everything.”

  He tips his head to the side at my words, curiosity dancing in his golden eyes, and I wonder just how they look in direct sunlight. Will they twinkle? What the hell, Sofía? He’s a criminal, evil. He’s stolen you as payment and you’re wondering about how pretty his eyes would be.

  “Call me Victor.” He turns and pulls the door closed behind him, leaving me with those three words. I hear the click of the lock, and I know there’s no escape now. I’m in the hunter’s lair, and the only way out is if I kill him myself.



  All I want is to hear her say my name. After hearing her take on her story, I’m intrigued. When I chose to take her three days ago, I thought she’d arrive, I’d fuck her, then torture her until she’s close to death, then slowly kill both her and her precious papá, but now… Everything’s different.

  All I want is to delve into her mind, to learn how a girl so young can be so jaded. Yes, living in this city hasn’t been kind to many people, but in her short life, she’s far too negative about her future.

  I hope she finds the medication in the drawer. I wanted to tell her I know, but that would be far too personal and too soon. I’ve left her pills in the vanity to ensure she takes the medication. When her father explained her situation, I knew I had to do something.

  There’s no explanation as to why I feel the need to do this, but now that I’ve finally laid my eyes on her, I can’t have her dying until I get paid in full.

  It’s not in my nature to want to keep someone alive. I don’
t care for people. I’m the asshole who steals your life, not the guy who gives it back to you. But for some apparent reason, I feel the need to keep her around, to continue this game we’re playing. I can’t explain it, but perhaps if she’s here for a little while longer, I can figure out what the hell she’s doing to me.

  “Victor,” Javi’s voice comes from behind me, startling me. I’ve been lost in my own thoughts, and when I turn to him, I notice the serious expression on his face. “They’re looking for her, just like her father said. Hector was right.”


  “We’ll need to figure out how to get this shit dealt with, Victor. These men are coming down to Colombia in two weeks. That means—”

  “I know what it fucking means.” Stalking past Javier, I head to my office, shoving the door open and making my way to the desk. I pull open my drawer and find the folder I had one of my men compile on Hector and his associates. I can’t believe the asshole would endanger his own daughter for a fucking stack of cash.

  “Do you think Hector is playing both sides?” Javier’s question causes my gaze to snap to his. I burn him with my glare, until the laugh fades away, and I’m met with his worried stare.

  “No, something tells me that he thought he could and now realizes that these assholes are worse than I am,” I bite out in frustration, chucking the folder at Javier who picks it up and flips through it.

  I watch him nod, his gaze scanning the information. “Her father’s stupidity could’ve shortened her life even more than it is.” He doesn’t see my body vibrate with rage at his words. I’m not angry at him; my irritation is for her father and his actions.

  “Let’s get the men on this, keep track of those mercenaries.” I settle in my chair. Pulling out a cigar, I run it under my nose, inhaling the scent before continuing my orders. “I want to know where they go and who they meet with; we also need to find out who’s leading them.”

  “We’ll find out everything.”

  “I have no doubt. If we need to pull Díago into this again, do it. He’s good, and I don’t mind spending the extra cash.” Javier arches his brow at me, but I offer nothing more. I don’t explain my decisions to my second-in-command because he doesn’t need to know the girl is locked upstairs in one of the guest rooms already. I should’ve made her wait to sleep in a soft, warm bed, but I need her for the meeting with my contact.

  I know I should’ve hired a whore for the event, but I wouldn’t want to lower my standards when meeting with these assholes. Javier’s my right-hand man, and he knows that tonight will make sure everything about the new coke deal is solidified. I’ll have Rodrigo and his territory under my rule soon enough. And if he doesn’t take the bait, I’ll kill him.

  “I want you two on the ground, don’t let his men out of your sight. Once you’ve spoken to Martinez, bring the information back here, and we can intercept Rodrigo’s shipment,” I tell him, and Javi nods. His respect for me goes down to the root of who he is. It’s been like that all our lives and that’s why he’s the only man who can take over while I’m busy.

  When Javi was fifteen, I recall his parents, who were loyal to my father, bringing him into our house, and pleading with my father to keep him safe. They’d gotten into trouble with the wrong people, and even though I knew my father didn’t give a shit about them, he knew my friendship with Javier meant a lot to me. And he agreed. Since then, we were more like brothers than friends.

  My father taught me since I was a child, keep one man by your side while you rule. Every king needs a confidante who would take a bullet for him. And Javier is mine.

  “I’ll talk to Díago,” he tells me, turning to leave my office. Once I’m alone, I settle back and light the cigar, inhaling a deep lungful of smoke. Reaching for the remote, I turn on the cameras in the bedroom where my prisoner is hidden away.

  As soon as she appears on the small black and white screen, I’m ensnared. She’s showered, dressed in a pair of cotton shorts, and a tank top. On screen, they both look white, and I wonder what color she’s decided on. The lighter shades make her caramel skin a beautifully decadent hue, and I’m tempted to get a taste and see if she is as sweet as she looks.

  She moves through the room, checking out every inch of her new cell, and then settles on the chair overlooking the garden. She’s chosen a book from the shelves, holding it in her hands while I take her in. She’s curled on the seat with her long dark hair pinned up on top of her head in a wet, messy bun.

  Nothing has prepared me for her. Even just her presence in this house has changed the energy that fills the hallways and rooms. And I wonder then how long I’ll keep her here. I also wonder if she’s taken her medication. She’ll need her strength for tonight because once our dinner meeting is over, I’ll finally get the part of my payment I’ve been craving.

  Tonight, I get to play with my new toy and slowly watch her fall into my darkness. Once I have her body, I’ll take her soul. I want to possess her completely. My chest tightens at the thought. I’d like to see her look at me without the hate and rage she does right now. I want more. I shake my head at the craziness clouding my mind. I can’t… I don’t…

  Fuck. She’s doing something to me, getting under my skin. Even though I’ve built my walls high to keep women out, I have a feeling little Sofía is different, and perhaps I want to see what she can make of me.

  I know that’s the one thing she doesn’t want me to steal, but my sweet juguete doesn’t know that I always get what I want.

  * * *

  I should go up there, but I’ve been watching her on screen most of the day. Even though I’ve been working, my gaze has cast toward her several times over the past few hours. It’s almost midday, and her lunch will soon arrive with Valentina, and I wonder if she’ll attempt an escape.

  I turn my attention from the document to the security screen. When her bedroom door opens, I watch my maid stroll inside with a tray. I wasn’t sure what she’d enjoy, so there’s a choice of three small meals. Along with coffee, juice, and even water.

  Valentina sets the tray on the small desk, which sits against one wall, then turns to the girl and offers her a smile. I can’t hear what’s being said, but Sofía speaks, and then she grins at the older woman. Her face lights up like nothing I’ve ever seen, and, once again, I’m enraptured by her. She’s the personification of beauty.

  Once she’s alone, she drops her feet that have been curled under her to the carpet and goes to investigate what’s on the plates. She opts for the sandwich. Slowly, she bites into it. Picking up the plate and a mug, she settles back on her chair and eats her lunch as she gazes outside, and I wonder if she wants to go into the gardens.

  Perhaps I’ll take her later on. What the fuck was that? Shaking my head, I focus on the laptop once more, and I type out an email to my distributor in Miami, informing him that if I don’t get the new shipment of weapons, I’ll be flying to America to slice him limb from limb.

  My focus is on the email being sent, when I see a new one come in. The subject line makes me stop. It’s addressed to me, directly, none of the men call me by my first name and seeing it in my inbox makes me wary.

  Clicking on the video file, I watch as the screen fills with Hector’s face. He’s talking to someone I can’t see. He hands the stranger a package, which I know is my fucking drugs, and anger ripples through me like never before.

  I know what he did. I have him in a warehouse ready to be tortured for stealing from me and watching it go down like this doesn’t curb my rage. My little toy will soon see her precious father, and she’ll watch as I make a spectacle of him.

  Picking up my phone, I hit dial on Javi’s number, and when his voice comes through the line, I speak, “I’m sending you a file, find out where this email came from and get me a name. Something isn’t right.”

  “Of course,” he responds, as I hit send on the email. I hang up before he has time to receive the message. Turning back to the screen, I look at Sofía and watch as she sips h
er hot drink.

  She’s in so much danger. All because her father was stupid enough to believe the lies of bad men. I shake my head at the stupidity. If he had come to me, I would’ve probably given him the money, but he didn’t. If only he’d been honest in the first place, I may have spared his and his daughter’s life.

  Sofía catches my attention when she slips from the seat and goes for the water next, sipping it tentatively, then, once she settles her pert little ass down, she wraps her delicate fingers around the glass. The book she’s been reading is perched open on the page her eyes are trained on, while she enjoys the food that I’ve allowed her to have.

  There’s one thing she’ll learn while being here—I hold her life in my hands. Rising from the chair, I decide I’ve done enough spying for the day, and shrug on my jacket. Buttoning it up, I make my way down the hall until I find myself outside her door.



  My stomach feels heavy after just the sandwich. Since I haven’t eaten in a couple of days, I’d been feeling the effects, and I know it’s not a good thing since I need to take medication to regulate my heart.

  After seeing my medication in the drawer while searching for a weapon of some sort, I was taken aback. If he’s bought me pills, he may not mean to kill me. Yet. The thought comes unbidden to me, and I shake it off.

  I need to keep myself healthy, alive. I’m sure he’s biding his time, waiting for the perfect moment to slit my throat. Would he do that? Would he shoot me and make it quick? I know my father deserves the punishment. The Cartel rule, and the King is a villain in an expensive, tailored suit; my father signed his death warrant when he stole from Victor.


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