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The Devil’s Plaything: A Dark Mafia Romance

Page 11

by René, Dani

  He chuckles at my gasp. “I’ve had worse things happen to me, juguete. To be honest, you’re rather sweet,” he tells me, with a smile that makes my heart kick against my chest.

  I shouldn’t be falling for the man who stole me, but I can no longer deny it—I’m falling for Victor Cordero.



  “Get dressed, juguete,” I tell her, as I right myself. I wanted to fuck her, to take her body and claim it as mine. Even though I know I will soon, there’s something we need to do first. The dinner is in an hour, and if she thinks she’s getting out of it because of her past with Rodrigo, she’s sorely mistaken.


  “We need to go to dinner.” I glance over my shoulder to look at my beauty. “There is a man I need to see, and you’ll be on my arm.” Walking into Rodrigo’s house with her beside me might be a mistake, but she lied and brought this upon herself.

  As much as I want to leave her here, I know I need him to see she’s mine now. I’ll be the one paying for her surgery. I’ll be the one to save her, but she’ll be paying me back by being mine.

  “Are these…? Is this man dangerous?”

  “All the men I know are dangerous, sweetheart,” I tell her with a grin. I turn and leave her in the bedroom. She’ll know what to wear. I can picture her already, draped in something elegant, yet dick-hardening.

  When I reach my office, I open the email I received earlier and hit respond.

  She’ll be there.

  I hit send before I sit back and pull out one of my cigars. I wet it, inhaling the scent, before I snip the end and light it. Once the smoke swirls around me, I feel the calm hitting my veins.

  This should never have been as difficult as it’s become. She wasn’t meant to make me feel shit. Javier was right; we need to finish this, but we do it without hurting Sofía. I’ve gone and opened myself up to her, and when I saw her blood on my fingers, I knew there was no going back.

  My office door opens, and Javi saunters in with a grin painted on his face. “I told you,” he says, as he settles in the chair opposite my desk. He rests one ankle on the opposite knee and leans back. His blue eyes dance with amusement, and I’m tempted to wipe the smile off his face, but I refrain.

  “You told me what?”

  “You have a thing for the girl. Ella es tu veneno,” he whispers, she’s your poison, before he continues, “Rodrigo isn’t going to give her up easily.”

  “He doesn’t have to, I’m taking her to the address as requested, but before that, I’m going to find out more of her secrets,” I inform him of my decision. His eyes widen as he regards me with the shock that I know he’s feeling. “I have a week.”

  “A week to fall more in love with her?” he challenges, which doesn’t help my frustration. He’s walking a very fine line with his accusations, and I don’t appreciate it.

  “If you keep on with that, you’ll be sorry. She needs to pay her debt. And it’s time to collect.”


  “What do you mean? She needs to finish whatever she started. She lied, time to face the consequences.” Shrugging, I push off the chair and round my desk so that I’m in front him. I pull deeply on the cigar, blowing out smoke circles while I stare at Javier, waiting for him to challenge my choice.

  “I understand consequences, Boss, but she’s not Gaia,” he speaks. The warning is clear as he spits Gaia’s name so low that I almost don’t hear it, but he knows the moment I do when I take my cigar and bring it to his eye. The heat of the cherry bud is causing tears to form, and even though it’s not touching his retina, I know he feels every bit of the simmer that could happen. The mind is a wonderful thing when it’s taught pain. After a while, it doesn’t faze you anymore. You can withstand it far longer than you expect. “Do it,” Javi challenges.

  I smile. I laugh. I straighten and turn away from him. “You’ve been my right hand for a long time, Javi,” I speak, but I don’t look at him. I couldn’t hurt him. Not even if he brought that whore back into my house and fucked her on my desk. “I’m surprised it wasn’t your dick she was riding.”

  “I’m not desperate for pussy,” he bites out, making me laugh. I know he’s not because it’s not the women in my life that he’s jealous of, he’s angry because I prefer pussy to dick.

  “No, you’re not,” I tell him. “But Sofía is mine, and I’ll do with her as I wish. Tonight, she’ll accompany me to the dinner, and tomorrow, once she trusts me, I will take her to Rodrigo to explain what his issue is with her. Besides the money, there’s something she’s not telling me about.”

  “You let her live, even after she lies to you?” This time I can hear the incredulity in his tone, but I can’t deny that he’s right. If it were anyone else, they’d be tortured, but I have a feeling that my little juguete is someone I can’t hurt physically, but emotionally. And whatever goes down tonight is up to her.

  “Get the car ready,” I tell him, before facing him. “I’ll be down in a few.”

  “I’ll always be by your side, Victor,” Javier tells me. “Always.” It’s a vow, one that I knew before he voiced it, but I nod in any case. I didn’t realize it until the moment I took Sofía’s purity. I don’t know if being with her gave me the clarity I needed, but I know Javier wants me, but, unfortunately, that won’t happen.

  I turn to the window again and take in the grounds. Every fucking inch is mine. Time for the king to take down the men who want the kingdom.

  “Do I look okay?” The soft voice comes from behind me, and I’m not prepared for what I see when I turn around. Sofía’s dress is floor-length, the red silk hugs her slight curves, with a deep V that dips between her beautiful tits. Her caramel skin sparkles with gold glitter, and I can’t stop my dick from waking up.

  A thin gold bracelet adorns her left wrist, and her long chestnut hair has been curled into waves that hang down her back until it hits her tailbone. She watches me for a long moment while I take in every inch of her. The heels she’s wearing are also glittering with gold, and when I meet her forest-green eyes, I see the shyness dancing in them.

  “I’ve never seen a more beautiful woman,” I tell her honestly, because it’s true. Yes, I’ve had many women in my house, on my arm, and on my dick, but I’ve never been as enamored by anyone before.

  “Thank you,” she speaks. “Could I see my father again soon?” She asks, and I know what she’s doing—using my distraction at her beauty to negotiate. Only, she can’t see him again.

  “Perhaps,” I lie. Moving toward her, I run my fingertips along her bare arms and cast another quick glance at her slight cleavage, and I can’t help picturing coming all over her chest right now. “I’d love to mark you with my seed and walk you into the dinner party wearing my mark proudly,” I admit.

  Her cheeks darken considerably, and I smile. She’s beautiful when she’s shy—sweet and innocent—like a seductive treat.

  “I don’t think that would be good,” she tells me shyly.

  Tipping my head to the side, I arch a brow before questioning, “And why is that?”

  A small, playful grin tilts her glossy lips, and she tells me, “That’s caveman behavior, I didn’t think you were a savage.”

  “Only a monster?” I challenge. Another smile before she nods. “I can take that. Fine,” I acquiesce, “I’ll leave your pretty flesh unmarked…” I whisper along her skin, “for now.”

  A blush blooms even darker on her pretty face, and I find I’m enjoying our flirtatious banter. Even though I do prefer her fire, right in this moment, I’m enjoying her innocence.

  “Why me? Besides being a payment for what my father took. You could’ve taken what you wanted from me and sent me away.” Her words are the truest form of confusion, and they settle in my mind, not leaving any room for me to think up a quick lie.

  “Why do you think?”

  “No, Victor, that’s not an answer. I want to, no, I need to know. I’m not someone who can give you what you need.”
  “What is it you think I need?” I question, frustration burning in my gut just like the feelings she’s ignited inside me. She’s a beautiful flower I have no right to hold. Fuck this shit. Stepping back from her, I fold my arms across my chest, in an attempt to hide from her, but I know it’s no use. She’s already seen me.

  “I don’t know why you try to show everyone how bad you are, when you’re not. I made a mess in this office not so long ago, and you could’ve easily killed me for that. But instead, I saw your humanity, it shone through when you dropped to your knees.”

  “A moment of weakness,” I inform her.

  “A moment of truth,” she challenges.

  This is a mistake, Victor.

  “I thought you were convinced I’m the Devil?”

  She nods, turning her face away from me, robbing me of her heated gaze. And all I want are those beautiful gems watching me intently again. To see desire shining in them. This isn’t like me. To be so enamored with a woman. But with her, I can’t stop it.

  She’s too young, too fucking innocent, but I’ve never once allowed morals to stop me from taking what I want, what I need. Why now do I question myself? She’s breaking me down, when I was meant to break her.

  My body is tense when I voice my next question. “And what does that make you, Sofía?”

  She awards me with a glance, green orbs burn with emotion. Fire. It burns me from the inside and out. Deeper, more potent than before, because she knows how she feels.

  She’s falling.

  And so am I.

  “The Devil’s Plaything,” she whispers. Her blush flourishes on the apples of her cheeks.

  I eat up the distance between us, and she doesn’t retreat when I grasp her face in my hands and pull her lips to mine. Our mouths fuse with venom and passion, pure and feral, lust-filled and hate-fueled.

  Her body is pressed against mine, and I allow my hand to trail down to her ass, gripping it harshly as I tug her impossibly closer. Her tongue darts out tentatively, licking against my lips, and I tumble freely into her depths.

  The flavor of her intoxicates me, and for a moment, I’m not in my office. I’m not the Devil, I’m a man falling. The abyss has opened, and Sofía pushes me in, and I fall freely into her.

  When I finally pull away, breaking the connection, I take in her glazed green eyes. She’s shaking, and I pull her into a hug. Pressing my lips to her forehead, I close my eyes and inhale her jasmine perfume. There’s a hint of apples that masks her hair, and I can’t stop wanting another hit of her.

  She’s a drug.

  Pure heroine to my veins.

  And I want to inject myself with it, every second of every day.



  I’m trembling. My panties are soaked, and my body is pulsing for him to fill me. He may have broken my hymen, but he still hasn’t taken me. Would he send me away after he’s claimed my body?

  “I don’t know what you’re doing to me, juguete,” he tells me, his voice husky, dripping with seduction and danger, which doesn’t quell the ache that he’s caused. “Come, we’re going to be late. And I don’t like keeping friends waiting.” He laces his fingers with mine, and heat spills into my stomach, awakening butterflies that lie dormant until Victor touches me. He pulls me along behind him, shutting the office door, and we make our way to the garage where the blacked-out SUV is waiting.

  “Are you going to tell me where we’re going?”

  “A dinner with associates of mine,” he informs me, as we slip into the back of the car. “They’re visiting from America, and I need to talk with him.”

  “And I’m meant to be arm candy for the evening?” I question, turning my attention to him. I want to ask more than that, but I don’t want to make him angry. My emotions are all over the place, fear and desire mingle together like a stifling perfume that holds me hostage.

  “You’ll keep his wife company,” he tells me. He pulls me into the crook of his arm and traces his fingers of his free hand up and down my arm, causing goose bumps to rise up in the wake of his feathered touch.

  “What are we doing, Victor?” I finally question, praying he doesn’t get angry. “I mean, you have my father captive, you have me as a prisoner, but you kissed me.”

  His gaze snaps to the front of the car, and I turn to find Javier’s stare locked on Victor’s. Did he know what happened? Silence hangs heavily in the car as we swerve through the Friday night traffic.

  Everyone is out partying tonight, and yet, I’m in the back of a car with one of Colombia’s most dangerous men. The devil himself, and I’m curled up in his arms as if he was a boyfriend, rather than the man who took me as payment.

  “Where is my father?” I ask, taking liberties, because he’s not responding to me. Fear grips my stomach when his hand finds the back of my neck and his fingers tighten around the column. He holds me in place and brings his face to mine.

  “Don’t ask questions you don’t want the answers to,” he murmurs threateningly and suddenly, I feel sick for allowing my body to betray me when his lips touched mine.

  “Why wouldn’t I want the answers?”

  “Sometimes, it’s best you know nothing,” he tells me easily.

  I glance up, trying to see if he’s lying, or if he’s bullshitting me just to put fear in me, but when I look into those golden eyes, there’s no amusement. My mouth falls open, the words burn my tongue like acid, and tears sting my eyes.

  “Your father is at the warehouse. You saw him,” he tells me quickly, before shaking his head and, once again, squeezing my neck in a silent warning. Stop asking questions. I should obey, but then again, I’ve never been the kind of girl to listen to authority.

  “What about my other question?”

  He doesn’t answer me, but suddenly pulls me onto his lap, pushing me to straddle him. His hands bring my face inches from his and his lips quirk into a sinfully wicked grin. I want nothing more than to kiss him again, to make this real. To make him a good man and for him not to be the man who could easily kill me and my father.

  “I will fuck you, juguete,” he promises, and I have no doubt he means it. “And when I do, you’ll beg me for more. You’ll want nothing more than my dick in your pretty cunt. It’s mine. You are mine.” There’s a possessiveness that laces every word he utters, and it makes my body come alive.

  He presses his lips to mine. It’s a gentle kiss, not like earlier in his office when he practically devoured me. This is a lingering whisper of a promise. He will be inside me, and I have a feeling it will be tonight.

  The car comes to a stop, and I right myself, before the door opens and I step out to grasp Javier’s hand. He looks at me for a long moment before he steps aside to allow Victor to take his place.

  If I weren’t so afraid of these men, I’d feel like a princess being the only one to steal the affections of the King. I don’t doubt that Victor is the king of this world, but I wonder briefly if I could ever be a queen. Could I stand by his side as he tortures men and kills them?

  “Victor,” a deep rumble of a man comes from the open door of the rather large mansion we’re walking toward. He’s dressed in black, tattoos adorn his arms, and I can’t help but shiver at how big he is. Muscles look like they’re about to break through his shirt when he shakes Victor’s hand.

  “Nice to see you again, Lance,” Victor chuckles, as the men do a one-handed hug, slapping each other on the back. The man, Lance, shakes Javier’s hand as well, before turning his attention to me.

  “And this beauty must be Sofía,” he says, shocking me because I didn’t think any of Victor’s acquaintances knew who I was. Did he go boasting about stealing me? Is this man evil too?

  “Hello,” I say, and he takes my hand, pressing his lips to my knuckles in a show of chivalry that makes me smile. He doesn’t seem bad, but then again, Victor is beautiful and handsome, but he’s done heinous things.

  “I’m Lance Knight,” he tells me. “I have worked with Victo
r in the past. My wife is happy to hear there’ll be another woman joining us for dinner.”

  “Oh?” How can he have a wife? He looks so… dangerous.

  Just then, a beautiful blonde strolls out of the house. “Are we having dinner out here tonight?” She smiles as she slides into the crook of Lance’s body, as if she were made to fit there. She looks young, and I can’t help but feel at ease that there’s another woman my age here.

  “No, beauty. This is Sofía,” he tells her.

  “Oh, it’s so good to have another woman to talk to,” she says, as she pulls me into a hold. “Nice to meet you, I’m Giuliana.” She looks like a princess; her eyes shine with happiness.

  “Nice to meet you, too,” I say finally. I watch in awe as Victor leans in to give her a kiss on her cheek before Javier does the same. It’s like they’re a family, and I suddenly feel like an outsider.

  “Let’s go inside and get our guests drinks.” Lance pulls Giuliana inside, and we follow with Victor’s fingertips brushing along the base of my spine as he leads me through their modern home.

  Once we have our drinks, a glass of wine for me and a whiskey for Victor, the men disappear into the office and leave us in the kitchen. Their home is immaculate, but when I turn to Giuliana, she offers me the story.

  “This is our holiday home in a way. When Lance needs Victor’s help, we come down here and spend a few days, sometimes a couple of weeks.”

  “It’s gorgeous,” I tell her honestly, sipping my wine.

  “How did you meet Victor? He’s not really a man who ever brings a date to dinner,” she tells me, whispering conspiratorially, and I decide then and there that I like her. Also, she probably knows Victor better than I do.

  “I… my father works for him, well, he worked for Victor’s dad,” I tell her the truth, omitting the part of him stealing me as payment. Even though I like her, I’m not sure how much I can trust Giuliana with.


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