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Sanctum (Blackwater Pack Book 1)

Page 25

by Hannah McBride

  "Jesus fucking Christ," Remy hissed. I didn't have to look at him to see the waves of fury rolling off of him.

  "That's when I knew," I finished, letting my eyes open and coming back to the present. My eyes focused on a particularly vibrant lime green ribbon in the sky. "That's when I knew what being an omega in our pack was. That's when I knew what my future would be."

  I heard the door open a second before a frigid gust of wind tore through the interior of the car. My already frigid body barely noticed the extra cold. The door slammed shut as fast as it had opened, violently rocking the entire SUV for several seconds.

  My eyes tracked Remy as he stalked around the front of the vehicle and came to my door, ripping it open.

  I turned to look at him, surprised and a little wary, but I froze when I saw the look of complete devastation on his pale face. I gasped, undoing my seat buckle and turning to swing my legs over the edge of the seat to reach for him.

  He beat me to it, reaching for my face with shaking hands. With exquisite gentleness, he framed my face and leaned his forehead into mine. My hands came up, grabbing part of his shirt behind his biceps. His entire body was trembling.

  "I'm so sorry," he whispered, his voice breaking on the apology. "I am so fucking sorry you went through that." His thumbs smoothed across the wet skin under my eyes, ghosting along the angles of my cheeks.

  After a beat, Remy moved even closer, banding his strong arms around me in a crushing hug. I wound my arms around his neck, parting my knees to pull him closer to my body.

  His lips found the soft stretch of skin where my neck sloped into my shoulder. They pressed there for a second, his arms going impossibly tight around me, anchoring me to his body with everything her had.

  "I swear," he whispered fiercely, "you'll never go back there. And they will pay for what they did to you and your mom and any other person they violated."

  My entire life I had felt pieces of my heart crack and break off. My heart had become a brittle thing with jagged edges. I had seen things that carved holes in my soul and left me emotionally destroyed.

  But that moment, I felt something in my heart knit back together, a small stitch that reattached a discarded piece of my soul. Something I thought I lost, now reclaimed.


  I was completely drained as Remy walked me back to my dorm. He was holding my hand again, and I still leaned against his arm, letting him support part of my weight as we made our way down the path between the main building and some trees.

  Despite the chill in the air, students were still loitering on the grounds in groups. One group even had a small fire started and someone with a guitar was strumming chords of a song I didn't recognize, the melody a soft harmony with the sounds of the night. In the distance, a pack of wolves took up a mournful howl.

  Remy pulled us to a stop in front of the dorm, to the side of the steps. He linked our free hands together, his chocolate eyes somber as he studied me.

  "Thank you for tonight," he said softly. "Thank you for trusting me."

  A small smile trembled on my lips. "Thank you for being patient."

  "Always," he swore, bending slightly to kiss my forehead.

  Before he could pull away, I dropped his hands and wound my arms around his neck, pulling him back down. I pressed my mouth to his, intending to only give him a quick kiss goodnight, but those plans disappeared the second his lips touched mine.

  With a low groan, Remy's hands found my waist and pulled me flush against him. His mouth coaxed mine open, his tongue sliding slowly against mine in a sensual rhythm that had nerve endings waking up I never even knew existed.

  I gasped into his mouth, pressing my body harder against his. My fingers speared into his soft hair, scrambling for something to hold on to as my knees went weak.

  One of his hands moved across my back. His touch blazed a trail of heat through all the layers I had. The sudden idea of his hands on me with no clothes between us had a shiver crawling down my spine and heat pooling low in my belly.

  We broke the kiss mutually, struggling for air. Our breaths came out in white puffs as we panted into the cold air, our hearts galloping in a chaotic tandem of beats.

  "God, I could get addicted to you," he murmured, his tone reverent as he smoothed loose strands of hair from my face.

  I could help the grin that spread across my lips. "Yeah?"

  He shut his eyes for a second, a pained expression flashing across his angular features. "Definitely."

  His lips captured mine one more time, the kiss short and just as sweet. "Go on. I'll wait for you to get inside."

  My wolf whined at me, and I completely understood where she was coming from. I didn't want to leave him any more than she did.

  "I'll see you tomorrow?"

  He nodded, grinning. "Yeah. I'll see you at breakfast and we can do whatever you want tomorrow."

  I cocked my head to the side, a wicked feeling sending a thrill through me. "You mean, we can do more of that?"

  With a playful growl, he pulled me back into his chest, his arms going around my back in an iron-clad band. "Hell, yes."

  I laughed, the sound muffled against his chest. I rested my head there, reassured by the steady thumping of his heart. "That sounds great," I said softly, my arms coming up around his waist. I let my eyes close for a second, absorbing his warmth and strength.

  Stupidly, I wondered what it would be like to wake up like this. With Remy's arms tight around me, knowing I was safe and protected and wanted.

  "Seriously," he said a minute later, pulling away. "Go inside before I drag you back to the cabin with me."

  My eyes went wide and I caught my lower lip between my teeth. "And that's a bad thing?"

  His gaze went dark and hot, the look on his face ravenous as he watched me through thick lashes. "Tonight it would be. But one day it won't."

  He was right. If he had said yes, I would have followed him down the path to his cabin and straight up the stairs into his bedroom.

  My cheeks heated at the thought of his bedroom. His bed.

  But tonight wasn't the night for that. Not when things were still so new between us and I had just spent part of the night ripping open old wounds that had never fully healed. Even now, I fought to contain a yawn, losing the battle easily.

  His smile was infinitely gentle and patient, the promise of more in his eyes. "Get some sleep, babe. I'll see you in the morning." He kissed my forehead, nuzzling his nose against the crown of my head.

  I hummed in agreement, stepping away from him reluctantly. "See you in the morning."

  I felt his eyes on me every step I took to the door. I turned at the last minute, stunned breathless at the look on his face when he smiled at me. Pressing my lips together, I ducked inside the door, resisting the urge to turn around again and see him.

  My heart was still pounding as I waited for the elevator. I licked my lips, tasting Remy there. I stepped into the elevator, tamping down the reckless urge to run after him. Letting out a sigh when the doors slipped closed, I pressed the button for my floor and waited for the ride up.

  The lights were off when I opened the door. I paused, thinking Larkin might be asleep, but I didn't hear her breathing. I flipped on the light, noticing the note on my bed in Larkin's looping script.

  Hanging out with Katy. Be back soon! Don't go to sleep - I want details!

  I laughed quietly to myself, shaking my head. Glancing at the clock, I saw it was a little before eleven. Early by most teen date standards, but exhaustion pulled at my bones.

  Setting my purse down, I pulled out my phone. It was an hour earlier in Washington. Biting my lip, I took a chance and pressed the video chat icon for mom's contact. I went to my bed, settling against the pillows as the phone started to ring.

  Her face appeared a second later, a brilliant smile on her lips. Her blonde hair was in a messy bun, held up by a pencil.

  "Skye!" she chirped, excitement in her tone. "Hey. baby! Everything okay?"

p; I couldn't help the grin that stretched across my face, making my cheeks ache. "Hey! I'm great. How are things in Blackwater?"

  She exhaled loudly but was still smiling. "I'm exhausted, but things are great. The café is going so well, Zoe is thinking about opening up another location in the next town over."

  My brows rose. "For normals?"

  She nodded, settling back against what I assumed was a couch. "Blackwater has a decent tourist population. The falls in the summer attract a lot of hikers."

  "Wow," I murmured.

  Mom's eyes narrowed. "Hold on - are you wearing makeup?"

  My eyes went wide. "Um ..."

  Her jaw dropped. "Is this about the guy you wouldn't tell me about? The one you have a thing for?" she demanded. "As your mother, I demand to know why you look more beautiful than normal."

  I groaned, trying to think of an answer when the door swung open and a redheaded ball of crazy was launching herself across the room. I dropped the phone as I pulled my legs clear of her landing zone.

  "How was the date? Tell me everything!" Katy cried. Then she held up a hand suddenly. "Okay, not everything because Remy is still my brother, but I want less than detailed details."

  Larkin was cracking up as she shut the door and joined us on the bed, sitting at the foot.

  "Date?" the tinny voice from my phone asked.

  I gave Katy a long glance before picking up the phone to see my mom giving me a stern look.

  "Whoops," Katy muttered. Louder, she said, "Hey, Skye's mom!"

  "Hello," my mom said with a confused laugh.

  I turned the phone so she could see Katy and Larkin. Both waved at her.

  Flipping the phone back to my face, Mom was now full on smirking.

  "So, a date, huh? And with Katy's brother? Wait - is that Remington? Gabe and Mallory's oldest?" Her jaw dropped as she placed who I was talking about. The son of the Alpha. An alpha to be.

  "Yeah," I said, fighting a smile. "I've been hanging out with Remy."

  "Since when?" she demanded.

  I winced. "Last night?"

  Katy and Larkin both started laughing.

  "Did he take you to the dance? I thought you were going with someone named Andy?"

  Oh, shit.


  In the whirlwind of the last twenty-four hours - how had it only been twenty-four hours? - I had completely forgotten about the boy I technically ditched at the dance. He probably hated me, if not because I left him, but then definitely because Remy and I had been seen around campus together. With a student body of less than three hundred, word got around fast.

  "I did go with Andy. As friends," I said slowly, not sure how much to explain. "But Remy and I ..."

  How did I tell my mother that I was mate bonded to an alpha without her freaking out? From what everyone seemed to say, I would all but be announcing that I was engaged to my mom.

  "Remy and Skye have had a thing for each other since she got here," Katy spoke up.

  My eyes went to her.

  She shrugged and nodded. "Trust me. My brother's been into you since the first day he introduced you to the pack."

  "And you like him, too?" my mom pressed, her tone catching a bit with worry.

  I hated that she was instantly worried for me. I hadn't told her everything that happened with Cassian and his friends at Long Mesa, but she knew enough. Neither of us pushed the other for details about things we endured, but I knew she wasn’t oblivious or ignorant.

  But right now I could see my mom trying not to freak out that she had pulled me out of one bad situation and put me in another, only now she was miles away from me. If I said the word, I knew she would be at GPA within hours, dragging me away to protect me.

  "I like him," I admitted softly. "I really like him. He's a good guy, Mom. I can't wait for you to meet him."

  She sniffled then, wiping at her eyes, relief stark on her features. "Okay, honey. I trust your judgment."

  We talked for a few more minutes and by the time I hung up, the tiredness I felt earlier was now turning into excess energy. After the Katy and Larkin inquisition where I had to give them almost every detail, I was wired.

  I got off the bed, rolling my shoulders. "I think I'm going to go for a run."

  Katy's brows went up. "Now?"

  I nodded, my wolf humming her agreement to the idea.

  Larkin got off the bed. "I could go for a run, too."

  "What the hell," Katy said, getting up as well. "Let's go for a run."

  We headed outside, leaving the dorms and heading for the field where I had been working on my shifting. The campus had minimal lighting around the paths. With our heightened vision courtesy of the shifter gene anomaly, seeing in the dark wasn't a big deal. Besides, the moon and stars were bright in the sky, traces of the northern lights on the fringes but mostly blotted out by the mountains and trees around us.

  We turned to get off the normal path when a shadow to our right had all of us tensing at the newcomers.

  My wolf growled, not liking someone stopping me from letting her out. Then she growled for a whole new reason when the person came closer to the lamp on the path.

  "What the fuck do you want?" Katy hissed at Trace. She glared at him and then turned her frigid stare on Sierra, who was walking with him.

  Sierra's pretty face curled in disgust. "My boyfriend was walking me home."

  Katy and I instinctively closed ranks on Larkin, standing in front of her like a physical shield from their glares. My gaze caught on Trace and my jaw nearly dropped. Half of his face was a swollen bruise, blue and black marks marring his dark skin.

  Remy had definitely had a talk with him all right.

  Trace scoffed, his gaze cold. "Don't the three of you have something better to do than follow me around?"

  I blinked slowly. "Excuse me?"

  Trace let go of Sierra and stepped closer to us, his smile all teeth and cruelty as he looked at me. "Every time I turn around, one of you seems to be right there." His gaze flickered across me, lingering on my chest. "I heard you've been seeing Remy, Skye. If you ever want to try a real alpha-"

  "I'm good, thanks," I cut him off, my tone dripping icicles. I looked at Sierra, who was staring at the ground, her jaw clenched. Was she seriously going to keep taking up for a guy who was propositioning another female right in front of her?

  "Baby, I'm tired," she started with a whine.

  Apparently, she was.

  "Then fucking leave," Trace snapped, not looking at her. His gaze zeroed in on Larkin. The bastard actually licked his lips.

  I clamped a hand down on Katy's arm when I felt her start to lunge for him. The last thing we needed was Katy hitting an alpha, no matter how much the asshole deserved it. Sierra stayed where she was, fuming but silent as Trace fixed his attention on someone else.

  "Larkin," he said slowly. "You look ... Wow. What happened to your face?"

  Katy growled and I shoved her behind me, stepping closer to Trace.

  "Okay, this is over. Get away from us," I demanded, meeting his gaze levelly and not flinching away from his challenging stare.

  Staring at another shifter was a dangerous game, but especially when that shifter was an unhinged alpha. What I was doing could be viewed as a challenge, one Trace could accept if he wanted.

  My wolf was ready. She wanted that fight, wanted the chance to rip into the monster that hurt our friend.

  I kind of wanted it, too.

  "You don't get to tell me what to do," he hissed, eyes flashing. "Fucking females thinking they're better. You need to learn your place."

  My hands started to shake with the need to shift.

  "Stop it, Trace."

  Larkin's voice was soft but firm behind me. She stepped out from around us, stopping when her shoulder brushed mine.

  "Leave us alone," she ordered quietly. She jutted her chin out, taking a deep breath. "You crossed the line last night. My pack knows what you did, and unless you want me to go public, you're going
to leave us alone." She arched a brow, looking at the bruise ringing his eye. "Unless you need me to ask Remy to remind you again that you have no right to touch any Blackwater pack member."

  His eyes narrowed, jaw clenched so hard I thought his teeth would shatter. Hate radiated from him as he glared at all of us.

  "Sierra," he barked, snapping his fingers like she was a puppy. She hurried to his side, eyes still down. His hand came around her arm like a vice and he dragged her down the path towards the dorms.

  Katy let out a low whistle. "Damn, Larkin."

  Shoulders squared and head high, Larkin kept an eye on Trace until he was out of sight. The only sign the encounter rattled her was the shaky breath she finally let out.

  I touched her shoulder gently. "Are you okay?"

  She gave a sharp nod, her eyes bright and alert. "Yeah, I am. I'm just done being his victim."


  The entire next week of school was strange as I settled into my new relationship while still trying to play it low-key for the student body. The whole time, I felt a clock hanging over my head as the pack run approached.

  After Friday and Saturday, I was more than happy to spend Sunday hanging out at the cabin with my friends. Katy, Maren and Larkin decided to go into town. I opted to hang back, content to read in the corner of the couch, my feet in Remy's lap while he and Rhodes played video games.

  The girls came back, and we had another cookout, this time with just the six of us. It was nice and calm; a good way to end the crazy weekend that still had me reeling.

  Remy tried to teach me how to grill hamburgers, but when I nearly caught my sleeve on fire, he banished me back into the house before I hurt myself or someone else. Tate came over later on with Dante and Ryder, but everyone seemed content to hang out in the living area of the cabin, sprawled over chairs and couches while they just talked and hung out together.

  It felt wonderfully normal.


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