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Minnie's Pet Parrot

Page 3

by Madeline Leslie



  One morning when the whole family were in the breakfast room, Poll beganto talk to herself, imitating exactly the manner of a lady who hadrecently visited the house with her children.

  "Little darling beauty, so she is; she shall have on her pretty newbonnet, and go ridy, ridy with mamma; so she shall."

  In the midst of this, the bird stopped and began to cry like animpatient child.

  "Don't cry, sweet," she went on, changing her voice again; "there,there, pet, don't cry; hush up, hush up."

  This conversation she carried on in the most approved baby style, until,becoming excited by the laughter of the company, she stopped, and beganto laugh too.

  After this, whenever she wanted to be very cunning, she would repeatthis performance, much to the amusement of all who heard her.

  Poll was a very mischievous bird, and on this account was not let out ofher cage, unless Minnie or some one was at liberty to watch her.

  Mrs. Lee, who usually sat in the back parlor, from which place she couldhear Poll talk, was sure to know if the bird was doing any greatmischief, for she always began to scold herself on such occasions.

  "Ah, ah!" she exclaimed, one day; "what are you about, Poll?"

  Mrs. Lee rose quickly, and advanced on tiptoe to the door, where she sawthe parrot picking at some buttons on the sofa, which she had often beenforbidden to touch. Much amused at the sight, she listened to animitation of her own voice, as follows:--

  "Go away, I tell you, Poll! I see you! Take care!"

  Finding her buttons fast disappearing, she suddenly entered, when thebird went quickly back to her perch.

  In the afternoon, when her husband returned from town, she related theincident to him and to Minnie.

  "That shows us," answered the gentleman, laughing, "how careful weought to be what we say before her; we shall be sure to hear it again."

  After tea, when Minnie and her father were in the library, they heardPoll singing a variety of tunes in her merriest tones. They stoppedtalking a while to listen, and then both laughed heartily to see howquickly she struck into a whistle, as Tiney walked deliberately intothe room in search of her little mistress.

  "What a funny bird she is!" cried Minnie; "she runs on so from one thingto another."

  "In that respect she shows a want of judgment," replied her father;"but, by the way, I have a story for you of a curious parrot, which Iwill read.

  "A gentleman who had been visiting a friend near the sea shore, andconcluded to return by way of a ferry boat, walked to the beach to seewhether there was one ready to start. As he stood looking over thewater, much disappointed that there was none in sight, he was surprisedto hear the loud cry of the boatman,--

  "'Over, master? Going over?'

  "'Yes, I wish to go,' he answered, looking eagerly about.

  "'Over, master? Going over?' was asked again in a more earnest tone;and again he repeated,--

  "'Yes, I wish to go as soon as possible.'

  "The questions were repeated constantly, and yet no preparation was madefor granting his request. He began to be somewhat indignant, and seeingno one near upon whom he could vent his wrath, he walked rapidly towarda public house near by. Here his anger was speedily changed to mirth,for on going near the door he saw a parrot hanging in a cage over theporch, from whom all the noise had proceeded."

  "Oh, father," exclaimed Minnie, greatly delighted, "that was a real goodstory. Isn't there another one?"

  "Yes; here is one where a man made his bird revenge his insults.

  "There was once a distiller who had long suffered in his business by aneighbor, who had several times reported him to the public authoritiesas one who made and sold rum without a license to do so. At last hebecame very angry at being interfered with, and, as no ready meansoffered to revenge himself, he adopted the following singular method.

  "He had a large green parrot, which could speak almost any thing. Thisparrot he taught to repeat, in a clear, loud, and distinct voice, theninth commandment,--'Thou shalt not bear false witness against thyneighbor.'

  "Having committed this lesson satisfactorily, the owner of the parrothung him outside one of the front windows of the house, where histroublesome neighbor, who lived directly opposite, would be able tohave the full benefit of the inspired words.

  "The first time the neighbor came in sight, the parrot began, 'Thoushalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor;' and this wasrepeated on every occasion, to the great delight of the neighborhood."

  At this moment, Mrs. Lee opened the door, to tell Minnie that Anne, thenurse, was waiting to put her to bed.

  "It's too early," began the child, impatiently; "I don't want to goyet."

  Her mother only answered by pointing to the little French timepiece onthe mantel.

  "I was having such a good time," sobbed Minnie; "I always have to gojust when I'm enjoying myself the most."

  Hearing this, Poll instantly began to whine, "I don't want to go," andthen, putting her claw up to her mouth, sobbed, for all the world, justlike her little mistress.

  Minnie wanted to laugh, but she felt ashamed, and did not like to haveher parents see her; so she said, "Keep still, Poll; you've nothing todo with it."

  This reproof only excited the bird the more, and in a loud, angry tone,she went on,--

  "Keep, still, Poll! don't meddle! don't meddle! Ah, Poll, what are youabout? Take care; I see you!"

  Mr. Lee watched his daughter anxiously, to see whether she would recoverher temper, and was pleased to observe that she presently advanced tothe cage, when she held out her finger to say "Good night" to her pet,as usual.

  "Good night; say your prayers," repeated the bird, holding out herclaw.

  She then gave her parents their good-night kiss, and snatching Tiney inher arms, went gayly from the room.


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