The Crystal Curse
Page 7
Arabeth nodded and stepped onto the path. Behind her, she heard Sam take a sharp breath and hold it. Three steps in, the crystals began to radiate the coloured mist they'd seen around Melanie. Arabeth copied Melanie's motion, raising her arms and breathing in deeply. An odd sense of peace filled her and she relaxed. She turned to look at Sam, wishing he could feel this. She'd have to talk him into trying it, too.
The air around her cleared, sharpened. She held up one of her hands and looked closely. It was as though she wore Graham's specialty goggles, showing her the blood vessels and varying tissues under the surface. A scent caught her attention and she turned toward it. Inhaling, she identified seven different aromas mixed together.
The air around her felt hot and her knees went weak. She felt herself sink slowly to the ground, wondering why her senses seemed to leave her, hovering outside herself for a moment. This moment, so foreign to her in every way somehow. Chemistry could help or hinder, harm or heal. Her vision faded and she found herself in a dream.
Arabeth woke on a fluffy mattress in a dim room. Marble and Melanie both hovered until the saw her sitting up and both came over.
"You are crazy, you know that?" her friend scolded. "I'll get Sam."
“How long did I sleep?”
“Not long. Maybe an hour.”
“Why am I awake?”
“That was one of the possible outcomes. I don't know if it means anything, but trust me – the sleeping-all-the-time thing is not fun,” she pulled the door shut as she went out.
Arabeth turned to put her feet on the floor. She paused a moment as understanding sank in. She was immune to it's effects, it seemed. Even in the dim light of the half-turned lantern, she could tell. None of her senses gave extra depth to her understanding of the space she was in, or the things surrounding her.
Sam hurried in and took hold of one of her hands. "How do you feel?"
"I'm back to plain old me," she smiled weakly, trying not to let her disappointment get the better of her.
"Seriously? You went down like a load of bricks," he said.
"At first there was a difference, but it's like I slept it off. I'm not even exhausted, like Melanie was."
"I'm glad, Arabeth. This may seem like a boon, but trust me, this is closer to a curse. There are voices in my head, sometimes. I think I'm going crazy. When Graham heads out in the morning, let's all go home with him."
Arabeth was too disappointed to argue. Her goal to find their attacker seemed a vague, pointless endeavour right now.
"Heather and Mabel left this morning. There's nothing holding us here now," Melanie added.
She nodded. “Wait, where did they go?”
“I'm not sure. Grace told me,” she said.
"What are you thinking?" Sam asked.
“It's bad timing. I wanted to talk to Heather. There's more going on here than hidden crystal fields and a lack of national governance.”
“We could follow her,” Sam suggested.
“No, I don't think so. I want to go home, as fast as possible. Standing in that field... it was like finding something you didn't know you needed. Now that it's gone, I really don't care to be here." She sighed. "Home is what I need. Once I'm back in my workshop, I'll be happy."
Melanie nodded. "How could it be temporary?"
"My luck, I guess." Arabeth didn't want to think about it.
"You know, I've never fit in back home,” Melanie said. “But here, I've got this great gift and direction. At least you would have known what to do - design and build amazing things. Going back home gifted may feel like falling into a box. Yes, it's a familiar, comfortable box, but there's no direction. If I thought I didn't fit in before, how can I hope to now?" Melanie grumbled.
“So, you want to stay? Find your place here?” She hadn't expected that. "You've always had a heart for helping. Maybe you should go into medicine, or pharmaceutical development."
"Pharmaceutical? Me, doling out medications?"
"Or developing remedies. Blastborn is surrounded by farmland on two and a half sides."
"All I'm saying is, you'll excel at whatever you put your mind to. Now that things will come more easy to you, pick something that's a challenge, so you don't get bored and frustrated."
"Like you when it comes to banking?"
Arabeth nodded.
"Can I say... I'm glad you're back to being yourself. You weren't suited to banking and that was a possible outcome," Sam said, still holding Arabeth's hand.
"I'll think about it. There has to be something I find compelling, right?" Melanie smiled.
The other two nodded.
"Don't tell anyone I'm 'normal' until later. I'm sure they'll be disappointed, but if it means we've worn out our welcome, I'd rather have another good meal in us before they send us packing."
Arabeth wanted to lay back down and sulk just a bit. The sooner she acknowledged those feelings and worked through them, the sooner she could move on. That was her theory, at least. She tried to laugh at the absurdity of it. "Why would I grieve the loss of something I never really had?"
"What if we all stay on this side of the mountains? Maybe not for long, and definitely not Graham... good riddance to him, but there is a lot to learn over here. Blastborn's population keeps growing and people will need somewhere for people to go. We can stay and fix our reputation," Melanie said. She looked at Arabeth. "This may be providence. Weren't you complaining that you needed access to a raw materials and a proper smelting shop, instead of reworking parts shipped in with the other supplies?"
"I know there is a bigger picture here, but we just got here, really. We need to think this through, get the facts,” Arabeth nodded. “I agree, and I want to see what other knowledge our ancestors conspired to keep from us but not without a plan."
“What kind of plan?” Sam asked.
"I'm nearly broke after buying the supplies and I'm sure my spy-maven mother must know where we could be the most effective here."
“Spy maven? Your mother?”
Arabeth laughed at the look of surprise on Melanie's face as she looked from Arabeth to Sam who nodded in response.
“Long story, and I only found out recently. She runs a spy network, and with no one really to spy on, I have to believe they've been coming over to this side of the mountain.”
"Look, I'm tired. Let's talk after breakfast. I'm going to nap until they call us," Melanie said.
Arabeth clamped her teeth together. Every time Melanie was about to lose an argument, she found a way to delay, to bow out, or otherwise avoid saying someone else was right. Why was she so stubborn? She threw her covers off and sat up. Someone had removed the outer layer of her clothing, leaving her in her shirt and undergarments only. She snapped the covers back over her legs.
"Sam, out." She pointed at the door.
He chuckled and stood. “I'll wait outside.”
Arabeth remembered to put salve on her heels then dressed as though she were leaving, tucking her pistol inside a long pocket on the inside of her jacket. At least they hadn't disarmed her. It wasn't much of a weapon, but it had started to feel necessary.
Out in the hall, the tables were set and ready for food to arrive. Either someone was as early bird, or they pre-set it last night, she thought. Checking her pocket watch, she noted it was nearly five am. Sam waited on a padded wooden chair just outside her room. Had he sat out here on a chair all night, waiting for her to wake up?
“Ready?” he asked.
She nodded as he stood.
Soon the area became active, with people bringing in serving containers set over candles to keep the food warm. No doubt, the rest of the castle would be coming to life shortly. As one of the younger servants walked past, Arabeth caught her attention.
"Excuse me," Arabeth smiled. "We arrived with two other people – a woman and her daughter. Do you know where they went?"
"Do you mean Mable and her mother? They went to Owen." The girl bowed and turned away.
“Wait – who is Owen,”Arabeth asked.
The girl giggled. “Owen is a city.”
“Oh,” Arabeth mouthed.
Arabeth and Sam wandered the castle, not talking. Occasionally she caught a worried glance from him. She didn't want to think about why he still seemed concerned, instead distracting herself with their surroundings.
She was impressed with how comfortable it had been made. She'd heard castles were drafty and, in places, quite damp and odiferous. She encountered none of that unpleasantness.
In a sitting room along what she imagined to be the east-most wall, she found Sebastian standing in front of a bookcase talking with a younger man. She rapped lightly on the door frame. Neither turned.
The younger man was dressed in what was turning out to be the common clothing here - hip length tunic and loose leggings, but not quite trousers. If she had to guess, she would think him to be Sebastian's son, having the same general countenance and bearing. Suddenly she realized she was staring and turned away.
“Let's head back to the tables. They may have started serving,” Sam softly took one of her hands and pulled her away from the door. She felt heat rise up her cheeks but let him lead the way back to the hall.
"Ah, there you are," Graham greeted them from a chair, his plate stacked as though he may never see food again. Arabeth quickly filled her plate and went to sit in the chair across from him.
"So, how are you? You're wide awake, so I'm guessing the experiment failed?" Graham continued.
"It's odd," Arabeth started. She looked around, wondering how much to say. "It started exactly like Melanie, but went away, as though my body rejected it."
"That's going to disappoint our host, no doubt. Will you be journeying home today, then?" he asked through a bite of egg on toast. “Both of you?”
Arabeth nodded. "Melanie may stay. She wants to test and see if we'd be welcome on this side again."
“And you? Don't dodge the question.”
“She has a valid point, and I'm curious. It would be wise to get people more accustomed to spying to do it though.”
"Ha!" Graham barked. "Her mind's been addled by those crystals. That's what this is."
Arabeth could only shrug as she started eating. Her own plan was far more dangerous. Ditch them all and track down their attacker's associates.
They were nearly done eating when Sebastian and several others came in to eat.
"Good morning! This is a great day for us,” Sebastian announced. “I want to extend my personal gratitude to Miss Arabeth Barnes. Her walking the crystal field last night was an act of bravery and we owe her a debt. Now we can move on to the next phase of our work. Enjoy your meal, eat well. The work is about to begin in earnest."
Confused, Arabeth looked at her companions. They each shrugged back.
Had he hoped she would not Transition? What did that mean?
She stood and went over to talk to him as he filled his plate.
"You do not seem disappointed that I didn't transition."
"No, indeed, my dear. That is exactly what I had anticipated. You had full exposure, gained abilities yet did not fully turn. The modifications I've made to the soil those crystals grow in worked. You changed, but it faded shortly after. That was perfect. Now I can focus on lengthening the amount of time the abilities remain within a person. This is barely phase one. I hope you will stay for phase two. I would like to see how a susceptible person is effected by the next crop, but better yet, make some friends while you're out and bring one back. If we're going to roll this out to the larger market as a productivity boost, I need to find a way to make a crystal that the non-susceptible benefit from."
Arabeth had no words, standing there, her mouth agape. As she regained her composure, she nodded. "Ambitious indeed. This could take years." He wanted people to gain the benefits Melanie had, but only temporarily. “That's quite the business model.”
"It may take years, but I would rather get it right." He looked at her with a twinkle in his eye. "Then again, it may not. Most of the crystals you walked among were synthesized. I've been adding nutrients to the soil to improve the speed the grow at. Fragments grow to that size in weeks instead of months."
"Brilliant,” she nodded. “And interesting, but I'd better let you eat. Thank you," she bowed slightly to excuse herself and went back to her seat.
His plan was either brilliant, or mad. Was his experiment normal, or was he to be feared? She couldn't quite decide. Either way, he'd helped cement her decision. She wouldn't be going back today. How could she trick Sam into leaving without her, though?
Arabeth looked at Melanie, hoping she didn't mind sleeping in the back of a wagon again, unless Heather and Mabel had taken it when they left. It was probably theirs anyway, Arabeth thought, sighing.
"You have a lot on your mind," Sam said.
Arabeth just nodded. Their host wanted her to find other potentially susceptible people and bring them back to be experimented on. She had no intention of bringing him anyone. She had to tell someone, though. The authorities had to be warned... if there were any for this area.
"We have to go, after breakfast. I want to follow Heather and see why she didn't stay."
"Hey, that's right!" Melanie said. "That woman, Grace, talked like Heather and her daughter had been planning to come here."
Each of them glanced at Sebastian. He sat laughing and talking at one of the larger tables. Clearly, it was a good day for him.
“How are they getting you home, Graham? Has anyone said?” Arabeth asked.
“No... truth be told, I've looked around. There are no train tracks, no long distance wagons. It's got me unsettled.”
Arabeth covered a smirk.
“I know, I know – what doesn't have me unsettled, right? Well, this is different. You all can't stay behind. Trust my nerves this time. Let's just load the wagon and get out of here.”
“He has a point,” Sam said.
“I agree. I want one last look at the crystal field.”
“Why? Is there something different about them?” Melanie asked.
“I'll tell you later.” It was probably better that way. Melanie was a product of the old crystals. She might be offended... or worse, by his experiment.
// Chapter 13 //
Arabeth pretended to wander as though lost in thought. Sebastian's business acumen could not be faulted, but something about it felt unsavoury. He was manipulating a natural resource to fuel a long-term income, but putting people in an almost addicted state to do it. What other lines would he cross along the way?
She stopped behind the castle, staring at the crystal field. What had he changed, exactly? These crystals seemed like the others. How could anyone tell the difference? If she could find his lab, she could talk to his assistants. They should be allowed to answer cursory investor-level questions.
At the edge of the field she crouched down and touched one of the blue crystals. There was a slight tingle in her fingertips. An impression of thought came from it, but it felt muted, like the crystal wanted to speak to her but was somehow restrained. Frowning at the odd thought, she touched a red one this time.
Sensations of sadness, rage, and the sense of being trapped came from this one. Marble nudged Arabeth's side then put her paws on Arabeth's arm, nudging her again. Realizing she was starting to echo the shard's feelings. Arabeth snatched her hand back from the crystal, but didn't stand. Feelings? From a piece of rock?
"Interesting," she muttered, at once confused and intrigued. She reached out to touch a different crystal, slightly larger than the others. It mirrored the impression she got from the first one – despair, muting, hindrance. This one also carried the impression of separation, of death. Arabeth stood up and backed away. What could that mean?
"They are beautiful, aren't they? Sebastian said, walking up to stand beside her. “I can't tell you how many hours I've spent just staring."
"With your augmented vision, they must look amazing in the sunl
ight. What happens when you touch them?" she asked. Had he been watching?
"I'd appreciate it if you don't make actual contact. They need to rest. I want them ready for phase two and for that they should remain undisturbed." She caught the slight tremor in his voice but he acted indifferent.
Based on the crystal interaction with her, something about him worried them, scared them. Wasn't that an odd thing to say? What she'd just experienced intimated these were life-forms. If they could think and understand the nature of their existence, even share their thoughts, they were not simple crystals. They were self-aware and perhaps even intelligent, even if only barely.
She wanted to challenge Sebastian on this. She wanted to ask any of the myriad questions coursing through her mind right now, wild in the aftershock of shared emotion.
Choosing the wiser course, Arabeth simply nodded. "They are a curious things.” Turning, she smiled at him. “Is there something you need me for?"
"Yes, well, I was wanting to send your friend Graham on his way, and thought you might want to say farewell."
Arabeth pulled out her pocket watch. "I didn't realize it was that time already," she laughed.
He took her elbow as she walked away from the field, as though guiding her away. After this, he would definitely control her access to the field. That was fine. She had seen what she needed to. Her new goal was to find his lab. Maybe she should talk a bit about her ability to invest, not simply act as a guinea pig.
As she stuck a fist in one of her jacket pockets, she bumped into something new. Opening her hand, she recognized it as a crystal. How had that gotten in her pocket? It wasn't there earlier, she was certain. Rolling it between her thumb and fingertips, it seemed to resonate, as a cat might purr. As it did, Arabeth felt her senses heighten, as they had last night. She let the crystal settle back into the bottom of her pocket, wiggling it until it sat below her pocket watch.
She looked for Marble and as usual her little friend was walking nearby. Arabeth hadn't been giving her much attention lately and stopped to pick her up. As was her habit when thinking over potentially troublesome things, she rubbed around Marble's ears and gave her neck a scratch, using that time to consider her options.