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Scepters of Empyrea

Page 6

by Vignesh Ravichandran

  Vathroos were the ancestral people of the planet Vathura. They worshipped Pitheceus because they considered him to be the most powerful god than any other god. And in the case of empyreans, they were the real people of Empyrea. They were the people who prayed to the gods Emra and Emla to bring back Empyrea to its normal state as before.

  Coming back to the scepters, it could have its full power only till sunset. After sunset, it will lose its powers partially. The transformation power in them will disappear after sunset, but its other powers like controlling over the creatures and the people will be stable. This stability is because of the moon, which collects energy from the sun and glows in the night. Therefore on a new moon night, these scepters will lose all its powers at night and will be a normal scepter till sunrise.

  The Lords could summon and give orders to their scepters like the thunder god Thor. It will fly, attack, stab, spin, lunge or do any other with respect to the order given by its owner.

  Any person who had possession of these scepters would become the gods of Empyrea, and obviously, he or she would also get the same power of control. If the scepter moved from one owner to another, the previous owner would lose all his power. But, it’s so difficult to get the scepters from one owner, because they are the lords, said Imhotep.

  Back then, Emperor Mysterio came and took us to the arena situated in the East of Falconnia. The arena was named as Empolosseum, it was a large ellipsoid arena built by the Prince Horus with his Rhinorios.

  Empolosseum was something else, nobody had seen anything like that before in our Kemet. It was the largest building of its kind, it had five stories and stood over 55 meters in height. The theatre was principally built from locally quarried limestone with internal linking lateral walls of brick, concrete and volcanic stones. The vaults have been constructed of lighter pumice stone. There were crafts and sketches about Empyrea on each and every gateway. And, two of the gateways were sketched about our relationship with Empyrea, one stating about the planetary structure of our Earth and their planet Vathura. And, the next sketch was about our arrival to Empyrea on the Pegasus chariot.

  The theatre was spectacular even from the outside with monumental open arcades on each of the first three floors presenting statue-filled arches. There were no less than eighty entrances, seventy-six of these were numbered, and tickets were sold for each. One entrance was used for the gladiators, and also for removing the dead ones from the arena. The other door for victors and those who also allowed the surviving contestants left in the arena. The final two doors were reserved exclusively for the Emperor’s use.

  Emperor Mysterio took every one of us through his special entrance. Inside, the theatre was even more impressive where the three tiers of seats were filled with all sections of the populace of Empyrea. Encircling the arena, there was a vast marble terrace protected by a wall, within which the prestigious ring-side seats or boxes for us had been made for the Emperor and other dignitaries to watch the events.

  Beyond this area, marble seats were divided into zones for Empyreans, Rhinorios, Dinomen, Nagas, and for the Vathroos. The total capacity of the Empolosseum was approximately 65,000 seats and room for 5,000 standing spectators.

  I unveiled the epigraphic stone, which had inscriptions in six languages, starting with empii, nagali, dink, vathrian, raila and finally with our Egyptian language. As they call our planet earth as emrath, they inscribed the inscription has, "This Empolosseum was constructed by the Prince Horus with his people and creatures of Falconnia. The construction started in the year 183A.M.S and ended in 219A.M.S. On 220A.M.S it was successfully inaugurated by King Djoser of Kemet, Emrath".

  I felt so proud after seeing those inscriptions in their epigraphic because it was going to stand for millions & millions of years in the future. And speaking about their eras, they had two distinctions, B.M.S and A.M.S, which related to the meteor stroke. B.M.S denotes "Before Meteor Stroke", and A.M.S denotes "After Meteor Stroke".

  The inaugural of the Empolosseum started with some spectacular events.

  When the spectators were exuberantly waiting for the events to kick start, a soothing music of flute rendered the air, soon the sunny climate changed and there was this lovely cool breeze that pervaded the air, leaves started rustling around in the chill wind, tiny soft snowballs fell on everyone, the arena had been filled with exquisite white snow, and then Anubis the head chancellor of Mysterio, who looked like a jackal because of the effect of the meteor strike, flew into the arena on a lovely white Pegasus. The white snow and the white Pegasus made Anubis look like he was flying in the sky. (Empyreans hailed Anubis!!! Anubis!!) He was escorted back by the green empyrean soldiers, they circled all around the arena with the white Pegasus, which produced a colorful rainbow in every wing clasp which thrilled the spectators and made them jump with excitement.

  The excitement increased when more than 50 shiny brown colored mammoths and mastodons entered the arena. They were elegantly dressed with gold ornaments and stood circling the arena. Anubis slowed his Pegasus and landed in the arena and waved an orange color flag designed with the insignia of Empyrea on it. The circled mammoths and mastodons raised their feet up and roared wildly making the spectators sing their praises for Empyrea.

  If the head chancellor had these types of dazzling entrances, I was sure the lords would surprise me even more.

  A sudden weird sound deafened the music of the flute in the arena, and everyone’s heartbeat skipped a beat. It sounded like the ground thudding beneath. Dhun!! Dhun!! The snow on the ground melted and started to evaporate. The weird sound grew louder every second. Dhhhun!! Dhhhun!!! The earth beneath began to fall apart in that thudding sound, and soon the rupture started releasing the orange color light out from the land’s surface and out busted the larva. The massive dino’s made their entrance by walking on the busting larva ground. Started with the elegantly decorated 4000kg triceratops, and followed by the long-necked Apatosaurus with their own musical voices, the trumping voice of Apatosaurus echoed all over the arena. Along with this, another cry echoed in the air, those were the flying dinosaurs Quetzalcoatluses and made their entrances with some fascinating drifts and stunts. And then Lord Tyrant Seth marshaled in the entry of gladiators with his regiment of Dinomen by sitting on the hyrax which was a form of horse dinosaurs. (Dinomen roared Tyrant!! Tyrant!!) Lord Tyrant Seth was carrying a black colored flag with a design of Dino tail on it.

  After this spectacular entry, the spectators were ready to watch their next lord and hailing Empyrea, but all of a sudden the sky turned dark and the spectators dreaded, the Empolosseum was so silent, even the spectators heard the rustling sound of the leaves.

  Without warning, there was lightning thunder in the sky. Along with it outrushed the violent group of apes into the arena, beating their own chests and filled the arena with their beastie roars. When the spectators faces turned white, the apes rushed to the center of the arena and started jumping on one another and formed the ape pyramid, there were ten apes in the bottom layer lifting seven apes on their shoulders, the seven were carrying four, and the four were carrying two. (Thunders rumbled behind them). As I watched this stunning performance, the vathroos entered the arena playing their ancient drums and bone flutes. And then, in that thundering silver light Lord Pitheceus made his entrance into the arena in a chariot tied up with two furious apes up front. (Vathroos shouted Pitheceus!! Pitheceus!!) He halted his chariot before the ape pyramid and jumped on top of the ape pyramid and swayed a red colored flag which had a furious ape’s face on it. (Thunders rumbled behind him).

  After this, every spectator became curious and was anticipating the next move. And then, the Nagas entered the arena with their fire emanating dances. The fire eaters, fire blowers, and the fire dancers were captivating the spectators with their every move. While looking keenly, the fire from the fire blowers looked like a fire dragon kissing the fire blower, it was superlative. Along with the Nagas, the differently patterned snakes were swirling with each other
and showcasing their mating dances to the mesmerizing unique music of the Naga serpenter.

  After the dance, they welcomed their Lord Kraity. Her entrance received a standing ovation. The fire blowers sprayed their fire out to both of her sides, she came from the middle of those fire sprays by sitting on a pink colored serpent which was 20feet long, it flexed itself like a throne, and the hood stood like a protective shade above her. The pink serpent was carried on the shoulders of her devotees, the Nagas. (Naga Spectators bowed in the arena by singing the glories of Kraity) Lord Kraity had a pink color flag designed with an image of a furious green snake on it.

  The time came to watch the spectacular entrance of the Falconnian people. Everyone was very much excited to see it but all of a sudden the sand in the arena started floating up as a result of some creatures running swiftly and then a wild wind formed. We saw only glimpses of something big and fast. Gradually, the drummers started to beat the drum in a little sound, Dum!! Dum!! Dum!! and then the creatures began slowing down, we saw huge beaks, ugly black bodies with pale feathers and savagely taloned three toed foot birds, they were the Phorusrhacid birds with enormous beaks. They couldn’t fly but circled the arena with such intensity and speed. The drummers started to beat the drums rhythmically and then entered the Rhinorios. They stomped the ground with their tridents in their every step and brought fire sparks in the arena. Then the music of flutes permeated the air when some Rhinorios entered the arena riding on the highly decorated rhinos and saber tooth tigers. Those animals let out a terrifying roar and formed an oval like shape in the arena.

  From nowhere a sudden cry echoed, all eyes turned skyward. An enormous shadow covered the arena!! We saw the silhouette of a matured falcon which entered the arena beating its massive wings slowing down its descent. Its crimson and red wings, backlit by the sun seemed to glow from within it. It landed inside the oval area of the rhinorios. The falcon lowered its body. The people in the arena stared in awe as the Lord Horus got down from it. Lord Horus had the white colored flag designed with a firing phoenix bird. All the spectators hailed his name and showered him with flowers for building a spectacular arena.

  After the sparkling entrance of the Lord Horus, the event in the arena started with the Creature hunt. There were two people from each category- Dinomen, Rhinorios, Empyreans, Vathroos, and Nagas ready on the ground with weapons to fight against the animals or reptiles of Empyrea. Dinomen with giant axes, empyreans with sharp swords, Rhinorios with tridents, Nagas with bow & arrows and vathroos with a chain which has been molded with a giant iron ball. Totally there were 10 contestants, and since it was his own arena’s inaugural, Lord Horus also participated on behalf of the Rhinorios but without his scepter.

  The animals or reptiles of Empyrea would enter the ground one by one for every Sand jar, there were five levels with five different creatures, the contestants who remain alive after the fight with all the creatures would be declared the winner. The five creatures had to be killed or to be locked in 3 cages. I thought the animals had no chance of survival in these contests. They were most often shot at a distance using spears or arrows by the contestants. And for 10 contestants with bizarre weapons, it would be effortless to kill five animals within minutes. But once the fight started, I changed my view on that.

  First, a gigantic snake of 18feet in length was released into the arena, I had never seen a snake of that size before. It was a greenish ehill (hill) snake, the body was slender, tapering and slightly compressed, the dorsal scales overlapping strongly keeled apical pits, it had a gaping mouth with a long tongue that brought the fear of death. The contestants found it extremely difficult to attack it. The snake didn’t hurt the Nagas, but hits others with its tail and swallowed the weaker contestants.

  One of the vathroo spun his giant iron ball and tried hitting the snake. He released the iron ball in a blazing speed, it shot out like a meteor but just hit the dorsal scales of the snake. It swirled so fast and thrashed the vathroo with its tail, he was thrown to the other side of the arena.

  Meanwhile, a dinomen raised his axe and tried slicing the tail of the snake but it swirled and attacked the dinomen. When the snake was busy attacking the dinomen, an empyrean came rushing towards the snake, took the help from another vathroo by stepping on his launching iron ball and lunged behind the snake, shouted aloud and swung his sword towards its neck but the snake was too quick for him, it twisted and turned suddenly. The sword of the empyrean managed to scratch its left eye and giving it a mark but before the blood drops oozed out from the scratch, the snake swallowed the 8feet Empyrean.

  The Rhinorio threw his trident on the hood of the snake and angered it and soon the snake was diverted and started to follow him leaving others behind. It twisted and swirled to catch him, the snake’s tail thrashed, narrowly missing the rhinorio, and before he could blink his eyes, it turned towards him, and their eyes were locked and were looking face to face. It spread its orange color hood and let out his enormous tongue and licked the horn on the Rhinorio’s head, later stretched its mouth wide enough to swallow the Rhinorio entirely. Seizing the moment, Prince Horus lunged and sliced the snake into pieces, but that was a just fraction of seconds before the entry of next creature.

  The wounded Vathroo exited the arena via the 78th door. Now there were only 8contestants remaining in the ring. Everyone eagerly awaited with bated breath staring at the door for the entry of the next animal, hoping and praying for victory.

  It was time, but the door hadn’t opened yet, every contestant was facing the door, ready to attack the creature once it got out. The bell rang for the next level, but the door remained shut. The contestants started to move closer with their weapons pointing to the door.

  Suddenly, the door opened but this was an underground door behind the contestants, and a 14 feet furious white ape came charging towards them. It furiously jumped on one of the Nagas, punched him and broke his jaw.

  The ape’s razor-sharp teeth and massive claws brought fear among the contestants. It looked more aggressive than the snake, it grasped the vathroo's giant iron ball from the ground, spanned it with his full power and released it, the iron ball smashed an empyrean and gave his death in seconds.

  The ape was violent like the hurricane, not standing its ground. It beat its chest and roared sending all the contestants sprawling to the ground. They scrambled back to their feet. The ape punched and ..smashed with his fists displaying wrestling-style headlocks and flips.

  The contestants tried attacking it, but a Vathroo defended those attacks and protected the ape for his own selfish motive. Seeing that, one of the dinomen cruelly stabbed the vathroo with his axe. Meanwhile, a Naga hit a venomous arrow on the ape, with that the ape felt dizzy and spun falling down to the ground losing balance. Immediately the rest of them caught the ape and locked it inside the cage.

  Within a fraction of a second, the bell rang for the next level. Now there were only 5contestants left inside the arena, two dinomen, a rhinorio, a naga and Prince Horus. Now they weren’t waiting for the door to open. They were looking all around the arena cautiously. Anyone of the creatures should have made its entry at this point, but none did. The contestants started to move all around on the ground. Prince noticed that one of the cut pieces of the snake seemed to be missing, and the Naga who went towards the 61st door also appeared to be missing, he was nowhere to be seen. The other contestants started to fear the worst. The caged ape was recovering from its dizzy state, and all of a sudden started behaving violently, it started screaming in fear and tried to escape from the cage as though it saw a beast in the arena.

  Meanwhile, Prince Horus felt like something moved fast to his right, and he guessed it must have been the dinosaur Velox. It could run at a speed of 240kmph, it looked dark blue in color with 9.2 feet in height and weighed 500 to 750kg. The contestants had no clue on how to stop the Velox. It moved swiftly preying on the contestants.

  In the interim, the Rhinorio found the blood stains in the ground leading to the
31st gateway. Rhinorio knew that must be the predator who has taken its prey on that way. He was firmly holding his trident and following the blood stains in the arena, at a point it ended with the skull of Naga, Rhinorio cautiously sighted all around the arena to hunt the predator. A guttural snarl behind him, he spins in time to see, but the rippling Velox launch over him and chunked his flesh. Prince Horus saved the Rhinorio from the snake but could not from the Velox, it tore his flesh and his death was quick.

  Meanwhile, the bell rang for the next level, the contestant's strength had reduced to three. Three contestants needed to compete with two creatures at a time. The next creature that entered was a 16 feet height woolly mammoth with huge tusks that were 7feet in length, addition to it the tusks have been decorated in iron. Its eyes were raging to kill everyone.

  A dinomen rushed towards it by pointing his sharp axe at its neck the swung the axe, but the mammoth defended it with its tusks and threw it another way, not ended with that, used its foot and squashed his head. Another dinomen came lunging, it moved a bit and grasped the leg of dinomen with its trunk and smashed him, It nailed its sharp tusks into the throat of dinomen and hurled him to the other side of the arena.

  Soon, it started attacking Horus with its strong tusks. He managed to bend himself to see (with awe) the huge sharp white tusks moving closer to his eye pupils. The Prince was defending himself with a trident in his hand, when the trident clashed against the huge sharp tusks with a shriek that sent sparks flying into the air, but the mammoth threw the trident away with its trunk.


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