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Scepters of Empyrea

Page 8

by Vignesh Ravichandran

  The next army was the Aramanian army, there were hundreds of Mammoths to our left and hundreds of Mastodons to our right mingled with Hundreds of Greenish Empyreans with their swords. Prince Horus again rotated his scepter and shouted Elikam koiluvey. The Mammoths and Mastodons with a bestial bawl raised their two front foot higher majestically. The Empyreans with their swords made some fascinating sword moves and showed their respect.

  Before the army pathway ended, Osiris rushed forward and hugged me. Tyrant Seth, Kraity Wadjet, Pitheceus Babi kept their hands on their chest, bent their heads down and showed their respect.

  On the coasts of Empyrea, Prince Horus, chancellor Ptah along with the people and creatures of Empyrea started towards our Kemet in a ship. We all were ready to get back to our Kemet, but Cleopatra didn’t have the mind to leave, surprisingly she was carrying a handful of sea cucumbers. Emperor Mysterio lifted the kid, kissed her on the chin and said you could come here anytime, now go to the Kemet, see your mom and come back with her to Empyrea at any time. The kid smiled and boarded the ship. The ship set sail in the Empyrean Ocean. The people at the coasts of Empyrea waved happily. Within a few seconds, Prince Horus shouted at all of us to hold on tight to the ship.

  Soon the sea started to split, it was a massive triangular whirlpool. That was the entrance door to our Kemet, we went into that sea portal of a maelstrom which spun us around. At last, we landed on the coasts of the river (Nile) in our Kemet.

  When we entered our Kemet, the things we saw disturbed us. Everything was abnormal, the kids were all grown up, empty places were filled with buildings, our population increased, and our own people of Kemet saw us with great excitement. My wife and children ran towards me and hugged me, and that’s when I realized it had nearly been two decades since I saw them. Twenty days in Empyrea was equal to 20years in our Kemet.

  Later, in Memphis, we started building the empramids. The place which we were working for mastabas had been replaced as the empramids. The empramids were merged with the mastabas and expanded with some great architecture by Prince Horus and his chancellor Ptah.

  Prince Horus with the help of Imhotep and the people & creatures of Empyrea took responsibility for constructing the empramid in our Kemet. More than 300 mastodons, 100 triceratopses, and 50 rhinoceros were used to carry the gigantic rocks, more than 200 Quetzalcoatluses and 100 falcon birds carried the huge boulders in their claws and helped us create the tallest structure in our Kemet. Prince Horus was able to produce the same output as that of the empramids in our Kemet. At that time, I also felt the empramids were the stairway to heaven.

  Under the ground, Prince Horus along with his chancellor Ptah and with my chancellor Imhotep built several layers of tunnels, shafts, chambers, and galleries. The galleries were beautifully decorated with ceramics and granites like a little royal palace for my afterlife luxury. In the surrounding sands, Imhotep built the vast complex of columns and statues. Likewise in Empyrea, Imhotep had the idea of crafting our culture and our civilization in the walls. The artists and the craftsmen captured the creatures and as well as the people of Empyrea in their art on empramids.

  My chancellor Imhotep looked up at Ptah as the god of architecture. After finishing 90% work of empramid, Prince and Ptah gave many ideas and tips to Imhotep and returned to Empyrea by taking the door at the Isle of devils (Bermuda).

  Even though Prince Horus went back, he stayed with us in our hearts. And with the help of his phoenix bird, he sent messages to me, addressing the progress on the work and as well as the people of our Kemet. Now our Kemet is living happily, that’s only because of the treatment of Emperor Mysterio, saving us from the deadly disease and also because of his son Horus for teaching architecture for life.

  But in Empyrea, happiness didn’t last long. One day, I got a message from Prince Horus stating that Emperor Mysterio was dead.

  I was traumatized hearing the death of Emperor Osiris Mysterio. I headed towards Empyrea for the death ceremony through the door at the isle of the devils (Bermuda). The place looked quite strange compared to my last visit.

  Unfortunately, I was late. When I reached Empyrea, the medical chancellor Anubis had already started the process of preserving the body. The process usually consisted of a 70-day embalming of the body. The body would then be washed and purified with salt water. The organs would be removed, and the body would be filled with stuffing. Then, the body would be dried by covering it with a substance called Natron, a natural salt. This substance would absorb all the moisture from the body. After 40 - 50 days, the stuffing would be removed and replaced with linen, and then the body wrapped in strands of linen and covered with a sheet called a shroud.

  Meanwhile, Prince Horus narrated what had happened in Empyrea, it was a nightmare listening to his words.

  From the words of Prince, Everyone in Empyrea was filled with joy finding this new planet But because of the evil that prevailed the joy was short-lived. Everyone loves to maximize their wealth and the people of Empyrea weren’t an exception.

  My uncle Tyrant Seth brutally set his troops of Dinomen on Emrath to conquer it. Not only did my uncle desire this, but so did my cousins each one of them was warming up their troops to capture the entire Emrath. Even my Lord Mysterio had an idea of conquering Emrath, but his intention was pure which was to spread peace all over Emrath.

  One day, Lord (Mysterio) called each one of us to the palace to discuss the establishment of our kingdom in Emrath. At that time, war was rampant in Emrath. So the Lord decided to Conquer Emrath from the evil kings and planned to spread peace. He ordered us to get our troops ready.

  When we decided to move forward with the plan, an unexpected disaster occurred in Empyrea. The massive meteors hit once again and exactly in the region of Armania. Most parts of Armania had been buried along with the people and its creatures. The godly creatures unicorns and Pegasus exited Empyrea and went back to their respective worlds. Most of the Phorusrhacids birds and the strong mammoths were buried. On the other hand, it was a massive defeat for the other regions as well. Dinosaurs lost the entire family of Tyrannosaurus which was a giant dinosaur and most of the saber tooth tigers were buried in the region of Falconnia.

  Fortunately, Lord with his “scepter of nature” avoided the acid rain and bought Empyrea back to normal but the Lord thought this was a sign of threat to Empyrea. He also thought the gods Emra and Emla did not want to conquer Emrath and so for getting an insight into the future, he took his dices and rolled it on the desk. When the dices stopped rolling, he made some calculations with those numbers to determine the future. When he finished his calculations, the result stunned him.

  He saw a glimpse to the end of Emrath. He found that the entire Emrath was going to lose its peace and beauty and the reason for this was his own family. He could not accept this and redid the calculations so once again he rolled the dices but the dices showed him the same result. He finally with a heavy heart let us in on the message. Each one of us was saddened after hearing the message.

  He then asked us to give our suggestions to solve this issue. Each one of us had different views. My Uncle Tyrant, as a matter of fact, said that ‘loss is inevitable in War and we can get back peace after the end of the war’. The Lord was enraged listening to Uncle Tyrants’ words. The gods had offered us a gift, we must not squander it, said the Lord and asked my brother Pitheceus to provide a solution.

  Pitheceus and Kraity followed Tyrant’s speech and supported their father to wage war. The Lord was infuriated again listening to these two. He finally asked me to give a better solution to maintain the peace. So, I suggested that we destroy our scepters in a secret place which in turn will null our powers and then Emrath will be free from any danger and remain peaceful.

  My cousins disagreed with me, they wanted to wage war against Emrath. The Lord didn’t appreciate these conflicting suggestions and bawled furiously like a mammoth, and all of us came to a standstill. He had made up his mind and so he ordered us to assemble near the waterf
all on a new moon night to destroy the scepters because on a new moon night the scepters would not be able to steal the power from either Emra (sun) or Emla (moon). So, his plan was to destroy the scepters by making an empyrean stone.

  Empyrean stone! What’s that now? The question raised in everyone’s mind!

  It was a bizarre stone with the qualities of wind, water, fire, snow, and lava and it had many mysterious characteristics. The foremost characteristic was, it could not be broken with any living power and even the strongest mastodon wouldn’t be able to break it. It would have five holes on each side of it and this was for the scepters, they had to be plugged inside those holes. Once the scepters were plugged inside the empyrean hole, it can’t be unplugged until the stone broke.

  After all the holes were filled with the scepters, the stone would fly upward to the sky and burst off in the air. By this, the scepters would be destroyed along with its powers. And, the Lords of Empyrea will lose their powers to control any of the creatures or the people of Empyrea.

  The Empyrean stone can be created only by the person who has all the powers to control the nature. In this case, Lord Mysterio was the only one who had the control, so he decided to create this indestructible stone.

  The Lord described the features of the empyrean stone to us. But, no one was interested in losing their scepters, their ultimate aim was to rule the entire Emrath.

  The Lord instructed us about destroying the scepters while walking towards his throne. There was pin drop silence and his words resonated throughout the hall. Abruptly Tyrant took his scepter and rushed towards the Lord to slay him. My reflex was to save the Lord, so I dived in. But, Kraity and Pitheceus cornered me with their scepters pointing them to my throat.

  We have been waiting to rule the entire universe. All of a sudden you come and order us around asking us to destroy the scepter. We are not going to sit in silence and watch you tear our dreams down. With our powers, we will put Emrath beneath our feet, but for now, you are the first person to go down. I had been waiting for a long time to see myself seated on this throne. I am older than you, and ideally this throne should have been mine, but instead, Emra and Emla gave it to you. From that day on, I had been waiting for my chance to defeat you and acquire my rightful place. Now, you kneel before me. Otherwise, you will need to answer to my scepter, said Tyrant fiercely.

  (With a loud laugh)

  I see your brain is still the size of a pea my dear brother. I am Lord, The Emperor of Empyrea, said Lord Mysterio and continued his loud laugh. Tyrant's family was transfixed wondering, how someone could laugh when he had a scepter pointed to his throat.

  The Lord continued to laugh and looked at the sharp edge of Tyrant's scepter pointed at his throat and chuckled. The Lord's skin started to turn brown as soft brownish hairs emerged all over his body, his muscular body became brawnier, his body proportions began to change, his ears and nose grew bigger, and his mouth extended and out appeared two sharp mammoth tusks. He was transformed into an 18feet massive brown color mammoth with huge sharp shiny tusks. Everything happened within seconds, even before Tyrant completed his words, "Stop your laughter otherwise I will slice you".

  The mammoth Lord swirled Tyrant’s scepter with his trunk, grabbed it from his hands and threw it the other way. He didn’t stop there, without giving a second to breathe the Lord hurled him with his strong tusks and threw him to the entrance of the court. The Lord looked humungous with an extra 15feet huge tusks. His mammoth eyes were raging red to smash uncle tyrant with his feet. He ran towards Tyrant inside the court hall, and after reaching him, he raised his huge pillar like feet to crush Tyrant below the ground, but tyrant escaped by moving a little.

  The Lord once again hurled Tyrant with his tusks and threw him outside the palace, he landed in the palace garden hitting the Dolphin designed fountain.

  Feeling defeated Tyrant got up from the ground, let out his tongue and licked the blood at the side of his lips and stared sharply at the raging mammoth which was wildly charging towards him by shaking its head to hurl tyrant with its extra huge tusks.

  Lord Tyrant raised his hands, and from nowhere his "Scepter of power" rocketed towards him. While it came out from the court hall to the garden, its sharp blade shimmered in the sun’s rays and looked like slicing the sun. Lord Tyrant caught his scepter and stamped it on the ground in a loud raging voice as to say be ready to face the trouble.

  The sky above turned purple and all the birds flew away from that place, the creatures dreaded for what they were about to witness and let out creepy sounds.

  On the ground, Lord Tyrant’s skin was no longer the same, it turned rough and thick, his fingers started disappearing, three sharp horns emerged on his head, his head throbbing and expanding, the ground below ruptured as he grew larger in size. Tyrant Seth transformed himself into a 16foot heavy-duty Triceratop which weighed more than 13,000 pounds, bearing a large bony frill and 6feet long horns on his four legged body.

  The Large Mammoth swayed its extra large tusks towards the Triceratop only to lock itself in the three horns of the Triceratop. The Triceratop Tyrant strongly locked the mammoth's tusks in its horns and hurled it to the other side, and as a result, the mammoth thrashed onto a giant 24feet golden Elk statue and felt immense pain.

  The Triceratop was open for more, it brushed its feet on the ground and charged towards the massive mammoth. The mammoth was also ready and invited the move and also charged back. The ground beneath almost gave away with these two creatures running towards each other, the pillars, statues, fountains, and bridges nearby cracked with the effect. The real combat began when the two sharp tusks of the Mammoth and three piercing horns of Triceratop came in contact, it was as though a thousand rifles were firing away.

  The biggest horned herbivore dinosaur against the largest land tusked mammal! It was an Epic Fight!! Triceratops horns were smaller than the mammoth’s tusks but still, it could get the better of the mammoth if it reaches the mammoth’s throat.

  The fight seemed never ending and prolonged until the mammoth stepped back and hurled the triceratops with its strong tusks.

  Defeated, Tyrant extremely raged transformed himself into a Velox, the fastest beast and sprinted all around the mammoth and lunged at it from the back, opened its wide mouth to bite a chunk off the neck of the mammoth and succeeded. The mammoth was panting heavily, it had been bitten, raked and cut.

  The mammoth with its trunk swirled the neck of the Velox, lifted and smashed it with its foot and hurled it upside down. The mammoth bawled fiercely by raising both its feet up, the sound echoed all through Empyrea and by that the Velox came sprawling to the ground. Velox roared angrily its blood heated up, it was ready to take on the mammoth, but not in the same form.

  It transformed itself into a giant tyrannosaurus, the king of dinosaurs and charged towards the mammoth, although the mammoth managed to move away from the tyrannosaurus it was hurled by the tyrannosaurus tail, the mammoth flew and hit itself on the garden bridge and broke it. White smoke filled the place, the Lord turned weak, and transformed to his original Empyrean form, he came out coughing through the white smoke. The tyrannosaurus gave a bestial snarl towards the Lord.

  This was the moment to bring this to an end, said the Lord and raised his scepter upwards, the sky turned even more purple accompanied by massive thunderclouds, and the wind charged with a brutal force and tossed the giant statues in the garden. Meanwhile, the tyrannosaurus eyes were beginning to turn red and it was ready for anything that came its way.

  The Lord summoned the power of thunder into his scepter and he fiercely nailed the thundering scepter into the ground. The ground beneath gave way with a massive rupture. The rupture was so deep, it was as though it penetrated the core of the earth. Tyrannosaurus ran and tried to avoid it but fell into it. Lord Mysterio with his powers closed the rupture with only the head of the tyrannosaurus above the ground, and Tyrant Seth weakened and transformed himself back to his normal form.

  The Lord
approached Tyrant with his scepter to slay him on his forehead, all of us were petrified. As the Lord neared tyrant, he raised his scepter to nail it at Tyrant’s forehead, but I stopped him, and apologized on behalf of them, requesting the Lord to give them a second chance.

  I don’t trust these guys anymore. They used their weapons against me. The New moon night comes only after 10days until then these guys will not remain silent but conspire to stop it. So we will not wait until the new moon night but let’s do it tomorrow when the planet Kasumbia transits over the sun. If anyone fails to assemble in time, they will be seen dead in my sharp tusks, said Lord.


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