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Christmas Bride

Page 11

by Noelle Adams

  He reached out to cup her face, peering at it urgently. “Ruth, what’s the matter? Why would you think I’d be lying to you?”

  “I don’t. At least if you did, it would just be because you’re so nice. But it’s really okay. You don’t have to be that nice.”

  “I’m not being nice. I’m telling you the truth. Can’t you see it?”

  She could see it. There was nothing in his expression she didn’t believe. She wasn’t even sure why it had overwhelmed her so much, him saying that he liked Kayla and wanted to hang out with her.

  “Ruth?” Carter prompted when she didn’t answer. “You look like you’re about to cry.”

  “I’m not.” She wasn’t a crier. And she definitely wasn’t going to cry about something so silly.

  “Do you not want me to hang out? Would you rather it just be you and her? Because I’ll understand if—”

  “No, no. That’s not it. I’d love if we could take her out to dinner. Thank you for volunteering. I just didn’t think it would be very fun for you.”

  “Well, it is.” He opened the car door for her, and she got in. When he’d walked around and slid behind the steering wheel, he added, “You know I’ve been working pretty much constantly for most of this year, right? So any meal that isn’t eaten at my computer is fun for me.”

  She laughed at that. Then she texted Kayla, who replied immediately that she’d LOVE to go out for dinner and could they come as soon as possible if it wasn’t too much trouble.

  So Ruth’s really good day wasn’t over yet.

  THEY TOOK KAYLA TO a fancy little bistro that Ruth usually couldn’t afford. Carter made sure they got all the best stuff, so it was a real treat for Kayla.

  For Ruth too.

  It was almost nine when they dropped her off, and Ruth was tired and happy when Carter drove them back to his house.

  “Oh,” she said, blinking as she realized where they were. “I guess I need to head back home.”

  “Why? Just stay here tonight.”

  “But your mom might not—”

  “My mom is probably assuming that you’ll be staying here all the time. You’ve got your own room. There’s no pressure or anything. But you look tired, and it’s dark. Just stay here tonight. You can go back home tomorrow if you want.”

  She hesitated since it seemed dangerous somehow to give in to something she wanted so much. But there wasn’t any mental argument that could convince her. “Okay. Why not?”

  Carter seemed as pleased by that arrangement as she was. They talked to Mrs. Wilson for a while before they headed up to their rooms. Carter said he needed a shower, and that sounded like a good idea to Ruth too. So she took a long, hot shower and changed into the pajamas she’d worn the night before (since they were the only ones she had there).

  She was wondering if it would be too bold to knock on the connecting door and announce to Carter that she was ready for sex anytime he was when he knocked instead.

  Trying not to snicker, she swung the door open.

  He blinked, as if he hadn’t expected her to be standing there. “Hi.”

  “Hi,” she said back.

  “I wasn’t sure...” He was wearing a clean pair of pajama pants with no shirt. The shirt he’d put on last night to come and talk to her had obviously been for her benefit since he must not sleep in a shirt. “Did you want to...? You said you’d like to have sex again, so if you’d like...”

  She burst into laughter, grabbed his hand, and hauled him into her room. “I definitely want more sex. I was about to pound on the door and demand that you service me.”

  He arched his eyebrows, trying for a sardonic look, but the corners of his mouth were twitching too much to pull it off. “Service you?”

  “Well, something like that.”

  “I’m at your service, if you think I’m up for the job.”

  Ruth pulled down the covers on the bed and climbed in. “I’m optimistic about the prospects. And we have the two condoms you didn’t use from this morning. I told you that you were overly ambitious.”

  Carter got into bed too and climbed over her, smiling down at her with a hot glint in his eyes. “Maybe I can make up for it tonight.”

  “We’ll see.”

  He leaned down to kiss her. “Yes. We will.”


  RUTH PARKED IN AN EMPTY spot in the parking lot of the Wilson Hotel central offices and stared down at the plastic bag of take-out food in the seat next to her. When Carter had called to cancel their lunch an hour ago, he’d sounded so tired and emotionally stretched that she’d immediately decided to bring the meal to him.

  But now she was having second thoughts.

  He’d said he’d just grab a snack later on, but maybe he’d already come up with better lunch plans. Maybe he wouldn’t like the salad and bread she’d picked out for him. Maybe he would think it was strange and presumptuous that she would do something like that.

  It had been less than a week since they’d started having sex. Maybe he’d think she was already getting too clingy.

  She blew out her self-doubts in a series of slow, deep breaths. If he didn’t want the lunch she’d brought him, then he could throw it out or give it away. She had no intentions of sticking around and chatting with him. He was swamped today, after all.

  And he’d sounded so exhausted on the phone. She hated the thought of him working in his office, hungry and stressed and alone. So she grabbed her purse and the bag and locked the car doors as she headed for the front entrance.

  The place was entirely different during the daytime. It was bustling with activity, everyone rushing through the halls in their business attire with apparently urgent tasks to accomplish. She knew where Carter’s office was, so she headed to the top floor.

  Ridiculously, she was slightly nervous as she entered the executive suite. It was quieter than the rest of the building, everyone safely stowed away in their offices except for a polished, middle-aged woman sitting behind a desk in the main room.

  “Can I help you?” the woman asked. In a nice way, not an intimidating way.

  Relieved, Ruth went over to her with a smile. “Hi there. I’m Ruth Garrison. Carter’s fiancée.”

  “Oh, Ms. Garrison!” The woman stood up with a pleased, welcoming look. “It’s so nice to see you. We’ve all been very excited around here about the engagement.”

  “I’m pretty excited too, if you want to know the truth.” Ruth set the bag of food she’d brought on the desk. “I know Carter is busy today, so I’m not here to bug him. But would you mind taking this in to him? I’m afraid he’s going to skip lunch entirely.”

  “He skips lunch all the time.” The woman shook her head and tsked her tongue. “I’m always reminding him, but the poor thing works so hard. You’re welcome to bring it in to him. He’s just working by himself in his office right now. He could probably use a break.”

  “No, no.” Ruth took her hand from the bag, feeling like her charitable mission had been a good decision and was now accomplished. “I don’t want to interrupt him. If you don’t mind taking it in, I’d appreciate it.”

  “I definitely will. Thank you. And it was lovely to meet you!”

  Ruth waved cheerfully as she left the suite. She’d met with a client this morning, so she was dressed up in a pretty green-and-brown wrap dress and heels. It was a shame Carter hadn’t gotten to see her in her nice outfit.

  She’d pressed the Down button and was waiting for the elevator when a voice down the hall called out, “Ruth. Ruth!”

  She turned and saw Carter jogging toward her in a dark gray suit.

  The elevator opened just then, but she didn’t get on. She turned and went to meet him.

  He was breathless when he reached her. He’d obviously run to catch up with her. “Hey,” he said rather raspily.

  A smile bubbled up inside her. “Hey.”

  “Why didn’t you say hello? You didn’t have to drop the food and run.”

  “I didn’t want to b
other you. I just wanted to make sure you got some lunch.” She was ridiculously embarrassed. And also kind of pleased with herself. It was the strangest combination of feelings.

  “You wouldn’t have bothered me. I was just in there working.”

  “I know. That’s what the nice woman I talked to said.”

  “Well, she was telling you the truth.” He looked down at the floor and then slanted her the most adorable upward glance. “Thanks for bringing me lunch.”

  “You’re welcome.” She could feel her cheeks getting very pink.

  “Do you want to come sit with me for a few minutes while I eat?” He looked back toward the executive suite.

  “You have time? I know you said you were swamped today.”

  “I am. But the truth is I could probably use a break.”

  “Okay. But I’ll just stay fifteen minutes or so. I really don’t want to get in the way of your work.”

  “You’re not getting in the way.”

  They walked together down the hall, and Ruth waved at the woman she’d talked to earlier, who was giving them a maternal smile.

  When they got into his office, Carter closed the door and waved her toward the leather sofa while he got a couple of bottles of fancy water out of the little refrigerator.

  “Oh, this looks good,” he said when he took the salad out of the bag. “Are you trying to get me to eat healthier?”

  “Not really. I just thought it might be tasty.” She paused. “You’re not a bad eater, are you?”

  “Eh.” He was adding the salad dressing and unwrapping the utensils. “When I’m busy, I eat too many burgers and fries.”

  “I didn’t know that. You look like you’re in such good shape. I guess it’s a good thing I brought the salad then.”

  Carter offered her one of the pieces of the bread, and she accepted it. Not because she was hungry but because it was good. “How did your meeting this morning go with the Harrises?”

  “Good. Really good. They seemed to like my ideas a lot. Thanks for recommending me to them.”

  “You’re welcome.” He was digging into his salad now. It looked like he was enjoying it, which made Ruth irrationally happy.

  While he ate, she told him about the meeting with her clients and about her plans for the new addition to their house. She normally wouldn’t have gone on quite so long since she always assumed most people weren’t interested in the ins and outs of her work. But Carter appeared to be genuinely listening. He asked intelligent questions and seemed to respect her opinions.

  It was a heady feeling. She wasn’t used to it.

  After about ten minutes, he’d finished the salad and together they’d eaten the bread. Since the conversation had faded into pleasant silence, he leaned back against the couch and closed his eyes.

  She reached over to stroke his face. It was probably too intimate a gesture for their relationship, but she really couldn’t help it. “What time did you get in this morning?”

  “I don’t know. Around five.”

  “That’s ridiculous, Carter. You can’t keep working such long hours without taking breaks. It’s not good for you. It wouldn’t be good for anyone.” She wanted to keep petting him, but she made herself drop her hand.

  “I know.” He still had his eyes closed. “But there’s just so much to do. I wake up in the middle of the night worrying about it.”

  She didn’t reply immediately. Unable to stop herself, she reached over to caress his cheek again. This time he leaned his face into her palm.

  Her belly twisted with tenderness. And also nerves. She cleared her throat and pulled her hand back again.

  Carter opened his eyes. “I know this is what I wanted. I wanted this position. I wanted control of the company. I did things I really shouldn’t have done to get it. But now... I don’t know. Most people don’t have this much responsibility until much later in their careers. I think there’s probably a good reason for that.”

  “If you need more help, then you should get it. Can’t you hire people to take some of the workload off you?”

  “I’m working on it. I thought I wanted this, but the truth is... Lately I’ve been wanting more in my life than this.”

  She wasn’t sure what he meant by that, but she liked the sound of it. “Anyone would, Carter. It’s your family company. It makes sense that a Wilson would be in charge. But that doesn’t mean you have to do everything. You’ve turned things around this year, haven’t you? I mean, I’d heard things weren’t going well before, but now they’re better?”

  “Yeah. They’re a lot better now. I think I’ve done all right so far. Although...”

  When he trailed off, Ruth asked softly, “What did you do that you shouldn’t have done to take control of the company?”

  She probably shouldn’t have asked. A more tactful person wouldn’t have. The question lingered in the air for a long time, and Ruth wasn’t sure Carter would answer it.

  He finally said, “When my dad was dying, I had this plan. I needed a big influx of money to make the merger earlier this year work, and Summer could give me that investment. But the only way she could have access to the funds was to... was to...”

  “Oh my God,” Ruth breathed, putting pieces together in her head. “To marry Lincoln.”

  Carter wasn’t meeting her eyes. “Well, she was supposed to marry me. We had it all arranged. It was just going to be a friendly, convenient thing, and everything seemed to be falling into place. I keep thinking about what Summer said to you that evening we had dinner at their place. That I always take the road laid out for me even if it’s not the road I want. That’s exactly what I was doing then. I seemed to be on the road laid out for me. The company was on that road. And Summer was on that road. So I just... took it. Then Dad died and left the company to Lincoln instead of me, so...”

  “So she married him instead.”

  “She didn’t want to. He didn’t want to. He was already into her. I knew that much although he’d never admitted it. But he knew she couldn’t stand him, and he didn’t want to put her in that position. But I did. I did. She was my best friend in the world, and I...” He swallowed so hard she could see it in his throat. “I’m supposed to be a good guy, but I’m really not.”

  Ruth reached over to put a hand on his thigh. “Carter, stop beating yourself up. You made a mistake. You were sad and hurt and desperate, and you made a mistake. She’s forgiven you. Obviously she has. And so has Lincoln. You can’t keep feeling guilty about all that, Carter.”

  “Why not? I should feel guilty. I was wrong.”

  “Maybe. But you’ve made up for it now. You’re doing the right thing now. You’re in their life now and you’re loving them now, and the last thing in the world they’d want is for you to be miserable because you made a few mistakes just like all the rest of us.”

  “Yeah,” Carter said, the word no more than a hoarse exhale.

  Ruth moved her hand so she could knead the back of his neck. He responded to the touch deliciously. He exhaled again and closed his eyes. She kept up the massage, loving how viscerally his body softened in response.

  When she started to get tingles in spots that were quite inappropriate, she lowered her hand. “They want you to be happy, Carter.”

  “I know they do.” He straightened up on the couch. “And to tell you the truth, I’d kind of like to be happy too. I’ve been really enjoying it for the past several weeks.”

  “Me too.”

  “I don’t think I’m used to it.”

  “Me either.”

  They smiled at each other. When the fond feelings started to overwhelm her, Ruth knew she needed to distract herself. She reached over to gather up some of the trash and put it in the take-out bag.

  “Thanks so much for bringing lunch,” Carter said, obviously understanding that the interlude was over. “I needed it. And the break. And the talk.”

  “You’re welcome.” When they both stood facing each other, she couldn’t resist the urge to pull him
into a hug. “Don’t work too late today.”

  “I won’t. And you’re coming over tomorrow, right?” His eyes glinted, as if remembering that tomorrow was Friday, and Friday meant Ruth would stay over at the Wilsons’.

  Which meant they’d get to have sex again.

  “Yep. I wouldn’t miss it.” Her cheeks were reddening again, so she made a quick escape.

  As she was leaving the building, she decided that overall her spontaneous lunch mission had been a great success.

  RUTH WOKE UP A WEEK later and was momentarily disoriented. She blinked in the dark room until she realized she was in the bedroom next to Carter’s in the Wilson house. She’d stayed over last night, just like she had the previous weekend. While obviously Ruth wasn’t about to move into the Wilson house from now until Christmas, Mrs. Wilson was so insistent about her staying on the weekends that she didn’t have the heart to refuse.

  She didn’t really want to refuse since staying over meant having a lot of sex with Carter on the weekends. Who would complain about that?

  A quick check of the time told her it wasn’t even seven. Way too early to get up on a Saturday morning. Carter had come to bed with her yesterday evening. They’d had two very satisfying rounds of sex during the night, and Carter must have worn himself out. He was still sound asleep beside her, the covers pushed down toward his waist and one arm bent above his head. He was breathing heavily. Not quite snoring.

  She smiled at the sight of him, but before she got too soft and sappy, she carefully rolled out of bed and hurried into the bathroom to pee, wash her hands and face, and brush her teeth. Then she returned to the bed, stretching out beneath the covers and preparing to snooze for a while.

  She’d thought she’d managed to accomplish all that without waking Carter up, but as she closed her eyes, she heard his low, dry voice. “I smell toothpaste.”

  Her laughter spilled over, and she rolled on her side to face him. “That’s because I brushed my teeth.”

  “Kind of rude to leave me as the only one with bad breath.”


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