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Phoenix Rising Rock Band: The Series

Page 91

by Kathryn C. Kelly

  Between memories of Kiln’s lovemaking and my devastation over Montana, I just can’t do it now.

  I glance up and down the alleyway again. Too late, I consider finding a hideout. Tonight, I’m too exhausted to worry about that. Wrapping my arms around my waist, I head back to the dumpster. An old two-by-four leans against one side. If I wouldn’t draw attention to myself, I’d take it with me when I leave, but what will I look like, carrying a board around? That’s asking for trouble.

  It’s cooled off and I don’t have a jacket, so I fold my arms and huddle them against my stomach, trying to hold in my body heat. I forgot to ask Gloria for a jacket.

  “Stupid, Raine,” I mumble. Maybe, she wouldn’t have given a coat to me.

  She wants me at a disadvantage, so needy that I’d go crawling back to them before I’m ready.

  She might be my friend, but she sees me as a money maker for her man. Money and man trumps friend, any day.

  My stomach growls, and I yawn. Once I eat, I can sleep.

  The thought motivates me to struggle with the dumpster lid. I climb on the little thingie on the side of the dumpster. I swing one leg into the stinky pile. Suddenly, I’m grabbed from behind.

  My feet flail in the air. I draw in breath to scream, but a hand slaps over my mouth as my back presses against a man’s chest.

  “Hello, Raine.”

  Vince. He found me. On Sean’s orders. Vince wouldn’t take a shit without Sean’s permission. My ass beating—and possible sexual assault—has been sanctioned.


  Because Vince really, really doesn’t know me, he’s expecting fear to overtake me. Sean and his goons are well-known for their viciousness.

  I grab his crotch, glad he’s wearing thin trousers, and twist. His immediate release of me makes me stumble, but I quickly regain my footing. Asshead crumples to the ground.

  I run…smack dab into the other one. He’s big and burly, and I’ve given away my intentions to fight to the death. He wraps me in his arms, pinioning my entire body.

  Well, asshole, you leave me no choice.

  Sinking my teeth into his chin, I try my fucking best to gnaw as much flesh off as possible. He roars in pain and drops me. I trip backwards. Asshole recovers too fucking fast, and advances on me, arms outstretched. Praying he doesn’t pull his gun, I dart in the opposite direction.

  His chin is dripping blood and his eyes are wild. Vince’s moans are dying down. His pain is receding.

  If I don’t think of something fast, I’m in so much trouble. If I back up too much, I’ll end up cornered. Shit, I’m not sure what to do. My brother always…

  Goddamn you, Montana.

  The next best thing is...screaming at the top of my lungs. It’s a desperate, frightened, wounded cry, dredged up from my fear, anger, and hurt. For a moment, it halts the big dude, since I refuse to take my eyes off him. I’m not aware of Vince’s location anymore. Then, he speaks.


  My senses go on hyper-alert. Asshole is to my left and the other one is to my right. Any way I run, I’m caught.

  Vince seizes me and slaps me so hard I sprawl and skid like I’m on a waterslide, banging my back and shoulder against something hard. The last thing I need is to knock myself unconscious with these two dickheads circling. Scrambling to my hands and knees and ignoring the pain all over my damn body, I see the two-by-four. That’s what I hit. My possible lifesaver has been laying on the side of the dumpster, waiting for me.

  Grabbing it, I swing, catching Vince’s shoulder. Not good enough, so I stand on my tiptoes and swing again, putting so much force behind it, I send him flying. When he lands, he doesn’t move, either dead or knocked out. I’m hoping for the latter so I won’t be on Sean’s death list. That would really put a damper in all the work I went through tonight to save myself.

  However, I still have the other asshole to deal with.

  Holding the wood as if I’m a batter on the mound, I’m waiting for my chance. He creeps closer.

  “Stay back,” I warn in a hard voice.

  “Or what?” he asks, quite unconcerned.

  “Or I knock your fucking head off, stomp your dick, and steal your goddamn money.” He might not believe me, but I’m so fucking serious. After this, I need a shower and a warm bed. His money would afford me a room.

  He laughs, but stops and smirks at me. “Now what, bitch? You’re not close enough to hit me.” He pauses and pulls his gun, aiming it at my head. “But I’m close enough to shoot you.”

  “True,” I agree, determined to brazen this out. “But Sean sent you to rough me up, not kill me.”

  That suspicion isn’t confirmed until he nods. “So?”

  “So, dickhead, you can’t kill me, unless you want Sean to fuck you up. Therefore, take dumb ass and get the fuck out of my alleyway.”

  If he leaves, I’ll wait here for ten or fifteen minutes. I think. Confusion hits me again. If I leave, they may ambush me on the street. If I stay, I may find cold French fries, but they might return.

  We’re staring at each other. Of course, he has the upper hand in terms of weaponry. I have the upper hand in terms of the current value Sean has placed on me. I’m a new commodity and my pussy is worth gold to him at the moment.

  Asshole knows it and I know it.

  Tension rises between us, but he finally lowers the gun, so I straighten and rest the board on my shoulder. He looks like he wants to fuck me and kill me. It almost makes me rethink my decision to accept Sean’s offer. He won’t keep me as his toy forever. Gloria won’t allow it, so if I don’t land a high roller to rent me on a regular basis, my stock will go down, then he’ll allow his men to fuck me. Vince and his friend would use me brutally.

  “Sean won’t be too happy about Vince.”

  True. “Vince left me no choice, and I’ll tell him that.” Then, hope for the best.

  He makes a face at me.

  “Are we going to have this face-off all damn night or are you leaving me the fuck alone?” I ask sweetly.

  He steps toward me and I position myself again.

  “You think you’re the shit because of who you know.”

  “My opinion of myself doesn’t matter. Nor is knowing Gloria important. You came after me. I’m just defending myself.”

  Another twisted expression crosses his face. “Gloria, huh?”

  “Look, asshole, I’m not playing this game with you. I’m tired and hungry. If you’re going to shoot me, put us both out of our misery and do it. If you’re not, please get the fuck out of my face. You’re boring me.”

  For a moment he stares at me, then he grins. “Beg me, bitch.”

  “It’s not enough to be a killer. You have to be an ego maniac, too? Your momma must be so fucking proud.”

  He glares at me.

  “First rule of thumb, dude. Never let the enemy know they’re getting to you. Just a little tip from me to you.”

  “Bitch, I’m tired of you.”

  “Then, motherfucker, be gone, because I’m sick of your stank ass, too.”

  Respect is a necessity on the streets. If you get it, you give it, and vice versa. If you cower, you’re overrun and bullied.

  Finally, he backs away, goes to Vince and picks his still-unconscious ass up.

  “I think I might call in some of my boys that live close by.” He looks up and down the alley. “Only two ways out. If each end is covered, when you decide to leave, who knows what will greet you. Maybe, bullets.”

  Thanks for the warning. “Whatever, asshole. Just go.”

  Finally, he leaves, carrying Vince. They are swallowed up by the darkness and I sink down to the ground, my adrenaline crashing. I draw in deep breaths. The wood once again rests against my shoulder. My head aches. My jaw hurts. My eye feels as if it is swelling. My side and other shoulder is throbbing like hell. But I’m alive.

  Tomorrow, I’m scaling this building to the roof, so I can get away and hide.

  I must find food to
night, so I’ll have the energy to play fucking Spider Girl tomorrow.

  I toss my board into the dumpster first, then grit my teeth against the pain, and climb back onto the thingie on the side. My dive into the garbage isn’t rudely interrupted, so I begin my scrounging, glad the restaurant has this small alley alcove lighted. Immediately, I discover two quartered pieces of unused lemon. I swipe off a piece of wilted, ketchupy lettuce and sink my teeth into the citrus fruit. I prefer oranges, but having nothing on the menu that calls for them, I’m shit out of luck. I polish off the other piece, ignoring the underlaying onion-y taste.

  Tossing the peel, I’m satisfied I’ve gotten Vitamin C. Diving again, I come across a pile of French fries. They’re cold and greasy but so delicious. Even when I accidentally chew on the side Vince walloped, they’re good.

  Halfway into my potatoes, I hear more footsteps. My heart sinks and I groan, readying myself for another round. Grabbing my two-by-four, I climb out of the dumpster, leaving behind my lovely French fries, and position myself to bat the fuck out of whoever.


  I frown. Now, I’m fucking hearing things. That sure as shit sounds like Kiln, but, it can’t be.

  He steps into the light and his eyes widen. They take in my face. Without seeing it, I know it’s bruised. Maybe, even bloody. “What the fuck happened to you?”

  My heart skips a beat, but I ignore the tiny bit of joy sliding through me at seeing Kiln. Suddenly, the alleyway seems too small, overwhelmed by his presence.

  Nope. Nope. Not going there. Who cares if he has the most glorious blue-green eyes? Not me. Nor do I care that his T-shirt clings to his muscled frame. His biceps bulge through the material.

  “Who worked you over?”

  My shock at seeing him recedes. “It isn’t your fucking business. What are you doing here? How did you find me?”

  He assesses me once more, and I swear it’s as if he’s touched me. I am glad to see him, but I’m wary, too.

  “I asked you a question.”

  “And I asked you one, too, jackass,” I grouch. Does he really have to be so crabby and bossy all the time?

  Annoyance crosses his face, but, seeing I’m not relenting, he huffs out a breath. “I’ve been searching for you for hours. I didn’t know where to start, so I went to a few places where I know vagrants live and inquired about you. Why doesn’t it surprise me that you’re known as a little spitfire with a big mouth?”

  “Maybe, because nothing surprises you? You need a bit of innocence to drop your guard and take life as it comes, instead of always looking for the shitty side.”

  “I can do without your profound bullshit,” he grumbles. “I didn’t come here for that.”

  My eyes narrow. Bathed in the halogen light behind the restaurant, he’s the most beautiful man I’ve ever seen. His eyes seem to be alive, reflecting the light with blue-green fire. He’s wearing shorts, a T-shirt, and sandals, so I can see his hard legs and long feet. He can get me out of this alley, away from the danger of Sean’s boys. But considering the way we parted and his current attitude, he can only be here for one reason. “Fuck off. I’m not fucking you or sucking your cock.”

  “Now, who’s being cynical?”

  “Why else would you be here. You put me out because you didn’t like what I had to say.”

  “True, and I regret that.”

  Those words surprise the ever-loving shit out of me. I breathe in deep, survival uppermost in my mind. Therefore, I’ll backtrack and offer him a blowjob and a fuck if he escorts me someplace. Or…or buys me a bus ticket to anywhere. Whatever direction the bus is traveling, I’m fine with. As long as I’m out of Sean’s reach.

  He gives me a small smile, then focuses on my injured face again. “What happened to you?”

  “Nothing that concerns you.”

  “Suppose I tell you, I want you to return to the mansion with me?”

  I’ll be so grateful, I’ll get on my knees and say a prayer of thanks, like I did when I was a child. “Okay,” I mumble. It isn’t as if I don’t want him. Besides, when faced with the possibility of climbing a roof to try and escape madmen (and probably still being cut down in a hail of bullets), or leaving with Kiln, it’s easy to decide.

  Some might say I don’t have a choice in the matter, but we always have options. Choosing the right one is the difficult part. In my case, putting aside my pride to continue to breathe.

  “After we fuck, can I sleep in a chair, instead of on the floor, in a sleeping bag?”

  His look turns smug and heat rises up my cheeks. I flip him off and he laughs.

  Looking down, I glimpse my dirty clothes. The state of my clothes have never bothered me before. I’ve always held onto the belief that, one day, I’ll do better. Now, though, in Kiln’s presence, I bite my lip, self-conscious of my appearance. Hopefully, if I leave with him, he’ll allow me to take a long, hot shower.

  “I have another request,” I say happily even though he has yet to respond to my last one.

  His good humor evaporates. “Right,” he sneers. “Money. How can I forget what every woman wants? Money. It’s always about fucking money with women. That’s why you sought me out in the first place.”

  “Well, yeah, I need money to leave town and have money to eat for a few days, but I wasn’t talking about that. I just want a hot shower and to wash and dry these clothes.”

  “Is that so? I’m sure you want to swindle me out of more money than just a few hundred dollars. All women, all whores, want money. How much do you want for the privilege of staying in a mansion when your current housing is so swanky?”

  Hurt punctures me, but he can fucking bite me. “You know what, motherfucker? Fuck you. Negotiations are closed.”

  “Damn it.” He turns in a circle, as if I’ve frustrated him to no end. “I’m sorry.”

  The way his words opens an emotional wound, surprises me. I curse under my breath. I like him a little too much. It’s the sex. It has to be. He gave me the best orgasm of my life and, now, my pussy’s attached, which I’m misinterpreting as something else.


  Oh, yeah. He apologized. “You’re never going to stop throwing my homelessness or my prostitution in my face. Well, guess what? Get the fuck out of my face. You came in search of me this time, so I don’t have to listen to you.”

  It isn’t as if I can storm down the alley. I might end up with my ass shot off, so I march to the dumpster, throw the stick in, then follow suit and resume eating my French fries.

  “Raine?” he says a moment later.

  He’s come closer. His voice is low, washing over me like warm honey.

  “I’m an asshole. It’s a well-known fact. I don’t mean to be. When I argue, I go for the jugular. It’s the only way I know. That’s what I was taught.”

  “Dish it out to people who deserve it. I don’t, and I won’t stand for it. Three days ago, I didn’t know you, so if you walk out of my life now, I won’t fucking miss you.” That’s a lie, especially tonight when I need him to get me away.

  Shit. I’m so fucking insane. It isn’t as if I’m going to stay with Kiln forever. I’ve been called worse. He could’ve called me a slut house and I should’ve ignored it.

  “I want you safe,” he says in his low, sexy baritone.

  “That makes two of us,” I grump, angry with my big mouth. I bite into a fry.

  “I can keep you safe. I promise I won’t let anyone hurt you.”

  Getting to my feet, I see him standing just outside of the dumpster, so I surf through the garbage and move closer.

  “Come with me, doll. You’re dirty and beaten, and you look so fucking exhausted, I’m worried you’re going to drop at any moment.”

  “I am tired.”

  “I like you,” he admits quietly, the words coming out of nowhere. “You’re tough and strong and pull no punches. I have a feeling someone jumped you, but since you’re still standing, you won that fight.”

  “I have been
beaten, but it was a draw. He had a gun. I had wood and trash talk.” I rub my good eye and yawn. “I guess I should’ve warned you, but he said he’s calling his boys and will stake out either end of the alleyway so, when I emerge, I’ll be met with a hail of bullets.”

  “What?” he roars.

  Yawning again, I nod.

  Anger purples his face and his eyes darken. “You should’ve jumped at my offer,” he snarls.

  I swing a leg over and start to climb out of the dumpster. “I should’ve,” I agree, since it’s true.

  He grabs my waist and swings me down, holding me just a moment and then letting me slide down his body. We stare at each other, gazes dropping to lips. Offering a half-smile, he pulls something from my hair and throws it aside.

  I grin at him, wanting to kiss him, but stopping myself. Compared to me, he smells delicious.

  He thumbs my lips. “I’m sorry again, sweetheart.”

  “I’m going to make you pay for being so mean and nasty to me.”

  “If anyone can, it’s you,” he says dryly.

  “I’ll take that as a compliment.”

  “It is, doll.” He settles his hands on my hips. “I want you to stay behind me. Understand?” He digs in his shorts and hands me a cellphone, then instructs me on how to unlock it. “If shots are fired and I’m hit, find any type of cover, as fast as possible, and dial 911.”

  I swallow, picking up on what he’s not saying. He intends to shield me with his body.

  “Kiln,” I start.

  “We have to get out of here,” he says. He lifts one side of his shirt, where his holstered gun is. Once he checks it and removes the safety, he turns. “Stay close to me.”

  Besides Montana, I’ve never had anyone else to worry about. Once I worried about my mother…Nope. Not going there.

  Knowing Kiln is about to risk his life on my behalf sends cold chills through me.

  We start forward. His hands are at his side but, even in the darkness, I can make out the outline of his gun. I don’t know what caliber it is. It has a big barrel, though.

  The closer we get to the street, the more my heart pounds. What are we going to face out in the open? A gun battle? Death?


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