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Phoenix Rising Rock Band: The Series

Page 115

by Kathryn C. Kelly

  Another puff. Another circle. A vicious grin. “You sure ‘bout that, babe? Cuz I think you still love his ass. You just hurt. See, Raine, tough bitches like you? Got some softness in them, too. You just gotta know when the fuck to give up control. That’s your main fuckin’ problem. You fuckin’ insisted on comin’ cuz you gotta control shit. Don’t mean I don’t fuckin’ understand why you doin’ it. You think it’s your fuckin’ job to protect stupid motherfuckers. To do that shit, you gotta be in control.”

  He flicks his cigarette to the floor and stomps it out. The door opens before anyone responds, and Chambers steps in. The smile on his face dies when he sees Outlaw.

  “Hello, motherfucker,” Outlaw greets.

  “Outlaw,” he manages.

  “Last fuckin’ time we talked, you and Sean workin’ on the same team. You runnin’ shit for him. In turn, for me. Sean got his side shit. Montana workin’ on Sean orders. All of a fuckin’ sudden, I get fuckin’ reports that Montana body gotta be found. You on the run after prostitutin’ girls out and hittin’ them. Sean runnin’ women. Vince gettin’ fucked up by some girl he beat on. And all you fuckin’ up girls.”

  “I can explain,” Chambers starts.

  “Vince,” Outlaw calls. “Come fuckin’ here.”

  “Should I crawl or walk?” Vince asks.

  “You can fuckin’ fly. I don’t give a fuck. Just get the fuck here,” Outlaw responds.

  Clearing his throat, Vince goes to Outlaw, stopping in front of him.

  “Close your eyes,” Johnnie whispers as the report of a gun goes off, blood sprays from Vince’s head, and his body drops to the ground.

  Montana looks horrified. Chambers bursts into tears. I start to shake.

  “Explain now, motherfucker,” Outlaw demands.

  “Outlaw, please!”

  “Where the fuck Sean?” he asks, ignoring Chambers’ sobs.

  “I don’t know,” he cries. “He went underground.”

  Outlaw stares at him a moment, then shoots him in the head, too. I sway, on the verge of fainting. Did I really fear for the club president’s life?

  My God, he takes no prisoners. He doesn’t accept explanations. He’s the direct opposite of the man who can’t seem to keep his eyes off Meggie.

  He starts to circle Montana again.

  “Outlaw, please, God,” Montana snivels. “Please. Don’t kill me.”

  “Where Sean?”

  “I don’t know!” he screams. “I swear I’d tell you if I knew.”

  “Who fuckin’ idea was it to fuck over girls?”


  At this point, nothing shocks me. If they told me, pigs were flying, I’d say what the fuck ever.

  “Now that bitch gonna be a fuckin’ problem.”

  “What Sean had to do with it?”

  “He went along with whatever she said.”


  “I don’t know, Outlaw. Chambers hurt girls on his own. I swear I wasn’t involved in this shit. I just met you a month ago. Even through Facetime, you impressed upon me not to fuck over you. I didn’t. I swear.”

  “When you killed a bitch? Before or after we was introduced?”

  “About a month before,” he says.

  “That’s fucking convenient,” Johnnie puts in.

  Outlaw nods, then looks at me. “Raine, babe, I admire a girl who so loyal to her family. But you got my ever-fuckin-lastin’ respect when you took up for Megan. I wish I coulda spared you this. My ass glad you came, though. You got to hear first-fuckin’ hand from your fuckin’ brother how he feel. You like Megan, and I think she like you, too.”

  “Yes,” I whisper, drained.

  “Montana livin’,” he announces, as if he has the power of life and death. Because he does. “But he comin’ back to Hortensia. I’ma keep a close eye on his ass. One fuckin’ step outta line and he dyin’.”

  “Thank you,” I say.

  His nine disappears. “My ass already bein’ a hypocritical motherfucker by lettin’ you live. I ain’t got no tolerance for women abusers. Don’t make me fuckin’ regret givin’ you a second fuckin’ chance. Hear me?”


  “No other motherfucker here, right?” he asks my brother.

  Montana shakes his head.

  “Val, Stretch, torch this shithole, then head back to the mansion. I gotta call Riley to see if I can get a fuckin’ bead on Sean.”

  With that, the larger-than-life club president walks out, leaving us mortals to follow in his wake.

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  “Can you put that fucking cigarette out?” I snap at Cash, several hours after he delivered the sucker punch that knocked me out.

  My face is swollen, but to my own ears, I’m speaking normally. Certainly, not with the stutter and painful whispers with each word I spoke as I did earlier. I was out only about fifteen minutes before having water thrown over my head by Cash, who demanded I call Montana.

  My voice was weak. Then, Cash took the phone, put the speaker on, and explained the situation. Crisis averted. Sloane’s no longer on a hit list.

  No long afterwards, Sloane and Josh escorted a doctor to me. He had all types of portable machines, a technician, and various medicines. After confirming I had broken ribs, one lung partially collapsed and the other having a pulmonary contusion. Not to mention the concussion, bruised kidney, and various sprains.

  I make a note to myself to never insult Megan Caldwell again. Fuck, I’ll never get on Outlaw’s bad side for as long as I live. I’m so fucking happy to still be breathing, painful though it might be.

  Now, Cash adds to the misery of my lungs by smoking. Asshole sits near my bed, in a chair, glowering at me.

  “Put the fucking cigarette out,” I order.

  He takes it between two fingers, releases smoke, and smirks. “Make me.”

  Not happening. This is what I get for being such an arrogant, hot-headed, know-it-all. My sole consolation is I was trying to be a good son.

  Realizing I have to break it to my mother that Sloane isn’t dying makes me cringe.

  I…My door bursts open and Georgiana rushes through, carrying Bryn and Chance.

  “Cash!” she cries, setting her kids down. “Alexia…” she cries, looking from me to Cash, and back again. Her body shakes. Her kids began to whine. But I hear my mother’s name and I think of all types of scenarios.

  Cash rushes to his sister. “What’s the matter, Georgie? You’re white as a sheet.”

  Before she answers, a woman screams, then bursts of gunfire fill the air.

  “Oh, my God, Meggie!” Georgie gasps.

  Cash grabs her upper arms. “What the fuck is going on, Georgiana?”

  I struggle to sit up. Pain explodes through my body as more gunfire goes off.

  “Alexia, another woman, and a guy she calls Sean is here. They shot Jaeger and is holding Sloane at gunpoint.”

  “What?” I yell, forcing myself out of bed.

  “Cash, please, hurry,” Georgiana sobs, ignoring me. “Do something. They’re going to kill Sloane.”

  “Stay here,” Cash soothes.

  “Meggie is out there! That woman had a knife to her throat.”

  “Where’s Raine?” I demand, although I should be thinking of my mother.

  “With Outlaw,” Georgie says, and leaves it at that. Not that we have time for detailed answers.

  Cash pulls his gun and checks it for bullets.

  “Wait, Cash!” I call, frantic. He’ll go in and shoot everyone, including my mother. “Don’t hurt my mother. We have to get her away from Sean.”

  “She’s with Sean,” Georgie screeches. “Claiming she’s going to do the job you failed at. She says you agreed to kill my husband!”

  Fuck. “I can explain,” I say quickly, as Cash runs out of my room. “It isn’t what you think.”

  “Where’s your gun?” she asks with impatience, not interested in my words. “I have to protect my husband.”

  “Stay here,” I manage, opening my nightstand and pulling out my .357 Magnum.

  Each movement I make is agony, but I force myself to go on. My breaths come out in painful gasps. Dizziness assails me. At any moment, I feel as if I’m going to faint.

  In the foyer, I find Jaeger, barely conscious, blood blooming in the center of his white shirt. More gunfire erupts. But no one screams. No one cries.

  Has Sean killed them all? Megan? Sloane?

  And where are the guys in the band? My mother?

  I continue down the hall, aware of my slow pace, my frantic heartbeat. Aware that I can be ambushed from behind. Or someone can come at me head-on. With the exception of my gun, I’m defenseless. Once I run out of bullets, I’m dead.

  That means Georgie, my niece, and nephew will also be killed.

  What the fuck have I done?

  I reach Sloane’s studio, but can’t see inside because of the one-way glass. I want to stop, assure myself that the guys didn’t hang around after dinner, but my concern is Sloane. And my mother.

  Gun cocked and aimed, I enter the family room. Shattered glass and splintered wood litter the place. The shots I heard must’ve been these jackasses destroying Sloane’s house.

  I go in further.

  Cash is nowhere to be seen. Sloane’s unconscious, bleeding from his head, my mother standing over his body.

  “No!” I yell, limping to them. “What the fuck have you done?”

  She turns to me, a serene smile on her face.

  “No, God! No. Don’t let Sloane die.” I’m not sure who I’m talking to. All I know is I need someone to hear me.

  I drop next to him and pull him into my arms. Blood slides down his face. The gash on his head is long. It seems to be more of a slice than a hole, and I can’t tell how deep it is. He looks ashen, however. Still. Unmoving.

  Nausea turns my stomach. At any moment, I think I’ll vomit.

  “My son,” my mother says, placing her hand on my shoulder.

  “Look who the cat dragged in,” Sean remarks, walking in from the kitchen, eating a banana. “You let me go and your mother hired me.” He grins. “Paid me double.”

  Dietrech. She’s the only one who could’ve helped my mother pull this off.

  “Threw me off a little when Outlaw arrived. He’s searching for me, though, so I knew he wouldn’t be here long.” He snickers, and finishes the banana off, tossing the peeling aside. “Wonder if he found anybody. I covered my tracks pretty well. He has no clue about the diner, so I doubt it.”

  Sloane moves, then groans. Sean frowns at him.

  “I told Bae not to use a knife on him,” he says on a sigh, casually revealing his gun and aiming it at Sloane’s head.

  No fucking way am I allowing this. Even if I have to die, Sloane will live. I shove Sloane down, twisting in front of him and firing my gun at the same time. The bullet burns into me. My mother screams.

  Sloane groans again, and I smile in relief. Numbness is settling over me. This is what I deserve. I only wish Raine was here to hold me as I pass into the next life.

  “Raine,” I whisper, closing my eyes, and giving myself up to my fate.

  The moment I walk in, I see Jaeger. Bloody. Unmoving. Pale.

  The guys don’t hesitate, pulling their weapons and fanning out in all directions. I hurry to Jaeger and feel for his pulse, sagging in relief when I feel a faint beat.

  For now, he’s alive, but I don’t know where Kiln is.

  If Montana hadn’t been dropped off at the Death Dweller’s Denver chapter, where Outlaw gave the order to keep him unharmed, but tied up, I would’ve wondered if he was behind this after everything I learned today.

  Suddenly, I hear male shouts and a woman’s yells, and hurry down the hallway. Josh, Maitland, Quint, and Adam are stumbling out of the studio. Maitland’s wrists are raw and bloodied.

  “They came in so fast,” Quint explains.

  “Where Megan?” Outlaw demands.

  “Where’s Kiln?” I ask.

  “Kiln!” Alexia wails. “He’s dead.”

  “No!” I shout that word and push myself through the bikers. The family room reveals a horrific scene. Sloane leans against a couch, dazed, bleeding from his head. Nearby, Sean lay…dead?

  And Kiln is next to Sloane, his left side bloody. His heart. He must’ve been hit in his heart.

  Falling to my knees, I scream. Someone comes to me and picks me up. I don’t know who and I don’t care. Kiln’s dead. I’ll never get the chance to really know him.

  Never discover if what I feel is real love.

  He’s gone. Lost to me. I scream again.

  “Where the fuck is my fuckin’ wife?” Outlaw blares.

  “Kiln’s dead!” I cry. I don’t want Meggie to be hurt, but Kiln’s gone.

  “The motherfucker ain’t,” Outlaw tells me. “He bleedin’ like a motherfucker and if we ain’t gettin’ him to a fuckin’ hospital he gonna be dead.”

  Turning back in the direction I saw Kiln, I find Johnnie there, leaning him against the sofa, next to Sloane. Labored breathing is escaping him. It’s the most beautiful sound I’ve ever heard.

  “Kiln!” Alexia cries. “He’s alive.”

  I start toward him, but stop when Gloria walks out of the kitchen, her mouth bleeding and her eye swelling shut. She has Meggie, a gun to her head, and is walking very slowly.

  “We can do this the hard way, like Missy chose to do, or we can do it my way,” Gloria says calmly.

  Outlaw goes for his gun, but she presses the barrel of hers further into Meggie’s skin.

  “Don’t move,” she orders, dragging Meggie closer to where Kiln and Sloane are. Closer to me.

  “Megan, baby, keep fuckin’ still,” Outlaw says.

  Gloria giggles. “I’ll exchange her for you, Raine,” she says, sees Kiln, and then shoots at him, so suddenly no one has a chance to react.

  “Don’t shoot him again!” I yell.

  “Hands fuckin’ up,” Outlaw demands.

  So, maybe, I was wrong—he did react.

  “Put the gun down,” Gloria orders, situating herself behind Meggie, so if Outlaw shoots, he hits his wife first.

  “Christopher, put the fucking gun down,” Johnnie orders, fear in his tone.

  Kiln’s weapon lays near him, forgotten. If I don’t do something, not only will Kiln die, but Meggie, Sloane, and Jaeger.

  Meggie’s gaze lands on the gun, then catches my eyes. Her lashes flicker as she looks from the gun to me. Gloria is too busy hiding behind Meggie to notice us, so I make a little hand gesture and slide closer to Kiln’s gun.

  When I get next to it, I look to Meggie again. She gives me a small nod. Keeping my hand low, I hold up one finger, then two, and finally the third one. At three, Meggie elbows Gloria and slides to the floor.

  I don’t hesitate. I fire Kiln’s gun, and hit her in the cheek. Her eyes widen, then she falls back, landing hard on the floor.

  Meggie runs to Outlaw, while Johnnie pries the weapon from my hand.

  “Get the fuckin’ badges here and EMS,” Outlaw orders.

  Mortician shoves a glass containing brown liquid into my hands. “Drink that, Rusty. Brandy. Calm your fuckin’ nerves.”

  I nod, unable to speak.

  “Megan, take Raine to Kiln suite. Check on Sloane woman.”

  “Stretch, find Cash.”

  “Any motherfucker got Aunt Mary get the fuck rid of the motherfuckers now.”

  Holding my glass tightly, I allow Meggie to guide me through the sea of bodies and men. Alexia sits in a corner, on the floor, shaking back and forth. Cash stumbles in, holding his head.

  Meggie keeps a steady hand on me, not talking, knowing I need time to get over my shock. In Kiln’s room, Georgie hugs me. She’s a fucking wreck. Her kids are snotty-nosed and red-faced. Tears streak her cheeks, but she hugs both of us.

  “Where’s Sloane?” she cries.

  “He’s injured,” Meggie says gently.

  “He told
me to leave. To get the kids to safety.”

  “Shhhh, I know,” Meggie says softly. “You did the right thing. Ambulances are on the way.”

  “This is Kiln’s fault,” Georgie cries.

  I want to say something to refute that, but I can’t form words.

  “I heard what Alexia said,” Meggie starts. “Kiln can be a little, er, boneheaded, but he’d never hire anyone to kill Sloane. Think about it. From what you’ve told me about his mother, she’ll do anything to drive a wedge between this family. Don’t let that happen.”

  Georgie sucks in a breath. “You’re right!” she says hoarsely as Meggie opens her arms to embrace her friend.

  Once again, Meggie catches my eyes and lifts a brow at me. She knows what Kiln intended, so I nod, slowly coming back to myself.

  “Megan?” Outlaw calls.

  Meggie and Georgie release each other, allowing Meggie to run to her husband.

  “You punched that bitch, huh, baby?”

  “Maybe,” she says with a little sniff. “She wanted to tie me up and put me in a dark closet.”

  “That woulda been fuckin’ better.” He gives her a long kiss then lifts his head. “Georgiana, Raine, Sloane and Kiln ‘bout to go to the hospital. I figure you two wanna ride with them. Jaeger already on his way. We gonna stay with the kids.”

  “Thanks, Outlaw,” Georgie says, giving him a quick hug and running out of the room.

  I start behind her, but Outlaw stops me.

  “Raine,” he says.

  “Yes?” The events of the day have taken its toll on me. I found my brother, then lost him again—this time for good. I’ll never fucking talk to him again. I’ve seen men die. I’ve killed. And I thought I’d lost my love, my grouchy, argumentative Kiln.

  “This gonna stay with you,” he says quietly. “But you saved Megan. Probably, Kiln, too. You did what the fuck you had to do.”

  I nod.

  “You always got a place at my table. If you ever need something, fuckin’ call and you fuckin’ got it.”


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