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Sky Jump

Page 28

by Anastasia Bolinder

  Mr. Sheplar nodded and something about it reminded me of someone but I could not place who.

  “All that you said is correct, and I will tell you why the height is easy.” He said and for once I felt very enthralled to know something he was willingly giving, “It is easy because it’s height, you can think past it and move beyond it,” he said plainly.

  I took a moment and mulled over his words feeling them suddenly click as I considered how reaching the wall was all I thought about and there in the height became easy once I got there, in some strange logical way it made sense just like the others did.

  Mr. Sheplar had gone back to mending tunnels when a question came to mind.

  “Why did you tell the poem to me?” I asked and walked up to his side as again he slowed and I realized we were the only ones in the room save Delphine who was talking to a small group as she almost always was near the doorway.

  Turning to me Mr. Sheplar looked me over again and then looked to the window a good way off.

  “The same reason I put you at the blocks for months before I gave you the chance to try the whole course again.” He said and now I was very interested as the thoughts of the horrid months I spent trying to reach the top block tormented me.

  “Because you are a good enough student to have it and keep it’s meanings,” he said nodding to me.

  I tilted my head and glanced at the full set of blocks at the end of the room.

  “You mean my climbing those dumb things was because I was good enough for the test, not a punishment?” I asked slightly shocked.

  Mr. Sheplar tilted his head at the word punishment.

  “Equila, the words I shared with you are ones that mean more than a phrase.” He looked at me intently and I realized it was the first time he had called me by my first name, “I rarely give them to my students, especially my first year students.” he looked to me and I felt slightly horrid for how cruel I had thought of him.

  Tilting my head, I realized that he acted as if these words were nearly sacred.

  “Why is the poem so special?” I asked looking to him.

  Glancing at me he looked to the ground and looked slightly less threatening then most classes with him.

  “It is because it not only can be used in this room but is a truth of anything you could face in life.” He looked to me and I felt the truth of his words like when my father wanted me to understand something about SkyJumps. “Whether facing another in battle or simply navigating life, this saying is one not to be forgotten as almost those who wrote it have been.” He said and his words stuck a very real cord as I thought about the fact that I knew it was SkyJumps he was talking about.

  Standing there for a moment the words I had engrained in my mind suddenly took on new meaning and I hoped I would never forget them.

  Mr. Sheplar turned to me, waved a hand and for exactly one moment I saw him crack a smile, I mean it, a real smile!

  “Now go on to lunch before it’s over, you will need your strength if you are to defeat Delphine,” he said, motioning for me to go.

  Nodding, I thanked him for the class and he nodded back with the stern look back on his features yet as I exited the room I realized he had said defeat Delphine, not fight her! But did he mean… Could he really be saying he thought I could beat her?!

  Glancing over my shoulder I caught one look at the SkyJumping poem that was a simple smudge on the window far off and felt sure I had heard wrong, but as I turned I knew I had a few people I needed to tell what had happened!

  I had to run to get my food and it was only by the sheer grace of having Keten around that Jack did not knock over my lunch because he passed by a few times. Keten was so close to me as he asked why I looked like I had a secret he would want to know about. I could only giggle until back at our table I told them all and boy, did the conversation go on.

  By the time we all had to head off, Alissa, Zac and Keten all said they were coming to root for me against Delphine. For the first time I felt completely glad that my father had sent me to La’ket because suddenly I had friends I did not have to leave.

  My next two classes felt as if time had suddenly slowed and each test felt so mundane and simple compared to Mr. Sheplar’s test. The thought, I realized, was consuming to go against Delphine but even now I decided I would use the poem and see if it really could help me, especially considering I had no idea what was going to happen.

  At lunch we had talked about the competition and I was shocked to learn this was the first year it was happening so no one had any idea what would happen. As I started to get closer to Mr. Sheplar’s room, the halls became uncommonly crowded and I was shocked to find that I had to come to a standstill right before the door as more people crowded behind me. Glancing behind me I suddenly realized I was pinned in, I felt a knot hold in my chest and turning back, students crowded blocking my path.

  I had absolutely no way of escape.

  Flowing and moving with the horde surrounding me I tried to keep my mind calm as the horse nature in my mind all but wanted to trample those around me and run.

  Thankfully, the crowd started to lessen as students started off to friends and found places on the floor to sit.

  My mouth was wide as I looked on, dumb founded until someone suddenly grabbed for my arm.

  “There you are!” Alissa’s voice stopped me from pulling away as she pulled me past and through those looking around.

  Leaning forward I slightly yelled over the noise of voices,

  “Why are all these student’s here?” I asked her.

  She did not answer for a moment as we slipped through two taller boys who stood against the wall. When we came through Alissa looked back at me with a look only a friend could accomplish that looked annoyed, but in a less Lucy like way.

  “There all here to see you and Samson take on Delphine.” Alissa said and turned back to making our way through the crowds.

  Looking forward as my mind raced, I found that the arena was set up at the back of the room with Delphine, Mr. Sheplar and Samson, the boy who had done best in our class, waiting at the front of the room almost next to the first block to climb.

  Coming through the last of the onlookers we were almost free of watching our step when I slammed into a hard as board body. Alissa lost her grip on my arm and I looked up with a sneer on my face to whomever I had hit when the face that looked back startled me.

  “Watch yourself!” Jack said, his mohawk high as ever and his grimace as dark as night as he gripped my arms tightly.

  I pulled back from him but he held on, suddenly frightened by how strong a grip he had as his dark frown turned to an evil grin.

  “Let go.” I said, my teeth clenched as I pulled against him.

  His grip tightened and Alissa was somewhere close by but I was truly afraid of something about Jack, was it his demeanor or the way he could be so ruthless.

  No matter, as I struggled I felt threatened, even if it was just how he is.

  “Let go.” I barked again, trying to pull free.

  Before I knew it Keten stood between me and Jack with Alissa and Zac at his side.

  Looking around Keten my heart pounded in my chest as Jack ripped his wrists back from Keten and sneered at him.

  “Protecting a wimp, how classic.” He said and started to back away.

  Keten held his ground and said nothing as Jack grimaced and I realized Lucy was not too far off watching all this unfold with a lost and angry look in her eyes.

  “Leave Equila alone, Jack.” Keten advised with a sharp edge to his tone.

  Jack’s lips quivered with rage but he contained it to say one last thing before he left as he glared to me and I looked out from behind Keten,

  “You’re going to lose it all.” His words felt so dark that my arms rose in goosebumps.

  Keten took a step towards him and Jack hurried away going to Lucy who shot even darker glances over when Keten turned to me putting his hands gently to my arms.

  “Are you ok?” He
asked looking me over.

  Looking past him I watched Jack and Lucy heading to leave and felt relieved when Keten’s voice came again,

  “Quil?” His tone was fervent and as I turned to him I found he was searching my face for any wounds.

  Fumbling suddenly and even worse because Alissa and Zac stood only inches away at our side I nodded to him.

  “Yes, I’m fine.” I said looking to the ground and then back to Keten who’s gaze had not left it’s search of mine.

  Before much more could be said or done another figure came over and tapped Keten on the shoulder making his grasp leave my arms.

  “Is everything alright?” Jean asked looking slightly worried.

  Keten looked to me and for once I was starting to worry what harm might come to me, I nodded to which Keten looked very happy.

  “Jean, Jack and Lucy have been threatening Quil since she started here,” he said nodding to her.

  Jean’s eyes widened slightly as she looked to me.

  “Why did you not come forward before now?” She asked looking at me intently with kind worry.

  Before I could answer Mr. Sheplar joined our group and I was suddenly starting to feel cramped again.

  “If we could, Miss Deshion is the first to compete.” Mr. Sheplar said, annoyed though I saw the way he kept eyeing past me as though he had overheard the conversation.

  We all looked to him and Jean nodded before turning back to face me.

  “We will talk about this later then.” She said and then motioned for me to move to the front of the room.

  Nodding, though my stomach felt sick now more than ever, I started forward to Mr. Sheplar,

  “Good luck, Equila.” Jean added as I passed, though I saw the way she was thinking when she assumed I had stopped looking at her.

  Turing back to Keten, Alissa and Zac all followed by my side as Alissa took my hand and looked to me to see if I was okay.

  Nodding, she smiled though I saw the way it was halfhearted as she looked behind us.

  Mr. Sheplar turned and seemed puzzled, when he sternly motioned to the small group with me, the moment Keten had reached for my hand.

  “All of you get back there and sit, would you!” He said with death glare.

  Catching the severe tone in his voice they all nodded and I turned to them.

  “Good luck, Quil.” Alissa and Zac said nodding as they started back.

  I smiled and nodded to them when Keten came to stand before me and though he still looked worried he leaned in to kiss my cheek as my heart dropped in my chest.

  “Please, be seated!” The voice boomed and in the very last second before his lips could have touched my cheek he pulled back and our eyes though locking felt robbed compared to a kiss on the cheek!

  Swinging around, I glared at Mr. Sheplar who tried to act like he had not just yelled to get Keten leaving, a hand took mine and I turned to Keten who looked sweet and dashing as he smiled.

  “I know you will do it,” he said and nodded placing another kiss on my hand before leaving me standing with an all too happy smile catching my lips.

  Oh, Quil you have been kissed on the hand twice and almost on the cheek look how far you’ve come, I thought.

  “Miss Deshion will be our first competitor.”

  Turning sharply, I realized he was talking about me and I came from my fantasies to stand only a short distance from where I had been. I now looked out over the audience that felt very large as they crowded in, still filling the floor all the way to the door.

  “The test today will be one much like that of the test those in this class faced today.” Mr. Sheplar stated and we all waited as we knew it could not be that simple with him, “But there will be a new challenge. The contestants will not fight at the beginning but the end when on the blocks,” he said and sure enough the crowd gasped.

  I looked back to the blocks and then him, I didn’t know if I was relieved or scared to death.

  Delphine stood on his other side and the boy to compete after me next to her as Mr. Sheplar laid down only one rule.

  “Like SkyJumping competitions, the wall and thereafter is no game for hitting, but blood is allowed once on the blocks. The first competitor to fall off the blocks in the fight loses and the winner is known,” he said matter of factly.

  Suddenly, as the crowd swelled in noise I felt light headed and all but Keten’s face nodding to me as well as Alissa and Zac were keeping me from passing out.

  “Please, go to the wall and ready your ascent.” Mr. Sheplar said motioning to the wall.

  Feeling like I was in a dream, Delphine walked past me. As I was leaving again Mr. Sheplar said softly, “The secret.” and it was all I needed as I started mouthing the words all the way until the moment I got to the wall.

  As I stood waiting to start up the wall, I hardly thought about Delphine until she spoke softly,

  “Why do you hold back?” She asked and I turned to look at her as Mr. Sheplar shushed the crowd.

  “My father doesn’t like me to SkyJump.” I said simply and she nodded while I tried to forget I was talking to a Skyjump legend as the crowd would not hush.

  Delphine nodded and then looked to the wall though glancing aside at me.

  “He may have his reasons, but you have a gift, Equila,” she said glancing at me as I felt suddenly thrilled that a star like her would know my name when we had never spoken, “best of luck.” She said and held out a none gloved hand to me.

  Taking her hand as Mr. Sheplar finally got the crowd quiet I felt in awe of my current standing, even if I was to lose hopelessly, I had been told I had a gift by the best SkyJumping competitor in all the world and the fact she wore no gloves in our match spoke volumes about who she was.

  “Ready...” Mr. Sheplar said and we both turned to the wall as a spark of excitement rose within me, “GO!” He yelled and we both started up at the same speed as the room fell in a quiet excitement.

  Item after item, from handles to a coat racks, we climbed.

  I was amazed at her speed and with the wall so small I only gained a few moments faster than her as we approached the ceiling and the tunnel hanging over us. Reaching up and going in I had no time to worry as I went. When my hand slipped as I got to the spot I needed to be, I looked down through to the ground and felt my chest slightly catch as she came climbing behind me.

  “The thought is consuming, Quil.” Was all the words I needed in my mind as I worked my way up and the moment I was sitting up the ropes around me caught ablaze.

  Gasps arose as I started to fall, but I caught a swaying rope though I was now low on it as I slid to a stop from falling off.

  The crowd spoke and yelled up yet their emotion sounded so far away as Delphine was already swinging to jump.

  Pulling my body up I was back to the height I needed as Delphine went to jump and then held back.

  I was shocked as I started to swing, no one else could have seen how she stopped from jumping but I did and it made me wonder what she was doing?

  Getting up to the right speed we moved almost at the same time as I glanced aside and she nodded for me to go. Was she really letting me win? I did not want to consider long as I started forward and taking her nod I went for the jump and at the exact same moment she went for it too.

  My eyes widened and the crowd erupted. We both flew for the trapeze, she was going only a second faster but she caught the bar and the moment she did it started her swinging away, my heart leapt and I honestly thought this could not be the end now as my arms still reached to grab anything as I started my descent.

  Suddenly something caught my hand and I gripped before I realized I was holding onto Delphine’s shoe for dear life as we both swung and the group below stammered.

  We swayed forward and my grip loosened. My eyes bulging, I gritted my teeth as we started back but my hands lost their hold and I fell. The descent was fast and my stomach flipped and flopped like a fish when suddenly my stomach crashed onto something hard and my legs h
eld over nothingness as the crowed all awed for me as my lungs could not catch air.

  My eyes filickered open and I realized I had closed them as something landed not too far away from me, looking up as half my body was on the top block and half off I found Delphine turning to look at me. I still felt half dead as my upper body seized with pain but the way Delphine started for me suddenly made me feel like I needed to move.

  Grasping at the smooth block, I pulled my first leg up and in that exact moment something inside me said duck. Shoving my head to the floor, I missed a direct hit to the face from Delphine’s shoe as it flew passed my face and she staggered slightly with one leg off the ground.

  Taking my chance, I rolled forward and knocked her completely off balance and she tumbled back making the crowd yell.

  Heaving out breaths, I started to get up when a blow that was cruel hit my jaw and sent me tumbling to the side and before I could even think I fell down to the next block with a thud.

  The pain in my jaw was easily as bad as the falls I now had under my belt, but I knew I needed to get up fast if this was how it was going to be.

  “Some play at being civil, Delphine,” I thought as I stumbled to my feet.

  By the time I was standing up right, Delphine was charging at me and the way she looked as she fought suddenly made me feel as threatened as Jack had made me feel not so long ago.

  Dodging out of her way, this time she expected it and tried to shoulder knock me and have me falling down another block. Jumping past her I fell to the block I stood on but was glad not to be down another one.

  Swiveling around, I found her coming back and running, looking to my side I started to climb up the block and was running up the wall when a hand caught my leg and before I knew it I was falling back down.

  The moment I realized Delphine had gotten me down, she was pulling me to the other end of the block to throw me off!


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