Sky Jump
Page 35
Glancing around, I looked to Zac trying to change the subject,
“So, Zac, who is your date if I saw Trish off with another guy?” I asked.
He replied with a smirk, “Sara Kepton agreed at the last minute and Trish also got asked by another guy so it was a mutual change.” He said and Alissa, this time, lost it.
“You’re with Sara Kepton, the jerk who hates me and pushed me off a bench when we were five?”
Now I knew it was time to leave, saying I was going for refreshments was hardly noticed as it seemed this night, though normal for Alissa and Zac to be in a fight, felt failing miserably to feel like a bash at all.
Walking up to the refreshments, I almost passed by when I realized Mr. Sheplar was watching over the group of students as they danced and talked. He was not talking or participating, just watching.
Suddenly, that memory of Mr. Sheplar saying Keten had not been helping in class came to mind and I diverted my path towards Mr. Sheplar, when his gaze found me his hard jaw slightly loosened and he nodded.
“Miss Deshion.” He said and looked past me for my date. “Having a good evening?” He asked, seeming unsure why I was alone.
Nodding, I moved past the thought quickly as I felt suddenly compelled to ask of Mr. Sheplar about Keten.
“Has Keten been showing up to your class the last week again?” I asked looking to him.
For a moment he considered me.
“I just haven’t seen him much and wondered if he was ok.” I added and for once considered I was slightly lying with no reason behind it yet something within me needed to know.
A slightly stern look crossed his face after he nodded to me.
“That boy has not been to my class in weeks, he was one of my best students and now he’s failing.” Mr. Sheplar said stoically.
Before I could say or ask more, my mind swam through these thoughts as a student called for Mr. Sheplar and he bid me a goodnight as he walked off.
Turning around, cold caught in my chest and felt ever chilling as I looked to the ground.
“Why yes, principal Septum, I think it’s all in fine order.” Jean’s voice made me look up. She was dressed in a very nice silver gown with worn velvet gloves as if from another time.
Suddenly, a sparse and evil thought came to mind. What if he was lying about looking out for me and that Jean wasn’t in on it?
My lips pursed and I looked around me, the sound of chatter, the laughs, the noise felt too much! It had to be messing with me. Yet as I looked back to Jean, who was still conversing with the principal, I realized the only way to silence that dumb voice inside me was to go talk to her.
Walking over, I felt like my steps were harder than I meant as if I was a Skyjump beast tromping through, not a simple girl. Jean would tell me she was looking out for me and then I would go back to Keten and it would all turn into a fairy tale night, I repeated in my mind.
Coming to her side, I stopped as a new staff member was talking with her and I waited a moment until they were through.
“Oh, Equila!” Jean exclaimed with a smile.
I nodded and smiled back though it felt plastic at best.
“Hey, Jean could I ask you something?” I questioned almost hoarsely.
Jean stepped closer and nodded, I think she thought it was about Lucy.
I had to gulp down my fear and ask my courage to arise.
“Did you have Keten watch Lucy for me this past week?” I asked her.
The expression she gave as her head tilted and her brow furrowed only dug deeper the icy pain taking over my insides.
“No Equila, he was helping Mr. Sheplar all week from what he told me,” She said.
Looking to her, my expression became unknown. I now knew a truth about Keten that turned my world from the once lovely flat space to a shifting tide that I felt utterly drowning in.
“Is everything all right?” Jean asked, putting a hand to my shoulder.
Glancing up to her, my lips parted but no words could even form at such a time.
“There you are.” Keten’s voice brought me from my daze.
Turning fearfully around, I suddenly felt weary of him unlike I thought I could find in such a handsome face and that kind dimple of his.
“Oh, sorry I got side tracked,” I said and making sure Jean could not speak or ask him about my inquiry as I stepped away from her and nodded back as I took Keten’s arm playing only a part to not give away that I knew he lied openly, not only to me but his own cousin and a teacher. “Thanks for the advice, Jean.” I said and turned before she could question me.
“What was that all about?” Keten asked, and this time his tone bordered on harsh as we walked away.
Glancing over my shoulder to Jean as she looked puzzled.
“I just asked her about Skyjumping competitions.” I said and at this his hand tightened on mine.
“Aw, well you know Jean.” He said and then turning as the music shifted to a lighter beat he looked to me. “Hey, let’s dance again, maybe you can keep up.” He said with a smile.
I forced the most unlike me laugh I had and followed him like a chained prisoner to the gallows as we came to the dance floor. I realized a waltz was what played, though it was electronic like all the raging music of the present.
He turned to me as we came to the edge of the grassy floor of shifting hues, Keten looked for me to hold out a hand to him as I stood slightly back.
“You’d never lie to me, right Keten?” I asked so stupidly, I felt and saw something almost unnoticeably shift in his gaze.
He took my hand forcefully and then put the other to my back in such a way even if I lived in a modern century felt rude.
Dizziness started to take me as the waltz made me feel sick. Maybe it was him or maybe it was everything combined but I felt I danced with a traitor and I wanted to get away.
Every spin, every back paining turn, I looked through the crowds for a way out. None came and I was starting to feel worried as Keten would not look to me but seemed to dance without feeling. That was it! He moved with no feeling, no idea of life.
A tense, shouldered figure walking far off caught my attention as the dance started to a close. Looking to the walking figure, I saw Alissa rushing off as Keten spun me into him.
“Come on, let’s go take a walk around the grounds.” He said, motioning to me.
Turing my head, I slipped my hand from his grip and started off as he reached for me.
“Something’s wrong with Alissa,” I said as I kept moving away from him as the rest of the students did not notice us in the flurry. “We can take the walk another time.” I said as I moved my gaze from Keten. Something rose in his posture as he watched me leave that made me wonder if he really had been fooling around the whole time with a stupid naive girl from the beginning.
By the time I caught up to Alissa, she was on the verge of tears and for the rest of the night I had to keep my own problems of Keten withheld in my throat like a vile poison I needed removed.
Sitting with Alissa on my room’s rug after she went and changed and I too, changed to my normal clothing, she told me about how her date had left her for another girl. Coincidently, it was Sara who had been with Zac, however, he laughed it off whereas Alissa’s night was ruined.
Handing Alissa a tissue and a cookie from my stash of treats I withheld in my room, it pained me to say it but I was slightly relieved I was not the only person unhappy with what happened tonight.
“Sorry to be such a downer over here, Quil.” She said and then she looked up with wide red eyes. “Quil, what about your date with Keten? Oh my gosh!” She said nearly jumping up in her pajama bottoms and marshmallow cat shirt.
Looking aside, I caught her brow furrowed.
“Keten’s been lying to us, and me.” I said shaking my head as no tears were want in my eyes, yet my chest felt empty.
“Are you sure?” Alissa asked, putting a hand to my arm.
Letting a sigh escape
my lips, I realized I had to accept the truth.
“He said he was doing lookout for Jean to protect me,” I said, Alissa nodded.
“Right. So?” She asked.
Tugging at the rug like I did stems of grass when I was conflicted,
“Jean says he told her that the past week he’s been helping a lot with Mr. Sheplar’s class.” I said and Alissa nodded, waiting for me to finish, “The funny thing is Mr. Sheplar said he is failing his class and has not been in it for weeks.” My laugh with my statement was like a self-inflicted dagger.
You’re such an idiot, Equila! Not that I felt Keten was necessarily dangerous but he probably was always friends with Lucy and from day one he was just getting on my good side so he could turn around and stab me in the back.
Alissa’s mouth shifted from side to side before she looked up at me.
“Why would he lie?” She questioned, losing options to see light in him as I had.
All my thoughts could conceive was emotional pain.
“I’m really sorry, Quil.” Alissa said like a dear friend, “I thought he was a really nice guy.”
For only a short while longer we talked before I admitted I was beat and Alissa left to her room and I to my hammock. But before she left, she slammed her head in her palm, she said that we would all go to the atrium tomorrow, the day after the dance most students just slept in and have a good time.
Nodding, going back sounded like a nice way to try and destress and understand Keten’s motives.
I went to go up into my bed but the funny thing was, as I walked into my bathroom I realized a letter sat propped up on the mirror. Tilting my head, I picked up the envelope and turned over the unaddressed harsh parchment. A blood red seal marked it with a mountain inlaid that seemed familiar. Moving my hand over the letter I opened it, troubled by how it could have come to be there.
The moment the letter was opened, the red, blood-like ink made my heart slow. Only as my eyes scanned it did my heart lose its rhythm and become chaotic.
“Mark well these words heathen of the lineage of they who thwarted the rise of the great ones of the earth.
Your time is come and your demise is soon, daylight shall come and the following night you will be consumed.
The dawn will not end.”
The moment I read the last word the page turned to mush and fell into a pile of soil on the bathroom floor, leaving my fingertips twitching.
Chapter 27
“Daylight is come and now you will lose.”
To say my sleep was tormented was an understatement. I sat awake still as if I was a corpse in my hammock, afraid the thing that had left such a message would enter again.
I knew that the letter had to be from the Earthen Brethren. The words I replayed in my mind constantly until I think I was almost insane by morning. I got a wink of sleep before I awoke, shaking off cold chills and glancing around as if I had been being chased.
Getting out of bed and putting on clothing, I did not even work on trying to put my hair back and only felt that I needed to get out of my room. For some reason, recollections of the night before the atrium popped into my mind.
Glancing behind me, I held my arms around me and considered what to do. My eyes found my guitar and without a moment’s hesitation I was out my door. My crystal glowed and warmed my chest slightly as I came to Alissa’s door.
“Alissa, when you wake up I’ll be in the atrium.” I said and a faint gurgling that sounded like Alissa saying go away sounded.
Rolling my eyes, I left, though my mind feared the slightest shadow that hung around.
Walking down the halls felt strange with the whole building seemingly scarce of students for once. Rounding the bend and looking to the atrium I considered going back to my room, everywhere now felt exposed. If someone came into my room while I was at the midterm formal I was an easy target at any moment no matter what, where or when.
Coming to the atrium, the walls were now down and though the mist was back, it was light and easy to see through, though it seemed like the mist was building back up.
Looking at the shifting mass, I held the neck of my guitar. I swiftly walked through the shifting bubble wall and stopped once under a tree only far enough from the wall that I just barely saw the hall but close enough I could run to it, if need be.
Beneath the tree, I looked around and sighed at the view and the smell of earth. It was lovely and I wished to run more than anything. Yet my feet felt heavy so I knew the soft music of my guitar was a good remedy if only for my feelings alone.
Sitting down on the lush earth I glanced around making sure no one was near. I felt no eyes and with a calming breath I moved my hands to the strings and played a soft melody. As I began, time seemed to slow and my mind whisked away in the sound.
It was only when movement caught my eyes that I stopped and froze.
“Quil?” Alissa asked with a light happy tone.
I suddenly found the movement was Zac and Alissa stepping from the behind a line of trees.
“I had no idea you played guitar so well! I mean I thought I saw it’s case but I figured you had a case for photos or something.” Alissa said coming over as Zac looked to her with the same confusion before he just shrugged.
Smiling, I felt a soft ember burn in my chest, for it calmed me to see them both.
“I don’t like playing in public, I’m not very good.” I admitted with a wane smile.
Alissa swatted the air as they came over and Zac looked to me,
“That was better than I could do and that’s saying something.” He said with a grin.
I rolled my eyes and Alissa shot back, “Even I could play better than you.” She said to him and then cupped her hand and nodded to me. “He’s musically challenged.” She whispered and I laughed as Zac nodded in agreement.
Suddenly, though I realized they were talking to each other!
“Wait, I thought you two, I mean...” I was already having a hard time in my own head and words seemed to be falling farther below my normal competency level.
Alissa looked to Zac and he to her.
“I realized I was glad Zac told me about that dumb boy.” Alissa said looking down at the ground.
“It was about time.” Zac said as they now stood close.
Alissa glared at him, “Don’t push your luck, mister.” She said, balling a fist at him.
I laughed lightly and it felt nice, though the tightness in my chest held firm.
Once Alissa was done glaring at him she turned back to me and nodded.
“I heard you at my door and we figured we would come get you to go for breakfast.” Alissa said.
I felt the rocks in my stomach disagree with the idea of food.
“I’m good, but you guys go for it. I think I’ll just hang out here a little longer.” I admitted.
Alissa nodded, “We’ll grab food and come back, then you can play for us while we eat.”
Though I didn’t like playing for others because it made my hands slip off from fear of people watching, I felt happy at the thought of playing for Alissa and Zac and just having a nice calm morning.
“Kay.” I said and with a grin Alissa thumbs upped, she backed away and Zac followed as they ran off, calling that they would be back in five.
A smile had woven its way on my lips. Maybe today would not be tarnished by some dumb letter. Suddenly, I realized it could have been a prank by Lucy and my whole idea of fear slowly slipped away.
Moving my hands back to my guitar, I started to play the Skyjump melody. Closing my eyes, I envisioned a field of SkyJump’s in beast form galloping like a sea of bodies and soul, much like the sound of my acoustic as it lulled me away from the moment.
Suddenly, I felt something watch me so intently my eyes flashed open and found a shadow among the trees. My heart stopped as I felt the watchful gaze fill me until the shadow started to move!
I was nearly to my feet in fear when a voice spoke, “Equila.” Keten said stepping from t
he tree’s and my fear of a red eyed person or creature faded as I let a sigh slip out from my lips.
“Goodness, don’t do that, you scared me.” I said, though my voice was as tunt and strange as the way he had said my name.
Keten eyed me over and under his gaze my fear did not resurface completely, but it was there enough to feel like a snake was slithering around in my gut.
“Why are you here?” I asked eyeing him over, his face looked serious but a smile crossed his features though it was small compared to what I was used to.
He stepped a few feet closer and I watched him with worried fascination.
“You look like I’m going to jump at you with a knife or something.” He said, his smile looked deviant and not in it’s normally good way.
“You didn’t answer my question.” I said, tilting my head and standing up.
I don’t know why but I was starting to consider his lips were held too high to look like a kind smile.
“I came to see you.” He said, stepping closer and taking my hand, though my arm nearly pulled away from his grasp.
I smiled lightly, but my heart was not fluttering as it once had for him. It was racing with an unknown worry.
“That’s a very direct answer.” I said leaning back from him.
His eyes closed into a glare and I started to pull my hand back from him when his grip tightened.
“Keten, let me go.” I said, pushing at his hand as I let my guitar drop to the ground while my captive hand shook.
“I don’t think so.” He said smoothly.
I froze and looked up to him, his eyes were a shifting hue that flashed slightly red every now and then.
He chuckled and pulled at my wrist,
“Come on, we’re going to take that walk, now.” He said forcefully and his voice shook in a way I had never heard it.
He started moving through the trees, dragging me.
“Keten, what the heck are you doing?” I asked and shook my head at him as he faced forward, save his hand that clamped to my wrist, “You’re scaring me.” I said, knowing this was nothing like the boy I thought I knew.