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Mason Wolfe (Wolfe Brothers Series, Book Three)

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by Sandi Lynn

  Mason Wolfe

  Wolfe Brothers Series, Book Three

  Sandi Lynn

  Sandi Lynn Romance, LLC


  Mason Wolfe

  Mission Statement

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  Chapter 40

  Chapter 41

  Chapter 42

  Chapter 43



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Books by Sandi Lynn

  About the Author

  Mason Wolfe

  (Wolfe Brother’s Series, Book Three)

  New York Times, USA Today & Wall Street Journal

  Bestselling Author

  Sandi Lynn

  Mason Wolfe

  Copyright © 2020 Sandi Lynn Romance, LLC

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are the products of the authors imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Cover Photo by Wander Aguiar

  Model: Andrew Biernat

  Created with Vellum

  Mission Statement

  Sandi Lynn Romance

  Providing readers with romance novels that will whisk them away

  to another world and from the daily grind of life – one book at a time.

  Chapter 1


  Chaos surrounded the area, but that didn’t stop me from hearing the screams of a familiar voice.

  “My baby. Where’s my baby?” Mrs. Kent screamed as she looked around the area.

  “Mrs. Kent. Where’s Olivia?” I ran over to her and shouted as I gripped her shoulders.

  She stood there in shock, blankly staring at me while tears flooded down her face.

  “I just ran to the corner store. I was only gone for ten minutes.”

  “Mrs. Kent, is Olivia still in the apartment?” I shouted.

  “Yes!” she screamed.

  I grabbed my axe, ran inside the building and up six flights of stairs. Dense smoke infiltrated the air, keeping visibility low. Kicking in the door to apartment 6C, I screamed for Olivia as I ran down the narrow hallway.

  “I’m in here.” I heard a voice coming from the door on the left.

  Opening it, I found her crouched in the corner.

  “Mason, is that you?”

  “Yeah, kid.” I smiled as I bent down. “Let’s get you out of here. Your Mom is waiting for you outside.”

  “I’m too scared to move.”

  “I know, Olivia, but I’ll protect you.”

  I grabbed the small towel sitting on her nightstand and had her cover her nose and mouth. Picking her up, her arms wrapped tightly around my neck. As I stepped out the door and into the hallway, flames engulfed the area around us, and the ceiling began to collapse.

  “Captain, are you there?” I heard Bobbie’s voice over the radio.

  “Bobbie, I’m on the sixth floor and the ceiling is collapsing. I can’t get to the stairs. We’re trapped in here.”

  I took Olivia back inside the apartment as my mind raced. Looking straight ahead at the window, it was the only option I had.

  “Mason, get the hell out of there now,” Bobbie said.

  “Get the air cushion ready. The only option I have is through the window. I repeat, get the air cushion ready now.”

  “We can bring the ladder as close to the building as possible,” Bobbie spoke.

  “There’s no time. The ceiling is about to collapse inside the apartment. Get the air cushion ready now. That’s an order.”

  I set Olivia down, and she refused to let go of me.

  “Olivia, I need you to listen. Keep the towel over your face. I need to break the window.”

  “No.” Her eyes widened as she shook her head. “No.”

  “We don’t have a choice. I need you to trust me.”

  Particles fell from the ceiling as the cracking sounds alerted me there was no more time to waste.

  “Bobbie, I’m breaking the window. Is that cushion ready?”

  Taking my axe, I swung it at the glass as it shattered, and the noise of the cracking ceiling heightened.

  “Captain, the air cushion is in place and ready. Get the hell out of there now!”

  Grabbing a blanket from the couch, I wrapped it around Olivia and picked her up.

  “Time to go, kid. Close your eyes as tight as you can and don’t let go of me. I’ve got you.”

  Holding her securely in my arms, the ceiling collapsed, and flames engulfed the apartment as I jumped out the window with a ten-year-old girl in my arms. The moment we hit the air cushion, rescue teams came running over as did Olivia’s mother.

  “You saved my daughter. Thank you, Mason.” Tears flowed down her face as she hugged Olivia tight.

  “You okay?” Bobbie asked as he helped me up.

  “I’m fine.”

  “Uh, you might not be in a minute.” He laughed as he patted my shoulder.

  I took off my helmet as I saw Nathan and my mother run towards me.

  “Mason Matthew Wolfe!” she scolded as she gripped my arms. “Are you crazy?”

  “Bro, that was outstanding!” Nathan grinned.

  “Mom, what are you doing here?”

  “We were on our way back from dinner when we saw the building fire. I nearly had a heart attack.”

  “Yeah.” I sighed as I turned around and looked at my building, knowing everything I owned was engulfed in flames.

  “You’ll stay with me,” my mom said as she placed her hand on my cheek. “And we will have a little talk about finding you another job.”

  “Mom, Mason will stay with me and Allison. We have some brotherly catching up to do. He’s fine. Let him do his job. You can grill him about his heroic adventures another time.” He hooked his arm around her.

  “Thank you.” I mouthed.

  He gave me a thumbs up as he led her back to the cab. Walking over to where Olivia was being examined in the back of an ambulance, I took hold of her hand.

  “You okay?” I asked with a smile.

  “I’m okay. They’re taking me to the hospital for a checkup. I get to ride in the back of this ambulance.” Her eyes lit up.

  “Cool, Olivia.” I held my hand up for a high five.

  “Thanks, Mason. Thanks for saving me. I didn’t think we would get out.”

/>   “Nah.” I waved my hand. “I always get out.” I gave her a wink. “Do you have somewhere you and Olivia can go?” I asked Mrs. Kent.

  “I called my sister and she’s meeting us at the hospital. How did this happen?”

  “I don’t know yet, but I will find out.”

  As I was standing in the shower, the only thing I could think about was how everything I owned was gone. The only possessions I had were packed in the bag I kept at the station. As I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my waist, Bobbie walked in.

  “Your brother is here to see you.”

  “Which one?”

  “Elijah. He’s waiting for you in the kitchen.”

  “Tell him I’ll be right out.”

  Throwing on some clothes, I walked to the kitchen.

  “You okay?” Elijah smiled as he lightly hugged me.

  “I’m fine. Let me guess, Mom called you?”

  “Actually, Nathan called. He told me you jumped out of a six-story window with a child, Mom saw, and now she’s freaking the fuck out on him.”

  “Of all the fires she had to be at.” I shook my head as I grabbed two beers from the fridge and handed him one.

  “She’ll get over it. You’re staying with Nathan until you find another place?”

  “Yeah. Mom wanted me to stay with her.”

  “Ouch. Not a good idea. She’d have you chained to the house to keep you from going to work.” He smirked.

  “No shit.” I let out a sigh.

  “Thanks for the beer. I better get going. I just wanted to come by and make sure you were okay.”

  “Thanks, bro. I appreciate it.” I gave him a hug.

  Chapter 2


  I’d spent the night at the firehouse and once the sun rose the next morning, I grabbed my bag and headed to Nathan’s. I’d felt like I was stuck in a nightmare and couldn’t wake up. The events of last night took its toll on me knowing everything I owned was reduced to a pile of ashes.

  “Just in time for breakfast.” Nathan grinned as he opened the door.

  Stepping inside, I set my bag down as Ruby came running into the foyer.

  “Uncle Mason!” She threw her arms around me. “Dad told me you’re staying with us.”

  “Yeah, Ruby. For a little while at least.”

  “I’m sorry about your apartment.” Her mouth formed a pout.

  “Thanks, kid. Me too.” I sighed.

  “Come on. Allison made French toast and eggs.” Nathan patted my back.

  Walking into the kitchen, Allison gave me a sympathetic look and a hug.

  “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine, Allison. Thanks for letting me crash here.”

  “Don’t be silly. You’re always welcome here. Go sit down and I’ll pour you a cup of coffee.”

  “Bro, I need to warn—” Nathan spoke.

  “Good morning!” My mother’s voice echoed through the house.

  “Mom said she was coming over this morning.” He sighed.

  “Great. And you couldn’t start with that the second I walked in?”

  “There you are,” she spoke as she walked over and gave me a hug.

  “Morning, Mom.”

  “Let me look at you.” She firmly planted her hands on each side of my face, and I heard Nathan snicker.

  “Mom, I’m fine. You saw that I was fine last night.”

  “It was dark, Mason.” She examined my face.

  “Coffee, Caitlin?” Allison asked.

  “Coffee sounds great, darling. Thank you.” She took the empty chair next to me. “I was up all night worried sick about you. Mason, you really need to consider another line of work.”

  Here we go again.

  “Mom, I love you, but you need to stop. I’ve been doing this for years. For god sakes, I’m a captain. Do you know how rare that is at my age? You should be proud of me.”

  “I am proud of you, darling. But being a firefighter is dangerous and seeing what I saw last night, well, it freaked me out even more.”

  “And I’m sorry about that, but all you’re seeing are scary fires. You’re not seeing the complete picture. I save people’s lives, Mom. I saved that little girl’s life last night.”

  “At the expense of yours,” she spoke. “I love you, Mason. You boys are my entire world and I will not lose you.”

  I reached over and placed my hand on hers, for I understood where she was coming from.

  “You will not lose me. Are you going to help me out here?” I glanced over at Nathan.

  “Mom, leave him alone. He’s doing a job he loves. A job that gives him purpose. Just like me, Elijah, and yourself. Being a lawyer is your life. You need to understand that being a firefighter is Mason’s.”

  “You don’t seem too worried about Nathan being a pilot. He could crash the plane,” I spoke.

  “Hey.” Nathan furrowed his brows.

  “I do worry about that sometimes, but you run into burning buildings every day. The risk is way higher. Anyway, I said what I needed to, and now I have to get to the office.”

  “You didn’t finish your coffee,” I said.

  “Mom, it’s Saturday,” Nathan spoke.

  “What’s your point, darling?” She got up from her seat and kissed my cheek. “Take into consideration the stress you’re putting your mother under.”

  “I’ll walk you to the door, Grandma.” Ruby smiled as she grabbed her hand.

  Looking over at Nathan, I slowly shook my head as he sat there with a smirk on his face. Suddenly, we heard Ruby scream and a loud thump. Jumping up from my seat, I ran into the foyer and found my mother lying on the floor.

  “Mom!” I knelt down beside her.

  “Grandma, wake up!” Ruby yelled as Allison grabbed her and held her.

  Pulling my phone from my pocket, I called 911.

  “This is Captain Mason Wolfe from station 53. I need an ambulance at 40 Sullivan Street, now!”

  “Mom,” Nathan spoke as she came to.

  “Don’t move, Mom. The ambulance is on its way.”

  “What happened?” she groggily asked.

  “You fainted. That’s what happened,” Nathan said.

  “I’m fine.” She went to get up, and I immediately stopped her.

  “You are not to move,” I spoke as I checked her eyes.

  “Don’t be ridiculous. I’m fine, and I’m not going to the hospital. I have to get to the office.”

  “Yes, you are. People just don’t pass out for no reason. You’re going to the hospital and having a doctor check you out.”

  I rode in the ambulance with her and listened while she said a few choice words to me. Nathan called Elijah and the two of them met us at the Emergency Room.

  “Hey, Mason. You’re not in uniform.” Corinne smiled.

  “Day off. My mom was just brought in.”

  “Oh no. I hope she’s okay.”

  “She’s fine right now. We’ve been waiting a while. Do you know which doctor she’ll be seeing?”

  “Let me check,” she spoke as she typed away on her computer. “Dr. Davis.”

  “Ah, never heard of him. He must be new?”

  “He is a she, and yes, she just started last week.”

  “Great. Thanks.” I tapped the counter and headed back into my mother’s room.

  “Hey, Mason.” Jason smiled as he walked in. “Not working today?”

  “No. Not today. What are you still doing here? You usually work nights.”

  “I’m pulling a double because Lisa called in. By the way, I had a patient in here last night who wouldn’t stop raving about you. A ten-year-old little girl you saved,” he spoke as he poked my mother’s arm with the needle.

  “Ouch. Young man, watch it with that thing.”

  “Sorry, Ms. Wolfe.” He smiled at her. “She told me the two of you jumped out a window from her six-story apartment.”

  “Just another day on the job,” I spoke.

  “Good morning,” I he
ard a voice speak. “I’m Dr. Sara Davis.”

  I turned my head and for a split moment, our eyes locked, and I stood there speechless.

  Chapter 3


  “Wow. You have quite a gathering in here.” I smiled as I stood and stared at the three sexy men in the room.

  “These are my sons: Elijah, Nathan, and Mason.”

  I said hello to each of them and swallowed hard as Mason extended his hand to me.

  “Nice to meet you, Dr. Sara Davis.” The corners of his mouth curved upward.

  “And you as well.” I gently placed my hand in his. “So, tell me what happened.”

  “Nothing really. My boys are overreacting as usual.”

  “She fainted in the foyer of my home,” Nathan said.

  “Have you ever fainted before?” I asked her.

  “Only when I was pregnant.”

  “Mom!” All three boys gasped.

  “Settle down. I’m not pregnant for god sakes.”

  Taking my stethoscope, I listened to her heart and then proceeded with more of the exam.

  “I’m starting you on an IV because you are a little dehydrated. Have you been eating and drinking okay?”


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