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Hot Alaska Nights

Page 7

by Lucy Monroe

She shook her head. He was the one who turned her on so much all her usual reservation had taken a rocket ship for the next galaxy, but she didn't have the words to argue the point. Only feeling and atavistic need.

  She crooked her finger again. "Come on."

  And then he was there, that magnificent piece of male flesh right in front of her face. His male musk calling to something primitive in her, she drew in a deep breath. Taking in his scent, she allowed her own need to spike and felt the corresponding increased heated moisture between her legs. Then she did what she'd been wanting to do since he pushed his jeans down his hairy, muscular legs. She closed her mouth right over the head of his sex and tasted.

  Moaning, she savored his unique flavor as it burst over her tongue. A little salty, but mostly sweet. All Rock. Unlike any other guy she'd done this for. She didn't give head a lot, but she had discovered that pre-come was usually less bitter. His tasted perfect to her.

  Rock's was sweeter than most, and his masculine sexual scent excited her in ways that modern women weren't supposed to admit to. The desire to have him inside her, claiming her body with his was growing by the second.

  The logical part of her still knew this was casual. That despite his unexpected possessiveness, Rock didn't want to keep her any more than she should want to be kept.

  But that voice was muffled to near silence by the rage of carnal feeling pouring like hot lava through her blood.

  She tasted more of his essence, reaching with one hand to hold his steel-hard sex at the base. She brushed her hand up and down the column of flesh while using her tongue to play with his slit.

  He groaned, long and low.

  "So damn good, Deborah," he husked, one of his big hands landing on the back of her head, the other cupping her nape.

  He didn't try to push her mouth further down on him, but she could feel the rigid control it took and that excited her even more. She jacked him while sucking and laving his head and the whole time he moaned and cursed.

  His big body gave a huge shudder and he yanked away. "Not yet, damn it."

  "You don't think you can get it up again?" she taunted, really enjoying her newly discovered inner vixen.

  At twenty-nine, she'd figured she knew all there was to know about her sexuality, but she wasn't this way with other men and that knowledge was something she would have to take out and examine later.

  His gorgeous gaze narrowed. "Oh, sweetheart, I think when it comes to you, I'll have no problem with that, but the first time I come is going to be inside your body."

  "My mouth is my body," she snarked, not sure where this woman who challenged the alpha male in front of her came from, but liking her.

  "You know what I mean," he growled.

  And she did. Oh, man, did she! "I can't wait."

  "Good." He smiled at her, the look making her insides clench. "Now, let's get your clothes off."


  "Okay." But even as the word left her mouth, she hesitated.

  What if he didn't like the very slim figure necessary for Hollywood screen time?

  Her breasts were fuller than other actresses, but Deborah did not have a Kardashian butt or curvaceous thighs.

  He wouldn't be the first man to be disappointed when the clothes came off. Her lack of stardom didn't stop men from wanting the woman they'd seen on screen. Unfortunately, reality didn't always match the image they had in their head.

  Deborah wasn't a slut, but she'd had her share of star chasers masquerading as potential boyfriends.

  Rock didn't seem disappointed though, as he got her sweater off and then her skirt. She lay on the bed, her bra and panties still on and for some reason he seemed intent on getting his fill of that visual.

  "I'm not a Victoria's Secret model." Far from it.

  Rock's brows rose. "I've screwed one and she had nothing on you."

  "Oh." Damn. This man just kept surprising her.

  He put his hands on Deborah's waistband. "Okay?"

  The question shocked her, but she liked it. Liked that no matter how alpha this man was, he was still concerned with her wishes and not taking this moment just before complete nudity for granted.

  She nodded. "Oh, yes."

  He tugged the fuchsia lace down her legs and off before lifting the panties to his face and taking a whiff. It was such an earthy thing to do.

  She knew he could smell her excitement there. She'd been wet since he first got into her space in the office. She got that he was that guy, the one totally unashamed of his sexual nature, but why did she find his action such a turn on? She wasn't that woman.

  At least not usually.

  Rock's eyes went heavy-lidded and he dropped the panties on the floor. "I want."

  She didn't ask what he wanted. The way he was looking at her mound said it all. He was going to taste her like she'd done to him. And not in order to get a free pass to being inside her, but because he wanted to.

  Her own desire ratcheted up several more notches as he knelt down between her legs, pushing back on her thighs to open her to him completely.

  Her breath caught as sexual need surged through her at the way he took control.

  He was man enough to let her do what she wanted and then unapologetically go after what he wanted too. That was rare in her experience. He was strong and dominant by nature, but not selfish.

  Nuzzling into the apex of her thighs, he inhaled deeply and groaned. "You smell so good."

  No one had ever said that, and she knew he wasn't just doing it to be sexy. This man was the real deal. Sensual and earthy and everything she wanted in a sexual partner and never knew.

  He licked her, his tongue teasing the opening to her vagina, then running up her labia to settle flat against her clitoris. Oh... that was so good. Almost magic, how he elicited a response from her body. Just that simple pressure had her ready to explode. Not quite there, but embarrassingly close for so little contact.

  Deborah wanted to rock her hips, but she didn't because she craved more of this feeling. More of whatever he wanted to give her.

  He tickled her with his tongue but rocked back onto his heels too quickly for her to go over the edge. "Sweet."

  She grabbed for him. "Take another taste." Please.

  "Don’t worry, I will, hot stuff. But first..."

  He started touching her, kissing spots on her body she knew turned her on and nibbling at ones she'd never had any idea. By the time he took off her bra and caressed her breasts and their turgid peaks, she was writhing on the bed with an abandon she didn't allow herself.

  When he finally pulled one nipple into his mouth to suckle and pinched the other one in his fingers, Deborah had a mini-orgasm and couldn't help crying out, her body seizing in miasma of pleasure. Her nipples had always been sensitive, but she'd never come from a touch like this before.

  He didn't stop what he was doing and her body thrummed with delight, her womb contracting, her vaginal walls squeezing on the finger he'd inserted as she climaxed.

  It was all too much and not enough at the same time.

  When he knelt back minutes later, she expected him to get a condom so they could make love, but he didn't. He moved so his mouth was able to give her another of the most intimate kisses of all.

  This time, he licked and sucked until she was rigid with the near painful need to climax again, whimpers falling from her lips, her mind awash with sensation.

  With a gentle pinch to both nipples and a swirl of his tongue against her engorged clitoris, he took her over the edge into an abyss of pleasure so profound, nothing else registered but her body's enhanced response. She screamed again, this time, long and loud and ending on a wail as the pleasure didn't dissipate but grew and morphed until she simply couldn't take another second.

  She grabbed his hair. "Too much!"

  He gave a final swipe of his tongue before lifting his head. His smile was filled with primitive satisfaction, his big body dark with a sexual flush.

  Blown away, she melted
into the bed, satisfied lassitude pouring through her body.

  He grabbed the sheet and used the corner to swipe the glistening wetness from around his mouth. "Yum."

  Her own husky laughter surprised her. Oh, lord. This man was something else. Something amazing.

  "I thought you wanted to come the first time inside me," she said when she could rub two words together again.

  His look bordered on diabolical. "I plan to."

  "But..." Thinking better of any protest she was about to make, she waved her hand languidly. "Do what you like."

  "You think I'm just going to use your body to get off?"

  "It won't be using me." But she wasn't good for much else right now. Her brain was barely functioning.

  That diabolical cast edged over his features again. "I like having an active partner."

  "You should have thought of that before mind numbing orgasm number two."

  "You'll come again, sweetheart. Don't you worry," he promised for the second time.

  She almost believed him.

  "Um..." She loved the sound of that and she knew some women could, but not her. The fact she'd already had a mini climax and then a fully realized one was kind of a miracle in itself. "I never have."

  "Never have what?" he asked, giving his dick a casual caress. He was just so comfortable with his body.

  Most men in the industry? At least the ones she'd been to bed with, weren't.

  She wasn't. "I don't do multiple orgasms."

  "Are you sure about that? Because I could swear you just did." He winked, all sexy confidence.

  "That was..." Amazing. Mind blowing. "Unexpected."

  "Uh, sweetheart, you do know that as a woman you are wired that way?"

  "Maybe some women, but not me." She was very sure of that.

  Not even when she touched herself. She'd tried, but she could never get out of her head enough after the first orgasm to achieve a second one.

  Instead of accepting his words as fact, he was looking way too challenged for her peace of mind. Alpha men took challenges as something that needed to be conquered.

  And she just knew that was how this man saw any perceived obstacle in his path.

  "I'm not saying I don't want to do it," she assured him.

  He ran his hands up and down her thighs, the physical connection more intense than it should have been as blissed out as she was. "But you don't think you're going to get anything out of it."

  "Oh, I'll get something out of it." Just not an orgasm.

  He offered her a sinfully sexy smile. "I'll make you a deal."

  "Another one?" she teased, convinced his original deal had been a joke.

  He nuzzled her shoulder, licking at the moist layer over her skin and making her shiver. "Part of the same."

  "What?" she asked, her thoughts splintered by his actions.

  He leaned up until their gazes met, his filled with erotic determination and confidence, but not a trace of humor. "If you come while I'm inside you, you move your stuff in and we tell your bosses they can use my land."

  "You don't mean that."

  "I don't lie."

  "You don't need to offer the bribe. You've already got me in bed." Her integrity and feminine pride insisted she point that out to him.

  He kissed her, his mouth coaxing sensation forth she had been sure five seconds before she was too replete to feel.

  "Maybe that's why I'm offering," he said against her lips. "You're not asking."

  And suddenly with chilling clarity, she knew if she'd tried to flirt or cajole her way into his agreement, he would not have given it. Ever.

  But now he was offering and somehow that made it different. Or at least different enough she didn't feel like she had to say, no.

  "And the house?" The story needed it. And she knew now was the time to ask.

  As screwed up as that might seem to someone else. He was all male naked above her, but his heart still beat in the chest of a mega successful businessman.

  He smiled down at her now, a shark's look, not amusement. "Within reason."

  "You'll make them sign another contract." She thought maybe she was starting to understand this man.

  He shrugged, like that was a given, the movement rubbing the hard muscles of his chest against her massively sensitive nipples.

  A sound escaped her lips, something between a moan and an aborted complaint.

  Yes, it was almost too much, but she didn't want to stop feeling what his body moving against hers made her feel.

  His borderline smug look said he knew it too.

  "I can't believe we're talking about this right now." She was naked.

  He was naked.

  And he'd just given her the best and most intense orgasm of her life. If he was serious about it, she'd pack her bags and relocate to his home no extra climaxes necessary.

  His dark chuckle went straight to her core. "Just giving you a second to catch your breath, sweetheart."

  She didn't get a chance to answer because suddenly his body was rubbing against hers with intent and his mouth was claiming hers in a breath-stealing, mind-shattering kiss.

  His big, talented hands were everywhere, touching her with the kind of confidence that she'd always found to be a huge turn-on. He rubbed his oversized, adamantine erection against the apex of her thighs, teasing her with what was coming.

  And incredibly, unbelievably, she felt her body respond with want, with desire, with aching, voracious need that should not be possible after her last climax. Not for Deborah.

  She spread her legs in blatant invitation, thrusting up toward him, returning his kiss with everything in her. When he broke their mouths apart to reach for a condom, she mewled in protest.

  She, Deborah Banes, mewled. She didn't make that sound. She just didn't.

  He rolled the condom over his shaft, his gaze fixed on her. "You ready for me, hot stuff?"

  "Yes!" She didn't know how, didn't care. She definitely was.

  He smiled and squeezed his hard-on. "You sure about that?"

  "You know I am." Her body thrummed with pleasure while her vaginal walls tightened on a new sensation of emptiness.

  He continued to kneel between her legs, in the same position he'd taken to don the condom and put his hand out. "Then come on."

  At first, she didn't know what he meant and then she realized Rock expected her to get up and straddle him.

  "I...can't we just do it like this?" She wasn't sure she could hold herself up. And while she wasn't passive during sex, she'd wasn't totally comfortable with that kind of active role either.

  She'd didn't usually trust her partners enough to act on certain urges, but Rock was inviting her, giving a tacit promise her feminine aggression would be welcome.

  "Come on, sweetheart, live a little. Isn't that what the kids say?"

  "I'm not a kid."

  "No, you're a beautiful, sensual woman." He reached and took one of her hands into his. Then he tugged. "You're going to like it."

  No doubt. So would he. And it was that knowledge that allowed her to let go of the last vestige of her nerves.

  Letting lust overcome common sense seemed to be a norm when she was around him anyway. Even though she knew her muscles were noodle soft, she let him pull her up and onto his thighs.

  The head of his penis pressed against her entrance even as his arms came around her, supporting her. "Ride me. I know you want to."

  And she did. No matter how weak her muscles were, how sated she thought she was, surprisingly there was nothing she wanted more. Driven by need too great to ignore, Deborah pressed down against that blunt hardness and felt his aroused flesh pushing into her filling her just like she needed him to do.

  "You're so tight," he groaned out, his face a rictus of desire. "So good."

  But he didn't move, didn't thrust up, didn't do anything but remain a solid - very solid - presence beneath her, a support around her and a very real presence within her. He was big and she was tight. It had been a whil
e, but she thought maybe his size would have made her feel like a virgin regardless.

  She rocked her hips in small backward and forward movements that helped her to take him inside until he was pressing against her cervix, her vaginal walls stretched around him. It felt amazing.

  They both stilled, their bodies joined as close as possible, the scent of their combined musk teasing her nostrils, sexual need sweet on her tongue, the sound of their breathing not enough to drown out the beat of their hearts. The silence around them was redolent with anticipation.

  Desire and pheromones thick in the air, sweat slicking the small of her back, his thighs rigid beneath hers, their breathing grew shallow and faster.

  "Ride me, sweetheart," he said in a voice that made her inner walls clench around the thick flesh inside her.

  She couldn't imagine doing anything else. She needed to be the one to move, the one to control the upward slide and downward glide. At first anyway. Deep inside, she knew that wouldn't last forever.

  Where she'd been barely able to sit up moments before, now her muscles tensed with acute necessity for movement.

  Tilting her pelvis forward, Deborah drew her body back and lifted up with her legs, every centimeter of slide along his fat column of flesh sending shockwaves of pleasure through her. She pressed back down, the angle of her body pressing his sex against her g-spot.

  Sparks lit along her nerve endings and another climax didn't seem like such an impossibility. A few more slow glides up and down and it became more a glorious probability.

  His jaw hard as granite, his eyes burning with sensual need, he still let her set the pace. Rock's big hands squeezed her backside rhythmically, but he didn't try to guide her movements. There was something incredibly arousing about such a powerful man giving her this moment of control over his body.

  The pleasure was so intense, so consuming, everything around her faded into the background, going fuzzy and indistinct. Everything but him.

  Every pore of his gorgeous skin stood in stark relief, his eyes locking her gaze to his, his body smelling and feeling like the best sex she'd ever had.

  She could feel her climax building, but she couldn't go over. She didn't want to be right about that. Not even a little. Frustration made her whimper. Every up and down over his rigid penis felt so good. Amazing, but she was primed to explode again and she could tell that she wasn't going to.


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