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A Love So Sweet (Sweet with Heat

Page 8

by Addison Cole

  Max took two plates from a cabinet. “If you call guys who look like Greek gods, smell like hot summer nights, and whose eyes scream of sinful promises regular, then yeah, you’re just a regular guy.” She leaned against the counter looking painfully alluring, and slightly amused. “I’ve had exactly two males in my apartment before, and I’m pretty sure the Cub Scout selling popcorn with his mother didn’t count.”

  “Please don’t tell me about the other guy,” he said under his breath. He opened the box and found a plastic fork standing upright in a half-eaten layer of cake. “My, my, my. What have we got here? You might think you don’t know what to do with a man like me in your apartment—and I assure you, I’m much more of a man than whoever the other guy was—but you sure know what to do with a chocolate cake.”

  “Hey, don’t judge.” She laughed and carried the cake to the table. “A girl has to have her priorities straight. And the other guy was just a date. I knew exactly what to do with him, and I did it. I said goodbye at the door. But then you came into my life. You were just this deep voice over the phone, the owner of the resort where I was planning my boss’s wedding. You were a mystery, and after we spoke a few more times, you became a fantasy.” Her expression turned serious, and she said, “And then you walked into the room and my heart nearly stopped. For the first time in my life—in my life, Treat—I couldn’t think straight.”

  “I remember every second of the day we met,” he said as he closed the distance between them. “My first thought was, Where have you been hiding?”

  She blushed, and he ran his fingers down her cheek.

  “It’s the truth, Max. You were looking at me in the same way you have been since we came together again, like you wanted me but you were unsure. And from that very first second, when your cheeks flushed and you opened your mouth to speak but no words came, I was hooked. Danica had to introduce you, and I thought you were the sweetest, sexiest woman I’d ever met.” He took her hand in his and brushed his thumb over the back of it. “I remember how soft your skin was when I kissed your hand and how you looked shocked, as if no one had ever done that before.”

  “No one had,” she confessed.

  “That’s a shame, because a woman like you deserves to be treated like a lady.” He placed his hands on her hips and said, “A lady and a lover.”

  She inhaled a shaky breath.

  “I made one mistake with you, Max, and I’ll spend the rest of our time making it up to you. I don’t want to make you nervous, but I don’t want you to think that you can’t be the woman you are beneath the proper professional when we’re alone. I got a taste of the passionate woman you are, and one day I hope you’ll feel comfortable enough to let those feelings come out without embarrassment, without worry of judgment or fear of the unknown.”

  “I want that, too,” she said just above a whisper.

  “I don’t want only a sexual relationship with you, Max. I hope you know that. I adore who you are, and have since the first time we spoke on the phone. You were confident and smart, and it was clear that your primary concern was that your friends’ weddings came off as perfectly as they’d hoped. That spoke to me because friends and family come before anything else in my life. It didn’t hurt that you had the sexiest voice I’d ever heard in my life. Even without seeing you, I knew you were special.”

  She lowered her eyes, and he lifted her chin again, falling heart first into her. “When we finally met, when you didn’t respond to me immediately, you then stood taller, pushed your glasses to the bridge of your nose, and told me you had jet lag.” He lowered his face closer to hers and whispered, “I wanted to take you back to my room, tuck you into my bed, and let you rest just so I could have all of your energy when I wore you out later that night.”

  “I knew you were special, too. But why didn’t you push me to come back to your room later that night? When I said I wasn’t ready?”

  “I didn’t want to coerce you into my bed. I would never do that to anyone, especially you. I thought we’d have the rest of that weekend together, and eventually, when you were ready, we’d come together naturally.”

  A rush of air left her lungs. “And then we had the misunderstanding.”

  “It made us stronger,” he said, and touched his lips to hers.

  “I felt the same way, Treat. That’s why, for the first time in forever, I didn’t want our night to end, and I didn’t want to say good night at the door.”

  “Because we’re meant to be together, Max.”

  EVERY PART OF Max wanted to drag him into the bedroom and love him until the sun came up. She was nervous, and he’d feel her trepidation no matter how much she tried to hide it, but how could she get over her fears unless she faced them? She slid her arms around his neck and went up on her toes, but all she could reach was his chin, so she pressed a kiss there.

  The second her lips touched his skin, he shifted, capturing the kiss and taking it deeper for a long, heated moment, leaving her breathless.

  “Max.” Her name came out strained. “You do remember why I sent you this cake, don’t you? I can’t have you freak out on me again. It makes me feel guilty.”

  She buried her face in his chest, her heart beating wildly. “I didn’t freak out. I just got nervous, and I would have gone through with it if you hadn’t stopped us.”

  “We moved too fast for my girl, and I will never, ever ignore your well-being.” He kissed her lips. “We’re going to be very careful about not going too fast tonight.”

  “Why do you have to be such a gentleman?” Would this be easier if he were pushy? One look in his caring eyes and she knew the answer. I wouldn’t be with you if you were.

  “Because it’s how I was raised, and I care about you too much to let you rush into us. Waiting a day, a week, a month won’t make or break us, Max.”

  “It might break me,” she mumbled, earning a devilish grin.

  “If you still feel this way tomorrow, maybe we’ll revisit those sinful promises you mentioned seeing in my eyes.”

  He held her so close, it was impossible not to notice his arousal. Her pulse spiked as they stared hungrily into each other’s eyes. She swallowed hard. Hard. Oh gosh, don’t think about that. After going years without intimacy, then finding a man she adored, not thinking about him in that way was pure torture.

  It was impossible.

  His eyes turned dark as night, and she wondered if he could read her mind.

  “Cake!” She reached for the fork, stabbed a hunk of the decadent dessert, and shoved it into her mouth. Treat’s deep laughter eased the pulsing knot that had formed inside her. She shoveled another forkful into her mouth.

  “Does that work?” he asked.

  She piled more cake on the fork and fed it to him.

  “Mm. That is good. But um…” He glanced down at his groin. “Apparently it’s not a remedy.”

  “Trust me, this will work. I’ve relied on chocolate cake many times in my life.” She fed him another bite. “Of course, I’ve never tried it with the object of my desire standing a few inches away.”

  A rumbling, growling noise climbed up his throat, and it was the sexiest thing she’d ever heard. He took the fork from her hand, shoveled cake onto it, and fed it to her. Crumbs tumbled down her chin, and he kissed them away.

  “There’s not enough cake on the planet,” he said, and pressed his lips to hers. Sweetness exploded into their kiss.

  Sometime later, after too much cake and not nearly enough kisses, they made their way to the door to say good night.

  “I haven’t ever had this much fun,” Treat said.

  Her heart was so full, she couldn’t stop grinning. “Me either.”

  “I should go. What time do you work tomorrow?”

  “Seven thirty until we’re done for the day. You know how that goes. I should be home by ten.”

  He gathered her in his arms and gave her another heavenly kiss. “That’s a long day. I wish you had the day off so we could spend it together.

  “I only work crazy hours during the festival, but I wish I had a day off to spend with you, too.” A week. A month. “But you’re supposed to be visiting with your family, not spending all your time with me anyway.”

  “Josh and Savannah left for New York an hour ago, and Hugh and Dane took off late last night. I have plenty of time during the day with Rex and my father.”

  “They came all that way just for a short visit?”

  “Family’s important to all of us. We make it happen when we can. Now, let’s talk about us. I’ll pick you up here tomorrow evening.”

  “Are you asking me on a real date?” she teased.

  His lips lifted in a wicked grin and he crushed her against him. “Not asking. You don’t have a choice. Tomorrow evening is mine.”

  His mouth came coaxingly down over her smiling lips. When he intensified the kiss, she was thankful he was holding her up, because every second of their kisses dragged her further under his spell.

  “Tomorrow,” he said, and held her hand as he walked out the door.

  His fingers slipped along the length of hers, and when they parted, she mourned their connection.

  “Good night.” He took a few steps toward the stairs and turned back. “One more kiss.”

  Elation filled her as his lips met hers. She had never craved kissing anyone, and every single one of Treat’s kisses left her breathless.

  When their lips parted, she whispered, “Night,” missing him already as he headed for the steps again.

  He glanced back.

  “One more?” she asked hopefully, and then she was in his arms, pushing her hands into his hair, wanting so much more.

  When they reluctantly separated, he said, “If I don’t leave now, I won’t leave at all.” He touched his lips to her cheek, her chin, and then he cradled her face in his hands and said, “See you in my dreams, sweetness.”

  She watched him descend the stairs, listened until his footsteps were no longer discernible, and then she went inside and leaned her back against the door. She closed her eyes, reveling in his scent lingering on her clothing and skin. She pressed her hands to her thundering heart, completely and utterly drenched in happiness, and when she opened her eyes, she saw his image everywhere—there in her private world—and she hoped it never changed.

  Chapter Twelve

  THE NEXT MORNING Max was still high on Treat as she flew out her apartment door at seven—and ran smack into her new boyfriend’s hard chest with an oomph.

  “Whoa.” Treat raised his arms, flashing his knee-weakening smile. “Sorry, sweetness. I thought I’d catch you before you left.” He carried a to-go cup in each hand, along with a white bag from the bakery down the street.

  “Sorry! I’m not used to big, burly guys standing in the hallway.”

  He leaned down for a kiss, and she wound her arms around his neck, her lips lingering on his.

  “I think I could get used to this.” She ran her finger down the trail of buttons on his shirt. “You look quite handsome today.”

  “I have a hot breakfast date with a sexy festival organizer.” He kissed her again and handed her a cup. “A little bird told me you loved French vanilla lattes.”

  “Which bird would that be?”

  “Chaz. I called to see if you’d gone in early. I wanted to surprise you.”

  “Sneaky. I like that. You’re very good at surprises, by the way.” She took a sip and closed her eyes, savoring the taste. “Mm-mm. Delicious.” When she opened them, Treat’s hungry gaze bored into her.

  “The way you just looked?” He made a greedy, utterly male sound. “That was delicious.”

  She giggled and hugged him.

  “Better be careful pressing your gorgeous body against me.” He gave her a seductive look. “I’ve got several weeks of fantasizing about you built up inside me.”

  “Sorry,” she whispered as she stepped back. She wrinkled her nose and said, “Not really.”

  He hauled her against him and said, “Me either,” before taking her in a penetrating kiss that she felt all the way to her toes.

  “I’m not going to be able to walk down the stairs if you keep kissing me like that.”

  He chuckled. “I know you’re in a hurry, but I couldn’t wait another minute to see you. Overnight was far too long.”

  She sighed, wishing she had more time.

  “I’ll walk you to your car.” On the way down, he handed her the bakery bag. “I wasn’t sure what you liked, so I brought you a few choices.”

  She peered into the bag, surveying the muffins and croissants. “These look amazing. Do you want some?”

  “Yes.” He winked and said, “But not what’s in that bag.”

  “Oh boy,” she said breathily. “I’m supposed to work all day with that look in my head?” She reached into the bag as her feet hit the pavement. “Hm. I notice there’s nothing chocolate in here.”

  “I might have stacked the deck in my favor.” He set his coffee on the roof of her car and took her keys to unlock her door.

  “Ah, no substitutes for the real thing, huh?” Tingles of anticipation climbed up her chest. She’d dreamed about him all night. Dark, erotic dreams about his hands and mouth all over her and hers all over him. The kind of dreams that, if she were awake, would have made her entire body blush. She’d woken up hot and bothered, and now, as she thought about them again, she felt the tightening of arousal low in her belly.

  “Look under the napkins.”

  She reached into the bag, and beneath the pastries and napkins she found a chocolate croissant. She held it up for him to take a bite. “A hidden crutch?”

  “I’ll never pressure you or leave you hanging. But where you’re concerned, I can’t help dreaming big.”

  TREAT PACED BY the windows in his father’s home office later that afternoon while on a conference call, discussing the possible acquisition of a resort in Brewster, Massachusetts, that he’d had his eye on for several years. The Ocean Edge Resort and Golf Club was the largest luxury resort on the Cape and had been owned by the same family for more than twenty-five years. It was only a short drive from Treat’s property in Wellfleet. He’d tried to acquire the resort on multiple occasions, but the family was hell bent on keeping it in their hands. Treat had it on good authority that the family would be shifting their focus to international properties in the next twelve months, making it the perfect time for him to get a foot in the door before they had a chance to go public. He’d spent the day completely immersed in logistics, legalities, and finances as he considered both the Ocean Edge Resort and the Thailand resort.

  After dinner, he helped his father and Rex with the evening ranch chores, finding that he enjoyed getting his hands dirty again, but the evening still ticked by too slowly. It took all his willpower not to drive over to the fairgrounds just so he could see Max sooner.

  Once his father turned in for the night and Rex took off for who knew where, Treat finally headed over to Max’s apartment. She answered the door looking radiant. Her hair framed her beautiful face in lustrous waves. She wore a pair of dark jeans tucked into knee-high leather boots and a soft gray sweater. A long silver necklace with a heart charm hung between her breasts. On anyone else the simple outfit might look just that—simple. But Max had a gentle and overwhelming beauty. She could be wrapped in a burlap bag and make it look exquisite. Her smile climbed up her delicate features, bringing stars to her eyes as Treat reached for her hand, drawing her into his arms, and she went up on her toes, her smile widening as their mouths came together wordlessly, passionately.


  When they parted, her cheeks were brighter, her lips glistening pink. He’d never seen Max wear lipstick, and he was glad. Not only did she have the most perfect lips, but it meant he could kiss her all he wanted. The longing in her eyes brought his mouth to hers again. His hands traveled up her back and into her hair. He loved her hair. It wasn’t full of sticky product or overly fluffed. Her silky locks were as n
atural as she was, and in a world where women vamped themselves up like hurricanes, she was a summer breeze, and he wanted to disappear into her.

  “Hi,” she said breathlessly.

  “Hello, beautiful.” He took her hand and said, “I missed you today.”

  “I missed you, too. I’m not used to missing anyone.”

  “I’m taking that as a compliment.”

  Max grabbed her purse and they went down to his car. “Where are we going?”

  “You’ll see.”

  He held her hand on the drive to his father’s house, and when he pulled into the circular driveway, he realized it had been a long time since he’d felt compelled to share the most private parts of himself with anyone. He parked and noticed Max squinting into the darkness in the direction of the house.

  “Whose house is this?” Max asked.

  “My father’s.” Her fingers tightened around his, and he said, “We’re not going in. My father is sleeping.” He kissed the back of her hand, and then he came around to help her out. “I thought I’d take you to meet Hope.”

  “Your father won’t mind?” she asked as she stepped from the truck, looking a little nervous.

  “Not at all. He’ll like that Hope gets extra love tonight.” He found Max’s careful nature incredibly alluring. Probably because he was a careful man when it came to matters of the heart. He draped an arm over her shoulder and led her across the lawn toward the barn.

  “It’s gorgeous here. I can’t imagine what it must have been like growing up with all this land.”

  “All this land means lots of chores every morning and night,” he said as he pulled open the barn door and the scents of his youth surrounded them. “My father grew up helping breed Dutch Warmblood show jumpers, and he followed in his father’s footsteps. When I was a kid, I would look out my bedroom window at the barn thinking about how my father’s entire life had revolved around horses and barns. I love my family and I had a great childhood here, but ranch life wasn’t what I wanted back then.”

  “Maybe that’s because of losing your mom. You said you felt relief when you went away to college. Is it hard for you when you come home to visit?”


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