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Elvians (The Silver Ships Book 18)

Page 39

by S. H. Jucha

  Momentarily, the Deloy was speechless, and when she did speak, she sputtered.

  “Gather yourself, citizen,” Trobath instructed. “I can’t answer a question that I can’t understand.”

  The elites who’d stayed with the Deloy until the bitter end recognized the extent of the undesirable circumstances. Their lives of leisure and opulent surroundings had come to an abrupt and ignominious ending.

  Slowly and quietly, the sycophants slipped past Trobath and disappeared from sight. They asked core citizens for directions to find the accommodations listed on their slates.

  The Deloy stared at Trobath. She was furious and thought about striking the impudent female but was afraid of retaliation. With nothing left to say, the Deloy succumbed to the anguish of her new conditions, and she broke down.

  Trobath quietly made a bed from the Deloy’s supplies, which had accompanied her. When finished, Trobath instructed the Deloy to lie down.

  “When you’ve recovered, citizen, you’ll find my contact information on your slate. Request me, and we’ll speak at length,” Trobath said.

  Before the domes’ completion, Trobath had consulted Alex on a subject dear to her. He’d loved Trobath’s concept and connected her to Renée and Cordelia, who discovered they had a willing accomplice to throw a fête.

  The trio chose to hold the event while the Light shone, and young Ollassa traveled early in the cycle to reach the domes. While the Ollassa weren’t adventurous enough to enter the domes, much less participate, they were entertained by either direct viewing or by observing the holo-vids of the many SADEs who ringed the domes.

  Vyztram followed Cordelia’s instructions on how to provide a mix of music for the fêtes, which were held in the center of each dome.

  SADEs had observed the Elvians’ courtesies, and they’d downloaded the AI’s music repertoire.

  Every Elvian citizen who wanted to participate had donned their best costume.

  When the event arrived, Trobath was invited to occupy center stage in the enormous central dome. She was recognized by many as the event’s instigator and the ambassador who’d influenced the Ollassa. Critically, she was the Elvian who’d stood by Alex with the oxygen bot while the security bots had attacked.

  Trobath turned in a slow circle, surveying the numerous onlookers, and her gaze settled on Alex. Her luminous eyes gleamed, and she performed an intricate maneuver designed to entice him forward.

  Renée sent,

  Alex smiled at his partner and kissed her forehead. Knowing that this might happen, he’d prepared with help from the SADEs. They’d chosen Vyztram’s first music selection. Then they’d designed Alex’s motions.

  When Alex had downloaded the music and the movements, he’d spent days training his muscle groups. His mass prevented him from being a graceful dancer, but he was intent on not embarrassing Trobath. He saw a bright future for her in the Elvian-Ollassa alliance.

  Cordelia cued Vyztram. The AI started the music selection, and Alex initiated his program. While his body was driven by his implants, the smile that he wore on his face was genuine.

  When Trobath saw Alex glide forward, using his arms and hands in welcoming gestures, her smile grew wide, and she reciprocated.

  Immediately, Trobath realized that Alex had presumed the lead in their dance, and she was happy to respond. It allowed her to improvise responses to his movements. The heightened level of oxygen allowed Trobath to exert herself, and she let Alex be the center of their performance, while she arced around him.

  Originally, Trobath thought to perform a simple introduction with Alex, but he’d turned it into a full-fledged performance. She couldn’t have been more delighted, and she danced with her whole heart.

  When the music faded, Alex and Trobath finished with gentle courtesies to each other. On the last note, Trobath rushed forward, and Alex swept her up in his arms.

  Trobath whispered into Alex’s ear before he set her down, and they accepted the audience’s applause.

  As the next music selection filled the space, Alex retreated to join Renée, and Elvians crowded the floor.

  Alex translated Trobath’s whisper. She’d said, “For an ugly alien, you’re extremely lovely.”

  Killian hadn’t wanted to miss out on the opportunity to enjoy a new dance form. Unfortunately, the SADE’s love of dance, especially his ability to improvise preceded him, and it led to a dearth of potential partners. But Killian persisted.

  Cordelia had sent.

  Killian had replied.

  Cordelia replied.

  Killian’s comm contact had abruptly ended, and he’d grinned.

  Cordelia smiled, as she observed Killian connect to Vyztram.

  After letting the Elvians occupy the central dome’s floor for many selections, Killian left the scouts, with which he’d stood, and crossed toward Cordelia.

  Detecting Killian turning toward her, Cordelia cued Vyztram to hold the next selection.

  The Elvians watched a SADE walk across the dance floor. The cheering, clapping, and foot stomping of the Omnians alerted them to something unique, and they deserted the floor.

  Killian stopped in front of Cordelia, bowed, and executed an intricate courtesy with one hand. She returned it, imitating his gesture, and added a twist of her own.

  The pair took the floor in sliding motions that resembled entities floating on air. Then they performed a dance that only SADEs could execute. It was delicate; it was energetic. It was slow; it moved. They spun, twirled, and orbited each other. In sum, it mesmerized the biologicals.

  When the pair finished, Omnian roars and sound blasts rocked the dome. Momentarily stunned, the Elvians, who were prepared to gesture courtesies, chose to join the noise and clap their hands.

  Thereafter, Elvians, humans, and SADEs filled the floor.

  Alex seemed content to sit the next dance out, but Renée had other thoughts.

  Before the Light dimmed, the Ollassa signaled stalks to carry them to the tram line, and the SADEs ensured that they safely reached cars, which had waited for the returnees.

  Within days after the fête, Alex and the Omnians said goodbye to the Elvians and the Ollassa. They left presents. A new comm station held stationary orbit above the World of Light. It could transmit to the Arcus, which could employ the ship’s powerful antennas, and it could connect to two new comm substations. Vyztram and Scarlet Mandator each possessed one. For the mandator’s use, a holo-vid connected to the substation.

  Then the Omnian fleets set sail for home.

  As Alex and Renée relaxed in their suite, Renée regarded the interior.

  “What?” Alex asked.

  “I was thinking that while the Freedom is being repaired, we should redecorate the suite,” Renée replied.

  “It wasn’t damaged,” Alex pointed out.

  “So?” Renée inquired with a smile.

  After the Omnian fleets sailed, Vyztram set a shuttle schedule that enabled engineers and techs to visit the Arcus for a few cycles at a time. Oxygen levels within the ship would slowly rise without the population aboard. It was Vyztram’s intention to repair the Arcus and make it capable of extended sailing when the Ollassa were ready to join other races.

  Young Ollassa were anxious to help and learn about Elvian technology, but the Arcus wouldn’t support their presence until many changes were made.

  For many annuals, Vyztram would inhabit the Omnian avatar. The AI accepted Alex’s apology that there wasn’t time for the Omnians to build the two requested avatars. In compensation, Z left plans and many critical internal parts, such as power cells, grav devices, and kernels. Over time, the AI would build other avatars
in new forms, but the Julien-like avatar would always be the AI’s favorite.

  — The Silver Ships series continues in Q-Gates. —


  Dischnya – Sentient species in Omnian system

  Neffess – Lieutenant, Omnian pilot, heir to Nyslara and Pussiro

  Nyslara – Queen, mate to Pussiro, matriarch of Nyslara

  Pussiro – Ex-wasat, mate to Nyslara, patriarch of Neffess

  Elvians – Interlopers in the Ollassa system

  Dafine – Core’s rep leader

  Deloy – Appointed decision-maker of the Arcus

  Famgore – Core’s rep

  Gedram – Offspring of Kofroos

  Jerfem – Engineer

  Kofroos – Senior attendant to the Deloy, matriarch of Gedram

  Trobath – Alex’s guide, unofficial ambassador to the Ollassa

  Vyztram – Elvian AI

  Yemerth – Core’s rep

  Ollassa/Vinians – Sentient lifeform comprising symbiotic flora parts

  Citron Mandator – Governing individual

  Flame Mandator – Governing individual

  Golden Mandator – Governing individual

  Life Giver – A progenitor of the Ollassa

  Mist Monitor – Mesa Control crew

  Olive Tasker – Tasker serving Scarlet Mandator

  Plum Mandator – Governing individual

  Scarlet Mandator – Ollassa leader who wears the Life Givers’ crescents

  Tasker – Working Ollassa

  Umber Interpreter – Communicates with a Life Giver

  Omnians – Humans/SADEs

  Adrianna Plummer – Rear admiral

  Alain de Long – Senior captain, twin of Étienne, partner of Tatia Tachenko

  Alex Racine – Omnian co-leader, partner of Renée de Guirnon

  Alphons Jagielski – Rear admiral

  Beryl – Lead scout SADE

  Bethley – Scout SADE aboard the Vivian’s Mirror

  Cordelia – SADE, rear admiral, captain of the Freedom, partner of Julien

  Darius Gaumata – Rear admiral

  Deirdre Canaan – Rear admiral

  Descartes – SADE, commodore

  Ellie Thompson – Vice admiral, partner of Étienne de Long

  Étienne de Long – Senior captain, twin of Alain, partner of Ellie Thompson

  Figaro – SADE

  Franz Cohen – Fighter command rear admiral, partner of Reiko Shimada

  Genoa – Lead scout SADE

  Hector – SADE, fleet admiral, captain of the Our People

  Jackie Olmand – First mate aboard Transit Tripper

  Julien – SADE leader, Alex’s close friend, partner of Cordelia

  Kara Walton – Captain, Transit Tripper, New Terran, partner of Oscar Tellings

  Killian – Lead scout SADE aboard the Vivian’s Mirror

  Linn – Lead scout SADE

  Lydia – SADE, advisor to Hector

  Mickey Brandon – Chief engineer for Alex Racine, partner of Pia Sabine

  Miranda – SADE, partner of Z

  Nata – Lieutenant, pilot, eldest of the wild ones on Omnia

  Oscar Tellings – Deceased partner of Kara Walton

  Othello – SADE working with Z

  Petra Havard – Shuttle pilot, transferred to Alain de Long’s Trident

  Pettifleur “Petite” Draken – Captain, OS Intrepid

  Reiko Shimada – Vice admiral, partner of Franz Cohen

  Renée de Guirnon – Omnian co-leader, partner of Alex Racine

  Svetlana Valenko – Revered, deceased Trident admiral

  Tatia Tachenko – Fleet admiral, partner of Alain de Long

  Teddy Lassiter – Crew chief aboard OS Intrepid

  Trium – Scout SADE aboard the Vivian’s Mirror

  Z – SADE, partner of Miranda

  Pyreans – Human descendants of the Honora Belle colonists, now in alliance territory

  Jess Cinders – Commander of Outpost One: Resistance, peacekeeping station located in the Pyrean system

  Talusians – Race comprised of Toralians and Omnian Sisters

  Hermione – Constructionist sister who accompanies Ude

  Miriamal – Displaced leader of militarists

  Miriamelle – Advisor to Sargut

  Sargut – President

  Sisterhood – Collection of cloned SADEs who protected the Omnian fleet

  Ude – Human clone who chose to live on Toral

  Other Individuals or Items

  Allora – SADE who donated kernel to Miranda

  Artifice – AI resident on Toral, previous ruler of alliance

  Boobaffles – Aliens visiting Talus system

  Colony – Insectoid race in alliance space

  Crescents – Blooms on Scarlet Mandator’s body stalk

  Dampeth – Elvian psychedelic drug

  Dassata – Alex Racine’s Dischnya title, peacemaker

  Earther – Citizen of Sol

  Foothreens – Aliens visiting Talus system

  House Brixton – Méridien organization that creates SADEs

  Jatouche – Pyreans’ closest allies in alliance space, medical practitioners

  Méridiens – Humans and SADEs of the Confederation

  Mesa Control – Ollassa central command

  NNEMP – Nonnuclear electromagnetic pulse

  Nua’ll – Collective race that live aboard massive sphere-shaped ships

  Omnia Ships – OS, business owned by Alex Racine and others

  Podarlas – Aliens visiting Talus system

  Q-gates – Instantaneous transport between worlds built by an ancient race

  Rayland – SADE exiled to Libre for causing human deaths

  SADE – Self-aware digital entity, artificial intelligence being

  Swei Swee – Sentient alien lifeform inhabiting the oceans of several worlds

  Syslerians – Aliens visiting Talus system

  Planets, Colonies, Moons, and Stars

  Confederation – Collection of Méridien worlds

  Federacy – Races previously ruled by Artifice

  Libre – Penal colony for Independents set up by the Confederation

  Méridien – Primary world of the Confederation

  New Terra – New Terrans’ home world

  Omnia – World settled by the Dischnya, Swei Swee, SADEs, and humans

  Pyre – Pyreans’ home world

  Sol – Earth’s star

  Talus – Talusian system

  Toral – Talusian home world

  World of Light – Ollassa home world

  Worlds of Light – Ollassa system, previously called the Vinium system

  Ships and Stations

  Arcus – Elvian ship

  Freedom – Omnian city-ship

  Honora Belle – Colony ship that left Earth, transport of the Pyreans

  OS Intrepid – Captain Draken’s Trident

  Our People – Omnian city-ship

  Outpost One: Resistance – First peacekeeping station, located in the Pyrean system

  Rêveur – Alex Racine’s Méridien passenger liner

  Sardi-Tallen Orbital Platform – Ship construction station at Omnia

  Transit Tripper – Aging Omnian freighter

  Travelers – Beam-armed shuttles and fighters

  Tridents – Omnian tri-hulled, beam-armed warships

  Vivian’s Mirror – Scout ship of Killian, Bethley, and Trium

  My Books

  Elvians is the twenty-second novel in the interwoven series of The Silver Ships and Pyreans, which tell the stories of Earth colonists and the spread of humankind throughout a galaxy filled with alien races.

  The novel is available in e-book, softcover, and audiobook versions. Please visit my website,, for publication dates and purchase locations. You may register at my website to receive e-mail updates on the progress of my upcoming novels.

  The Silver Ships Series

  The Silver Ships
r />   Libre

















  Q-Gates (forthcoming)

  Pyreans Series





  The Author

  From my early years to the present, books have been a refuge. They’ve fueled my imagination. I’ve traveled to faraway places and met aliens with Asimov, Heinlein, Clarke, Herbert, and Le Guin. I’ve explored historical events with Michener and Clavell, and I played spy with Ludlum and Fleming.

  There’s no doubt that the early sci-fi masters influenced the writing of my first two series, The Silver Ships and Pyreans. I crafted my stories to give readers intimate views of my characters, who wrestle with the challenges of living in space and inhabiting alien worlds.

  Life is rarely easy for these characters, who encounter aliens and calamities, but they persist and flourish. I revel in examining humankind’s will to survive. Not everyone plays fair or exhibits concern for other beings, but that’s another aspect of humans and aliens that I investigate.

  My stories offer hope for humans today about what they might accomplish tomorrow far from our home world. Throughout my books, humans exhibit a will to persevere, without detriment to the vast majority of others.

  Readers have been generous with their comments, which they’ve left on Amazon and Goodreads for others to review. I truly enjoy what I do, and I’m pleased to read how my stories have positively affected many readers’ lives.

  If you’ve read my books, please consider posting a review on Amazon and Goodreads for every book, even a short one. Reviews attract other readers and are a great help to indie authors, such as me.


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