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Page 4

by Pepper North

  Mia parked at the back of the estate and noticed that Oliver’s quarters were dark. She smiled as she thought of her handsome Little boy. She’d begun settling her life in her old home by arranging to have her mail forwarded and contacting her neighbors to let them know that she would be away for a while. She’d eventually sell her home there, but she’d need to box up a few things before leaving the rest for the realtors. Mia had already decided that the furniture that filled her nursery back home would be sold or donated. She did not want Oliver to be reminded of her previous Little boy. He would need his own crib and changing table among other things.

  As Mia set the kitchen in order and set the table to welcome the family to breakfast cheerfully, she considered Oliver’s small quarters. She wanted him to have a crib immediately. He wouldn’t feel properly Little until he was diapered and tucked into bed. The changing table was a necessity, too. She would check his schedule to see if he would be able to go with her to Gordon’s tomorrow to pick out his crib. She’d ordered many things from Gordon’s over the years. It was the premier supplier of age play supplies. They had everything a Little boy and his Mommy would need. She’d run over there today when she went to the grocery store to pick up things for dinner. There were several things that she would need immediately to care for Oliver.

  Ryan walked in carrying a very sleepy Madi. “Good morning, Mia. Do I smell coffee?” he asked sniffing the air with pleasure.

  She poured him a cup while he set Madi gently into her highchair. He carefully attached the tray before turning gratefully to accept the cup. Taking a sip, he watched Mia set a sippy cup of milk on Madi’s tray and she opened small plastic containers of grapes and dry cereal. His polite Little girl thanked her sleepily as the housekeeper scattered a few of each on her clean tray. She smoothed the back of Madi’s hair with a gentle hand and told her warmly, “You are very welcome. Will you let me know when you’re ready for juice?” At the Little girl’s nod, Mia turned back to Ryan.

  “Breakfast will be ready in a minute. How’s the coffee? Let me know if you prefer your coffee stronger or lighter. There’s cream and sugar on the table if you’d like some.” Mia asked with a smile looking at his hands wrapped around the cup as he breathed in the aroma.

  “This is the best coffee, I’ve ever had in my life. Do not change a thing. Just don’t tell Nora. She thinks her coffee is good, but I usually end up chewing on the beans,” Ryan laughed.

  “I’ve already been replaced, I hear,” Nora laughed as she entered the room much to her husband’s chagrin. “That’s fine with me. I don’t like to chew my own coffee either.”

  The oven dinged, and the family sat down to the table. Just as Mia was serving the quiche the kitchen door opened and Oliver staggered inside. He sat in his regular seat and reached for the coffee carafe that Mia had set on the table. She gently removed it from his hands and replaced it with a sippy cup of milk. “Madi has been kind enough to share one of her cups with you. Milk is much better for Little boys. Coffee is for Mommies and Daddies,” Mia explained.

  Oliver looked at her with sleepy eyes trying to figure out if she was joking. She wasn’t. He looked at Ryan and Nora. They both nodded seriously. He wasn’t going to get any help from them.

  Madi’s high voice rang out, “Littles don’t get coffee. If you drink your milk, Mia will give you some juice. It’s yummy!” she recommended.

  Slowly he lifted his cup to his mouth and took a big drink. Setting the cup back on the table, he nudged it with a big finger. It rocked merrily back and forth. Madi’s giggles made him smile, too. He pushed it again before looking up at Mia. He laughed watching her mouth turn up with a beautiful smile. “His Mommy knew best,” he thought to himself. He’d been meaning to cut out coffee for his training. He just hadn’t made that commitment. Madi’s voice pulled him out of his thoughts.

  “Does Oliver need a highchair, too?” she asked innocently before putting a finger of quiche into her mouth. “Mmmmmm, I love magic sprinkles,” she said as the delicious flavor filled her mouth.

  “You are a very smart Little girl, Madi. Oliver does need a highchair. Where would you suggest we go shopping?” Mia asked cutting an extra slice of quiche into finger portions the Little girl. Madi was eating very well this morning. She was certainly hungry.

  “Oh, everyone goes to Gordon’s. It’s the best place. They have really cute clothes, too,” Madi replied happy to help.

  Oliver drank his milk slowly and devoured his quiche. His eyes stayed on Mia. He had missed her a lot when she had left. He was glad the night was over, and they were back together. He just felt better with his Mommy around. Particularly, when she smiled at him often. Her hand wrapped around his shoulders as she placed another piece of quiche in front of him. She cut it into fingers just like she had for Madi. Lifting a piece to his lips, she fed him the first piece. Mia leaned over to kiss the top of his head before she straightened to help everyone else with breakfast. He felt warm inside. Oliver liked this – even without coffee.

  Chapter Eleven

  With a bustle of activity, the Redmonds secured their Little girl safely in the back seat of their luxury sedan. Oliver had warmed the car and brought it around to the front of their home. Oliver came back to the kitchen to stay with Mia after they left. She hugged him tightly before having him sit in his chair while she finished cleaning the kitchen.

  As she hung the damp dishtowel on the rack, Mia checked with Oliver. “What’s on your schedule today?” She sat next to him at the clean table.

  “I want to spend time with you. I just need to go to the gym sometime,” Oliver said holding her hand.

  “Okay, here’s what we’ll do. I’m going to take care of today’s tasks and then, I’d like to spend some time getting supplies at Gordon’s. Would you like to come with me? I like you to choose the style of crib that you would sleep best in,” Mia said cheerfully. Her voice stiffened a little bit as she added, “You have some straightening to take care of as well, Oliver.”

  He nodded carelessly. “I know. I think I’ll head to the gym to work out first. Then, I’ll tackle it.” He walked forward to wrap his arms around her. “I’ll see you soon.” He tore himself away from her and walked quickly to the kitchen door. “Soon,” he said looking back as he exited.

  When Mia realized that she’d been standing there looking at the closed door for several seconds, she gave herself a mental and physical shake. “Get going, Mia. You need to prove to the Redmonds that they’ve made a wise decision,” she reminded herself. She walked toward the family’s private spaces.

  Chapter Twelve

  Tackling the master bedroom first, Mia changed the luxurious sheets smiling as she discovered the family had enjoy each other last night. A pacifier tucked under the pillows and rumpled, damp sheets attested to a bedtime story for the three of them. Mia fluffed the pillows and tucked a bottle of lubricant back into the convenient drawer of toys. She gathered the trash and straightened the signs of a morning rush. Once the room was back in order, she headed to the nursery.

  Nora had shown Mia where she kept all the supplies in the nursery. She pulled out an adorable crib sheet decorated with dancing dogs and cats and smoothed it into place. Mia cleaned and disinfected the changing table before laying a fresh diaper and the abandoned pacifier on the padded mat. She smiled to see the enema bag hanging upside down to dry on a hook by the pink, padded enema horsie. No wonder Madi had been so hungry this morning. Littles were always hungry after their bottoms had been thoroughly cleaned.

  Leaving the enema bag to finish drying, Mia cleaned and disinfected the potty chair. Ryan or Nora had already cleaned it, but she wanted to make sure that no germs remained. Littles had delicate systems. She wanted to prevent any possible illness in the home. She returned the set of enema nozzles to the fully equipped supply cabinet. Mia’s approving eyes ran over the items that filled the shelves. Madi’s parents were very thorough in taking care of their Little girl.

  She pulled her phone from
her pocket to make a note of purchasing an enema bag and a large enema syringe at Gordons. Her list was growing. She would need Oliver’s help to carry all the supplies to her car. “Wait,” she thought with a jolt. “That’s not all going to fit in my sports car.” Making a mental note to take Oliver’s truck, Mia looked around the nursery to jog her memory of supplies she might have forgotten. She added toys and a note to take a tape measure. She’d need to measure Oliver at the store to choose the right sized diapers.

  Madi’s room was a delight. Her parents obviously loved her dearly and took wonderful care of the Little girl. Mia could feel the happiness that filled the nursery. She straightened the play area and took time to restock the diapers, wipes, and other supplies. She noted the large containers of vitamin and other suppositories with Dr. Richards’ name and contact information. She’d call next week to set up an appointment for Oliver. With one last look at the cheerful decorations, Mia sprayed air freshener as she left to make the room smell crisp and clean.

  Walking through the house, Mia enjoyed doing small tasks that made the rooms look warm and inviting. She gathered anything that was out of place and fluffed pillows. She’d noticed some dirt tracked through the front door, so she finished with sweeping the entryway. She looked around pleased with her efforts. The family would come home to a welcoming house. Finally, she filled a slow cooker with the ingredients for potato soup with ham for dinner. She’d pick up the last items for the soup this afternoon while they were out.

  Time to take off the housekeeper apron and put on her Mommy one.

  Chapter Thirteen

  The front door was slightly ajar when Mia arrived at Oliver’s quarters. She entered almost falling over the duffel bag that had been hazardously dropped. Mia picked it up and carried the smelly clothes filled bag to the laundry room. She dumped the contents into the washer and picked up a pile of clothes that had been just tossed in on the floor. She efficiently started the washer and continued down the hall in search of Oliver.

  Walking into his bedroom, she found Oliver facing away from her as he sat at his computer. Mia noted the online game he was playing and walked quietly to stand behind him. Several messages popped up from other online gamers. She was not pleased to notice that several young women were sending revealing pictures and X-rated messages to Oliver. She reached over his shoulder and pushed the button turning the computer off.

  His immediate response did not help soothe her ruffled feathers, “What are you doing? I was winning. I have been trying to beat that wizard for weeks,” Oliver protested speaking loudly as he turned around angrily. One look at her face and he knew he was in trouble.

  “Stand up, Oliver,” Mia instructed calmly. She waited for him to rise from the chair. She turned and walked to the bed to take a seat on the edge. “Come here, Oliver.”

  “I’m sorry, Mia. I was just cooling down a little when I came from the gym. I was just about to go clean the bathroom,” Oliver tried to explain.

  “Come here, Oliver,” she repeated holding his brown eyes.

  Slowly, Oliver walked to stand in front of her. He jumped back as she lifted her hands to the elastic of his athletic pants. Looking from her hands to her face, Oliver froze and then, forced himself to step forward to stand in front of her again. This time, he didn’t protest as she ran her fingers around the waistband pulling his pants over his hips and letting them drop to the floor. He moaned low in his throat as she instructed him to step out of his pants. Oliver toed off his sneakers and kicked off the pants. Her cool fingers eased under the elastic of his athletic briefs and she pulled those off his body as well removing them completely from his legs.

  His penis had responded immediately to her firm tone and the feel of her hands on his body even briefly. He stood before her dressed only in his tee shirt and socks. His pelvis was at her eye level. He had never felt so exposed. Being partially undressed made him feel more exposed than if he was completely nude. He started to pull his tee shirt over his head, but she stopped him with a shake of her head.

  “Over my lap, Oliver,” she instructed with steel in her voice. She waited patiently. Oliver would need to make the decision that he would follow her directions even when he know that his bottom would soon be punished for his actions. The minutes stretched long as Oliver stood frozen in place.

  Finally, he looked at her and admitted in a low whisper. “I don’t want a spanking.”

  “I know, Oliver. No Little wants a spanking. Over my lap,” Mia repeated firmly. She watched a shiver run through his body. Slowly, he bent his knees and knelt next to the bed lying his torso across her thighs. “Lift up, Oliver, your bottom needs to lay over my lap. Your fingers and toes will touch the ground.” She helped him move into the position she required. Mia laid a firm hand over his buttocks holding him in place. She wanted him to feel the warmth of her hand to anticipate the spanking to come. “Oliver, I am going to give you ten spanks for not following directions by cleaning the bathroom and changing the sheets. I’m going to give you two additional swats for leaving your duffel bag in the entryway where someone could have fallen. Finally, I will spank you three additional times for speaking to me in a raised, angry voice. Little boys do not talk disrespectfully to their mothers. That is a total of fifteen spanks. These will hurt, and your bottom will be red and sore for a while. You will remain in position with your feet and hands on the ground. You will count each spank, or it will not count. Do you understand?”

  “Mia, I don’t want a spanking. This is silly. I’ll clean the bathroom now and change the seats. You don’t need to spank me,” Oliver tried to sound grown-up and calm. Inside, his Little self was on the verge of tears. He had disappointed his Mommy and he was mostly naked on her lap. His eyes closed in shame.

  “Smack!” The first spank struck his muscled buttocks sharply. Oliver reared up automatically roaring in reaction to the impact. He felt Mia’s strong hand press against his carved back muscles.

  “Back into position, Oliver. You need to count, or I will add an additional spank to the end. Do you wish to say the number now?” She asked him, speaking calmly without emotion.

  Before he could stop himself, Oliver choked out, “One,” as he laid back automatically in the position she required.

  “That is very good, Oliver. I’m glad to see that you can be a good Little boy,” Mia comforted him softly as she rubbed the red mark on his bottom. Without warning, she raised her hand and delivered the second spank. She waited for a count of ten to see if Oliver would remember to count. When he didn’t, she spanked him again pronouncing the number “Two!”

  “That’s three. You’ve spanked me three times,” he protested trying to stay in position. Her spanks hurt. He didn’t know they would hurt so bad.

  “You forgot to count. They will not count if you don’t say the number. Would you like to say two or should I give you another second spank?” she asked without weakness.

  “Two!” he said desperately. He continued counting as the spanking continued. Gradually, the pain allowed Oliver to slide into a peaceful place. He wasn’t in charge. He didn’t have to be big. Tears dripped from his eyes freely landing on the soft carpet below his face. Mia’s strong hand reminded him with painful blows that she was in control. He felt increasingly like the Little boy he had wanted to be for so long. Finally, he gasped the last number, “Fifteen! I made it. I’m so sorry, Mommy.” His knees slid to the floor and he threw himself into Mia’s arms. Tears cascaded from his eyes as his lungs gasped for air around his sobs.

  Mia began to rock her Little boy slowly. Holding him close to her heart, she pressed soft kisses to his forehead as she rubbed his back in comforting circles. She knew that Oliver’s reaction was not due to simply the pain of the spanking. She had not gone easy on his bottom. It was bright red and would remind him of this first spanking for a day or two. She had sensed from the beginning that Oliver would need something drastic to break his control. Now, he would be able to allow the Little boy to emerge. His mind ha
d been fighting him.

  Oliver’s breath began to slow, and the tears came less frequently. He was wrapped in his mother’s arms. Her warmth and her tight embrace seemed to bond him to her. He soaked in their togetherness and her softly whispered reassurances. He felt like a huge weight had been taken from his soul. He didn’t ever want this to end.

  After several minutes, Mia eased Oliver away from her body. She tenderly wiped the last tears from his face and kissed his lips tenderly. “I am very proud of you, my amazing Little boy. It was not easy to take your punishment, but you are so strong.” Mia ran a caressing hand over his muscled biceps. “I’m not talking this kind of strong. I mean that this is strong.” She smoothed a hand over his tee shirt to rest at his heart.

  When his eyes met her gently look of love, he began to smile. “I love you, Mommy.”

  “I love you, too.” She pulled him in close to hug him fiercely. “Now, Mommy needs to take care of her Little boy’s bottom. Come lay on the bed on your tummy.” She scooted over so Oliver could lift himself to lay his body on the bed. Mia opened pulled out a small bottle of cream that she had tucked away before coming to meet Oliver. She had known that Oliver would need correction. Squeezing a little into her hands, she began to rub the thick cream over his reddened buttocks. Oliver groaned deeply at the feel of the cool cream spreading across his fiery skin. She touched the inside of his thighs and smiled as he automatically spread his legs apart. Mia soothed the skin at the top of his thighs and across his sensitive skin between his legs. Her fingers brushed his testicles eliciting another groan from the Little boy.


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