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Page 8

by Pepper North

  When his bottle was finished, Oliver yawned widely. His Mommy whispered, “It’s time for my Little boy to nap.” He nodded sleepily as she helped him settle on the bed with Ringo, his stuffed raccoon and a warm blanket draped around him. “Sleep tight, love bug.” He felt her kiss on his temple as he nestled into the bedding. The soft click of the door was the last things he heard as he drifted off.

  Chapter Twenty-three

  Mia cleaned the bathroom before heading back to the main house to put the final touches on dinner. She had just finished the salad and was placing the wooden bowl on the table when Madi burst into the room. The Little girl wrapped her arms around Mia’s waist and hugged her tightly.

  “I ate my sandwich today at lunch all by myself. Daddy and Mommy both had meetings. I was so lonely until I opened my lunch box. There was a pretty flower in there and you’d cut my sandwich into a puzzle piece that fit together. It was like you’d known I needed someone to be especially nice to me. But then I realized – you weren’t just being nice because you knew I’d have to eat alone. You were nice to me because you like me, and you wanted to be nice. I put the flower in my hair and I wore it for the rest of the afternoon. “Look,” she said pulling away from Mia’s body to point to her ear. “I’m still wearing it! Thank you, Mia. I’m glad you’re here.”

  Mia looked up to meet Nora and Ryan’s approving look. She smiled at them as she hugged the Little girl to her chest. “I’m really glad I’m here, too.”

  “Me, three!” came Oliver’s voice at the rear door. He sounded sleepy. His old sweats were stretched over his diaper revealing the padding and his tee shirt was inside out. He walked forward to wrap his arms around his Mommy and Madi. He’d be okay sharing his Mommy a little with Madi. She was really nice. But, Mia was his Mommy. He pressed a soft kiss to her cheek.

  “All this love in my kitchen! How did I get so lucky? Now, Madi, I think your parents probably missed lunch today. They look hungry to me,” Mia laughed as the adults nodded enthusiastically. “You take them upstairs and make them change for dinner. I’ll have it all ready when you come back to the kitchen,” she promised. She smiled as Madi skipped happily to her Mommy and Daddy and pulled them back into the hall.

  She hugged her sleepy Little boy. “I bet you need a diaper change,” she guessed as he wiggled uncomfortably in her arms. He shook his head ‘no’ several times. Mia pressed low on his abdomen and heard the hiss of urine as it struck the padding of his diaper. He tried to dance away but she held him firmly next to her until his body relaxed. Pulling him into the neighboring family room, she spread a towel on the floor and opened the wipes she had stashed there earlier.

  Still sleepy, Oliver allowed his pants to be pulled to his ankles before he laid down on the towel. Mia expertly whisked the old diaper away before cleaning his skin and wrapping the fresh diaper she had ready around his hips. Pulling him to his feet, she redressed him and steered him into the kitchen. While she washed her hands, Oliver stood next to her by the sink. Mia dried her hands and led him to the new blue highchair that was pulled up to the table. She helped him inside and fastened the tray. Giving him a few veggies to munch on as he woke up, she filled two sippy cups with juice for the Littles. Popping the homemade rolls into the over, she began to fill a bowl with the roasted vegetables. She put that in the warmer and cut the beautifully roasted chicken in to pieces, arranging them on a small platter.

  Right on time, everyone piled into the kitchen to take their seats. Madi complimented Oliver’s highchair and patted his arm saying she was happy he finally got to be Little. Any embarrassment that Oliver could have felt dissolved as no one around the table looked at him any different than they had before. Again, Mia’s meal was a big hit. Oliver ate everything that Mia placed on his tray and asked for more. Finally, everyone was full. They sat around the table talking companionably.

  “Would it be okay if I leave some chili in the slow cooker for dinner tomorrow evening? Oliver and I have an appointment with Dr. Richards tomorrow afternoon,” Mia asked Nora and Ryan.

  “No need to do that. Madi’s been asking for pizza for a week and we just haven’t gotten around to ordering some. We’ll stop and pick up pizzas on our way home. Then, there won’t be any clean up for you and you can take care of Oliver,” Ryan answered quickly as Madi cheered. He overruled Mia’s protests that it was her job to make dinner. As they were talking, about types of pizzas to order, the parents overheard the Littles’ conversation.

  “Oooohhh! That’s why you ate so much tonight. Your Mommy cleaned your tummy inside, didn’t she?” Madi asked with a normal tone as if getting an enema was a normal event. “Dr. Richards always requires that every Little has a clean bottom for their appointment. I don’t like them very much at first but, Mommy and Daddy help me enjoy one while I’m waiting to sit on my potty. Did you Mommy help you enjoy your enema?” Madi continued despite Oliver’s red cheeks.

  “Mmmmm, I didn’t like it until the end, but it was great then,” Oliver admitted looking at his tray. He totally missed the smiles that the parents exchanged.

  It was an early night for Oliver. He couldn’t believe that he was so tired after his nap. After quick, warm bath, his Mommy tucked him into bed and began to read a story about chickens and monkeys. He fell asleep after two pages.

  Chapter Twenty-four

  The next afternoon, Mia and Oliver walked into Dr. Matt Richards’ large house to visit his home office. They were greeted by his doorman, Paul. He was an older man with an obvious military background. He greeted them warmly and walked the couple into the waiting room. Handing them a clipboard of background questions, Paul explained that Dr. Richards was with a patient and would be out to meet them very soon.

  As he walked out of the room, a petite blonde Little entered turning cartwheels in the open foyer. Paul shook a finger at her, “Zoey, your Daddy will be very upset to see you practicing gymnastics inside. I think I remember hearing a Little girl getting her bottom reddened for just that reason.” The Little girl dropped her head to look at her feet in remorse.

  She waited until Paul left the room and then, she did three more cartwheels across the floor running into the couch when she tried the fourth. Rubbing her hip, she turned around to see Mia and Oliver watching her just a few feet away. Her smile brightened her face immediately. “Hi! I’m Zoey!” she waved enthusiastically. “I don’t think I’ve met you.” Zoey bounced over to shake their hands before sitting on the coffee table in front of their seats on the couch. She smiled as Mia introduced herself and Oliver.

  She looked at Mia filling out the paperwork and then over at Oliver. “You have a lot of muscles for a Little. I’ve got muscles, too! See!” she made a fist and bent her arm to show off her bicep. Oliver played along and squeezed her arm nodding appreciatively. Zoey stopped and looked at Oliver from the corner of her eye before whispering loudly to Mia. “Is he deaf? I could talk to him in sign language.” Her hands made frantic motions in the air. “But I don’t know how to do sign language really. Oh, I could go get paper and we could write notes!

  She jumped to her feet to run from the room when Oliver said quickly,” Hi Zoey! I can talk . . . and hear. Do you live here?”

  “Hi!” Zoey waved again and sat back down on the table crossing her legs underneath her. “I’m glad you can talk. I do live here. Well, not here in the office. My nursery is through that door.” She pointed to the far side of the hall. “My Daddy is Dr. Richards. Have you lived with your Mommy for a long time?”

  Shaking his head, Oliver explained, “I was just matched with Mommy through PLAYTIME. I’d looked for her for a long time. I’m really glad I found her.” He smiled as Mia leaned over to kiss his temple.

  Zoey cocked her head to the side with a smile. “Me, too!”

  Exam Room 2 opened. and a deep voice could be heard saying, “I’m glad to came to see me today, Cecily. I want you to cooperate with your Daddy when he gives you medicine. It’s important that you get the proper dosage, so you wi
ll feel better. I want to see you in ten days when Cecily has finished the prescription.” A tall man in a white coat preceded a tall wide-shouldered man and a chubby Little girl. “I have a feeling someone is waiting to see you. Oh, there she is!”

  Zoey jumped to her feet and hopped forward three times before stopping and waving again at Mia and Oliver. “It was great to meet you, Oliver and Oliver’s Mommy. You’ll like my Daddy. He’s super nice and he’s the best doctor in the world!” She continued hopping over to Cecily and she hugged the Little girl. “Daddy says you’re sick, so I need to be very quiet,” she whispered. “Can I walk with you out to your car? I’ve missed seeing you. Daddy says we can get together for a playdate when you feel better.” Zoey wrapped her arm around Cecily and she helped her walk to the door. The two men shook hands.

  Dr. Richards walked over to greet his new patient with a smile. “I’m Dr. Richards. I bet you’re Oliver. And this is your Mommy, Mia.” He shook hands with them both. “Come on back to the exam room.” He led them to the door to Exam Room 1. Opening the door, he ushered them into the room. “Oliver, your Mommy is going to help you take off your clothes and diaper. Then, I’d like you to hop up on the exam table please. I’m going to look over your medical history and ask a few questions.”

  He shuffled through the papers as Mia began to undress the muscular Little boy. Pulling his tee shirt over his head, Mia leaned in to whisper. “I’m right here. You’ll be fine.” Oliver nodded slowly and allowed her to push his athletic pants over his hips. He toed off his shoes and let her pull them over his feet removing his socks at the same time. Oliver clasped his hands in front of his white diaper decorated with teddy bears looking nervously at the doctor. Mia gently pulled his hands away and drew them to his sides. She unfastened the tape on the side and removed Oliver’s diaper. Cupping her hand around his muscled buttock, she urged him to take a seat on the exam table.

  “I see that you are a body builder. I have some insight into the nutritional needs of body builders, but I may need to do some research into the specific needs of Little boys. I’m going to base my recommendations on an average male building strength and up the requirements as we need them. It is very important, Oliver, that you tell your Mommy and me if you don’t feel well at any point. We want you to be healthy most of all. I will you promise me that you’ll let us know?” Dr. Richards looked steadily at Oliver.

  Hesitating for a minute, he answered carefully. “Everybody gets a little light-headed and weak as they’re cutting body fat,” he tried to explain.

  “Not a Little boy in my care. I will not treat you if you aren’t honest with me and your Mommy,” the doctor’s serious tone underlined the importance of this agreement.

  Oliver shifted uneasily on the exam table. Sitting here nude with two people looking at him intently was tough. His Mommy had folded her arms across her chest and looked very concerned. Their expressions made him reconsider what the common practices were among body builders. It wasn’t healthy following the current recommendations. “I hadn’t ever considered that there was another way to prepare. I promise that I will listen to you and Mommy. Will you listen to me as well?” he asked the last question softly as if not sure what the doctor’s answer would be.

  “I promise you that I will always listen to you. That’s a big part of a doctor’s job. That doesn’t mean I’m always going to recommend what you want. Your health is my priority. Does that sound okay?” Dr. Richards smiled at the big, Little boy. It didn’t matter how old or how big a Little was, they all need reassurances. The curls over Oliver’s forehead bobbled as he nodded his head to agree.

  “Let me take a look at you. First, I want you to hop up on the scale with your back to the wall.” Dr. Richards watched Oliver clasp his hands in front of his pelvis. “Hands by your sides. You don’t need to hide your penis from me, Oliver. I’m going to examine every part of you. Now stand up straight and still.” He made note of Oliver’s height and weight before urging him to return to the exam table with a gentle hand on his patient’s shoulder. “Lay down on your tummy, Oliver.”

  Reluctance visible in his choppy movements, Oliver buried his red face in his hands when he was in position. After hearing the rustling of the doctor’s supplies, he felt the doctor spread his buttocks widely and begin to press a lubricated finger into his rectum.

  Mia’s hand pressed between his shoulder blades to remind him to stay in position as the large finger pressed deep into his bottom. Oliver froze in position. His muscles tensed around the invader.

  “Relax, Oliver,” Dr. Richards said softly as he spread the lubricant inside before removing his finger.

  The cold thermometer slid slowly into his rectum. A small hand cupped around the end of the thermometer and resting on his buttocks. Oliver relaxed a little. He tried to pretend that he was at home.

  “Oliver, how long has it been since you’ve visited the doctor?” The low voice interrupted his thoughts.

  He just shook his head against the padded table. “I don’t go to the doctor,” he mumbled.

  “I was afraid of that. Many men don’t see their physician regularly,” Dr. Richards said looking at Mia.

  “We will come see you as often as you think is necessary, Dr. Richards,” Mia’s voice stressed that Oliver would not be able to change her mind.

  “A full check-up today and we’ll see what we find. Then, we’ll set Oliver up on a schedule to get your Little boy as healthy as possible.” The doctor’s large hand replaced Mia’s and the thermometer was extracted from his bottom. With a playful spank on his patient’s bottom, Dr. Richards told him to turn around to sit on the table.

  When he saw the tubes for blood, all the color ran from Oliver’s face. He pulled his arms close to his body to protect himself. He hated needles. Hated them. “I can’t,” he said shaking. “I don’t like needles. You’ll have to skip the tests.”

  “We can’t do that, Oliver. I need to know how healthy your body is. The blood tests tell a doctor a lot about how everything inside your body is doing. Would you like me to give you some medicine to relax you, so the needle doesn’t look so scary?” Dr. Richards said rubbing his tense shoulders.

  “Please!” Oliver urged. “Just don’t give me a shot. I can swallow any size pills.”

  “I don’t believe in oral medication. All my patients receive their medication, vitamins, etc., through injections or suppositories. Turn back over on your tummy.” He instructed.

  “You’re not going to give me a shot in my butt?” he asked defensively not moving until he heard the right answer.

  “No, Oliver. I have a suppository that will work very well.” The doctor turned and pressed in a code to open a cabinet filled with large jars. He selected one and shook out a large suppository. Placing it on a gauze square, he turned back to Oliver. “On your tummy now, Oliver.”

  Immediately Oliver turned over. He was relieved that he had avoided the shot. He heard the doctor pull on gloves again and his bottom was opened. The large suppository glided into his rectum on a sea of lubricant. “Aaaahh!” he moaned as the large pill stretched his opening widely before being inserted as deep as possible. Oliver rocked his hips from side to side.

  “We’ll let that medicine absorb for a short time,” Dr. Richards announced. “Sit back up for me, Oliver.”

  As Oliver sat up, he heard the doctor strip off his soiled gloves. He sat very still as the doctor checked his eyes, ears, and throat. The feeling started creeping over him. His shoulders dropped from being clenched around his ears. His jaw relaxed as did his hands. He breathed deeply to let the doctor listen to his lungs. Suddenly, he didn’t feel so scared. “Whoa!” he said.

  “Good, that medicine is kicking in. Look at your Mommy, Oliver,” the doctor instructed turning to his supplies.

  “You have beautiful eyes, Mommy,” Oliver said staring into the depth of her green eyes. He loved the little gold flecks in the sea of green. Her eyes got closer as she leaned in to kiss him deeply. His tongue te
ased hers as he leaned into her body. He wrapped one arm around her. Dr. Richards was holding his other arm. A quick pinpoint of pain made him gasp against her lips. His Mommy distracted him again as her tongue swept into taste his mouth. He forgot anything else that was going on.

  “All done, Oliver.”

  The calm voice made him turn to look at the doctor. He was labeling several tubes of blood with Oliver’s name. “How did you do that? It didn’t hurt,” Oliver said with astonishment.

  “I’ve had a lot of practice with Littles who don’t like needles. Your Mommy did the best job of all in distracting you,” the doctor praised. “Now, lie back on the table. You’re doing very well, Oliver. There’s a treasure chest in the lobby. Good Little boys and girls get to choose a toy after their exam. I bet you can earn the reward. What do you think?”

  Oliver nodded his head eagerly as he stretched out on the exam table. He was a little groggy from the medicine. Dr. Richards lifted his feet to secure them in metal foot rests that were at each side of the table. Then, the doctor secured his hands over his head. He started to panic slightly as he realized that he couldn’t move. “Mommy?”

  “I’m right here, Oliver. The doctor needed to make sure that you can’t fall off the table. That was a good idea, wasn’t it, love bug?”

  Her Little relaxed slightly after hearing a logical explanation. He held on to her hand. He felt the doctor begin at his neck feeling his glands before moving over his powerful chest. At his stomach, he began to press at various spots. Oliver couldn’t help groaning a couple of times when he found a sore spot.


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