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Pretty Lies (Watch Me Burn Book 1)

Page 10

by R. E. Bond

  “C’mon, babe, it’s a public party. Nice way to earn your hardcore street rep though. One hit wonder and all,” he replied as he continued to laugh, handing me a lighter as I snatched the cigarette from his hand.

  “How is it a public party? It’s in your fucking house.”

  “It’s private to a point because only particular schools can attend, but it’s open to anyone at those schools,” he shrugged, lighting another cigarette for himself and leaning back on his heels.

  “Which school is Skeeter from then?” I asked casually as the anger simmered down, honestly wanting to know how they all knew each other.

  Skeeter and his friends looked like trouble.

  People crossed to the other side of the road to avoid walking past them, I’d seen my own dad do it before, and he thought he was fucking invincible.

  Tyler’s eyes snapped to mine, narrowing as he spoke tensely.

  “You met Skeet?”

  “Yeah, he interrupted me and Jensen,” I replied, dragging on my cigarette and trying hard not to took too interested in the conversation, despite wanting to know everything about the tattooed bad boy with the dangerous smile.

  “What exactly did he interrupt, Miss Donovan?”

  I shrugged. “None of your business.”

  He moved closer and spoke in my ear with a grin.

  “You said you like to get high, yeah?”

  I frowned at the change of subject, but nodded, flicking my cigarette and watching the ash fall to the ground.

  “Yeah, why?”

  “You do coke?”

  “Does a bear shit in the fucking woods?”

  “C’mon then,” he chuckled, taking my hand and leading me through the crowded house and into a room that only had a handful of people in it.

  A few guys were perched on couches with skanky looking girls on their laps, but one guy grinned at us and spread his arms wide.

  His short ash-blonde hair stuck up slightly where he must have run his hand through it recently.

  I’d seen him in town with Skeeter before, but I’d never seen him look genuinely happy to see anyone.

  “Ty, my man! Nice party as always, brother. Who’s your bitch?” he asked arrogantly, anger vibrating through me as I lunged at him.

  Tyler snaked an arm around my waist and hoisted me back against his chest as he sat down, pulling me onto his lap as if it was normal for us to do.

  “C’mon Slash, be nice. This is Rory.”

  The guy frowned, looking completely confused as he spoke.

  “Holloway’s piece?”


  I struggled in Tyler’s grip and glared, my usual anxiety staying away, probably thanks to all the whisky and beer I’d consumed.

  “I’m no one’s piece of fucking ass, you fucking cunt!”

  Slash’s eyebrows shot up as Tyler chuckled, sounding nervous as he tightened his hold, kissing my cheek to try and calm me.

  “Relax babe, let me talk.”

  I scowled, but Slash narrowed his dark grey eyes on Tyler with disapproval.

  “You really let the girls talk like that now? Getting soft, Ty.”

  “I don’t have to let her do shit. Besides, she isn’t a piece of ass, she’s with us, so leave her alone. She just knocked Claire Davidson the fuck out with one punch, so she’s just a little mad right now. Apologies.”

  Slash’s face broke into a smirk and he chuckled, all anger fading away.

  “She knocked her out, huh? What for?”

  I clenched my fists, speaking through my teeth.

  “Being a whore. I came in here to get high, not chit chat.”

  I made sure to give Tyler a filthy look, but he rolled his eyes and nodded towards one of the others who pulled a bag of powder out and tipped it onto the table as if we were about to make some fucking scones.

  Slash lined some up and handed me a rolled-up bill as he and Tyler went back to talking, leaving me to do a couple of lines, before passing the bill along to another one of his friends.

  They were part of a gang, apparently.

  They all had gang jackets on, not that my drunk vision let me read the club name.

  I took the whisky from Tyler as he offered it to me, taking a long drink before noticing Slash watching me, my eyes narrowing defensively.

  “The fuck are you staring at?”

  He grinned like I was the most amusing person he’d ever fucking spoken to.

  “I see why Holloway’s boys like you. You’ve got fire, babe.”

  I angrily chewed on my tongue bar, calming when Tyler’s lips moved across my neck as he nibbled my skin.

  I should’ve been freaking out, not leaning into it.

  “You want another line before we head back out? I wanna dance with you,” he murmured in my ear, waiting for me to nod.

  Slash lined up again before I could even ask, and once I’d snorted it, he gave me a nod.

  “You run into trouble, you call me and my guys, okay? Unless it’s a girl problem, but by the sounds of things you got that shit handled.”

  I thanked him before saying goodbye, allowing Tyler to lead me down the hallway and back towards the party.

  I gave him a small frown of confusion once we were away from them.

  “Who’s his guys?”

  “Slash Russo is the leader of the Bloody Psychos. Skeet’s his right-hand man,” he said over his shoulder, making me snort.

  “An actual gang, or what?”

  “Most people call it a gang, but they’re a street crew. They hate being referred to as a gang. You’re lucky you’re with us because Slash has killed people for calling him much less than a cunt before. Man’s a little trigger happy if you ask me,” he tsked as we reached the dance floor.

  He pulled me close to dance, the high riding through me and boosting my confidence through the roof as Na Na by Trey Songz boomed through the speakers.

  He groaned as I turned around to dance against him, grinding my butt against his groin in a way I never would have before.

  That kind of behaviour was asking for trouble, but Tyler would keep me safe from anyone else, I just knew it.

  His hands clamped onto my waist as he moved with me, my head dropping back as I put my arms up, running my fingers through his short light brown hair. I could feel his erection digging into me the more I danced, and I grinned stupidly when Lukas’s unamused face was suddenly in mine.

  “Are you fucking high?” he snapped, a giggle breaking free as I grabbed the front of his shirt to pull him against me.

  “Super fucking high, Lukas James.”

  “Damnit, Rory. I can’t leave you alone for five fucking minutes?” he growled with frustration, but I closed my eyes and put my hands on his waist, moving against him as the music pulsed through me.

  “I wasn’t alone, I was with Ty. Dance with us?”

  “No. Ty, what the fuck man?” he bit out angrily, but Tyler just groaned as he pulled me back against his chest firmly.

  “She’s having fun, leave her alone.”

  “Leave her alone? She’s already punched Claire out cold, gotten high on fuck knows what, and drank a lot more than I fucking gave her. You…”

  “Cocaine,” I laughed, making him frown with confusion.


  “I got high on cocaine,” I repeated, grinding against Tyler who bit my neck firmly, nearly making me fucking come right there and then.

  Lukas gave him a filthy look before stomping off, another giggle leaving me as one of my hands ran down Tyler’s front until I reached the bulge in his pants.

  His teeth bit into my neck hard as he grunted, one of his hands dipping into the front of my shorts to tease me.

  I held my breath as I waited for the contact that my body was basically screaming for, but just as his fingers brushed against my clit they were yanked away, my eyes opening and meeting Caden’s as he smirked in front of me.

  “Hey, baby. You two just gonna fuck here in the middle of the dancefloor, or what?�

  I scowled, stumbling as I pushed him back slightly.

  I was more fucked up on alcohol and powder than I thought.

  “Fuck off, Caden. Go back to Claire.”

  He raised an eyebrow before his hand moved to my throat, squeezing gently, somehow making me fucking horny in the process.

  He pissed me off as he grinned almost cruelly.

  “You jealous, Aurora?”

  “She can keep her skanky fucking hands to herself,” I growled, his grip tightening.

  “You think I’d want her riding my fucking dick? You angry that you’d miss out?” he taunted.

  I glared at him through the drug-induced haze, trying hard to focus on him.

  “Fuck you. You can fuck who you want but you can stay the fuck away from me.”

  His hand tightened until I struggled to breathe, pressing his forehead to mine.

  His expression softened, along with his voice.

  “You’re an idiot if you think I’d want Claire on my fucking dick instead of you, Aurora,” then he kissed me with so much passion that I almost ended up on my fucking ass.

  I wanted to push him away and remain angry, but I was beyond turned on and fucked up, so I went with it and pushed my tongue into his mouth.

  My skin shivered as his hand moved from my throat and up under my shirt instead, his fingers fanning out across my warm skin as if he couldn’t get enough of me.

  When he moved back, he peered into my eyes with a smirk.

  “Did Ty get you high?”

  “I got me high, Ty just put me in the right room,” I grinned, jumping when Tyler swatted my ass firmly with a chuckle.

  “I’ll get you high on me later, babe. Don’t you worry.”

  I backed up to him to dance again, but as I started moving between the two of them, I looked up to find Jensen and Skeeter watching us from the kitchen.

  I gave Jensen a playful wink before throwing my arms around Caden’s neck, his mouth dipping down to kiss me hard, nibbling my lip ring before pulling back.

  Why did that make me fucking horny?


  “What’s the deal with her? You all fucking her?” I asked as I watched Rory grind between Tyler and Caden.

  Jensen watched her through hooded eyes beside me, not looking up as he replied.

  “It’s complicated.”

  “Then uncomplicate it. You’re banging her, they’re banging her, how about Lukas? He hitting that ass too?”

  He finally glanced over at me, irritation all over his face.

  “You have no fucking clue what’s going on, Skeet. Stay out of it. Why do you give a shit, anyways?”

  I didn’t give a fucking shit, I just wanted to know because I knew everything that went on around town.

  That was my story and I was sticking to it.

  I peered back over at her, my eyes running over her entire body as she winked at Gilbert before kissing Caden all slow and sexy-like.

  Was she even legal?

  “She’s seventeen, and she’s only fucked Holloway. She’s jacked Ty off, and I’ve fingered her, but that’s it. Stay away from her, alright? She’s our toy to play with,” Jensen stated, not being able to stop my snort of disbelief.

  Did I ask that shit out loud?

  Did he actually believe that they were just playing with her?

  I’d known the guys for a while, so I knew how they acted around girls.

  They didn’t keep them around long, and they sure as shit didn’t get defensive about them.

  Slash told me that Tyler got her high on the good shit, so I knew for a fucking fact that she wasn’t a toy.

  I saw her flinch when I went to shake her hand outside too, so I also knew that she wasn’t one of those girls who got on her fucking back as a side hobby.

  She was timid as fuck, so they must have taken their time to warm her up to the idea first.

  She didn’t seem too fucking shy as she palmed Holloway’s dick through his pants, but our cocaine could make a fucking nun hump the wall, so I wasn’t really surprised.

  Jensen stood in front of me suddenly, a scowl on his face.

  “What’s your sudden interest in her? Seriously man, lay off this shit. She’s ours.”

  Had he actually looked at me? I wasn’t full of myself or anthing, but if I really wanted to take her, I could.

  Whether it was by kidnapping or my charismatic charm, I wasn’t really fussy.

  Either way, I’d have her tied up at my place.

  “If she’s just a piece of ass, what’s the problem, Gilbert? I think she’d look real pretty on her knees with my dick jammed down her fucking throat.”

  Totally true.

  She was hiding a dark side behind those pretty baby blues, I could tell.

  I scared her a little, but the rush of danger can tempt even the saintliest of angels.

  “The problem is, she’s our piece of ass. You’ve got plenty of your own down at the shed, so how about sticking your dick in them instead,” he snapped back at me, but I could see the worry on his face.

  He should be more worried about Rory finding out about him calling her a piece of ass from what I’d heard, but whatever.

  That was none of my fucking business.

  I chuckled, swigging my beer and looking back at Rory as the guys started dragging her out of the room.

  “I don’t know about you, Gilbert, but shouldn’t you or Lukas be keeping an eye on your boys? They’re getting a bit frisky with the little lamb.”

  Easy distraction.

  He cursed, blurting out a goodbye, before chasing after them.

  He was totally going to save her from them.

  Tell me she’s just a piece of ass?

  What fucking bullshit.

  I didn’t know what it was, but something was interesting about that girl, that was for sure.

  Chapter seven


  My memory was shot to fucking shit.

  I remembered stumbling up the hallway towards Tyler’s bedroom with Tyler and Caden, but I’d woken up to find Jensen curled up behind me instead.

  His eyes opened as if he felt my gaze on him, a smile slowly stretching across his face.

  “Morning, babe.”

  I rolled onto my back and stretched out with a groan.

  Fuck, I felt like shit.

  “How’d I end up in here?”

  “You don’t remember? You were fucked up, huh? Ty and Caden got a little bit too full-on for you, so I brought you to bed with me instead.”

  I frowned, rolling over to face him, throwing a leg over his to curl up to him.

  “What do you mean they got a little full-on? Last thing I remember, I was dancing with them? Then going to Ty’s room?”

  He cringed, not looking comfortable in saying it as if I was going to have a fucking meltdown.

  “I wasn’t sure how you’d feel this morning about having a threesome, and when I say threesome, I mean a full rough and rowdy one in the front and one in the back kind of threesome. They’re both rough in bed, so I was worried you’d regret it or end up hurt and freaked out.”

  “I agreed to a threesome?” I spluttered, ignoring the thumping in my skull.

  “You were coked out of your fucking brain on top of being drunk. I didn’t think you’d agree to it sober, and until you do, I don’t think doing it drunk and high is a good idea.”

  I peered at him, reaching a hand up to run my fingertips across his cheek affectionately.

  “Did I climb all over you?”

  He chuckled, resting a hand on my waist as he shuffled closer.

  “Nope. By the time I got you away from them, you were basically passed out in my fucking arms.”

  Well, fuck.

  The door swung open and Caden walked in with a scowl etched across his face.

  “Morning, baby. Morning, cockblocker.”

  Jensen snorted, tucking me against him and putting his arms around me as if Caden would yank me from the bed.

/>   “Fuck off, Holloway. You guys would have been too much for her, and you fucking know it.”

  He shrugged before moving across the room and flopping down beside me, placing a kiss on my neck that sent tingles down my spine.

  “You have a good night? You seemed to be enjoying yourself before cockblocker dragged you away to sleep.”

  I smiled, not at all bothered that Jensen had safely taken me to bed.

  I wasn’t sure if a drunk threesome would have been a good idea, so I was kind of thankful for him.

  “Yeah, I had heaps of fun. Where’s Ty?”

  “Probably still crying in bed because he didn’t get you to bounce on his dick last night,” he replied crudely, making me roll my eyes, choosing not to comment on that.

  “Which room’s his? I’ll go wake him up.”

  He looked amused but motioned towards the bedroom door.

  “Turn left, and it’s two doors up on the right.”

  I climbed over him and kissed his cheek, slipping from the bed and padding down the hallway to Tyler’s room, finding him sprawled out in bed snoring.

  I hesitated before sneaking in and climbing under the blankets, his eyes opening as he smiled at me sleepily.

  “Well, good morning. What are you doing in here?”

  “Waking you up.”

  “With a blow job?” he asked hopefully, an amused laugh leaving me.

  “No,” but I cuddled up to him anyways, despite him being filthy-minded.

  I was starting to get used to them all being so fucking rude.

  I squealed as he suddenly jumped on top of me, pressing his erection against my crotch with a gentle thrust.

  “You made me so fucking horny last night. You’re a lot of fun when you wanna be, Donovan.”

  “Get off me, you fat piece of shit,” I laughed loudly, but I was surprised when he ran his thumb along my lower lip and held my gaze.

  “You aren’t freaked out this morning, are you? You know what nearly happened last night, right?”

  “Apparently, I nearly had a threesome with you and Caden,” I shrugged, watching him nod.

  “Yeah. One night I’ll get you into my bed for some fun with Holloway. You’ll love it,” he murmured, a groan coming from me as he bent down to kiss me softly.


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