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A Red Sky Has Fallen

Page 15

by Ryan Gilbert

  He did not even notice her touch.

  “It was a mermaid… much like you. She was beautiful… enchanting… horrifying.”

  Turning his head toward Valera, he said, “Ororis was a terrifying monster. She’d have killed us all had Riggs not destroyed her magic. That experience with her made me realize that monsters can hide behind beauty as well as ugliness.”

  “I-is that why you don’t trust me?”

  Looking into her piercing green eyes, Jack said, “If ye were in my shoes, would you trust yerself? Have you seen red light rain down from the sky like blood? Do you know the feeling of true fear, not caring whether ye get out with anything except your life?”

  She shook her head.

  “That’s what awaits us when we find the Red Sky. Whatever just happened, somethin’ bad’s about to follow it. Mark me words.”

  All of Valera’s excitement had disappeared. Her brain was telling her to not go any further, but her heart was urging her to stay with Jack through it all. No matter what came, she would be there at his side. She needed to prove herself to him, and she did not see any better way than doing just that.

  Waves began to rock the ship, but the winds had not seemed to pick up at all. Both the pirate and the mermaid noticed this, but Jack did not want to leave the wheel. He motioned to Valera to go and see what it was. She jumped over the rail, transformed her legs back into her fin and disappeared into the water.

  Much as he did not want to trust Valera, Jack felt dreadfully alone whenever she was gone. It reminded him too much of when she had left him back in Rebelde. He tried to remain strong and not be wooed by her innocent charm, but he could feel himself slipping. Was it actually love? Had it ever been love?

  He had struggled with that question for the entire voyage.

  The waves gradually became fiercer as Coral Jack tried to keep the Dagger on a steady course. The water pounded against the ship. Some waves even splashed into the cannon portholes.


  Valera leapt out of the water and onto the deck of the ship. She rushed up to Jack and latched onto him like an urchin.

  “What? What is it?” he asked, trying to pull her off.

  A noise from underneath the boat seemed to answer his question. It sounded like a grumbling, like what the pirates’ stomachs sounded like when they missed a meal.

  Only this time, it sounded much larger and hungrier.

  “What in the bloody… HELL!” Jack shouted, as he and the mermaid fell to the ground.

  Something that looked like a gigantic spinal fin rose out of the water right next to the Dagger. It looked to be half as wide as the Navy ship, but it was impossible to tell how long it was. Brown spikes stuck out from between the red webbing as the creature passed the ship, not even bothering to notice it. It was so close that Coral Jack and Valera could see the black veins that covered the creature’s fin. Everything else that was visible had black scales.

  The creature disappeared below the surface of the water, giving the pirate and the mermaid time to breath and comprehend what they just saw.

  “Wa-was that what you had in mind w-when you said something bad was coming?”

  Both of them looked at each other, then out at the sea, then scrambled to get their feet. Coral Jack grabbed the wheel and kept the ship heading straight toward where they had seen the red light.

  Absentmindedly, Jack started to mumble the words to a song to calm himself down.

  “How’d that song start?”

  Valera asked, “A song is going to help us? Really?”

  “I always heard Riggs saying it. Even durin’ the tough times, he’d get a song in his head. Sorta helped to keep him focused. Maybe it’d do the same fer me.”

  Trying to shut the huge creature out of his head, Coral Jack started to hear the words flow through his head.

  “Give me the sea;

  Give me the wind.

  Give me a ship

  To plunder the land.

  Steal and lie;

  Steal and lie;

  There are no rules,

  But you will not die.

  Raise the skull and crossbones;

  Bring fear into a man’s soul.

  Shoot and loot, steal his gold;

  Send him down to the depths below.”

  Staring straight ahead, Jack said, “Just hang in there, mateys. We’re coming for ye… with all the fury we can muster.”


  Riggs and his crew clambered over rocks and stones as they tried to stay ahead of Garrett. They had to run faster as musket shots rang out behind them. The abuse that they had all taken on the ship was beginning to catch up with them. They could barely force themselves to make it up the hill as their empty stomachs growled and cramped. There was not a single one of them that was not panting, desperately trying to keep their lead over Garrett’s much stronger crew.

  Julia stumbled over an oddly placed rock and fell to the ground, grabbing at her injured leg. Riggs swept her up onto his back and rushed to keep up with the rest of the group.


  A shot ricocheted off a rock right next to Riggs’ head.

  “Captain, we’ve gotta get moving faster. They’re going to be on us in minutes if we don’t get out o’ sight,” said Clint.

  “We’re all goin’ as fast as we can,” the Captain replied.

  Riggs and the crew pushed forward relentlessly, Julia still clinging to Riggs’ back. They tried to find any sort of path that led to the stone temple, but anything that had been a path seemed to have been destroyed hundreds of years ago.

  As they weaved through the rubble, something caught Riggs’ eye. Just when it seemed like finding a path was worthless endeavor, the Captain’s foot fell through a bit of loose rock, knocking both him and Julia to their knees. Pulling his foot out of the hole, he saw a passageway hidden in the ground, big enough to fit four large men if they stood side by side. In their hurry, they had not even considered that there could be an underground path.

  “Quick, get into the passage,” Riggs ordered, carefully climbing into the hole with Julia on his back. The rest of the crew followed suite.


  Doc ducked as a shot blasted off the rock behind him.


  Ripper grabbed his shoulder as a shot skimmed his skin.

  With the shots getting closer and more accurate, Riggs said to Clint, “You all go on ahead. I’ll hold ‘em off.”

  The girl’s eyes widened in terror. Riggs could feel her fingers dig into his shoulders once those words left his mouth.

  Still holding onto his back, Julia said, “No! You’re coming with us.”

  Forcefully pulling her off of him, he said, “Don’t worry. I have a plan. Go with the crew ‘n I’ll catch up. Trust me.”

  Even when she was off his back, Julia still refused to let go. She grabbed onto the sleeve of his coat, pulling him along behind his crew. Unable to combat her resolve to not leave him, the Captain motioned for Ripper to come and take her.

  “I promise… I won’t let them kill me,” Riggs said as he gave Julia a kiss just before Ripper pulled her away.

  “I love you,” Julia cried.

  “Give ‘em hell, Captain,” Ripper shouted, throwing two of his pistols to his friend.

  Looking down the hill of stone, Riggs could see Garrett and his men climbing over the various formations. Their swords were drawn, ready for a fight. Several of the pirates stood on the tallest rocks, muskets extended in front of them.



  Riggs ducked behind a rock as the shots just narrowly missed him. Grabbing one of Ripper’s pistols, he loaded it quickly and tried to get the second one ready as well.


  Dust and pebbles rained down on Riggs as the shot knocked loose a slew of small rocks. He scooted out of the way just in time as the small landslide filled up part of the pathway. Luckily for him, the shooters only succeeded in making the path even more treacherous t
o navigate for Garrett.


  Once the shot was fired, Riggs stood up and aimed his pistol at the man. Closing one eye, he pulled the trigger, a shot rang out, and the man fell from his perch. His corpse tumbled down the hill, knocking over several of his fellow mutineers.

  While the other shooter watched his fellow crewmember fall down dead, Riggs caught him in his sights. One shot later and Garrett’s main offense was lying dead on the rocks.

  Hiding behind the rocks, Riggs stuck the used guns in his belt and pulled out the only remaining guns that he had. There was only one thing on Riggs’ mind, and that was stopping Garrett from getting the trident.

  Riggs’ crew dashed down the corridor, not even daring to look back. To their surprise, the passage soon became bathed in a soft, blue glow. Holes in the walls emitted the light, but it was not natural. It felt like they were in an underwater cavern as the sun shone through the water above. The gunshots of the battle taking place at the entrance were now completely silent, unable to be heard as they traveled deeper into the island. Soon, the glowing light became brighter, lighting up the entire passage. Rounding a corner, the crew finally laid eyes on the entrance to the stone structure. Gigantic stone doors lay in their path. It was probably the only thing that had retained its original appearance throughout the years.

  Carved into the stone were ornate vines and creatures that none of the crew had ever seen before. The doors themselves looked like they were carved from one solid piece of rock. Veins of crystal ran throughout the rock and formed beautiful designs on each door, almost like they were put there specifically for that reason.

  Eli ran his hands along the veins and took a deep breath of air. In all his years of carpentry, he had never seen anything look so ornate.

  Julia and the crew looked at each other and let out a cheer. They were finally going to bring this battle to an end. All of them rushed toward the door, ready to throw it open and be greeted by the power of Poseidon.

  The door would not budge.

  “Bloody hell, what’s going on?” asked Eli.

  “Da door won’t move. Dere’s somethin’ stoppin’ it,” said Ripper, pushing with all of his might.

  Clint pulled everyone away from the door and said, “Mates, maybe if we all hit the middle of the doors at the same time, it’ll open.”

  His crewmembers nodded in agreement, and they all ran toward the middle of the doors.


  The doors still did not budge. It was like the pirates had run into a brick wall. Now all they had to show for it was a massive pain in all of their shoulders. Doc kicked the wall in frustration, but that did not do anything either.

  “Do ye want to try again?” asked Clint, still rubbing his shoulder.

  “Might as well try,” said Petey.

  The five men rushed at the doors again, smashing their entire bodies against the stone. Still, nothing happened. The doors remained where they were, not budging an inch.

  Julia eased herself to the ground and surveyed the doors. If they were not moving with five men pushing against them, how could they even be opened?

  As she absentmindedly ran her hand along the rock face of the wall, she could not feel anything that seemed out of place. It was solid stone. There were not any secret levers to open the gargantuan doors. There were not any hidden compartments for keys. There was nothing.

  Doubt flooded into her mind as she leaned against the wall. Was this all just a wild goose chase? Did dozens of people die in Yorktown just for a door that would not open? Was Riggs out there fighting for nothing? Were they all fighting for nothing? She pounded her fist against the stone wall in frustration.

  Looking around, she was surprised to see the rest of the crew staring at her.

  “It’s useless, gentlemen. We might as well go back and help Riggs.”

  The pirates did not move. Instead, they just stood there with their mouths gaping open.

  “There’s nothing here,” she said, moving away from the wall.

  Clint pointed his finger at the wall and said, “Ms. Hamond… turn around.”

  “If you say so.”

  Turning around, Julia saw exactly why the pirates were so awestruck.

  “Oh my God.”

  Just above where she had been standing, something unseen started carving letters into the stone wall. The dust and rock shavings disappeared in a blue haze as they fell from the wall. Next to that, a section of the wall disappeared, revealing a tiny pool filled with bright blue wisps of what looked like mist. A bright light seemed to be coming from the bottom of the pool, shining the pattern of the water onto the smooth rock.

  The pirates watched as the carved letters formed words, and the words gradually formed sentences, and the sentences finally formed a riddle. As the last carving was made in the wall, a blue flame filled the grooves made by the writing.

  With the words lit up for the pirates to see, they read the riddle, hoping that it would give them some way to open the door.

  “I am what you treasure most,

  Hidden inside of a host.

  My destruction is an end.

  Nowhere dost my power send.”

  Everyone was left scratching their heads. What could the riddle mean?

  At the entrance of the passageway, Garrett’s men were getting even closer to reaching Riggs. One man tried to rush his former captain but received a sword through his gut instead. He fell, sliding down the hill and into a large pile of boulders.

  As Riggs tried to reload one of his pistols, another pirate appeared in the opening. It was so sudden that it caught Riggs by surprise, causing him to fall back against the wall. Garrett’s crewmate pulled out a gun, but Riggs was faster, shooting him in the chest before he could fire.

  With the pirate bleeding out right in front of him, the Captain held him in the entrance, using him as a human shield. Shots pelted the dead man’s back as Riggs steadied his aim. He wanted Garrett.

  The moment that he saw the traitor, he pulled the trigger. His spirits fell when the man at Garrett’s side dropped to the ground.

  “Damn it,” Riggs cursed, throwing the gun away.

  Right at that moment, several of Garrett’s crew jumped over the rock barrier, but the Captain was ready for them. Two swung their swords at Riggs, just barely missing him. Swiping one man’s sword right from his hand, Riggs stabbed him in the stomach and pushed him back down the hill into the crowd of attacking pirates.

  As he held back three sword-wielding lunatics, he slashed one man across the knees, leaving only two men to fight. After a sword found its way into his chest, another pirate fell to the ground. Only one left.

  For a second, Riggs lost his balance by stepping on a loose rock. His attacker did not let that moment go to waste. In a second, he was on top of the Captain, pushing his sharp blade straight toward Riggs’ throat. Riggs blocked with his sword just in time, but he did not know how long he could hold back his attacker’s blade.

  The pirate pushed closer and closer to Riggs’ neck. Fumbling around on the ground with his other hand, the Captain tried to find something with which to defend himself.

  “It’s been nice knowin’ ya, Riggs,” said the pirate with a sneer.

  Riggs’ fingers clasped around a rock.

  “Can’t say the same fer you, mate,” said Riggs, smashing the pirate over the head.

  He fell off the Captain without saying another word.

  Riggs quickly got to his feet, but too many pirates had already swarmed into the passageway. He did not know where to attack first. There were simply too many for him to handle.

  “Ye want to kill me, then kill me!” he shouted, grabbing his second sword from a corpse.

  None of them rushed at him. They just stood there, surveying him like lions preying on a lamb.

  *shting* *shting* *shting*

  Garrett pushed through the crowd of pirates and stood in front of his most hated foe. A smile was plastered on his face as he stood there, applaud
ing his enemy with his hook and sword.

  “Sometimes, Riggs, I think ye have a death wish.”

  Still not letting go of his swords, Riggs said, “No… I’m just tryin’ to protect the people I love.”

  “Oh are ye now? Well I think ye failed at that.”

  Pointing his hook at Riggs, Garrett said, “No matter what happens, I’m the only one who gets to kill ye.”

  With a nod of his head, the villain let the crowd of men beat down their former captain. Riggs tried to shield himself from the attacks, but there were simply too many. Only a couple men fell to his swords before they were torn from his hands. An arm wrapped around his neck, dropping him to the ground. Boots ripped across his face. Fists jabbed into his back. Pain covered every part of his body as he tried to pull away.

  He could not.

  “Drag that mongrel to his feet,” he heard Garrett order.

  Grabbing Riggs by the shirt, the traitorous pirate said, “We’re goin’ to go and get that trident… the both of us. Then, you’re going to watch me kill all of your friends with it, saving your dear love for last. At the end of it all, ye’ll be beggin’ me to kill you.”

  With his last ounce of spite, Riggs spit his blood onto Garrett’s boots.

  “I’ll never *cough* beg for you,” he muttered.

  Holding his hook in front of Riggs’ face, Garrett said, “We’ll just have to see, won’t we?”

  “What do you think they’re doing, Jack?”

  “Can’t rightly say. It doesn’t even look like anybody’s on the ship.”

  Valera and Coral Jack had just reached the island. Keeping their stolen vessel as far away from the Red Sky as possible, they hid the Dagger behind a giant rock carved into the shape of an old man’s face. Luck seemed to be on their side as they could see no action onboard the pirate ship. Either nobody was aboard the Sky or Garrett was trying to lull the two into a false sense of security. Both were possible, but neither Jack nor Valera wanted to take a chance and get captured.


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