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Running with the Wolves (The Chronopoint Chronicles Book 1)

Page 18

by J E Reed

  “I think I already do. Wood colliding with your ribs isn’t exactly pleasant either.”

  She’d never seen anyone move like Scorpios had. It’d taken all her strength to block the few attacks she managed. There’d been no hesitation. Not when he thought his friend’s life was on the line. Not when the flames raged around him. He had confidence in Maltack’s ability and trusted Blue to have his back. Would she be able to trust them as they did one another?

  Trees shifted to meadow as the sun faded. Pines littered the area in small clusters, but the grass still hadn’t grown, leaving it mostly barren.

  They were close to the halfway point. Close to the fifth realm. She wondered if it would take another six months to get home. Maybe with the growing realms it would take a lot longer than any of them hoped. How would it feel to finally step back into the real world?

  Sharp hissing sent her hair on end. Kiuno gripped her weapon, turning, hoping the sound was just the annoying insects of summer.

  Blue turned with her. “Something wrong?” The sound grew closer and they all stopped to watch the horizon. The forest was a few miles back. Surely, they hadn’t followed—

  Crawling shadows rose over the hill, pale skin visible against the fading light. There were only five, but she knew there’d be more.

  They sprinted on all fours and the first leapt, jaws wide and teeth gleaming, but fire shot from behind, catching it before it came into range. It writhed on the ground, screaming. She turned to Maltack, the fire fading from his fingertips as fast as it’d come.

  The second lunged, and he made quick work of that one as well. Scorpios broke two of the creatures’ necks while Blue sank his blades deep into the fifth.

  “What the hell are those things?” Blue exclaimed. Even with the last dead, the chirping didn’t cease. It grew louder, and they took a few uncertain steps back, each casting glances at one another.

  Her heart jumped when they came over the hill in vast numbers, like an angry swarm whose nest had been disturbed. They crawled with deadly speed, snapping their jaws, ready to relish in the taste of their prey.

  “Run!” None questioned Scorpio’s command. It would be impossible to outrun them, but if they made it through the portal, they might stand a chance. Jumping through would let them fight a few at a time.

  The whistle from Scorp’s staff flew past her ear, catching a creature that jumped after her. He spun the weapon while running, colliding with a few others, and she let the fire catch the grass in her wake. As long as her friends were in front, they’d be fine. All she needed was for the flames to act as a deterrent.

  “Up ahead!” Blue yelled and she pushed her pace.

  “Kiuno!” She turned, spinning her staff to take out another one as the wind swept past to knock three more back.

  Everything froze.

  Instead of creatures she saw men, their swords poised and ready. Turning around, Kikyo stood with his arrow drawn, screaming for her to pay attention. This wasn’t real, she knew it wasn’t. Her vision clouded as she turned back—

  “Kiuno.” Liam hit the man coming for her and reality slammed back as he twisted to all fours. Fire laced through Maltack’s fingertips, the wind spinning to create a fiery vortex around him. She twisted her staff and bashed another in the head before shoving Liam toward the portal.

  “Go through,” she commanded. All but Scorpios obeyed. He stood in the mist as she pushed the fire to surround them, creating a barrier around the portal to buy some time.

  Sharp fangs yanked her arm and a pair of crazed eyes seemed to smile in its triumph. Scorpios brought his staff down hard, yanking her wrist and plunged them both into the icy air. When her feet hit the ground, she rolled and turned back, ready. They all stared at the swirling vortex. Her mind spinning with it.

  Seconds ticked by, and she hoped the flames were killing as many as possible, it gave them time to collect themselves. Seconds turned to minutes and with exaggerated relief they all relaxed. It appeared the beasts wouldn’t be able to pass through after all.

  Kiuno let herself fall back on the cool ground, her breath coming in gasps. Her arm burned as much as her lungs and the queasiness sat heavy in the pit of her stomach.

  “Are you all right?” Scorpios knelt beside her. She signaled that she needed a moment and they waited in silence.

  “The portals make me sick,” she finally answered.

  He seemed to understand. “How’s your arm?” He pulled the fabric up before she could move, and her heart sank as he lingered on the two bracelets. Without comment, he wiped the blood and examined the skin. “Just a few puncture marks.”

  “That was crazy,” Blue said, still trying to catch his breath.

  “We were lucky to be close to the portal.” Scorpios stood and examined the surrounding area.

  Once again, trees surrounded them, but one thing was vastly different. A path cut clean through the center, with fallen logs laid out on either side.

  They were so close now. The fifth realm. It’s what they’d been striving for. Elite was here. Everyone had to be here. Right?

  “What’s that smell?” Blue asked.

  “Sulfur,” Scorpios said. “Follow me.”

  Though reluctant, Kiuno followed him into the trees. Maybe he wanted to settle away from the main path for the night.

  The landscape took on a rockier feel and a few minutes later the group came upon a handful of boulders that jutted from the ground. Mist rose from their center in small wisps that disappeared in the darkening sky.

  Scorpios pointed. “That’s what you smell.” Clear water flowed between three pools.

  “A hot spring?”

  Blue already had his shirt off before she could turn around. “I’m still here,” she reminded him.

  “Oh,” he fumbled. “Sorry, guess I’m just used to us guys.”

  Scorpios laughed and set his pack on the ground. “We shouldn’t all go in at once.”

  “Since Blue is already halfway there you boys can go first.”

  “I’ll go with Blue, and the younger two can stay with you,” Scorpios said. “You can go last and stay in as long as you like.”

  “Why does she get special treatment?” Blue whined.

  “Because she’s our queen.”

  Kiuno burst out laughing. In the game, Scorpios had referred to her as such. Hearing it from him now reminded her how close they’d been and how much fun they had with one another.

  Blue sighed. “Guess I can’t argue with that.”

  Kiuno lit a small fire and watched the landscape darken as the sun faded below the trees. The stars dotted the sky in a beautiful splendor of sparkling lights.

  She eventually convinced Maltack and Liam to join the others as her magic would be rendered ineffective with them around. Plus, it wasn’t as if they wouldn’t hear her should she need them. She went about collecting wood and sat against the flat rock listening to them laugh. They joined her after about an hour, hair dripping, but spirits lifted.

  “It’s all yours Kiuno and you’re going to love it,” Blue said. Only Scorpios and Liam followed.

  “Where’s Mal?”

  “He’s going to sit by one of the smaller pools, just in case. The rest of us will be here.”

  As she expected they would be protective, and Kiuno realized she’d never be alone again. Loneliness had been a plague back home, something that tried to drown her whenever it got the chance. It wasn’t that her husband was inadequate, in fact, when he was around she didn’t feel the ache at all. But when she was alone, that’s when it attacked. Maybe she’d been depressed. It was hard to know.

  Kiuno made her way to the larger pool, passing Maltack who dangled his feet in the water. He sat with his back pressed against the rock that separated one pool from the other. He gave a little wave before closing his eyes again, content to sit in silence.

  She removed her shoes and dipped one foot into the steaming liquid. After going so long without a proper bath, she would be able to relax.
Heating water took too long and over the winter, they’d only heated small bowls.

  Kiuno glanced at the fire that flickered a short distance away. It wasn’t likely any would peek, but that didn’t stop her from undressing as fast as possible and jumping in. Her self-conscious nature didn’t care for being naked in the open. She hissed as her body slowly acclimated to the heat.

  The bottom was rough, with random stones that promised a stubbed toe, so she settled in a corner. Blue was right. She did enjoy this. Kiuno pulled the braid from her hair and allowed the water to wash away the dirt. Her wounds burned, and she realized how the rest of her body must look.

  Even though Maltack had healed it, the skin on her left shoulder was swollen, a nasty scar forming. She had another small scar on her right side where she’d been stabbed the night Kikyo died. Random cuts lined her arms from training and the few battles she’d been part of.

  In only six months she looked as though she’d been through a war. Maybe she had been. It felt as though this world was becoming part of who she was.

  Kiuno lifted her gaze to the moon and let her mind wander to Elite. Perhaps he was looking at the same sky, wondering if she was safe. She willed him to be, to know that everything would be all right. They would find one another and escape this nightmare together.

  She had to believe, if she could survive this far, then he could too. He was stronger, but then…so was Elliott…

  Kiuno dipped her head beneath the surface, letting the warm water rush across her face. She resurfaced and fixed her gaze on the bracelet. Could she tell them? Maybe it didn’t matter. Maybe others had been found that carried the same stone and she was making a bigger deal about it than she should. Eldridge could have been wrong.


  She startled, he’d been so quiet, she almost forgot Maltack was there. “Yes?”

  “We’ll find the others.”

  He knew. Maybe they all did. Scorpios said finding everyone was their goal. They were just as worried. Of the fifty people in their original alliance, only five had come together. There were so many beyond that group as well. It seemed doubtful they’d find even half.

  “Thanks Mal.”

  REALM: 5

  DAY: 202

  Watching the sun rise on another day Kiuno took the chance to breathe in this moment of stillness. They were finally here. The fifth realm. There was no doubt in her mind now. She’d see Elite soon.

  Kiuno tilted her head letting her eyes fall on Maltack. Yesterday was eventful. She never thought magic would trigger her fears, but when that gust of wind shifted, she’d seen Kikyo again… Liam brought her out of it, but what would happen if such a thing became a regular occurrence? She’d known it to be an illusion, but still.

  Kiuno turned back to the sun, reminded of Kikyo’s magic and how it manipulated the flame in her palm. There was so much they could have accomplished together.

  Taking a breath, she stretched and sat up, sore muscles protesting. Her body was covered in bruises. Maybe they let her sleep because they’d caused most of said injuries. Though she appreciated it, she couldn’t let their favoritism turn routine. She wasn’t helpless.

  “We still have a good way to go before we reach the main settlements. There’s a village or two along the road. We can stop for information,” said Scorpios.

  “You mean you don’t know where we’re going?” she asked.

  “My information ended the moment we passed through that portal.”

  “That’s surprising,” Blue said. “He’s usually three steps ahead.”

  Kiuno smiled. “We can’t all be perfect.”

  Blue laughed. “I think she just insulted you.”

  “That’s fine. She can go hunting with you.”

  Kiuno accompanied Blue into the woods with less confidence than when she’d first fired an arrow. She hadn’t used her bow in a month. When she missed their fourth potential meal, she knew he’d never let her live it down. Blue claimed they’d all starve if it were up to her. As they made their way back, he seemed inclined to share his discovery.

  “Kiuno is a horrible shot,” Blue said.

  “Shut up.”

  The three looked up, and Scorpios cracked a teasing smile. “How bad?”

  “Bad enough that if your life depended on it, you’d better pray she doesn’t try saving you.”

  “I didn’t know you could use a bow,” Liam said. She stared at him. What did he think she used while hunting?

  “I don’t claim to be great and I should have stayed up on my practice but—”

  “Practice? You completely missed four targets. I think the kid could shoot better than you.”

  “Hush or I’ll kick your ass again.”

  “You think you beat me?”

  She placed her hands on her hips. “I wasn’t the one on the ground and if not for Scorp trying to break my ribs, you would have stayed there.”

  Scorpios laughed. “It seems you two will need to settle this matter.”

  “Yes, though I’d prefer to do it without sharp objects.” Her eyes fell to the blades dangling at Blue’s waist.

  Maltack interjected. “Neither of you are solving anything until Kiuno is healed.”

  “Fine,” Blue stated. “But you don’t get to use your magic either. I’m not down for being scorched.” There was a moment of silence before they burst out laughing.

  They ate, stored the leftovers and set off following the straight path laid out for them. Two days passed without much excitement. She was banned from hunting, but could help with skinning rabbits. While cutting and tearing at the flesh, she wondered why it had bothered her before.

  Wooden walls promised refuge as they climbed a hill. Large gardens lined the outskirts and several animals were tethered to posts that surrounded the gate. Were they preparing to spend the whole summer here? Surely, they wouldn’t be trapped in this world long enough for a harvest.

  “Put your hood up,” Scorpios said before they reached the gate.


  “Best if people don’t think a woman is traveling with us.” Instead of arguing, she did as he asked. Maybe he knew something she didn’t, or he just wanted to be cautious. She knew what people were capable of. If something as simple as this helped safeguard them then she’d gladly oblige.

  Scorpios greeted the four men at the front with a smile and commented on the weather. They nodded in turn, but their gaze lingered on her, the only one hidden from view.

  The atmosphere took Kiuno by surprise. She’d grown accustomed to the feel of a small town, but this was more like a war camp. Everyone held a weapon of some sort and though the men laughed amongst themselves, it was strained, the mirth not quite reaching their eyes.

  Blue asked about an inn, and she followed him to a building on the far side. Once inside, the atmosphere shifted again. Singing, dancing, and the loud strum of instruments filled the air. A band, if one could call it such, played in the corner by a stone fireplace, and the stench of beer and sweat lingered through the air.

  “I’ll be back.” Scorpios made his way through the throng, and Blue guided them to a table at the end.

  “Where’s he going?” She had to lean close for him to hear.

  “See if they have any rooms open.”

  “And if not?”

  He shrugged. “We’ll make do.” Scorpios came back informing them of their poor luck, and they tried two other places with the same outcome. They weren’t the only ones headed toward the main front. People were anxious after sitting through the winter months, they wanted to be done.

  She tapped her foot, waiting, hoping they wouldn’t have to sleep outside. She’d rather be a hundred miles from people if they didn’t have a roof over their heads. The groups outside didn’t exactly give off a peaceful air.

  “She only has one.” Scorpios looked at her apologetically.

  “Good, I’d rather us stay together anyway, it’s safer than sleeping out there.” She gestured.

I was hoping we wouldn’t have to invade your privacy.”

  She scoffed. “That flew out the window the day we arrived.”

  Scorpios left once again to drop their belongings off while Blue forced them to take a seat near the fireplace. Though it was still crowded, they could at least hear one another over the banter. Original music still played with whatever instruments could be found.

  Once again Kiuno tapped her foot as they waited for Scorpios. Growing worried, she looked around and found him in a far corner with another group of people.

  “What’s he doing?” she asked.

  Maltack followed her gaze. “Getting information.”

  “Does he know them?”

  “I doubt it. Scorp just has a way with people. They always seem inclined to answer his questions.”

  “That’s convenient.”

  Blue stood, stretching his arms. “In about an hour we’ll have all the information we need, but for now I’m starved.”

  When Blue left, she turned to Maltack. “Do you think we’ll be here long?”

  “No, we usually move pretty fast. The faster we get there the faster we figure out what the real plan is.”

  “I bet Scorp is dying to know.”

  Maltack laughed. “He likes to see how people think.”

  “His intelligence and kind nature make people listen too. Sometimes I think he got us out of more trouble than I got us in,” she admitted.

  “Don’t be hard on yourself, you were both great.”

  Kiuno jumped when Blue sat a plate of bread and meat on the table along with a few mugs he was attempting to balance.

  “All this for us?” she asked, eyeing the beverages.

  “Yep, they told us to enjoy.” He slid a mug to her and sat on the stool.

  “Is this a good idea?”

  He downed half the drink before responding. “We’re safe, there’s no need to worry.”

  She was about to protest when Scorpios returned. “There’s a few groups taking supplies to the front soon. We can travel with them. They like having an escort.”

  “Monsters?” she asked, feeling a shiver run down her spine.


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