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Running with the Wolves (The Chronopoint Chronicles Book 1)

Page 20

by J E Reed

  She nodded. Thinking about some crazed person hiding in the shadows laughing at their trials felt too much like a horror movie.

  “What if getting out is a lie, what if—”

  “We have to hope it isn’t.” She fell silent. Could they make a life here if that was their only option?

  Both turned to the sound of their friends trudging down the steps. Each plopped into empty stools without a word. Liam and Blue were both pale with dark circles under their eyes while Maltack simply appeared tired.

  “How are you feeling?” she asked. It was hard to stifle a giggle when Blue shooed her away, and Liam’s pitiful gaze made Scorpios burst out laughing, their serious conversation forgotten.

  “I’m never drinking again.” Liam dropped his head on the table.

  “That’s what we all say.” Blue laughed, gladly taking the tea offered.

  “Where you headed?” the woman asked, placing several bowls of warm broth before them. Kiuno turned to Scorpios, expecting his response, but he was staring at her, as were the others.

  “To the front,” she said, eyeing them. “There’s still a few people we need to find.”

  “I suspected as much. There’s a small caravan headed that way tomorrow. The ruffians we chased out last night were part of the escort. I wondered if you might be willing to fill in.”

  “We’d be glad to,” she said.

  “I wouldn’t ask without offering something in return. We have plenty of weapons. I’ll have someone show you later, and you can take what you need.”

  Kiuno was about to decline when Scorpios interrupted. “We appreciate that, what do you know about the front?”

  “They’re doing well, which is why there has been a large effort in moving everyone. They’ve come across large stone structures with thick walls. The protection they offer isn’t something we can pass up and the land is fertile enough to promise an abundance of food.”

  “Stone walls? We haven’t seen anything like that since the first realm.” Scorpios wrinkled his brow.

  “Which is why everyone is headed there. The leaders are doing great, working together to bring about some order to this chaos.”

  The news seemed to comfort the woman, so Kiuno didn’t speak until she was well out of earshot. “You don’t like the idea?”

  “I don’t like the sudden shift. The wooden walls have become less elaborate the further we’ve traveled, and some places didn’t have them at all. Why make things easier? What do we need protection from?”

  A chill ran down her spine as she thought about the feline and chirping creatures. She’d been lucky to only encounter those few. Is that why this place looked like a war camp? Were they preparing for something?

  After breakfast, they returned to the room. Color was finally returning to Blue’s face, but Liam fell onto the bed.

  “Scorp, what do you know about the front?” she asked. “Specifically.”

  “I know five leaders are collaborating with one another, but each function separately and numerous smaller groups reside on the outskirts.”

  “Do you know any names?”

  He shook his head. “People don’t seem to be interested in names.”

  “How do the smaller groups help? Surely they aren’t just hanging back.”

  “I’m told they trade food for weapons.”

  “If Elite isn’t with the main five, finding him is going to be harder than I thought,” she said.

  Would she be able to meet with the leaders? Kiuno wasn’t anyone of significance, not like she’d been in the game. They had a small band and nothing to offer, unless she was willing to reveal the stone. If it was the only way to find her husband, she might not have another choice.

  “You’re too young to worry so much. Elite will turn up.” Scorpios added, “Would you like to catch the others up?” Everyone looked at her, their curiosity peaked. Once again, Kiuno untied the cloth and let it fall to her lap.

  “Fire from the Sky,” Maltack whispered.

  “She was afraid to tell us and rightfully so. People are looking for that stone and the less they know, the better. We’ll keep this between us, unless Kiuno suggests otherwise,” Scorpios said.

  Liam stumbled over to examine it with the rest of them.

  “Well,” Blue said. “Kiuno has the mystery stone. That figures, but it doesn’t change our original mission.”


  “Are we going to take advantage of the weapons?” she asked.

  “Yes, sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt you, but I know you can be reluctant to accept a gift,” Scorpios said. “Blades cut whether in the hands of an expert or novice. I prefer us to be the former.”

  They nodded in union.

  REALM: 5

  DAY: 205

  That day, they helped everyone pack supplies and build new pulls for the horses. Each picked out a weapon under Scorpios’s watchful eye. She found a thin sword, light enough to swing, with a dark gray scabbard. Two daggers hung on the other side of her belt with a third stuffed in her shoe. They were taking no chances.

  Scorpios began working with her that night. He positioned her feet differently and had her doing more evasive movement than she was accustomed. He taught her how to read the body and pay attention to shoulder and hip rotation. They switched to using sticks after she almost tripped onto Blue’s sword.

  The carts were slow as they made their way across the hilly terrain. The weather had warmed, and she could finally move without a heavy cloak.

  Liam warmed up to them, and she was delighted to watch him work with Scorpios on his balance. He handed Liam a short sword and Liam seemed more comfortable with it than the staff. Maltack could swing with more force than she’d given him credit.

  If she were to compare Scorpios’s training to the horrid routines Elliott put her through, she’d have to say Scorpios’s were easier, but more tactful. He wasn’t as concerned with strength as he was with technique. Though the activity was serious, they kept a light heart, laughing together whenever someone fell or missed their target.

  Nostalgia crept into her heart. If only they could see her now. If only Elliott could have long talks with Scorpios and eventually meet Elite. If only their lives hadn’t ended so soon.

  As they laid back for the night, the open sky drew her attention. She’d never get over the clarity. If there was one thing she’d miss about this place, it’d be this. Maybe in time, she’d have to move somewhere with a clearer view, somewhere away from the city.

  Blue helped recover her lost archery skills, and she was reminded of the early days. Her arm burned from the pull, the muscles still healing as she worked them. Maltack still checked on her shoulder every night.

  A wheel fell off a wagon and occasionally the horses would startle, but overall their journey remained uneventful. She was happy as long as they didn’t run into any more of the cicada creatures.

  As she was retying a rope that’d come loose, a white shift caught her attention. At first, she’d assumed it to be a bag or pant leg, but then she saw a tail flick to one side. Kiuno gestured for Scorpios to follow as she jumped from the wagon and crept forward, so as not to scare whatever lurked around the corner.

  Deep, growling huffs made her pause.

  In front of the cart, a man walked with a white tiger stalking behind, but something about it was off. Feathered wings rested on either side with tints of gray stripes running all the way to the tips. It only stood a few feet tall.

  She’d always imagined the creatures here to be evil and foreboding, but this creature was neither. It was majestic. The feline paced between the wagons, low growls echoing from deep in its chest, but the man walking in front didn’t seem bothered.

  Scorpios took the initiative. “Hey there.” The man turned, the tiger-like animal growling as it circled to place itself between the two. “Does it belong to you?” He nodded to the feline.

  The male grinned, reaching down to pat the white fur. The skin rippled and it let out anothe
r panting growl. “You could say that, though she’s not exactly a pet. She won’t harm you.”

  Scorpios approached, but the cat kept her distance, its body low to the ground, ears flattened, and wings pulled close. “What’s her story?”

  “Pulled this little gal from a trap, been following me around ever since. Was nice to have her around for winter. She’s a great hunter.”

  “You were outside all winter?” Kiuno joined her friend, surprised anyone would stay out in the awful snows that had passed.

  “Yep, sure did.”

  “She’s beautiful.” Kiuno tried to inch closer, bending to her level, but was greeted with a firm snarl.

  “Her name’s Nikita, she doesn’t take too kindly to strangers though. We’ve come across some rather unpleasant individuals.”

  “I understand.” She’d met her fair share. Up close, emerald eyes darted between her and Scorpios, daring either of them to move in a way she didn’t see fit. Why would someone bother to create something so beautiful in a world where, so many things were evil?

  “What’s your name?” Scorpios asked.


  “I’m Scorpios and this is Kiuno,” he said.

  Jim halted, his companion letting out an audible huff. “You’re joking.” His eyes fixated on her.

  “Wait, you’re that Jim?” Scorpios asked.

  A wide smile broke across his wild features and the two embraced with loud clasps to the back. “It’s about time I ran into someone I know. You’ve no idea how many people call themselves Scorpios. However,” he turned to her, “as far as I’m aware, there’s only one Kiuno.”

  She returned his warm smile and gave him a light hug. “It’s great to see you too.”

  Another one, within a week, she’d found another major player in their alliance. Scorpios, Jim, and Blue were always causing light hearted trouble. They never ceased to make her laugh.

  “Have you any more of our troop with you?” he asked.

  She nodded. “Blue and Maltack.”

  “My man Blue is here?” They walked around the wagon, Jim’s excitement feeding her own.

  “Blue,” she called, “Jim has been here the whole time.”

  “Seriously? How are you man?” The two shook hands and he greeted Maltack much the same. Liam waved, looking between them a little wary.

  “Holy shit, what is that?” Blue exclaimed, his eyes darting from Nikita back to them.

  “Well, I’m not really sure what kind of creature she is, but I call her Nikita.”

  Blue knelt, trying to call for her, but another growl greeted them.

  “Sorry, she’s not fond of strangers. Seems to be too many crazies.”

  “I hear you, Kiuno knocked one out the other day.” Heat rose to her cheeks and they laughed at her expression.

  “I wouldn’t expect any less from our fearless queen.” Jim’s eyes met hers. Kind and gentle, yet firm. Just like Scorpios. “So,” he continued, “you’re headed to the front then?”

  She nodded. “We’re still looking for Elite, these people needed an escort, so we decided to tag along.”

  Around the night fire, stories of days long past floated between them. About how a little alliance rose in ranks and strove to be the best.

  The innocence of a gaming world.

  “Blue, did you know Scorpios was suspicious of you when you first joined?”

  Blue turned to him. “Seriously? Man, and here I thought you’d been my friend.”

  “You did come from an enemy alliance,” Scorpios reminded him.

  “Because they were trying to kill me! I had to change my name and everything.” He pouted, but smirked thereafter. Each knew how strong their bonds had become.

  “Oh, I got one,” Blue started. “Do you remember when that Korean chick attacked Jim and I?”

  Kiuno laughed. “Yeah. I asked K.J. if he wanted to have some fun.”

  “That was awesome! He chased her around the whole map!”

  “That’s about the time we realized how serious other people took the game,” Scorpios said.

  Kiuno nodded. “And how small we were in comparison.”

  “We didn’t stay that way.” Scorpios leaned back. “I think we started to shift when you took on an alliance ten times our size.”

  “Well, I hadn’t intended the entire alliance to attack ours over one castle.”

  “What did you expect to happen after hitting the leader?”

  “Some recognition.”

  Blue burst out laughing. “We got that all right. And five days of hell along with it. I couldn’t even work with my phone buzzing constantly.”

  “I don’t think anyone slept,” Scorpios agreed.

  “If only things were still that simple,” she whispered. The nights they’d stayed awake watching out for one another paled in comparison to why they had to do it now. It wasn’t a game anymore.

  After a long silence, Jim recounted Nikita’s story. He’d been walking through the trees when a whining drew his attention. She’d only been a foot long then and had her foot trapped in a snare.

  She’d been tiny and though she’d likely chew an arm off now, she wasn’t much of a threat then. He threw a shirt over her, released the trap and put her in a makeshift cage for a week to ensure the wound didn’t get infected. Nikita snarled, resenting her savior the whole while.

  Being so young, he expected the mother to return, but he never heard anything outside the deep cavern. He knew he couldn’t keep it locked up all winter and released the creature to face the elements on her own.

  She wandered back within a few hours and stalked him from the shadows. Food earned her favor and they formed an inseparable friendship. Throughout winter, they hunted together, and he learned her language. He witnessed her first kill and even saved her when she tried to take on something three times her size.

  Nikita now lay at his side, curled in a ball. She’d grunt whenever Jim laid his hand on her side.

  Conversation dwindled as each of them drifted to sleep. None were on watch tonight and with Nikita by their side she felt more secure than ever.

  THE NEXT morning consisted of more training. Jim functioned as their newest addition and became Scorpios’s teaching tool. The two shared similar fighting styles, though it was obvious Scorpios was more versed in the technicalities. Jim moved like a cat, evidence of too much time spent with one.

  Kiuno passed the days watching Nikita fly, losing her unease as she soared at a safe distance above. The villagers had taken a liking to her as well after being assured she wouldn’t cause any trouble. She was mystical, something that promised this world wasn’t as dark and sinister as it seemed.

  A harsh tremor shook the earth and Scorpios grabbed her arm to steady her. They exchanged worried glances as a murmur swept through the crowd. Everything fell silent.

  When the second tremor hit the horses reared and Nikita took flight. Kiuno fell to one knee with Scorpios at her side and she exchanged quick glances with the others.

  “Any idea what’s going on?” Jim asked. All eyes followed Nikita as she frantically circled and made the worst sound Kiuno had ever heard.

  “Not a clue,” Scorpios said.

  Kiuno scanned the ground, hoping it wouldn’t split open. All they could do was wait and hope another wouldn’t hit.

  Those responsible for the horses tried to calm the animals, but they were having none of it. Their hooves beat the ground and they reared, trying to break free from the carts. Yelling ensued as one split the pull. All the while Nikita kept making an awful high-pitched whine.

  Particles of dirt flew in every direction. Kiuno shielded her eyes, and Scorpios grabbed her arm and pulled her behind a cart. A second eruption sent two nearby wagons in the air. Several screamed until they collided with the earth.

  A dark shadow rose, rocks falling from its enormous body. Spiraled teeth flexed and hundreds of legs too small for such a creature wriggled against itself.

  She froze, body tremblin
g as the massive creature tilted toward them.

  Everyone scattered.

  Kiuno drew her sword, but their weapons would do no good here. She looked at Maltack and he nodded, fire already sparking at his fingertips.

  The two ran, spacing themselves away from people, flames spiraling around their bodies. Scorpios called after them, but another explosion threw her to the side, and she skidded across the ground. Despite the burning pain, Kiuno rolled back to her feet, but it loomed above, its focus on her.

  She stared, menacing teeth turning her blood to ice. The fear crippling. It dove at her, but her legs wouldn’t move.

  Kiuno pulled hard at the river that surged within her veins and burst the energy forth as a monstrous force collided against it, rock splaying up and hitting her on all sides. Her knees sunk to the ground and rock bit into her skin as a high-pitched screech filled the air. She covered her ears and pushed harder, the darkness pressing in. The force receded, taking the screeching with it, and daylight surrounded her once again.

  Flames spread throughout the area as the creature writhed in pain and dove back into the depths of the earth, the thunderous movement throwing everyone off balance.

  Kiuno sat back and trembled as she tried to pull in a shaky breath. That darkness. She’d been so sure that was the end. She watched as the other creatures tore through the caravan, their monstrous bodies diving at innocent people and crushing them.

  Maltack rested a hand on her shoulder and startled her. His expression looked worried, but they didn’t have time. Two more centipede creatures combed the area. The villagers fled in a vain attempt to escape. Scorpios, Blue, and Jim were charging the one on the right.

  Kiuno swallowed her fear and let Maltack pull her up. He looked her over once before they charged the second beast. Both released fire, and Maltack shifted the wind to blow their flames forward in a wave that towered almost as high as the creatures. She might not be able to control the flames, but he could.

  The demon let out a long screech as the flames enveloped its body, and it retreated with the last close behind. It was difficult to tell whether Scorpios had driven it back or if the other communicated the need to flee.


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