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Running with the Wolves (The Chronopoint Chronicles Book 1)

Page 22

by J E Reed

  As they passed through the trees, it became apparent that Reece was their leader. She’d been afraid Nsane led them. Maybe Reece had found those loyal to him from the game.

  The trees parted to a camp with a dozen fires and people surrounding them. Reece fell back to join them. “I’m guessing you understand the gist of what’s going on?”

  “You mean with this world?” she clarified. He nodded.

  “If someone hasn’t then they’re an idiot,” she said. Kiuno watched Nsane wrap his arms around a woman, kiss her, then rejoin them.

  “Meet Kiuno,” he said. The woman’s eyes flew open and strong arms pulled her into a hug.

  “I’m so glad to see you alive, we’ve been looking for you. Reece never shuts up about it.”

  “Marci,” Reece groaned.

  “My wife.” Nsane answered her unspoken question. Kiuno felt her anger fading at the site of him with his loved one. He wasn’t a monster, just someone trying to get back to their family.

  “It’s nice to meet you.” Kiuno smiled and then turned to Reece. “Anyone else I might know?”

  “Just the ones you see.” His gaze fell on the group behind her. “Are you going to introduce me?”

  She turned. “I’m sure you remember Scorpios and Maltack.”

  “I do.” Reece smiled at them and shook their hands.

  “The others back there are Blue, Jim and Liam. The older two are people we knew in game, but I met Liam over the winter.”

  Reece squinted. “What the hell is that standing by them?”

  “Her name’s Nikita, she’s Jim’s companion.”

  “I wondered. Glad no one shot her.”

  “That would have complicated things a bit.” She couldn’t imagine Jim’s reaction if someone hurt Nikita.

  “Are you part of the front line?” Scorpios asked.

  “Sort of. We deliver food for one group.”

  “Why haven’t you joined them?” she asked.

  “Found a bad leader a while ago and had some problems. Staying out here suits us better. Why are you eager to head there?”

  Her expression turned solemn. “I haven’t found Elite yet.”

  “Your husband?”

  She nodded. “I’m hoping he might be there.”

  “Have you had any problems with the leader you’re sending supplies to?” Scorpios asked.

  “No. In fact, he threatened the other leader to steer clear of us. He must be held in high regard since they listened.”

  “Do you think I’d be able to talk to him?” she asked.

  “Don’t see why not. We’ve never entered the gate, at his request, but people come and go all the time.”

  “Do you trust them?” Scorpios’s gaze fixated on him.

  Reece shrugged. “Couldn’t say, I just know they keep things pretty tight. They won’t let too large of a group in all at once.”

  “I can go. I won’t be seen as a threat and might have a better chance to talk to the leader if I act as though we have something to give.”

  Scorpios gave her a skeptical look. “You don’t have anything to give.”

  “They don’t know that.”

  Reece chuckled, but Scorpios’s eyes fell to her wrist. “That’s risky Kiuno, even for you.”

  Though still smiling Reece seemed to agree. “He’s right, what if they decide not to let you go?”

  “I’d have no problem escaping, and being alone would just make that easier.”

  “How?” Doubt and intrigue mixed in his eyes. “Because they don’t know who they’re dealing with?” He smirked, mocking her.

  “I have my ways.” She smiled when he looked to Scorpios for an answer. He’d never give up her secrets.

  “Well, if you’re determined to try, we might be able to come up with something agreeable during the trade. Then you can see if Elite is there, but you know Ki, you’re always welcome to stay with us.”

  “I know. I just have to find him first.”

  “I understand, make yourselves comfortable. We’ll head out in the morning. It shouldn’t take us more than a few days to get there. If you need anything, just let myself or Nsane know.”

  “We will, thanks again,” she said.

  “Anything for you.” The way he said it made her face heat and she turned away, thankful for the cover of darkness.

  Everyone sat around a crackling fire as silence settled over the camp. Nikita paced, growling at anyone who tried to get too close.

  “What do you guys think?” she asked.

  Jim replied first. “We’ll follow you anywhere Kiuno. If you feel they’re trustworthy, that’s good enough for me.” Flattered, she turned to find them all in agreement.

  “I remember Reece,” Maltack started. “He was a cool guy, I don’t think we have anything to worry about.” His statement seemed to comfort Scorpios a bit, but he still glanced around more often than she thought necessary.

  Lighthearted conversation returned, and they laughed at one another as if nothing had changed, but changes were coming fast. Soon, they’d arrive at their destination then they’d have to figure out what to do next.

  Kiuno moved to sit beside Scorpios, hoping to ease his mind. “You don’t trust them, do you?”

  He sighed. “That among other things. I have trouble trusting anyone, but the numbers and their experience is worth consideration.” The fire crackled between them and Blue roared with laughter at something they weren’t privy to. “Going there alone is incredibly stupid.”

  “I’ll be able to handle myself, even more so if no one is with me. I won’t have to worry about holding back.”

  “What happens if you get hurt? How will we know? It’s not that I doubt your fighting abilities, I’ve seen the magic first hand, but an entire army isn’t something to be taken lightly. They made it to the top for good reason.”

  “I won’t be fighting, I’ll be running.”

  “And if they catch you?”

  “I still have the stone. I won’t be killed.”

  He sighed in frustration. “I do hope you reconsider, killing people isn’t in your nature, and if you go you might be forced to do just that.” His tone shifted to something softer. “Your soul isn’t dark, you’re too kind for your own good, really. For someone like you, killing will eat away at your soul. I don’t wish such ill feelings on anyone, especially you, my dear queen.”

  She smirked and shoved his shoulder playfully, but the words struck deep. “Just promise you’ll watch the others until I get back.”

  “How will I know if you’re in trouble?”

  “I’ll burn everything in sight.”

  “And your flashbacks?”

  Her mind shifted to the knife. It hadn’t sent her back to that time, but the anger had resurfaced. “Better.”

  “Good. Your nightmares have also lessened.”

  “I haven’t had them much since I’ve been with you guys. Is that odd?”

  “It’s not odd to yearn for protection. It allows the mind to rest. You worry too much for those around you.”

  “I can’t help it.”

  “You aren’t responsible for everyone, remember that. Don’t burden yourself, the world is a heavy thing to carry.”

  They added another log to the fire and laid back. He was right, but how could she not concern herself with the people she loved?

  REALM: 5

  DAY: 222

  With the sunrise, everything in Kiuno tightened at how close they’d been to a ravine. Reece should have mentioned something like that. What if one of them had fallen to their death?

  The forest stood to their right and stretched thin the farther it came into the meadow. Hills of grass stood before them with rock outcroppings scattered along the path.

  Those in the camp put out fires and packed their things. Reece mentioned they’d be leaving come morning.

  Kiuno watched in fascination. Without a place to call home, they thrived and almost seemed to enjoy it. Everyone carried a handful of weapons a
nd the clothing didn’t appear quite so odd in the light. Kiuno giggled.

  “What’s funny?” Maltack asked. He appeared refreshed and the thin line on his neck had vanished. Perhaps he’d healed himself.

  “I thought of these people as barbaric last night.”

  “You just haven’t been with us long enough.” Reece stood with one hand lightly resting on his sword. “You ready?”


  Groups of twenty went into the thinning forest as they moved. Reece said it would take another day before the trees disappeared, and they would hunt until that time.

  Several wagons carried furs and crates full of other items. Weapons were probably the only thing they needed from the main group, that and information. To her, it looked as though they fared well on their own.

  Her heart sped faster when she neared the ravine, a thick layer of mist blotting out the bottom. A fear of heights had been ingrained in her from birth.

  “A river runs at the bottom that has some great fishing.” Nsane walked next to her. Perhaps he was trying to ease her ill feelings from yesterday. Kiuno doubted she hid it well.

  “How do you get down?”

  “When we’re almost to the first settlement you’ll be able to see down, but the water is too shallow, so we have to venture back to about this point. Pools are great, just inconvenient to get to.”

  “How far is the drop from here?”

  “Couldn’t tell you. Far.”

  Screams echoed from the forest as a panicked group of men broke through the branches. Reece’s people surrounded the wagons and drew their weapons. Reece and Nsane shouted commands and jumped into the fray with several more following. She locked eyes with Scorpios before drawing her sword.

  Scorpios grabbed her wrist. “Don’t rush in.” Though reluctant, she nodded, trying to keep her mind rational. Several of the attackers broke off from the main group and headed toward the supplies.

  Scorpios told her to stay before rushing the enemy with Blue, Maltack and Jim at his side. Kiuno looked around for Liam only to find him in the wagon with a group of other children. One of Reece’s members must have grabbed him.

  Why was she the only one left behind? She could fight without her magic. She glanced around, waiting for an opportunity until Kiuno saw a lone man struggling. She ran forward, sinking her sword into his opponent’s back. The man nodded his thanks, but their victory was short lived as three more took his place.

  None laughed in mockery as so many others had. They looked angry, desperate, as if everything had been stripped away from them. Had Reece done something to deserve such brutality?

  One kept her occupied while the other two cornered and killed the man at her side. The adrenaline thrummed through her body as all three launched themselves at her. It didn’t matter if she was a girl. They simply wanted to eradicate everyone here.

  Kiuno glanced around for Scorpios. He was too far to call, and most fought within the larger crowd. She was on her own. The one to her right swung and she ducked, pushing the flames out to create space. She had to maintain control.

  Each of them studied her now and rushed in together. A sharp pain lanced through her upper arm, and her hand reflexively grabbed the shaft of an arrow. She took a step back to avoid another blade when her foot slipped.

  Kiuno’s stomach dropped as the ground slid from under her. In a split second, she saw Scorpios turn, then he was replaced with a blue sky that fell away faster than she thought possible.

  She’d forgotten the ravine.

  REALM: 5

  DAY: 222

  Leaving her alone was one of the stupidest decisions Scorpios had ever made. He turned a moment too late, watching the young woman he should have been protecting, disappear off the edge. He watched Reece dive after her, though for what purpose he couldn’t comprehend.

  Scorpios knocked his opponent down, desperate to run where she’d fallen, Maltack on his heels. The three men peering over the edge felt the wrath of the weapon he bore. Their actions unforgivable.

  Thick mist obscured his vision, rolling as clouds undisturbed. Maltack fell to his knees in defeat, tears already falling from the young man’s face.

  Was that it? A life put out so quickly? His mind churned with possibilities. There was water at the bottom, they’d mentioned a river, and Reece jumped. Despite Kiuno’s trust, Reece wasn’t the type to throw his life away.

  What didn’t he know?

  Scorpios looked back at the battle, their victory all but won. Nsane made his way over, wiping the blood from his sword. The calmness in his eyes filled Scorpios with some hope.

  “Is it safe to assume Reece has a plan?” His voice sounded too desperate.

  Nsane cocked his head, a smirk playing on his lips. “Reece has his ways.”

  Maltack stopped sobbing and looked at Nsane. Scorpios wasn’t one to lose his temper, but the prospect of losing his dear friend had him on the edge. “This is hardly the time for vague details.”

  Maltack’s despairing gaze seemed to disturb Nsane. “I’m not certain I’m at liberty to tell.”

  “Then give me what you’re able.”

  “They’re alive. Reece is proficient, you don’t have to worry.”

  He was worried. Though Kiuno trusted the man, he didn’t. He had minimal interactions with these people at best. He hadn’t been given proper time to study them, learn their habits and how they lied.

  Scorpios fought with himself, looking back into the mist. They’d revealed themselves after learning Kiuno’s name. That meant something.

  He glanced at Nsane. They were a wild group, not quite governed by the same laws most followed. He questioned their nomadic existence. What made the leader of people like these so keen on following Kiuno? How much would they listen to her now?

  “Don’t look so worried.” Nsane tried to comfort his young friend. “Ki means a lot to us, Reece will ensure she is safe.” Though tears still fell, Scorpios could see the boy calming down.

  “How long before we can reach them?” Scorpios asked.

  “A few days. Once the land levels out, the mist will clear, and we’ll be able to see down.”

  “And if they aren’t there?”

  “Then we’ll hunt them down. This isn’t the first time Reece has jumped into something on his own and it certainly won’t be the last. He knows what he’s doing, that’s why we follow him. He wouldn’t have jumped if he thought they would die.” Nsane rejoined his companions who were celebrating their victory.

  “You think they’re okay?” Maltack asked.

  They’d all grown to care for her over the years and even he felt the sharp pain of grief at the possibility of losing her. Scorpios looked to where Blue and Jim were piling up bodies. He doubted they even realized what had happened yet.

  “I know one thing. Reece wouldn’t throw his life away.”

  “You don’t have to worry about Reece. If they’re safe, he’ll take care of her.” Scorpios looked from his young friend back into the mist. Maltack watched people as much as he did. He was smart. Clever. If he trusted Reece that much, then maybe…

  Stay alive Kiuno.

  REALM: 5

  DAY: 222

  Reece jumping over the edge was the last thing she expected, but she clasped his outstretched arm and allowed him to pull her close.

  Fear gripped her soul. Death was never part of the plan. Burying her face in his chest, she tried to separate her mind and force it into a happy memory. Somewhere safe.

  A tightness gripped her entire body but Kiuno kept her eyes shut and prayed. Waiting felt like an aching eternity.

  The rush in her gut slowly ebbed, and she realized they were slowing. It took a moment for her to risk a glance over his arm. Green vines surrounded their bodies, lowering those in its clutches to a riverside. Confused, she looked to Reece for answers, but the strain in his face told her everything.

  He had no plans for either of them dying.

  His hold slipped when they were mere
feet from the ground and they dropped and fell back as he placed his body over hers to protect her from the falling vines.

  “That was way too close,” he said, breathing heavy.

  “What just happened?” He moved off her and untangled himself from the greenery.

  “You aren’t the only one with magic.” Reece’s head dropped to his hands as his body shook.

  “Are you all right?” His face turned pale, and she wondered if he would pass out. She understood the repercussions magic could have.

  “Yeah, I just need a minute.” They sat in silence and the adrenaline ebbed. A sharp pain in her shoulder reminded her of the arrow.

  He looked up when she winced. “You’re hurt.” Reece moved to sit behind her, placing one hand on her arm and wrapped the other around the broken shaft. “Ready?” She looked away and her breath hitched when he yanked.

  “Sorry, I must have broken the front when I grabbed you.”

  She scoffed. “Trust me, I’d rather that than the alternative.”

  Reece tore the bottom of his tunic and pulled a string from his belt pouch. He wrapped it around the wound and tied the fabric. “I’m sure that’s going to hurt later, you probably need some stitching, but I don’t have the means to do it. You’re lucky it missed the artery.”

  “I think I’m lucky for a lot of things, Maltack can take care of it when we get back.”

  “He can stitch it?”

  “He can heal it.”

  Reece looked surprised. “Kid is full of talent.”

  She laughed. “You have no idea.” Kiuno looked at the vines, the foliage fresh with leaves sticking out from the base. “So, you grow things?”

  “Earth.” He waved his wrist, but let his arm flop back to his side. “I enhance the growth of things, they don’t just spontaneously appear.”


  “I thought so too, figured earth would involve tossing boulders around. Was a little pissed at first. What the hell can I do by growing a flower? But, I can’t complain about it now.”

  Kiuno looked up, trying to see the ledge they’d toppled over through the thick mist, along with those she was sure would be mourning. “I don’t suppose you can lift us back up.”


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