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Running with the Wolves (The Chronopoint Chronicles Book 1)

Page 25

by J E Reed

  “You’re right, thank you.”

  K.J. moved with the dawn.

  They followed, closer now, and before long, spotted smoke rising over the horizon. Her heart thundered. Were they already too late?

  When K.J.’s scouts left a hill side, she bounded up the slope, veering from his army’s path. From the top she’d be able to see—

  Kiuno froze.

  Curling smoke rose from the remains of a village, the surrounding trees still on fire. Despite the horror of those likely killed, her attention was drawn to the hundreds of men around it. Hundreds of men that surrounded another group. Elite.

  The numbers didn’t add up. K.J. said there were more headed that way, but he didn’t mention how many. They wouldn’t survive against those odds.

  Bellowing war cries echoed across the valley, and the enemy closed in around them. K.J.’s army barreled down with weapons drawn, but it only pulled the attention of half.

  It wouldn’t be enough to put the odds in Elite’s favor.

  Those in the center were scattering. The enemy forcing their way through the ranks.

  They fell, one after another. By the time K.J. reached them, half would already be dead.

  Clouds billowed overhead, the rain preparing to wash away the aftermath of gore from the earth.

  Her breathing hitched. The panic pulsing through her body. What could she do with only five people? Rushing in would just ensure their deaths. Was she helpless to just watch this horror unfold?

  Thunder pulsed through her chest as lightning cracked across the sky and cold rain drops hit the ground one by one. Every second sent an overwhelming urgency coursing through her.

  So close, yet she might never see her husband alive again, never feel the warmth of his touch, his gentle kiss, the surprised look on his face she’d envisioned so many times.

  Another fell.

  Then another.

  Searing rage tore through Kiuno’s body, lighting her veins on fire. The magic pulsated like she’d never felt before and instantly she knew.

  This is what it meant to be uncontrollable. This was the fire they all feared.

  It strummed through her body again, like a dangerous creature that roared against a cage, her body acting as the cell. Fierce, powerful, and feral, it craved release. There was nothing she could do to contain it.

  She’d kill them all.

  Kiuno shot down the hill, letting the momentum carry her into the fray. She gripped the metal staff that had defended her so many times.

  There would be no defense today.

  A cry fell from her lips that drowned the pleas for her to stop and a searing sensation shot from her fingertips as everything exploded in a field of electricity.

  The bolt swept over the area in a wave of death, knocking whatever it touched to the ground. Her skin radiated with the blue static, her body exhilarated. There was so much to pull from, like an endless sea of power.

  Elite’s army stood on the other side. For once there was a safe distance. There was no one to worry about. Another wave pulsated through the crowd, driven by the momentum of her staff. Bodies melted, skin seared, and the sickening smell of burning flesh wafted through the air.

  Lightning cracked behind her again, and she brought the storm upon them.

  WITH RAIN pouring over them, Maltack grabbed Scorpios when he made to run after her. The lightning sparked as soon as she took her first step, and Maltack knew it was too late to stop her. The prospect of such magic had crossed his mind, but on this level?

  They watched her sprint down the hill, bolts of lightning crackling around her body like fierce snakes before exploding in a wave that brought everyone to their knees. He feared the consequences of that magic. How long could her body hold out?

  “Mal?” Scorpios fell silent again as they watched her in awe. “How long can she keep that up?”

  Maltack studied her. “I’m not sure, I’ve never seen anything like this.”

  “Can we get close?” Maltack shook his head.

  “Can you block it?”

  “You’re kidding, right?

  Clicking his tongue, Scorpios turned to the army breaking through the enemy’s ranks. “I’m going to K.J., keep an eye on her, try to drag her out if she falls.” Scorpios turned to Liam. “You, stay put.” The frightened boy didn’t look as if he needed convincing. “Signal me if she collapses, I’ll get a team here as soon as I can.”

  Scorpios took one last look before heading off and Maltack hoped the anger that burned through her would be enough to keep her going. That the drive to save Elite would end up saving her as well.

  HE RAN along the hill top and skidded down the slope when he came upon those positioned to guard the rear. They hadn’t engaged in battle yet, but raised their weapons when he approached.

  “I need to speak with K.J., it’s urgent.” They looked between one another.

  “Who are you?”

  He held his hands up, trying to steady himself. “A friend, I have information he needs.” Scorpios pointed to the lightning, the currents visible even from here.

  “Please.” He wished he could just push past, but he wouldn’t be able to fight his way through.

  “Follow us.” They led him down a path, half running, half walking and instructed two others to take their place.

  Bodies were already piling up. People carried the injured to the back, while healers rushed between them, some using magic, others bandaging lesser wounds. Pale faces left a haunting image and blood-soaked rags created a stench in the air. At least half of the wounded wouldn’t see dawn.

  “Wait here.” One man molded into the crowd. Scorpios prayed K.J. hadn’t rushed in with the front soldiers. The guard returned minutes later with a tall man, of average build and dark hair, trailing behind.

  “You have information?” Calculated, determined, it was no wonder Kiuno had been drawn to him.

  “My name is Scorpios, I’m wi—”

  “She came anyway.” Scorpios nodded. Apparently, he wasn’t the only one who knew her to be stubborn and reckless. “Dammit, where?” His eyes drifted as another bolt cracked across the ground.

  Scorpios pointed. “There.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Those waves, they’re coming from Kiuno.”

  K.J.’s expression shifted from confusion to shock and then relief. “She can use that sort of magic?”

  “As of ten minutes ago. Maltack isn’t sure how long she can keep it up. There are four others watching, but I’m doubtful they’ll be much help if she falls.”

  K.J. only thought for a second before pushing his way to a nearby group of men. “I’m moving east, you go west, and we’ll converge at the center.” He turned back to Scorpios. “That should diminish the numbers around her.”

  “Her magic isn’t something she can control, so keep your distance.”

  “What’s her current state?”


  “That’ll keep her alive.” K.J. looked back over the field as another pulse shot across the area. “I think she’s taking out more than her cousin’s entire army. Is there another magic user with her?”

  “Just one, he’s been instructed to signal if something happens, but he’s not fighting with her.”

  “Has she been in a fight like this before?”

  Scorpios shook his head. “Not that we know of, Maltack is afraid she’ll push too far.”

  “I know. How long before she passes out?”

  “I don’t know.”

  K.J. drew his swords. “Best we give her a hand then.”

  REALM: 5

  DAY: 226

  K.J. cursed. This was taking too long. He’d hoped to reach her in only a few minutes, but the hollows continued to race toward them, their eyes fearless in the face of death. It had unnerved him the first time he encountered one. They looked like people, but outside of battle they were soulless.

  His sword cut through an arm, but the hollow smiled and reached for him with t
he other. His blade sliced the head from its shoulders.

  These beings didn’t respond to pain, nor did they fear death. None screamed when tortured and wouldn’t speak if interrogated. They simply held an eerie smile that mocked their enemies’ efforts. He’d rather fight people, at least when captured, they produced information.

  Following Scorpios, they met up with his small group of four. Two were little more than children, but one possessed magic. If they were loyal to Kiuno, they’d be with his group shortly. She wouldn’t leave after this.

  By the time they reached her, his men had pulled back. None dared to come within reach of the deadly electric field that shimmered at random intervals. The battle was won, the last of them killed, at least those fortunate enough to be far from his friend.

  Kiuno was a raging storm, the epicenter of crackling lightning that struck her enemies with enough force to blow them back…or to pieces. He hoped she knew what they were, otherwise her guilt would be the next storm he’d face.

  “She should have collapsed by now.” Maltack looked at her with worry and he shared the concern. He’d seen them push too far, be in a coma for days, their bodies drained to the brink.

  How far was she willing to push herself?

  He stepped forward, but a hand pulled him back. “She’ll hurt you.”

  There was no end to the frustration. “Can you shield it?”

  “I can’t promise anything.”

  He sighed. “Cover me.”

  KIUNO BROUGHT her staff down on the head of another, the skull splitting with a cracking sound that reverberated through her teeth. Bodies littered the ground, blood stained her clothes, and the smell of burnt flesh filled her nostrils. Her body cried, begging to stop. Her very skin felt as if it were on fire as the magic coursed through her veins like molten liquid.

  Her hands tingled, numb, barely able to hold the staff. Kiuno’s body looked marred, or maybe it was just her vision. Or was it blood?

  She spun when a hand grabbed her shoulder, the pool in her body depleting further as it screamed in agony. Just one more. There’s always just one more.

  “Kiuno.” She met his gaze and reality slammed down on her as the tormenting flames faded.

  If he was here, then—her legs buckled, but he kept her from colliding with the ground.

  Broken bodies lay beneath her feet. Bodies she’d put there.

  None of them had faltered. None had screamed. They just kept coming like animals.

  Her body shook and K.J. supported her weight as they walked across the field. He seemed to know exactly where she wanted to go. She stumbled, fighting for control. Everything burned, her body yearning to collapse.

  Not yet.

  Hollow eyes followed every step. So many had been willing to throw their lives away and she’d gladly taken them.

  So many…

  K.J. tapped her side and she looked up.

  Elite ran toward them. He looked different, stronger, aged. Maybe she looked different too. He skidded to a halt and pulled her in his arms, holding her tighter than he’d ever done.

  Fear melted and the cord that had been strangling her heart unwound. He was here. He was safe. Elite pulled back, his hands tracing her face before the welcoming shadow of darkness took over.

  REALM: 5

  DAY: 226

  Elite held her close, his arms wrapping around the woman he’d been seeking for nearly a year. She looked thinner, sick, and right now he feared for her life. Kiuno’s entire body burned beneath his fingertips, almost as if she’d sat beside a furnace too long, but it wasn’t this mere fact that had his heart racing.

  Stretching from both wrists and crawling beneath her clothes were burns like he’d never seen before, the skin completely raw. It almost looked like frost on a glass window pane.

  Elite barely paid attention to the man who’d carried her, but followed him on command. Had she been the one to bring this army to their rescue?

  He knew it’d been a stupid decision to move this way, but they hadn’t been expecting the hollows. They were fierce and unyielding creatures. At least the normal monsters felt pain.

  “Lay her here.” Elite glared at the man, reluctant to release his wife, but he did as instructed when another woman ran to their side.

  “What happened?” she asked, running her hands along Kiuno’s burnt skin.

  Elite was about to reply when the other man spoke. “Exhaustion from the magic, but the reason for the burns isn’t clear.”

  “This is bad,” the woman whispered.

  “Will it heal?” Both turned to Elite as if they’d forgotten he was there.

  The woman’s eyes went back to Kiuno. His wife flinched, and he wished she’d just open her eyes. “I don’t know…”

  “Is she all right?” A young man with dark skin stopped short, his breath coming in rapid gasps. Six more followed, two who were clearly guards.

  “They claimed to be with Kiuno,” one guard said, his voice uncertain. The man who’d been carrying Kiuno held up one hand and two of the men dismissed themselves.

  The young boy knelt beside Kiuno then looked up at him. “Are you Elite?”

  He nodded once, and the boy held out his hand. “Maltack.” Elite took it and looked at the others. So, she hadn’t been alone after all. All this time he’d been worrying. Afraid for the worst. She didn’t do well alone, she never had.

  Another stepped forward and extended his hand. “Scorpios.”

  At that, Elite finally smiled. Scorpios always had Kiuno’s back. “I’m glad you were with her.”

  They turned back when the woman stood. “That’s all I can do for now. Take her somewhere to settle for the night, and I’ll be by to bandage her wounds later.” Her eyes scanned the area, cries of pain filling the air.

  “Come with me, I’ll get something set up.”

  “You are?” Elite asked.

  The man turned to him with a sly smile and cocked his head. “K.J.”

  KIUNO COULD hear their whispers.

  What happened?

  Will it heal?

  I don’t know…

  Pain shot through her limbs in the dark room, but a comforting hand rested on her abdomen. A familiar scent clouded her senses, and heat radiated from his skin. Or perhaps that was her own. She tried to sit up, but he gently pressed down.


  “I’m here.” Kiuno tried to wrap her arms around him, but she cringed from the slightest movement.

  “Where are we?”

  “Still at the valley.”

  She struggled to wrap her mind around the darkness. “Everything’s over?”

  He nodded.

  “Where’s Maltack and the others?”

  “They’re safe. Everyone is sleeping.”

  “I need to see him.” Kiuno pushed against his arm, but the pain took her breath away.

  Elite sat up. “I promise, they’re fine.”

  “Please.” She had to know. What if they were trying to placate her so she would rest? What if her stupid decision had led to—

  “Wait here.” Elite kissed her temple and carefully removed himself from the blanket.

  She listened to the quiet, straining to hear anything that might tell her if someone were coming. Despite the lack of flames around her, it still felt as if the magic pulsed beneath her skin, trying to burn her from the inside out.

  “Kiuno?” Maltack’s voice enabled her to take a breath. He knelt beside her. “You should be resting.”

  “I just needed…” she trailed off.

  “Everyone’s okay, you don’t have to worry. Palindrome is taking care of us.”

  She nodded, but didn’t release his hand as he moved to leave. He stayed put, kneeling as she traced the bandages with her fingers. He’d gotten hurt.

  “Kiuno.” She tried to look in his eyes, but the darkness wouldn’t allow it. “It’s okay.” She took a breath and released him. He was alive, she’d let that soothe her mind for now. Elite whispered his thanks
as Maltack left.

  “I’m sorry,” she said.

  “There’s nothing to apologize for.” He pulled the blanket back and laid next to her, his hand wrapping around her own.

  “What happened after I passed out?”

  “You didn’t miss anything.”

  “Are we headed back?”

  “In the morning.”

  An eternity had passed since she’d last felt his skin, heard his voice, and yet it felt as though nothing stood between them. “I’ve been looking for you,” she whispered.

  “I’m here. Sleep, you’re safe.” His lips grazed her temple, and for the first time in almost a year she honestly believed those words.

  Kyle—You’ve always listened. Even during those horrid first drafts, you listened to my story as it developed and took form. Your encouragement kept me going through the three long years of this journey, and I can’t ever thank you enough.

  Paige—Somehow you came into my life at exactly the right time and you were one of the first to dive into my world. Watching your laughter, tears and excitement makes this whole journey worthwhile. I hope to see others react as you have and touch some small corner of their hearts.

  Brent—Your friendship means more to me than you know, and your interest in my book is heartwarming even if your ability to pick me apart through its pages is a bit uncanny. I look forward to our future discussions on Kiuno and the world I’ve thrown her into.

  Allex, John, Mal, Reece and the many, many friends who I’ve had the pleasure of meeting through our gaming world—You guys are the best, and without your influence this world wouldn’t have been possible.

  Catherine with Quill Pen Editorial—The developmental editing you did with this story is beyond words.

  Fanfiction fans—Your kind words encouraged me to create an original work.


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