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Rebel (Montgomery Brothers Series ~ Book 3)

Page 14

by Laura Pavlov

  I left work at a normal hour for the first time and sat on the couch with Mr. Boots for an hour before there was a knock on the door. His frail body was a sign that his health had deteriorated, and I’d tried to pretend he was fine for far too long.

  I opened the door and invited Dr. Roberts in. He’d been a family friend since I was a little girl, and house calls were one of the perks of knowing your vet personally.

  “How are you doing, honey?”

  “I’ve been better,” I said, swiping at the tears streaming down my face.

  “Have you said your goodbyes?”

  “I have.” The words were barely audible.

  “He’s had a good run, Monroe. He’s got to be in his late twenties. He’s had a happy life with you. But he’s suffering now, so you’re doing the unselfish thing,” he said. He’d been Mr. Boots’ vet since the day we brought him home from the rescue.

  “I know. It just makes me sad. We’ve been through so much together.”

  “He’s part of the family. I understand.” He reached over and scratched the top of Mr. Boots’ head. We sat like that for another hour before I gave him the okay to proceed.

  Mr. Boots passed away peacefully in my arms, and I swear he took a piece of my heart with him when he took his last breath. Dr. Roberts wrapped him in a blanket and patted me on the shoulder before leaving my apartment. I curled up on the couch and sobbed until there was a call from my doorman to let me know I had a delivery.

  It was awfully late for a delivery. It had to be from Buck or Dad. They both knew how difficult it would be for me to put Mr. Boots down.

  The delivery guy knocked on the door and I couldn’t even see him behind the enormous arrangement. I chuckled and swiped at my eyes as I took it from him and thanked him for delivering at such a late hour.

  “Don’t worry. The guy paid me five times the normal rate to deliver it tonight. Have a good evening.”

  I set the colorful arrangement full of peach and white peonies, hydrangeas, and roses on the dining table and reached for the card.

  Blue Jay,

  I’m sorry about Mr. Boots. Looking forward to cheering you up tomorrow night, Little Bird.


  Well, this was unexpected. I reached for my phone as the tears continued to fall. I stopped swiping at them, and just let them run their course. Losing Mr. Boots was an enormous loss.

  And I was definitely feeling it.

  Me ~ Just received an obscenely large floral arrangement. Thank you. Very thoughtful.

  Montgomery ~ I told you, I’m full of surprises. How are you doing?

  Me ~ I’m sad.

  Montgomery ~ That’s good. It means he was important to you. It’s okay to grieve. You loved him.

  Me ~ Thank you, ole wise one.

  Montgomery ~ I lost my dad in college, and I know what it’s like to lose someone you love. And you need to let yourself feel it, otherwise it will just be waiting for you later.

  Me ~ Is that what you did? You felt it?

  Montgomery ~ Every fucking day. I still do. But that’s just because he was such a good man. Not feeling his loss would be a shame. So, I feel it. All the fucking time. And that’s okay, because it doesn’t hurt as much as it used to.

  Wow. I was stunned by his honesty. There was a lot more to Jack Montgomery than I ever expected.

  And I wanted to know everything.

  Chapter Seventeen


  I snuck away from work and took the helicopter to Napa after lunch, making my way to Laney Mae’s office. Harrison sat behind her desk with his arm wrapped around her as he held her on his lap.

  “Jesus. Get a room already. You’re married, and you live together. This is a place of work, for god’s sake,” I said through my laughter.

  I’d caught my brother and Laney Mae in inappropriate positions for as long as I could remember. They’d never been able to keep their hands to themselves, and since finding their way back to one another after a few years apart—they were like two lovesick teenagers. And I fucking loved it.

  “Shut it, Jack-ass,” Laney Mae said as a wide grin spread across her face and she kissed Harrison one last time before pushing to her feet.

  “I hear you got yourself in a sticky situation. Shocker.” Harrison moved to stand and wrapped his arms around her waist, guiding her to the door.

  “It’s Laney Mae’s fault.” I shrugged. “She told me to find things in common with Monroe.”

  Her head fell back in laughter. “Find things in common does not mean to lie about having a cat. It means that if she likes to read, you pick up a book so you have something to discuss. If she likes a Netflix series, you give it a shot so you can share that with her. Lying about owning a cat—that’s not the same thing.”

  “Potato, po-tot-o. You should have been more clear. She was devastated about putting Mr. Boots down and she seemed so certain that I wouldn’t own a cat.”

  “And she’d be right,” Harrison said as he shook his head.

  “It’s only a lie if I don’t own a cat.” We made our way down the hallway and my brother stopped at his office door.

  “You don’t own a cat, brother. It’s a lie.”

  “I will own a cat today. I just exaggerated the details about when I got him. And it cheered her up that he’d be there tonight, so it’s worth getting myself a pet in the end. Win, win.”

  He studied me for a long moment before speaking. “You really like her.”

  “Of course, I like her.”

  “He means you like her, like her,” Laney Mae said, kissing Harrison’s cheek. “I’ll be back.”

  We hopped in my truck, and Laney Mae directed me to make a few turns as we made our way to a woman’s house that she claimed rescued tons of local cats. As usual, Laney Mae was saving my ass. I’d called her in a panic last night, and she told me to meet her this morning and we’d figure it out.

  “So, Velma said she just got this cat in a few days ago. He needs a home. The family divorced and neither were able to have pets in their new place. Apparently, he’s having a hard time with the separation.”

  “What the hell does that mean?”

  “I have no idea. But he needs a home, and you need a cat. So, let’s go meet your new addition.” Laney Mae and I hopped out of the truck and made our way up the cobblestone walkway. “What are you making her for dinner?”

  “I can’t cook. Sarah is going to make one of her specialties and leave it in the oven for me so it will look like I cooked.” Sarah had worked for me for two years. She cleaned, she cooked, she took my clothes to the dry cleaner and she basically kept me in check.

  “Look at you, Jack-ass… you’re really trying to impress her. I love it. And Monroe is fabulous. I hope she doesn’t kick your lying ass to the curb when she figures all of this out. Hopefully, she’ll find the effort endearing.” She laughed as she knocked on the door.

  “This house has got a Silence of the Lambs feel, right? And I’m not lying. I said I had a cat and he was old. I will have a cat today and he sounds old. I also told her I’d make her dinner, and I am. Dinner will be there when she arrives. I wasn’t specific that I’d be the one cooking said meal, just that I would have it at my house. So, there you go.”

  She rolled her eyes just as the door opened. A tiny woman that looked no less than one hundred and fifty years old stood on the other side. She wore a pink nightgown and white slippers. Her skin resembled a dried apricot with all the deep lines and grooves. Her gray hair was wrapped around little pink rollers, and she looked me up and down like she was sizing me up.

  “Mmmm-mmmm. Good to see you, Laney Mae, and thanks for bringing this eye candy to my doorstep. Glad I fixed up today.” Her voice made it clear that she’d likely been sucking back a carton of smokes for more decades than one could count, and her blue eyes danced with mischief. />
  Fucking adorable.

  “Thanks for helping me out, Velma. I’m Jack.” I extended my hand and she pulled me into a hug.

  “I haven’t been in the arms of a man in years. This will keep a woman young,” she said through her gravelly voice.

  Laney Mae barked out a laugh while I wrapped my arms around the fragile woman and patted her back. She smelled like a mix of cigarettes, lemons, and vodka.

  “Okay, handsome. Let me go get Pussy for you.” Velma pulled away and shuffled her feet down the hall.

  “Pussy? What kind of rescue is this anyway?” I glanced around the room and spotted a dozen cats in random places from the windowsill to the top of the dining cabinet. There were faded floral velvet couches that looked to be as old as the woman who lived here, and stacks of books on the coffee table. Sunlight flooded the space, highlighting a layer of dust that covered every surface in sight.

  “It’s the kind of rescue that gives you a cat on a moment’s notice. Maybe that’s just a nickname for her cats?” Laney Mae could barely contain her laughter.

  “Okey dokey, here he is. This is Pussy. He’s a big fellow. A lot of heart, but right now he’s scared shitless because his parents just jumped ship on him. He doesn’t get along with the other cats, so I can’t keep him. I think he’ll do better being the only cat in your home. You don’t have any others, right?”

  I cleared my throat as I took in the gargantuan four-legged creature. Jesus. He was larger than any cat I’d ever seen. He’d give a medium-sized dog a run for his money. He’d obviously been well fed. His coat was tan and black, and his eyes were yellow. Velma held him in her arms like a baby, and I was surprised the petite woman could support his weight. I glanced down to see the large heart that hung from his collar with PUSSY spelled out in black letters.

  What the actual fuck?

  “Nope. He’ll be the only one. Is Pussy his name, or just a cat reference?” I asked, clearing my throat as Laney Mae covered her mouth with her hand.

  “A cat reference? No, don’t you see the tag here, Sonny boy? It’s his name. The only one he’s ever known. Pussy, meet your new daddy, Jack.”

  She went to hand him to me, and the crazy son of a bitch hissed and screamed out like a tiger. Laney Mae and I both stumbled back, and Velma chuckled.

  “What the fuck is wrong with him?” I asked.

  “Don’t use the harsh language in front of Pussy. He’s a sensitive kitty. He just doesn’t know you yet. He’ll warm up to you. Do you have a crate with you?”

  “No. I didn’t know I’d need one.”

  “Well, lucky for you, I have a crate and a starter kit you can purchase here. I’ve got a week’s supply of food and a kitty litter box for you as well.”

  “Thank you. You, uh, you sure he’ll be okay with me later?”

  “I think anyone would be okay with you, Sonny boy. He’ll warm up to you in a couple of hours. How far of a drive down the road do you have?”

  “I actually live back in the city. Can he go in a helicopter?”

  “A helicopter? Hell no. That’ll scare the bejeezus out of Pussy. You’ll need to keep him in the kennel and drive him back.”

  I sucked in a long breath. This was turning into much more of an ordeal than I’d expected. I thought cats were supposed to be easy. Like having a stuffed animal. So far Pussy was proving to be a big pain in the ass.

  “Fine. I’ll drive him back. Is it possible to change his name?” I asked, as she turned to go get the supplies, holding the four-legged tiger in her arms.

  Velma whipped around to face me. “No sir. Would you appreciate it if someone started calling you Walter? I don’t think so. He’s been Pussy for more than a decade. Can’t change it now. And what do you have against Pussy?”

  Laney Mae’s head fell back in laughter. “I think she’s right, Jack-ass. You love Pussy, don’t you?”

  “Shut up, Laney Mae,” I grumbled under my breath. “Pussy’s fine, Velma. Sorry for asking.”

  “All right. I just want to make sure Pussy’s going to the right home.” She shuffled down the hall.

  “Please make her stop saying Pussy. And what the hell am I going to tell Monroe? I’ve got a cat named Pussy and he wants to kill me? And why the fuck does he look like he ate his brother? He’s a fat fucker, isn’t he?”

  Tears ran down Laney Mae’s face as she tried to speak through her laughter. “He is rather large and slightly terrifying. But she said he’ll warm up in no time. And just tell her that you named him that because you like Pussy.”

  “Oh sure. That’ll win her over.”

  “I think Monroe just might be your Har-bear,” she said, wrapping her arms around my middle and hugging me tight. “My little boy is all grown up.”

  I chuckled and rolled my eyes. “Don’t get ahead of yourself. It’s dinner.”

  “Well, I’ve never seen you make such an effort for anyone before.”

  She was right. What the hell was I doing? Getting this ridiculous cat to cheer her up. Risking pissing off my best friend. This wasn’t me. I’d never tried this hard for a woman. But Monroe Buckley was special. Different.


  I closed my eyes for a minute and thought it over. “I hope I’m not making a mistake?”

  “About adopting the fat cat or making dinner for the Little Bird?” Laney Mae whispered, before she burst out in laughter. “Don’t overthink it. Follow your heart. You’re here for a reason. She must be important.”

  There was no doubt about that.

  Velma came around the corner carrying a kennel with Pussy inside. He looked a little large for the space, but at least he wasn’t hissing. She set him down and grabbed a bag full of supplies before telling me I owed her two hundred bucks. For a scary cat and a bag of crap. I handed her the cash, and she gave me a piece of paper with her phone number on it.

  “Call me if you have any problems,” she said, waving as we stepped out the door.

  We both thanked her and made our way to my truck.

  “I can’t believe I have to drive back to the city,” I groaned.

  “You must feel like such a peasant. Driving one of these old contraptions to get to your destination.” She smirked before a wide grin spread across her face. “You’ll be fine. It’s not that long of a drive. You can come up with a plan for tonight. And I want text updates throughout the evening.”

  “That’s what Harley said. I can’t be texting you two while I’m on a date.”

  Once we were buckled up, and on the road, she said, “Yes, you can. Sneak in the bathroom. And don’t try to sleep with her. It’s the first date.”

  “Have you always been this bossy?”

  “Sure have. Call me later, Jack-ass. Good luck with Pussy,” she said when I dropped her off at the winery. She shut the door and I glanced in the back seat at the odd creature before pulling his crate up front on the passenger seat.

  “You’re going to need to be nice tonight, Pussy. You and I are going to be fast friends.” I stuck my finger in the grid and the bastard hissed and nipped and broke the skin on the tip of my finger. Jesus. How the hell was I going to make her think this cat was mine?

  I spent the next hour driving back to the city, singing along to the music filtering through the speakers and talking to my new best friend who hadn’t hissed at me again since we’d pulled out on the road.

  I carried him up to my apartment and found Sarah in the kitchen cooking. It smelled like heaven and I dropped Pussy on the counter and grabbed a bottle of water.

  “Oh my. What is that?”

  “It’s my new cat, Pussy. What do you think?”

  She raised a brow and walked closer, opening the door to check him out before I could stop her. He sprung from the kennel and landed on the floor before taking off to check out the place. Well, I guess he’d need to make himself at home
, so better now than later.

  “Why in the world would you name him that?” she balked before returning to the counter to chop mushrooms.

  “That’s the name he came with, so I’m stuck with it. What are you making? I see the flowers arrived.” I glanced around, seeing the arrangements I’d ordered in the dining room and living room.

  “Yes, they arrived an hour ago. I’m guessing you cleaned out the florist.” She paused and chuckled. “You seem to like this girl. It’s about time.”

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah.” I snatched a slice of cucumber and popped it in my mouth. “You spoil me, Sarah. She’ll be here in thirty minutes. I’m going to go grab a shower. Thanks for everything.”

  I set up the litter box in my laundry room and put down some food and water for my new roommate. I walked into my bedroom and found Pussy sprawled out on my bed.

  “Make yourself at home, big P,” I said, reaching my hand out to pet the top of his head as he snarled and scratched me like a goddamned tiger.

  Let’s hope he wasn’t setting the tone for the night.

  Hopefully, Monroe wouldn’t be hissing at me and pushing me away.

  But she sure as shit wasn’t going to believe he was my cat if he didn’t change his tune soon.

  “Pull your shit together, Puss. This is a big night for both of us.”

  I heard him hiss behind me as I walked into the bathroom and laughed. I wanted tonight to be perfect, and a fat cat with a bad attitude wasn’t going to deter me.

  Not by a long shot.

  Chapter Eighteen


  “Thanks for the ride, Big Tony. You know I could have driven myself,” I said as I sat in the swanky black SUV. Jack had offered to come pick me up with his driver, but it seemed silly. And he sounded a little distracted. I needed a few moments to pull myself together anyway. I didn’t know what we were doing. I assumed he was as attracted to me as I was to him, and the sexual tension was heavy when we were in a room together.


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