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Nice Until Proven Naughty

Page 8

by K. L. Grayson

  Shit. Lesley looks way too cozy, and I can only imagine what’s running through Dani’s head.

  I smile again, hoping she’ll look up and see that I only have eyes for her. Lesley is a beautiful woman—sophisticated, smart, funny—but she doesn’t hold a candle to Dani, who currently looks like she either wants to murder someone or throw up.

  I’m about to make my way over there and put an end to this whole charade when the band starts up with a slow rendition of a John Legend song, causing Lesley to squeal.

  “I love this song. Dance with me?” She pulls me onto the floor, wraps her arms around my neck, and presses her body against mine.

  Not wanting Dani to think anything else is going on, I take a small step back.

  The first song fades into a second and third, and by the time I know it, Lesley and I have been on the dance floor for over an hour, laughing and carrying on. Our conversation has moved at a steady pace, shifting from subject to subject. She hasn’t revealed any weird fetishes; there have been no awkward pauses. We get along great, and if I were any other guy, I’d ask her out on a second date.

  But I’m not any other guy, and my heart is already taken by a feisty brunette who is currently being twirled around the dance floor by our head cook, Ethan.

  My feet stop moving as I watch the way her hand rests against his shoulder and her beautiful lips as they smile up at him. If what I’m feeling right now is even a fraction of the pain she probably felt the entire hour I’ve been dancing with Lesley, I’m a complete asshole with a lot of explaining and making up to do. Because this sucks. Watching her with another guy—even if it is Ethan, who I know would never betray me—absolutely sucks.

  “What’s the matter?”

  “Nothing.” I shake my head and try to pull my eyes from Dani to Lesley, but I can’t. Ethan spins her out before pulling her back and when he dips her, her long dark hair skimming the floor, she laughs.

  God, I love her laugh. It’s the best sound in the whole world. Deep and throaty, it comes straight from her belly and hits me at the core.

  “It was her, wasn’t it?”

  “Huh?” I mumble, finally pulling my gaze back to Lesley.

  “It was her—she was the other one bidding on you.”

  I nod.

  “And she’s the one who you’d rather be here with?”

  “Lesley, I—”

  “It’s okay. You don’t have to explain. The heart wants what the heart wants. She’s a lucky girl.”

  “I like to think that when I finally get the girl, I’ll be the lucky one.”

  “What do you mean, finally?”

  “We’ve been playing a mean game of cat and mouse. We’ve been trying to talk for the last few days, but we keep getting interrupted. It’s almost like the universe doesn’t want us to be together.”

  “Or, maybe the universe wants the moment you do come together to be perfect.”

  “Maybe.” I smile at the woman in front of me. “I’m glad I got the chance to meet you.”

  “Me too.” She smiles back at me. “Now I can say I have a friend in town.”


  “Maybe two friends, if Dani doesn’t want to kill me after this.”

  I laugh and shake my head. “That’s not the type of woman Dani is. I have a feeling you two could end up being really good friends.”

  We stop swaying side to side, and Lesley’s arms drops from my shoulders. “You should go get her.”



  “But our night isn’t even halfway over. You bought me fair and square.”

  “Is it wrong of me to say I hope that maybe if you go get her, I can get the guy she’s with to twirl me around like he did her on the dance floor? No offense, but that looked like a lot of fun.”

  “None taken. You like Ethan?”

  “Is that his name?”

  “Yes, and he would probably kill to dance with you.”

  “You think?”

  “I know. Stay right here.”

  “Where are you going?”

  “Just don’t move.” I step away and then turn back toward Lesley, kissing her softly on the cheek. “Thank you for tonight and for buying me. It was a huge donation that the town appreciates. Also, you’re a great person, and whichever guy ends up with you, he’ll be damn lucky.”

  She blushes and swats at my arm. “Go talk to Dani.”

  She doesn’t have to tell me twice. I all but run across the open space, searching for Dani, but she’s nowhere to be found. Neither is Ethan.

  “Everything okay?” Naughty asks, with Lucas at her side. They look happy, with their hands linked together. It’s disgustingly cute and also a little disturbing because even though she and Dani are nothing alike, it’s weird for me to see someone who looks identical to the woman I love with another man.

  “Where’s your sister?”

  “Dancing with Ethan last time I saw her. Why, what’s wrong?”

  “Nothing. I’m just sick of this. I don’t want to be here with Lesley, and I sure as hell don’t want Dani dancing with Ethan.”

  Sam squeaks. “You’re finally going to do it?”

  “Yes, if I can find her.”

  “Atta boy.” Lucas gives me an approving pat on the back. “There’s Ethan,” he says, nodding toward my left. “But I don’t see Dani.”

  I spin around and leave Sam and Lucas in the dust in my haste to get to Ethan. “I’ve been looking for you. Where’s Nice?”

  “She went home.”

  “What do you mean she went home?”

  “Don’t worry, dude, Scott took over the bar. It’s all good.”

  “I’m not worried about the damn bar, I’m worried about her. What happened? I just saw her with you, and she looked fine.”

  He shrugs and frowns. “She said she wasn’t feeling the best. But between you and me, I think she was jealous.”

  “Jealous? Dani? Dani doesn’t get jealous.”

  “She does when she’s in love with a guy and has to watch that guy with another woman.”

  My heart stutters. “Lesley bought me fair and square. What was I supposed to do, just ditch her?”

  “No, but you didn’t have to dance so close.”

  “We weren’t even touching,” I yell. “Plus, she likes you.”

  “Lesley? The pretty blonde you’re here with?”

  “I’m not here with her. At least not anymore. Listen, this is what’s going to happen: I’m going to get Dani, and you’re going to go ask Lesley to dance. Twirl her around, dip her, hell, kiss her for all I care, but under no circumstances should you or anyone else call my cell phone or Dani’s.”

  “What if Sal’s burns down?”

  I roll my eyes. “It’s not going to burn down.”

  “What if does?”

  “Then let it burn.” Because if all goes well I have plans of spending the next several hours—days, if she’ll let me—worshiping Dani’s body.



  “Love sucks,” I say to myself as I grab a tub of mint chocolate chip ice cream from the freezer. I pop the top, grab a spoon, and dive in. No sense scooping it into a bowl when I have plans of eating the whole damn thing.

  My cell rings from where I left it on the counter, but I leave it there. It’s probably Sam calling to check on me, and I’ll end up being disappointed if it isn’t Ben.

  Big, handsome, stupid Ben and his perfect body in that perfect suit with that perfect woman.

  They’re probably still laughing and dancing. At the start of the night I had myself convinced there was absolutely nothing to worry about. But then I saw their heads pressed together, and it looked like she was putting her number into his phone. Why the hell would he need her number unless he was planning to call her?

  “Ugh.” I shovel another bite into my mouth and plop down to the couch. “I am not going to sit here and think about him. Nope. Not happening.”

  I won’t think about
the way his eyes lit up when they were dancing or how she giggled when he stepped on her toes because Ben can’t dance to save his life.

  He should’ve been stepping on my toes, not hers.

  I reach for the remote, but a soft knock on my front door stops me. I stare at the door, thinking maybe I was just hearing things when the knock happens again.

  I put the ice cream on the coffee table and open the front door. All of the air whooshes from my lungs at the sight of Ben on my porch.

  “What’re you doing here?”

  “I came to check on you.”

  His nose is red from the cold, and his hands are shoved so far into his pockets. He has to be freezing, but I’m not quite ready to let him in yet.

  “Where’s Lesley?”

  “At the party.”

  “You left her there to come here?”

  He nods. Hope bubbles up inside of me, but I quickly push it back down.


  “Why do you think?”

  He’s not going to make it easy on me, and I don’t blame him. He put himself on the line once, and now it’s my turn.

  “Would you like to come in?”

  A smile touches his lips—lips I want on mine. And on my breasts and between my legs and well, everywhere really. “There are a lot of things I want, but that’s a start.”

  Ben walks into my house, tosses his coat to the back of the couch, and doesn’t waste a second getting down to business. “The other night you mentioned being ready for love and having big plans. Those plans didn’t involve me, did they?”

  “Of course they did,” I admonish. “Why do you think I was parading around in that fancy dress and those horrid heels?”

  His eyes widen. “You did that for me?”

  “Yes, you big dummy.”

  “Dani.” Ben reaches for me, but I push his hand away.

  “No, don’t,” I tell him. “I get it. I screwed things up and lost my chance with you, and—”

  “No, you didn’t.”

  My entire world stops, along with my heart and my breathing, and I hope Ben knows CPR because I think I just died. “I didn’t?”

  He shakes his head, a sweet smile tilting his lips. This time when he reaches for me, I let him take hold of my hand and pull me in close.

  “You mean you didn’t hit it off with Lesley? You aren’t going to fall in love with her and get married and have—”

  He pushes a finger against my lips, shutting me up. “No. Heck no. I’m crazy about you, Dani. I thought I made myself pretty clear about that last Christmas when I told you I wanted us to be more.”

  “You did. But then I screwed it up, and you sort of stopped looking at me the way you used to.”

  “How did I used to look at you?”

  “I don’t know.” I shrug. “I just remember that every time you looked at me, I felt all warm and gooey. I could always tell by the look in your eyes that you loved me.”

  “Nothing has changed. I still look at you like that; I just try to hide it when you’re around.”


  “Why did you rush out of the party tonight?” he asks, changing the subject. “I thought you were having fun.”

  “You want the truth?”

  “You’ve never lied to me before. Don’t start now.”

  I wring my hands together. “Actually, I have lied to you.”

  His back stiffens. “When?”

  “Last year when you gave me the card and asked me out. I told you I didn’t think it was a good idea.”

  “You mean you wanted to say yes?”

  I nod. “I also lied when I told you it was risky to mix business with pleasure. What was risky is the way I played with both of our emotions.” I swallow past the lump in my throat. “Then I told you the biggest lie of all.”

  Ben’s eyes go round. He tightens his grip on my hand. “Tell me.”

  “I told you we were better off as friends.” Tears spring to my eyes. “We’re not,” I whisper. “I didn’t feel that way then, and I don’t feel that way now.”

  This is the moment where he’s supposed to pull me into his arms and kiss the hell out of me. Why isn’t that happening?

  “If you felt that way, why did you push me away?”

  “I was scared.”

  “Of me? Because I would never hurt you.”

  “I know you wouldn’t.”

  “Then what? What were you afraid of?”

  “Us.” My shoulders sag with relief. It feels so good to get this off my chest. “You’re my best friend, Ben. Not only that, but we’re business partners. What if we don’t work out and I lose you and the business?”

  “That would never happen.”

  “You really think we’d stay friends if a relationship between us didn’t work out?”

  “That’s not what I mean. What I mean is there’s no possible way we won’t work out.”

  “How can you be so sure?”

  “Because I love you. I’ve loved you since the day you threw my boots into the pond when we were seven.”

  “I swam in and got them out,” I say, wiping a tear from my face. “And I love you, too.”

  Ben slides his hands up my arms and grips them lightly. “You do?”

  I nod. “You were my first love.”

  Ben takes my cheeks in his big, warm hands and drops his forehead to mine. “I want to be your last.”

  I push up on my toes and close the distance between us. We keep the kiss simple and sweet and when we separate, I pull the card I’ve been carrying around with me out of my back pocket. “This is what I wanted to give you the other night at the party.”

  Ben takes the red envelope and tears into it. He reads the card and then reads it again. “Dani, this—”

  “Is the same card you gave me last year. Only now, I’m giving it to you. I’m ready for what you’re offering. That is, if you’re still offering it.”

  “I have something for you too.”

  “Just tell me I have you—you’re all I need.”

  “Humor me.” He reaches into his pocket and pulls out an envelope. I rip into it with the same gusto he used and sob when I realize my Christmas wish came true.

  “All I want for Christmas is you,” he says, repeating what he has written inside. It’s the same thing he wrote last year, and this year my answer is completely different.

  I throw my arms around his neck. “I’m yours.”

  “Best Christmas ever,” he whispers against my lips. “I guess I won’t be needing the five cards just like that one that I’ve got at home.”

  “Why five?”

  “You might’ve turned me down last year, but I wasn’t about to give up on you. You’re worth more than that. You’re perfect for me, and I knew then that you loved me as much as I loved you, but I needed you to realize that on your own. I didn’t want to push you. But, I was prepared to keep trying over and over until you were ready for what I have to offer.”

  “What’s that?” I ask, my heart beating wildly.

  “Forever would be great.”

  I grin. “Is that what you want for Christmas?”

  “Long term, yes. But short term—tonight—I’d really like you, naked, wrapped around me.”

  “Ben Wallace,” I say, running my hands up the front of his shirt and popping open the first button. “Do you know what I want?”

  Heat flares in his eyes when he shakes his head. He runs a tongue along his bottom lip. A lip I’m going to suck on in about thirty seconds. “No, but I’m hoping it involves me.”

  “Oh, it does.” I pop open the next button and the next. “I want your package under my tree.”

  Another two buttons. He hisses when my hands make contact with his bare skin.

  “It’s a pretty big package.”

  I push his shirt open and dip my hand in the front of his jeans, cupping his erection. “Yeah, it is.”

  He growls and crushes his lips to mine. His hands are everywhere—in my hair, cupping my b
reasts, grabbing my ass, ripping at my clothes, and I’m so turned on I can’t see straight. Who would’ve thought Bennett Wallace could light me up brighter than a Christmas tree?

  I rip his shirt off and toss it to the floor. My clothes are the next to go, and then we’re on the floor, in front of the fire place, beneath the tree, and I proceed to show him just how naughty Nice can be.



  “Ben,” she murmurs, dropping her head against the floor.

  I should move her to the bed or somewhere more comfortable, but I can’t wait. And I don’t think she can either with the way she’s pawing at me.

  Dani’s head is thrown back, her breasts pushing against my chest as her hips roll, searching for mine. She slips her delicate hand between our bodies and wraps it around my cock.

  My mouth goes dry, and I try to speak despite the blood draining from one head to the other. I want to tell her how beautiful she is and how much I love her, how great it feels to finally be here with her, but when she guides me to her entrance, all the compliments fly out the window.

  I grab her hand. “Condom?”

  “I’ve only been with one person, and that was three years ago. I’m clean, and I’ve never done it without a condom. I want to feel all of you, Ben.”

  “Christ, you’re going to kill me.” I drop my forehead to hers and try to regain some form of composure. “I’m clean too. It’s been just as long for me.”

  “Please, Ben. I need you.”

  “Lift your arms above your head,” I grit out.

  She does. Her gorgeous body is stretched out beneath mine, and it takes my breath away.

  “Look at you.” My gaze sweeps over her breasts, down her stomach, and lands where we’re about to connect. “You’re the most gorgeous creature I’ve ever laid eyes on, and I promise to worship you for as long as you’ll let me.”

  “Ben.” Dani lifts her hips, causing the head of my erection to dip inside of her body. “Please.”

  Only an inch, and it’s the best damn feeling in the entire world. “You’re all I think about Dani—all I’ve thought about for years. From the second you moved in next to me, you’ve been mine. I want this between us so bad I can taste it.”


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