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Learning To Live (Eternal Flames Book 11)

Page 2

by Cree Storm

  "Look, this guy has raped three men already. We need all the information you can give us to help catch this guy. Time is not a luxury we have," Pauly insisted.

  Rory looked at Pauly snapping, "Well, that's too fucking bad. If you are ever raped or someone attempts to rape you, feel free to go as fast as you want to, but some of u—some people need a bit of time to process shit." Turning back to Donny, Rory gentled his tone. "Now take your time."

  Donny glanced at Rory, whispering, "I don't know where to start."

  Rory gave Donny a small smile, saying, "How about the beginning? That's usually the easiest."

  Donny licked his lips, gave off a shaky breath, then nodded as he began to speak. "As you know, Illan and Destrain came to me asking if Quinton, myself, and Tony would be willing to put a lab together here in Maddox, like we did in Crystal. I guess Destrain wants to bring in his own Tech department."

  Nodding, Pauly replied, "Yeah, he wants you and Rhys to interview some guys from Denver and some new guys that just arrived for the position."

  Donny sipped his coffee, grunting in agreement. Lowering his cup, Donny continued, "Tony and I haven't been getting along since he came back to work. Hell, we never got along the last time we worked together. I―I just can't seem to get past his involvement with the shifter hater group."

  Donny started crying and Rory put his arm around Donny bringing him close to comfort him. Snake made some kind of noise, but Rory ignored it. Donny needed comfort. Rory knew this. Hell, he remembered that day he needed someone to just hold him and promise him that he would be alright, that one day he would feel whole again. "Just take your time, Donny. It's going to be alright. I'm not going anywhere, and no one is going to rush you."

  Donny sniffled and nodded, then sat back up. Wiping his eyes, he softly spoke. "Quinton got pissed and said that we needed to all work together. He suggested we take a night and go do something together. Since we were coming here, he said when we finished putting the lab together, we should go to the club. That's really not my thing, but I figured I should at least try his suggestion. It was so loud in there and packed. Jim showed up and it didn't take long for Tony and Jim to take off to one of the back rooms. Then Quinton started dancing and I was sitting there, bored and wishing I had just gone home. I was tired of fending off the assholes, so I figured Quinton and Tony wouldn't even notice if I left. When I walked outside, it was dark. I remember thinking about the contrast from inside that club and outside in the parking lot."

  "What do you mean?" Rory asked, knowing that Donny was trying to put off the ugliness of the evening, if even for a moment.

  Shrugging, Donny replied, "It was lights and people everywhere inside, but outside, it was pitch black. No street lights, cars, or people ready to party. That's when I remembered my car was still here at the station. We figured we would just walk to the club since it’s right next door. The sun had just been going down when we went to the club. We never gave a thought to when we would leave."

  "And there is a sense of safety when you see a police station," Rory filled in.

  Nodding, Donny rasped, "Yeah, the thing is, I had this feeling―you know. It was like something telling me to get my ass back inside. I should have listened. I should have done what my instincts were telling me. I’m a fucking cat. Cat instincts are renowned in the shifter world."

  "Instinct is what keeps you alive," Snake muttered.

  Rory turned to Snake giving him a pointed look, then turned back to Donny. "Hey, you did nothing wrong here, Donny."

  “So this guy was waiting in the parking lot for you?” Pauly asked.

  Donny shook his head. "I think he was in the alley. I took off towards the car and just as I was passing the alley, someone grabbed me. He had his arms around my middle, squeezing me so hard I felt something pop. I couldn't breathe, I couldn't scream, I couldn't do anything. The more I kicked, the harder he squeezed, and the pain was like nothing I ever felt in my life. Then he whispered in my ear."

  Donny stopped talking ad took a sip of his coffee. Rory could see Donny's hands were shaking so bad his coffee was sloshing over the side. Rory placed a calming hand over Donny's shaking ones. "It's okay, Donny. You got away. Just keep reminding yourself, you got away."

  "Donny, you said he whispered something in your ear. What did he say?" Pauly asked.

  "Be still little one and I promise you nothing but pleasure," Donny rasped, then started crying.

  "That's the same line he used on the other three," Ryder replied anxiously.

  Rory held Donny close, saying, "That's enough for now. I'm taking him home."

  Donny started to struggle, and Rory let the man go. Donny pulled back, anxiously saying, "I can't go there, Rory. I live alone in the middle of nowhere. What if he knows where I live? What if he comes to my house? What if―"

  "Hey! Hey! It's okay, Donny. I'm going to take you to my place," Rory quickly said.

  "Radar, that's not a good idea," Snake said.

  Rory turned to Snake. "No one asked you."

  Wade stepped forward, saying, "I have to agree with Snake. Maybe it would be best if Donny came to the gargoyle compound. We can―"

  "He's coming to the house with me, Wade. Right now, the last thing he wants is to be surrounded by men twice his size, with three times his muscle. He needs a place that is quiet, and that he can feel safe," Rory said with fierce conviction.

  Gently, Rory started to lead Donny out of the room when Donny stopped and turned around, "Something you need to know. The man that attacked me is either a shifter that can partially shift, or he wears a lion's mask."

  As Rory was leaving, he heard Wade saying, "Snake, watch over them. I'm going to call Suneth and make sure he has one of his men guarding the house as well."

  “Fuck, this is getting more alarming by the second,” Pauly muttered.

  “Baby, a rapist is always alarming,” Ryder replied.

  Shaking his head, Pauly picked up the phone. “It’s not just having a serial rapist in our area, it’s the fact that if this man is a shifter, he can hide his scent.”


  "Ozcog, I need you," Suneth called out.

  Ozcog set the sandwich down that he had just put to his mouth. "Damn it."

  Standing up, Ozcog looked at Canuz. "Touch my food and I will put you on guard duty for the next month."

  Canuz went to take the sandwich, saying, "Shoot, I love guard duty."

  "Did I happen to mention it would be Jett's home?" Ozcog stated with a raised brow.

  Canuz quickly drew his hand back from Ozcog's plate. "You are beyond mean, Ozcog. The last time I guarded Jett's place, I came out of my perching with my toe nails and fingernails painted, and makeup all over my face."

  "You did look good," Sylux said with a laugh.

  "It was fuchsia, Sylux, and I looked like a two-dollar whore with the damn bright red gloss lipstick and purple eye shadow," Canuz complained.

  Sylux stood up taking his plate to the sink, still laughing. "I don't know, Canuz, the guys working on his fencing seemed to like you enough. They were whistling and begging to bed you."

  "Shut up, Sylux," Canuz mumbled.

  "Ozcog! I need you, please," Suneth called out once more.

  Ozcog sighed and went into the next room. "Yes, King Suneth."

  "Ozcog, we've talked about this. No more King Suneth, it's just Suneth," Suneth said in exasperation.

  "Sorry, Suneth, it's going to take some getting used to," Ozcog replied.

  Timmy came running into the house, holding a small furry creature and Charlie on his heels. "Sunny, Yorkie said you're needed at the police station."

  Smiling at his littlest Chimera member, Suneth replied, "Yes, Wade just called me. So, who is this little guy?"

  Timmy held up his newest family member, smiling wide. "This is Silk. She's a mink."

  "Don't they use those things to make coats?" Juddan asked with his mouth full.

  "No one is making a coat out of my Silk. My Yorkie w
ill eat anyone that tries," Timmy said, sticking out his bottom lip in a pout that Suneth was sure the little man used on his mate on a regular basis, if that zoo Timmy had in the barn was any indication.

  Ozcog hissed, "Is that my sandwich you're eating?"

  Shrugging, Juddan swallowed, saying, "Hey, I figured a roast beef sandwich from Twixie's was worth whatever Jett planned for me."

  Suneth gave a short laugh, and replied, "As funny as this may turn out to be, we have a serious situation on our hands. Another attack just took place outside the club in Maddox."

  "Shit! Are we sure it's the same guy?" Ozcog asked.

  Nodding, Suneth said, "Yeah, he used the same opening line with Donny that he has with the other three."

  "Donny!" Timmy gasped.

  Sighing heavily, Suneth said, "Yes, Timmy. Donny got lucky, he got away before the man could go farther than grabbing him up and whispering in his ear. He's understandably shook up and Rory is taking Donny to his place. Wade said Snake is going to watch the house, but he also asked if one of my men would assist Snake. I also want more of our men on patrol. This is the second attack at the club, so I need some patrols in Maddox until we catch this guy."

  Ozcog replied, "Nuzan and Qavex are on perch right now, but I can send Sylux and Canuz to Maddox, Asbuth is already doing patrols around Crystal, and I can take point at Rory's place."

  "What about me?" Juddan asked.

  Ozcog started back into the kitchen to give his orders to the others, yelling back, "You get guard duty at Jett's place. Enjoy the sandwich."

  * * * *

  Snake sat in the kitchen while Rory helped run a hot bath for Donny. Snake knew that Donny was having a rough time right now, but Snake still struggled with something that he had never really felt before―jealousy. It left a bitter taste in his mouth but not at Rory―at himself.

  Sighing, Snake sat back nursing the cup of coffee he had in front of him. He didn't really want it, but he had needed something to do when Rory guided Donny into the bathroom to "help".

  The sound of the door closing had Snake sitting up straighter as Rory walked into the kitchen. "Oh shit, yeah! Thanks for making some coffee, Snake."

  "No problem," Snake replied.

  Rory made his coffee, then joined Snake at the table. He knew that he should say something, but Snake had never been really good with words.

  Neither man spoke for a while, then Snake asked, "How's he doing?"

  Shrugging, Rory replied, "Physically, he's okay. I think his ribs are about healed. It's his mental state I worry about."

  Snake wiggled on the chair, sipped his coffee, mumbling, "Uh huh."

  "Why were we not told about the attacks in Crystal and Maddox? I mean, you would think that if you have a sick prick out there raping and hurting young men, that we would have heard something about it," Rory said sounding pissed off.

  Snake struggled to say something, but all that came out was, "Uh, yeah."

  Rory turned to Snake, his brows drawn together and lips tight. "Why not tell people? I mean with everything else going on, what would it hurt to let people know that some sick fucker is out there, raping people?"

  "I―uh―I don't know," Snake muttered, looking deeply into Rory's eyes. Damn, the man was sexy when he wasn't angry, but when the man was pissed, his arctic blue eyes seemed to have more vibrancy, energy. Fuck, he wanted this man. He had even gone so far as to ask Wade if he was okay with him going out with Rory. Normally, Snake wouldn't care what others might think. He did care about his commander and didn't want things to be awkward between them because he was dating the man's brother. However, the normally competent, self-assured soldier had yet to work up the nerve to do so, and when he did, Rory was always taking off in one direction or another. Snake would ask Rory now, but it didn't seem like the right time, after what happened to Donny.

  "Snake? Do you think I should talk to Destrain and Illan?" Rory asked in exasperation, jarring Snake out of his thoughts.

  "Um─I don't know," Snake replied.

  "Well, if I don't, it would mean I have to hack into their system again and I don't really want to do that," Rory stated.

  Snake knew he had missed something in the conversation, and whatever it was, was important. "What system?"

  Rory tossed his hands in the air, practically shouting, "The video system in Maddox and Crystal." Then sat back in his chair with a loud sigh. "You weren't listening to me at all."

  Snake could hear the hurt in the younger man's tone, and quickly said, "I'm sorry, I was thinking about something. Why would you want to look at the video systems? I mean, I'm sure the detectives looking into the case have already done that."

  Rory looked away and then back at Snake. "Pauly said that he is really strapped for people and time. I'm worried that he doesn't have enough eyes in Maddox right now to work this case."

  "Radar, I have no doubt that Pauly is doing everything he can to catch this guy. Even if he is strapped for people. Nash has all those new hires, including me and I have no doubt Vik and Baldwin are working the case as well, since someone was attacked in Crystal," Snake quickly replied.

  "Rory, my name is Rory. I really would prefer you use it," Rory said, sipping at his coffee.

  Both men sat there, and Snake could see something was churning in Rory's mind. He had a feeling he knew what that something was. "Rory, you're going to still look into this, aren't you?"

  "I have to, Snake. I know you don't understand it, but I have my reasons. I need to get this guy off the streets as quickly as possible," Rory insisted.

  A soft scuffling sound came from the kitchen entrance and both men turned to see Donny standing there. "I agree, Rory, and I want to help."

  "I don't know if that's a good idea, Donny. Since you were attacked, it could cause problems in a trial if you were the one to bring in the evidence," Rory replied.

  Donny walked in and went to the coffee pot. "I can't sit on the sidelines for this, Rory. I have to do something. I need to take back something that that asshole stole from me."

  "What the hell are you talking about, Donny? You both need to sit back and let Vik and the others working this case, and do their job," Snake insisted, not liking that Rory wanted to put himself into the investigation. This man has proven to be dangerous and Snake would fight tooth and nail to keep Rory safe, even if it was from himself.

  Rory gave Donny a look that Snake didn't quite grasp. It was almost as if Rory understood everything Donny was saying. Finally, Rory replied, "Tomorrow we can go and talk with Nash."

  "No! You need to stay out of this, Rory," Snake insisted.

  Donny took his cup and sat at the kitchen table, asking, "Snake, you are a strong self-assured man. You see danger and you want to walk in front of it and face it head-on. You, Wade, and the rest of your team always know that no matter what, you have each other's backs. What would happen if you couldn't help? What would you do if you were injured to the point you couldn't help your team? Then a doctor would come to you and tell you he can make you whole again, however, it was risky. I mean, it would mean you could die on that table, but if all goes well you would be back to that one hundred percent and able to do what you love. Would you risk that surgery, or would you say, hey, my team knows what they're doing, to hell with the surgery, I'll sit home and wait?"

  Shaking his head, Snake replied, "That's completely different. There are plenty of times that my team and I wanted to go out on a mission but were told someone else was handling it. We didn't like it, but that's the way it had to be."

  Rory snorted. "Oh, come on, Snake. Like that time you guys ignored the Admiral when he told you that you couldn't be a part of taking out the Martinez family in Mexico?"

  "That family was behind one of the largest drug and gun smuggling cartels in all of Mexico. We followed them to Mexico from Columbia. Our team had every right to finish what we started, and we seized billions of dollars’ worth of drugs, guns, and cash," Snake defended.

  "True, but you were giv
en orders to stand down. I know because I gave them to you, and every one of you ignored that order and went ahead with what you wanted to do, then had me lie to our government, that the call went out too late," Rory stated quickly and firmly.

  Snake hissed, "And we took them down."

  Nodding, Rory replied, "Yes, you did, but why not let the other team do the job? Why not allow the other team to finish what you started?"

  "Because the orders made no damn sense. We knew everything about that family. We knew how they thought, who they hung out with, hell, we even knew what time they took a piss. Why take us out? Wade told us the orders you had been given and we all smelt something, and it was all bull shit. We had to finish that job."

  "Exactly, and we have to finish this one," Donny said just as emphatically.

  "Tomorrow, Donny and I are going to talk with Nash and if he fights us on it, I'll go to Illan myself. I am going to find out who this fucker is, Snake. Now you can either stand with me, or step the fuck away, because this is happening whether you like it or not," Rory stated firmly.

  A knock at the door stopped Snake from saying anything else. Jumping from his seat, Snake went to the door. "Name!"

  "Ozcog. Suneth sent me."

  Snake opened the door and about swallowed his tongue. A man standing a good foot taller than himself, with the most captivating pink eyes stood there staring at him. His bald head didn't deter from the guys good looks. Hell, if anything, it made him even more sexy. Add that to all those delicious muscles, and Snake thought he might cream his fucking jeans right there.

  "Snake, who is it?" Rory asked stepping up behind him.

  Ozcog stood there tilting his head left then right, looking confused, then his fangs dropped, and wings tore through his shirt, as he hissed, "Mates!"


  What the fuck was this Adonis of a man talking about, and who the hell was he? Rory thought as he peered around Snake to look at the delicious man standing at his front door. He had to be one of Suneth’s guys because, well, he was a freaking gargoyle, but what was he doing here, and why was he claiming mate? Was he saying that Snake was his mate? He knew what mates were because of his brother and Suneth, as well as all the other mates around town.


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