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Learning To Live (Eternal Flames Book 11)

Page 14

by Cree Storm

  “He’s fading. Where the hell are they?” he asked frantically. Touching Gill’s cheek, he felt the iciness of the human’s skin and knew his mate was suffering from hypothermia. Someone needed to do something quick or he was going to lose him.

  He thought of those stunning eyes as he stared down into his mate’s pale face. They reminded him of the waters in the South Pacific near his home, and suddenly Savage had an idea. He couldn’t wait for the ambulance anymore. He had to get his mate medical assistance and he knew just who to take him to.

  Savage gently slid his hands under Gill’s thighs and shoulders. Once he was sure he had a good grip, he stood, taking his mate with him. As he straightened, Savage pulled his mate against his body tight.

  “Savage, what are you doing? You shouldn’t move him,” Snake replied.

  “His heart is fading. The ambulance won’t make it in time and I refuse to let my mate die,” he explained calmly, then turned and whispered some words. Suddenly a portal opened, and Savage entered. He turned back one last time and met Ozcog’s gaze. “The beast is at the bottom of Merriweather Gorge.” He turned back and walked through the portal. Once he and Gill were on the other side, the portal closed, leaving Crystal thousands of miles behind them.


  Rory rubbed his hands together frantically as he paced the floor of his living room. It had been hours since they watched Savage on the monitors as he lifted Gill and disappeared through a golden portal. Snake called in to Wade and told him they were heading out to Merriweather Gorge where they would be meeting Day, Morgan, Finn, Illan, and Justice. Supposedly, that’s where Savage had taken the bastard who tried to rape Donny and kill Gill.

  None of them had any idea what they were going to do to the man once they got their hands on him, but Rory knew they couldn’t let him ever get out of prison. Maybe Illan would order the fucktard be put away in the council jail for eternity?

  “What’s taking them so long?” Donny asked for the umpteenth time in the last half hour.

  “I don’t know, but I’m starting to get worried. We need to get this guy behind bars so that we can focus on finding Flyer. I just know he crashed, and if he has Spike with him, then we need to find them both,” Rory replied in frustration.

  Donny turned fully toward Rory and raised a brow in question. “It’s a freaking porcupine. If they crashed in the forest, the thing probably ran off and is finding himself a new hidey hole or whatever to start raising little prickly bits in.”

  Rory smiled and shook his head. “No, I don’t think so. You don’t know Spike and you haven’t seen him with Flyer. It’s like that little rodent is obsessed with Flyer and is stalking him.”

  “Sounds like a shifter who’s found their mate,” Donny said with a snort.

  “Exactly what everyone is thinking. At first, everyone just thought it was funny how this little ball of spikes kept following Flyer around and freaking him out, but then Suneth said, if he didn’t know any better he would think Flyer was Spike’s mate. Then tonight, Timmy told me that he used his dog Charlie as a go between, because although he can talk to all his animals now, he still can’t speak with Spike, and Charlie told him that Spike said that Flyer was his. That’s why Timmy snuck on Flyer’s plane and hid Spike there.”

  “If this Spike is really Flyer’s mate, then why doesn’t he just shift and meet the man as a man?” Donny asked.

  Rory shrugged as he said, “I have no…

  But he cut himself off when the front door opened, and both his gorgeous mates walked in, both looking exhausted. Donny immediately jumped up from his spot on the couch and he and Rory ran to meet them. “Well?” Rory asked anxiously.

  The hard, cold look in Ozcog’s eyes softened as he reached out and took Rory’s hand. “He’s gone.”

  Rory’s eyes widened as he gasped,” What? No! We have to find him. Are the others out looking?” He tried to pull away from Ozcog so that he could rush to his computer room and start searching all the video feeds from around Crystal and Maddox, but Oz tightened his grip on his hand as Snake came in behind him and wrapped his arms around his waist.

  A happy twinkle entered Ozcog’s eyes as a smile spread across his lips. “He’s gone, mate, as in dead. Savage must have dropped him from one serious height. The man was splattered all over the bottom of the gorge. That’s what took us so long. Illan wanted everything cleaned up, so no evidence was left behind in case one of the humans went hiking and stumbled upon it.”

  Rory’s face screwed up in revulsion. “Eww, that’s just not a nice image.”

  Snake chuckled as he leaned in and kissed the side of Rory’s neck. “No, it wasn’t, but it’s all been taken care of. Donny and the others, as well as every other man in Maddox and Crystal, won’t have to fear him anymore. He’ll never hurt anyone ever again.”

  Donny let out a long sigh of relief. “Oh, thank the gods. Now maybe I can go back to my life.”

  Rory turned his head and looked at Donny. “I thought you were moving in here with me?”

  “Well, that was the plan, but now that you’ve found your mates and all, I wasn’t sure…”

  Rory looked back to Ozcog, then to Snake, imploringly. “I don’t want to leave my home. Would it be okay if we lived here and Donny moved in with us?”

  Snake smiled bright as he cupped Rory’s cheek and kissed him softly. “I’ll go wherever you go, sunshine. If this is where you want us to live, then that’s fine with me. And if Donny wants to live with us, that’s okay too.”

  “I agree with Teagan. We’re a trio and belong together. I can live here and still work for Suneth, and as long as it’s okay with Donny and him having to put up with us making you scream in pleasure daily, then it’s good for me. We would be happy to have Donny live here too.”

  “Oh crap, I forgot about all the mushy stuff and the fuck-fests. I don’t know if I can be here, Rory,” Donny said, but Rory could see the smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.

  Rory chuckled. “Shut up and let’s go get your stuff.”

  Donny’s eyes now widened. “You say that as if I have a suitcase and a garbage bag full of crap. You do realize I have a whole house of my own full of shit, right? It’s going to take more than just let’s go grab your stuff. It may take me days to get all my crap together and find a renter for my place. Which, by the way, would work out perfect anyway. While you three connect, if you know what I mean,” ―Donny said as he wiggled his eyebrows. ― “I’ll head back home and get everything in order. I’ll rent the place out as already furnished and pack up only what I want to bring, then get other stuff into storage. That will give you plenty of time to have your honeymoon without me being around or having to wear headphones, blasting at full volume.”

  Rory laughed. “Are you sure you don’t want help?”

  “You do your thing and take care of you and your mates, in peace, and privately. When I have everything ready, in about…. three to four days?” he asked and looked at Ozcog then Snake and they both nodded. “So four days it is, then you can come and help me bring my boxes here. So, on that note, I am going to make myself scarce and be off like a dirty shirt. You three have fun.”

  Donny walked toward the front door, but Snake stopped him. “Wait.”

  Donny turned and looked over his shoulder, lifting a brow in question.

  “I know the threat of that twisted bastard is gone, but I think I speak for us all when I say, we would feel better if you still had guards on you. At least for a few more days until things settle down.”

  “Oh, come on,” Donny huffed.

  “Qavex and Canuz are outside waiting for you. They’ll stick by you for the next twelve hours, then Sylux and Shadow will take over,” Oz replied.

  “Is this the only way I’m going to get out of here so you two can finally ravish Rory?” Donny asked mischievously with a smirk, and Rory felt his cheeks heat up.

  “Yes,” both Oz and Snake said at the same time.

  “Fine, but they bette
r not try to tell me what to do or I will remove their testicles. And with me being a doctor and all, I can do that. Now you three have fun and don’t do anything I wouldn’t do. Oh hell, don’t listen to that. Do everything.” And with that, Donny opened the door and stepped out, then closed it behind him.

  * * * *

  Once Donny left, Snake picked him up, causing Rory to let out a very unmanly squeal, then Snake carried him to Rory’s bedroom as Oz followed. Once inside, Oz ripped the comforter from the bed, then Snake laid him in the middle.

  Rory thought for sure either one or both of his mates would pounce on him, but they didn’t. Snake made sure he was settled, then turned and took the two steps that separated he and Oz. Immediately Oz reached for Snake, wrapping one arm around his waist as he thrust the fingers of his other hand through Snake’s hair at the side, cupping the back of his head, then pulled Snake close and captured his lips in a hot kiss.

  Instantly, Rory’s cock filled and began to throb in anticipation. His heart beat faster and he was surprised to realize it wasn’t from fear like he expected, but from excitement, anticipation, and desire.

  Snake’s hands ran down Oz’s chest to the front of his pants and popped the button, then lowered the zipper. Once Oz’s jeans were open, Snake slid his hands inside at the hips and pushed the material down Ozcog’s legs, and Rory sucked in a breath, realizing Ozcog had gone commando. So, fucking hot, he thought.

  Rory’s cock started to throb with the beat of his heart and press painfully against his own zipper. He slid his hands down his flat chest and abs, then thrust a hand inside the waistband of his jeans and cupped his cock, pressing the heel against his throbbing member. He hissed a small amount of relief from the touch, but it wasn’t enough, he needed more. A whole lot more. Which once again shocked him. Rory had spent so many years avoiding sex and being afraid of it, but now it seemed with these two men, his body knew where it belonged and was screaming for their attention.

  Rory’s gaze stayed fixed on his mates as they continued to kiss, lick, and nip each other on the lips, jaw, and throat, as their hands roamed and removed one another’s clothes. Once they were both naked, Oz pressed closer to Teagan, their long, thick cocks, pressing together and both leaking. Rory licked his lips, wondering what each of them tasted like.

  The need inside him grew as he watched his men pleasure one another. He knew they were trying to respect him and let him decide to join them, so that’s what he did. Rory sat up, then crawled across the bed. Climbing off, he landed on the floor beside his mates and rested on his knees. A smile crossed his lips as he realized his mates were so lost in the moment that neither man was even aware that he had moved or where he was now, as well as what was about to happen.

  Rory quickly opened his own pants and pushed them down over his hips, then gripped his own cock. He gave it a few tugs as his gaze remained glued to the two big cocks rubbing together only a few inches from his face. He rubbed his palm over the crown of his cock, collecting the moisture there, then did it again with the other hand. He wasn’t sure if it would be enough to ease his way, but he would make it work.

  Moving forward a few more inches, Rory reached out with both hands and slid them between his two soon-to-be lovers, no, mates, and wrapped his fingers around both cocks. Dual grunts of surprise come from above him and Rory looked up, then smiled as he met two pairs of shocked eyes.

  Without saying a word, he tugged gently on each cock, pulling them in his direction. His mates must have understood his intention, because they each took a small step back from one another and turned their bodies toward him.

  Rory leaned in and licked across the tip of Teagan’s leaking cock, humming in delight at the salty, tangy taste. A shiver of need raced through him and Rory turned his head, then swiped his tongue across Ozzie’s cock, collecting the golden honey that pooled there. Ozzie wasn’t better or worse than Teagan, only different, and both so fucking delicious that Rory just wanted more. Oz wasn’t as salty as Teagan. He was more…almost citrusy.

  After giving Ozzie a few licks, Rory turned his head and took the full tip of Teagan into his mouth and laved the helmet, loving on it like it was the best thing he had ever put in his mouth, which it was. He had never actually given a blow job before, or even received one, but he had watched enough porn to know what to do.

  Rory had been afraid for a long time to do this, especially to his mates, because he was scared he would mess up and they wouldn’t like it, but if the grunts and moans coming from above him were any indication, then he knew he must be doing something right.

  Rory slightly tightened his grip on Ozzie’s cock and began to stroke him, as he opened his mouth wider and took Teagan deeper into his mouth. He wrapped his lips around the shaft, causing a suction, then undulated his tongue against the thick vein running along the underside. Teagan cried out his pleasure and Rory felt fingers grip his hair. There was a small bite of pain, but he loved it. Oz began to pump his hips, fucking Rory’s hand as he too placed a hand on the other side of Rory’s head.

  Opening his eyes, and without stopping what he was doing, Rory looked up at his mates and saw that they were both focused on him. Their eyes full of lust and need as they each clenched their jaws and breathed heavily, with grunts and groans ringing through the room.

  Rory was mesmerized with how Ozzie’s eyes were alight, glowing red, and he wasn’t afraid. If anything, he was more turned on. He could see both his men struggling to hold onto their control, and it made him feel powerful for the first time in his life. Little ole him had these two big, strong, powerful men in the palm of his hands, literally, and he was pleasuring them and making them make the most erotic sounds he had ever heard, as well as being the cause of them losing control. And they were losing control, he could see it in their eyes and the way their knees shook, as well as feel it in the way they touched him.

  Rory pulled off Teagan’s cock and turned his head, immediately taking Ozzie down his throat and giving him the same treatment as he stroked Teagan. Ozzie’s grip tightened when Rory swallowed around the bulbous head, shocking himself that he had no gag reflex while taking something this big deep into his throat. He closed his eyes and focused on only giving his mate pleasure as he sucked and stroked.

  A good amount of pre-cum coated his tongue and Rory hummed in appreciation. He could get addicted to both of his men’s taste and would want to do this on a daily basis. As he hummed, Ozzie cried out. It was a deep, guttural moan that had Rory quivering with excitement.

  “Fuck, I need you both right the fuck now,” Ozzie declared between clenched teeth.

  Suddenly, the delicious cock in his mouth and the heavy one in his hand disappeared and Rory was lifted from the floor, and in one smooth motion, tossed onto the bed. He bounced a few times, then rolled to look at his mates in question, but the sight he saw before him stopped any words from escaping but had his hole puckering with need.

  Ozzie had Teagan bent over the edge of the bed, his hands gripping the sheets, his eyes closed, and mouth hanging open as his back arched and he panted. Ozzie stood behind him and Rory could see his big gargoyle mate was thrusting two fingers into Teagan’s ass.

  Ozzie’s eyes were still glowing, and he looked feral as he pinned Rory with his gaze. “Your mouth is fucking heaven, mate, but I need to be inside one of my mates. Will you join us, baby? Will you be one with us?”

  Without hesitation, Rory nodded. “Yes, mate. I want to feel you inside me. I want to feel Teagan inside me too and make us all one. I want you to claim me fully and make us all complete. Please, Ozzie.”

  “Fuck, that was beautiful,” Teagan said in a rough voice, then moaned loud. “God, your fingers are fucking big and thick, just like that monster cock of yours. I can’t wait to feel our Ozzie fucking me hard and powering into me, sunshine. Can I suck you while he does?”

  Rory shook his head no and saw the disappointment fill both mate’s eyes, even though they didn’t stop what they were doing. Rory lifted and sto
od in the center of the bed, then quickly peeled all of his clothes off. Once naked, he palmed his cock and gave it a few tugs. His mate’s gazes were glued to his actions and both of them licked their lips. It was such an exhilarating feeling being the focus of two such gorgeous, hot men.

  “Don’t be sad, mates. I said no because as much as I want to feel both of you suck my cock, we’ll save that for later. Right now, I was hoping maybe you would fuck me into the mattress, Teagan, as our Ozzie drills your ass so hard you walk funny for a week. But I want to be on my back “

  Ozzie let out an animalistic growl. “Holy fuck, mate, our Rory likes to talk dirty during sex. I never would have guessed, but I fucking love it. Talk dirty to us again, baby. Fucking drive me insane with that pretty mouth of yours.

  Rory closed his eyes and moaned as he quickened his strokes. “Fuck, Ozzie, Teagan, I don’t think I’m going to last. I need someone to fuck me right now,” Rory declared.

  “Are you sure, sunshine? We know this is a big step for you and we want to make sure you’re sure,” Teagan asked, but his voice was soft and full of concern.

  Rory’s eyes snapped open and he gasped in surprise as he saw both of his mates now standing on the bed before him, only inches away, and they were both looking at him with concern, yet hope and longing.

  Rory stepped closer and cupped each of their cheeks and smiled. “I have never been surer of anything, my mates. I know neither of you will hurt me, and I know I can trust you with my body, my heart, and my soul. You have both shown me what good men you are and how wonderful you are. As well as being the two fucking hottest things god ever created.”


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