Book Read Free

Judge: Dead Legion MC #2

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by Krane, Kasey


  Dead Legion MC #2

  Kasey Krane

  Copyright © 2020 by Kasey Krane

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  This book was previously released as Rush. A lot of edits and changes have been made to the manuscript.

  Created with Vellum



  1. Judge

  2. Carmen

  3. Judge

  4. Carmen

  5. Judge

  6. Carmen

  7. Judge

  8. Carmen

  9. Carmen

  10. Judge

  11. Carmen

  12. Judge

  13. Carmen

  14. Judge

  15. Carmen

  16. Judge

  17. Carmen

  18. Judge

  19. Carmen

  20. Judge

  21. Carmen

  22. Judge

  23. Carmen

  24. Judge

  25. Carmen

  26. Judge

  About Kasey Krane



  The bus bumped and swayed over the potholes and around the corners, almost lulling Maggie to sleep. It seemed like they'd been on the bus for forever.

  Why does church camp have to be so far away from school? I thought crossly. I don’t want to be on the bus anymore! But, I guess it’s okay. At least I don’t have to stay behind like the babies do. Only grown-up 10-year-old girls get to go to church camp.

  With a yawn I blinked sleepily, fighting back the urge to nap, and snuggled further into Ms. Williams’s side. I felt so tired. I sighed happily as Ms. Williams began stroking my arm in a slow, comforting rhythm. There was no better teacher in the world than Ms. Williams. Sure, Mrs. Martinez was fine too, but not like Ms. Williams. Mrs. Martinez hit them too much with the ruler. Ms. Williams never hit them or swore at them. She was the best teacher.

  Ms. Williams began to hum a tune low and sweetly in my ear, the rhythm matching her strokes on my arm. I let myself be lulled, relaxing even further into Ms. Williams’s side. Everyone knew that there were angels in heaven, sure, but I knew there were angels on earth, too. Ms. Williams was the teacher who loved me more than anyone else ever had. Especially since I was trapped at a foster home with caregivers that clearly only had a foster kid to collect on the government’s paychecks.

  I knew I was lucky to have been given a scholarship to Santa Maria’s, an all-girls Catholic school - I had been told that often enough. “A orphan like you is usually left on the streets,” my foster parents told me repeatedly. “You’re a lucky girl.”

  But luckier than a place at Santa Maria’s was getting Ms. Williams as my teacher.

  Happily falling asleep I the heard motors rumbling and the cheers of my classmates. My eyes popped open and I pulled away from Ms. Williamss side, sleepiness gone, peering out the window to see big men on big, and shiny bikes pulling up alongside our bus. My friends had begun waving furiously, enjoying the change in scenery. Here, finally, was something to do to relieve the boredom! The girls chattered excitedly, discussing which bike was bigger. Which biker was uglier.

  I noticed that Ms. Williams didn’t join in on the fun, though. She wasn’t waving at the men through the bus windows. In fact, I could feel Ms. Williams begin to tense and sit straight up as the bus slowed down.

  The chrome-covered bikes were on both sides of the bus, and then, as the bus slowed down, in front of the bus too.

  “Ms. Williams, what’s wrong?” I whispered as Ms. Williams’s hand began to tighten around my upper arm. The bus was almost stopped now, and our two teachers, across the aisle from each other, began to whisper furiously. I strained to hear what they were saying but then they grew completely silent as the bus driver stopped the bus and cut the engines. The cheering had stopped. Everyone held their breath, the excited energy gone, replaced with confusion and fear. Wondering…

  The bus door busted open beneath the butt of the gun, the glass shattering into pieces, the frame of the doorway bent. In spite of mysel, I began to whimper.

  “Shhhhh…it’s going to be okay,” Ms. Williams whispered to me, pushing me down, down to the floor. Why would I want to go onto the floor? I didn’t want to be on the floor, I wanted to be next to my teacher, where I felt safe. I tried instead to wedge myself into my teacher’s side when the men came bounding up the stairs, into the bus. I wanted to hide, hide where Ms. Williams could protect her.

  When the first man began waving his rifle around in the air, shouting in an ugly voice, the girls erupted into terrified screams. But I couldn’t scream. The noise was caught in my throat, threatening to overwhelm me, to choke me.

  Then, Ms. Williams and Mrs. Martinez stood up. Why were they standing up? I clung to her teacher’s hand, hiding behind the seat in front of us as the man with the rifle shouted threats. I tugged at Ms. Williams’s hand. “Please,” I begged softly, “please, Ms. Williams, please sit down!”

  And then I was coming back down and for just a moment, I thought that my teacher had heard my pleas but she kept falling and the sound of a gunshot finally registered in my mind and the blood spread out around Ms. Williams’s head and finally, the sob that had threatened to choke me came spilling out.

  I crumpled to her knees on the floor beside Ms. Williams, my hands frantically patting her head, trying to push the blood back in. “No, God, please, don’t take her, not Ms. Williams,” I sobbed. I barely noticed when the huge, rough hands landed on my shoulders, the pain of my grief cascading over me, washing me into a world of death and pain beyond anything I ever knew existed.



  “Goddammit, where are they?” I muttered to myself as I walked out the door into the blazing sunlight and accompanying heat of the New Mexico sun. After the Dead Legion had refused to sell guns to the Sangre three days ago, I had been anticipating a retaliatory strike. Granted, this current stalking around the edge of the compound, checking behind dumpsters and old broken-down semis for a hidden Sangre, was stupid. Even in my agitated state, I knew that the chances that there was a Sangre in hiding, waiting to pop out and strike like a jack in the box, was, like, none.

  But shit, I couldn’t just sit in the clubhouse and wait. Wait to be slaughtered. Wait for a drive-by to happen.

  Bishop may have decided to take the last two days off and fuck his new girlfriend - God, Bishop with an actual girlfriend…what has the world come to? - but I couldn’t. Not only did I not have the requisite girlfriend to fuck, which did throw a monkey wrench into that plan, but I also couldn’t relax. The hair on the back of my neck was in perpetual porcupine mode.

  Something nasty was going to happen, and I couldn’t just sit still and wait for it. Half of the Dead Legion MC was gone - where they’d gone, no one knew, and how long they’d stay gone was anyone’s guess - and then there were the Sangre, who were surely pissed and eager to kill every last one of us for double crossing them.

  No, the hairs on the back of my neck weren’t going to lie down, no matter how many times I ran his hand over them.

  “Judge! Judge! C’mere!” Knight gestured wildly from the door of the clubhouse, prudently staying in the shade as he waved his boss down. It was the fucking Sonora Desert in goddamn July - no intelligent person stood anywhere but the shade this time of the year. With a sigh, I walked away from my intensive and admittedly idiotic hunt through the pile of rusted semi parts for the nonexistent Sangre, to find out what the
hell Knight’s problem was.

  “Judge, it’s your old girlfriend! She’s on TV!”

  The words sliced through the air and then I was running towards the clubhouse, my mind racing. Surely I didn’t hear that right. No fucking way Carmen is on TV. Knight must mean an old fling. Or he’s seeing things. Or he’s drunk. Knight could be drunk. Was he drinking earlier? Dammit, I can’t remember if he was drinking earlier.

  But when I stood in front of the TV, sucking down the cool air of the clubhouse, for the first time in 13 years, I was seeing Carmen.

  Carmen fucking Carmen fucking Williams was on the fucking TV. With a goddamn bandage wrapped around her head, the white gauze contrasting sharply with her dark curls. I snatched up the remote and hit the volume button, jacking it as high as it would go, as if hearing the news at a rock concert sound level would make a difference. Fuck, it was Carmen!

  “Carmen Williams, ateacher at an all-girls’ Catholic school, went missing four days ago, along with 30 students. Authorities assumed at the time that she’d been kidnapped along with her students, until she showed up at a local hospital. She has yet to regain consciousness, but police are hopeful that she will be able to assist them in their investigation by answering questions about the harrowing journey she must have endured,” the reporter said dramatically. As if the situation needed any more goddamn drama added to it. “The kidnapping of these 30 students has caused an national crisis as the FBI and as well as local police have teamed up to investigate the incident that took place on the way to a week-long church camp.”

  The screen was flashing scenes of candlelight vigils outside of the hospital, reporters roaming the lawns, and then switched to scenes of parents crying and begging.

  “No one is sure what the purpose of the alleged kidnapping was,” the news anchor said, his voice dubbed over the image of sobbing parents, “or who was behind it. Ms. Williams is from Deming, bringing this story even closer to home. Her father, Mr. Adam Williams, chose to have her life-flighted to the trauma center in El Paso in order to have the best care possible provided for his daughter.”

  I hit the power button, the sudden, dramatic silence wrapped itself around me. I could see the other club members watching me, waiting to see what I’d do, but it registered in a faraway part of my brain. I couldn’t focus on them. I couldn’t see them.



  Gorgeous aquamarine eyes, laughing mouth, brown curly hair, smiling at me, telling me that she loved me. That she would always love me. And I was kissing her delicious mouth, shoving my hands into her thick brown hair, pulling her against me.

  The journalist continued to go into details of the kidnapping. Oh God! It was like someone had punched me in the gut.

  And then my phone was in my hand and Bishop was speaking to me and I didn’t really know how it happened, except to know that it had to happen. “I have to go protect her, Bishop,” I interrupted, not trying to figure out what Bishop was saying.

  “Protect who? Judge, what the fuck are you talking about?” Murmurs and a few kissing noises reached my ears before Bishop came back to the phone. “Okay, now what the hell are you talking about?”

  “Carmen! Carmen was on TV. She’s in the Trauma Center in El Paso. She was shot. You know the Sangre who kidnapped the 30 girls?”

  “Yeah, of course. What abo—”

  “She was on the bus with them. She was riding on the goddamn bus that got hijacked.” My voice tightened with panic and I knew, in some distant corner of my mind, that I was in shock. That I wasn’t acting rational. That the men were probably wondering if I’d lost my fucking mind. But I didn’t care. I couldn’t care. Not right now. “She had to have been shot—” my voice broke and I cleared my throat, trying it again. “I have to go protect her.”

  “WHAT?!” Bishop’s voice roared through the phone. People in the next county over probably heard that yell. “No way, Judge. Let the police take care of her. Let the police protect her. That’s their job. Your job is to protect our clubho—”

  “I’ll call you when I get there,” I cut him off, and hung up. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d hung up on Bishop. Hell, the chances were real good that I’d never hung up on Bishop. Bishop was my best friend. I’d do anything in the world for him.

  Except turn my back on Carmen.

  I hopped on my bike and revved the engine, tearing out of the parking lot. Oh yeah, it felt fucking good to do something more than hunt through rusted semi parts. I hadn’t said goodbye to the other members; I hadn’t even thought to do it.

  I needed to get to Carmen. I needed to protect her.

  * * *

  “Hey gorgeous, want another?” I’d asked, holding out a glass of champagne to her. Her eyes had widened ludicrously large at my moniker and she wobbled on her high heels, telling me that she’d probably already had too much. As the daughter of the groom, no doubt the waiters had been supplying her all evening with champagne. What cop was going to arrest the daughter of one of the richest men in town for underage drinking on the night of his wedding?

  Despite her already inebriated state, she reached out and took the flute anyway. I figured that my first move on her shouldn’t include acting like her father, so I decided to let her drink whatever the hell she wanted to drink.

  Close-up, I could see that Carmen Williams was fucking gorgeous, even more so than she’d been far away. Her smile was warm, sexy, inviting, her nose cute and pert, but it was her eyes that got to me. A glowing blue-green color that I had a hard time identifying - were they blue or were they green? Aquamarine? - and full of life. Intelligence. Laughter. Enthusiasm for the world around her. And more than a little of the happy drunk glow that told my dick she’d be an easy conquest if I wanted her.

  “How’d you crash this wedding party full of old people and business associates of my father?” she asked, with more than a little wonder in her voice. I grinned down at her.

  “I have my secrets,” I said. “I’m Judge, and according to the wedding program, you must be Carmen Williams?”

  “Yup that is me.”

  “Well, Carmen, may I have the honor of this dance?” I felt stupidly formal asking her that way but somehow, I knew she’d be charmed by the formality, and I was right. Her eyes lit up with a sexy joy that I knew I’d want to see again and again. We finished off our champagne, placing the flutes on a low retaining wall for the staff to find. I escorted her to the dance floor, extending my elbow and walking her over like I’d been trained to do at all of those etiquette classes my parents had forced me to attend. But unlike all of those painfully awkward classes, here it felt right. It felt natural. She was impressed by my manners and for the first time in my life, I was grateful for my parents’ obsession with tradition and socially acceptable mannerisms.

  Fuck, they should’ve told me I’d be able to impress chicks with it, and then I would’ve paid more attention in class.

  We began slow dancing to some cheesy oldies tune that I didn’t recognize but as we swayed to the rhythm, I was lost to it all. Lost to everything but this girl in my arms - sexy and beautiful and such a turn-on for me. I was a little worried I’d embarrass myself in front of everyone. What would my mother say about sporting a boner at a wedding!

  Finally, the slow song ended and she drew back a little and gazed into my eyes. “Wanna go for a little stroll around the grounds?” she asked, her words slurring a little.

  “Sure!” I agreed, a little too quickly. Whatever she wanted. Whatever it took to have her back in my arms.

  “Let me change shoes,” she said, looking down at her feet ruefully. “These heels seemed like a good idea several glasses of champagne ago, but not so much now.” I grinned at her. The last thing I wanted to do was end the night with an icepack on her ankle, so this seemed like a great idea to me. Practical and sexy. It didn’t get any fucking better than this.

  She returned quickly, flats on, and we began to stroll around the house and garden. The oleanders wer
e in bloom, and on a whim, I picked one, tucking it behind her ear. “Perfect!” I said and she laughed.

  “I feel like a hula dancer,” she said, and began mimicking the sexy rolling moves of a Hawaiian dancer. Fire shot straight to my groin and I wondered if she had any fucking idea how sexy she was in that dress that seemed to be specifically designed to drive guys like me crazy. And God knew, it was succeeding.

  I moved closer. “May I have this dance?” I asked rhetorically. I pulled her close against me, and we began to sway together, and then grind together. She couldn’t miss my hard-on, pushing against her belly but instead of pulling away, she only ground back harder. I dipped my head down and kissed her and the world stopped. It was only Carmen and I; my tongue plundered her mouth, tasting the champagne and chocolate.

  I picked her up, wrapping her strong legs around my waist and then walked further into the darkness, away from the torches lighting up the party, the live band and the laughter disappearing until I found a low wall where I sat Carmen down. My hands roamed over her body, her excited moans driving me on, driving me farther. I moved my hands up her gorgeous thighs, up her blessedly short skirt to her pussy and then to her clit, a nub that made her cry out in pleasure as I circled it with my thumb.

  She was rocking then, rocking against my hand, against my body, “Yes, oh yes, right there, yessssss,” and she arched her back, throwing her head back, shuddering, moaning, and I knew that the look on her gorgeous face was the look I was going to jack off to that night, when I got home and could take matters into my own hands. I’d close my eyes and imagine just this moment in time.


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