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Magic Underground: The Complete Collection (Magic Underground Anthologies Book 4)

Page 215

by Melinda Kucsera

  Those that had attacked him were weeping and mewling, some were thanking him. He had destroyed the Darkness in them as well. He could defeat the Darkness. “I am sorry, Nahrem, I should have learned this sooner.”

  He heard a strong female voice. “Hail, adherent Finyaka.”

  He turned toward the sound and bowed slightly. “That is I. Who may I ask are you?”

  “Captain Atsubu of the Brass Guard. We were tasked with finding you.” He could see the tell-tale taint of the Court about her.

  “I thank the most illuminated for her concern. I have been found.” The peace within him was intoxicating. He was grinning like a fool.

  “May we escort the young adherent to the palace?” Finyaka heard the clink of armor to either side of him. Noticed the taint swirling within the men and he hesitated. Something seemed amiss. “I wish to see my cousin Matasa, and the wise Asho. They are staying with Elder Sheekara. Could I go there first?”

  “Absolutely.” The taint swirled and danced as she said it.

  Finyaka felt a strange foreboding. “Please, I would see that they are well.”

  One of her men placed a rough hand on Finyaka and pushed him forward.

  “Follow me,” the captain ordered, and they were off.

  Sitting heavily on the sturdy stool, Sheekara placed the goblet he had just procured upon his workbench. His muscles ached and his bones creaked. He rubbed his hand across his forehead and placed a bony elbow on the bench's edge. Given what transpired at the Hall of Knowledge just now, it was going to be a long day. His agents were tasked with finding Finyaka and to contact Captain Atsubu once they had. She would know what to do with the boy and where to take him.

  The goatherd's power was breath-taking. So much water. The boy had transferred his emotions at the same time. Dual channeling was hard for even the most experienced mage-priest. That much raw power in such an untrained adherent could be catastrophic. The old mage-priest wanted to be able to channel that power. He needed to deduce how Finyaka accomplished what he did without Song. All the boy did was concentrate, and release. Sheekara had tried this with the simplest of Songs. He was able to produce a spark that died in a puff of smoke. Not an inundation of water from a simple cup. It was astounding, and he hated the goatherd more for it.

  Sheekara pondered as he sipped his wine, feeling its warmth spread through him. Finyaka was able to work his Radiance without song, or touch. He could work both water and emotion, a strange combination. His Radiance was so different than the mage-priests, or the nobles. He was also capable of using those powers without making the pilgrimage and taking part in the Dance of Days. He had not been chosen by the Great Sun in the same way as the mage-priests were. There were similarities between the boys Radiance and the nobles, and he may have conceded a connection if Finyaka had not created water. This just deepened the mystery.

  His aged valet entered the room. “Most revered master, one of your agents is here with news on the young adherent.”

  “Send him in immediately.” Sheekara didn’t bother to hide the excitement in his voice.

  He entered the main room just as the sliding door to the apartments opened and an unassuming man in his middle years, dressed conservatively, entered the room and bowed deeply. “Most revered master, I bring grave news concerning your adherent.”

  Sheekara tensed, this was not starting well. “What news do you bear?”

  The man smiled and walked to the large marble-topped table in the center of the room. He poured himself a goblet from the pitcher, drank and then spoke. “Captain Atsubu acquired the boy. However, on their way to their destination, they were intercepted by another unit of the Brass Guard and commanded to the palace.”

  Sheekara’s stomach twisted. He swore. Of course, she knew. “When did this occur?”


  Good, he might still have time. “Thank you. You are dismissed.” The agent bowed and left.

  He called for his servants. "Get my best robe and my formal regalia. Gather me an honor guard of six of my men. It is time to claim that which is mine."

  He took a deep draft of the wine. “Quickly now, time is of the essence.”

  Finyaka was a power she needed to control. Ayanyi would have her faction within the Council take him from Sheekara and give him to Kabonapa, a man who was firmly in her camp. He would, with the help of her Erudite supporters, find out what the boy was capable of. Then she would decide how to best utilize the boy’s abilities. She knew Sheekara and his Order of Resolution stood against her, most likely the Order of Aspiration did as well, though she was unsure if they were in Sheekara’s camp. The Order of Affirmation would be troublesome, but Elder Foinotai was open to discussion. Perhaps Affirmation would be a decent neutral faction to train the boy. No, she needed Finyaka with someone she could trust.

  This was going to be difficult. The boy wore the band. He was technically the responsibility of the Council, and as such, his fate was theirs to decide. If she could get Affirmation on her side, that would give her three of the five Council votes, if Doki of Aspiration didn’t veto the whole thing.

  Ayanyi rubbed her temples. This type of knee jerk politicking always left her in a foul mood. She needed her assets about her. She had her inner Court. Even if a few of them were Sheekara’s spies, she controlled the majority of those in the room. Which was paramount if Finyaka decided to give up his band. Then Ayanyi would take him in, perhaps make him an heir so he had her protection. So many possibilities. Anything could happen, and it all hinged on a small goatherd from the wadi.

  The sacred courier entered and made his obedience.

  “Rise and have our confidence.”

  The loyal messenger approached and stood to her left. “Most illuminated, the Elder Mage-Priest Kabonapa has arrived. So have the Elders of Erudite and Affirmation.”

  Ayanyi had asked Kabonapa to come on his own. Instead, he had brought two other members of the Council with him. The very two she needed present. He was thinking along the same lines as her. “Show them in.”

  The sacred courier bowed and departed, returning with the three Elders. Stoic and solid Kabonapa in his black stole and carrying his heavy staff. Wispy haired Iksa, hunched forward with age, his staff of office keeping him from falling over. Ayanyi noted the old scholar wasn’t even wearing his stole, though the gold armband with its emerald told everyone who he was aligned with. Last was tall Foinotai, her back straight, her red stole a contrast to the simple white cotton robe she wore, the ruby on her gold armband ablaze in the early morning light.

  “Welcome to our Court most revered Elders of the Council. We have called upon one of you to attend to us. To what do we owe the honor of the other two?”

  “We have heard about the power the Aboki adherent manifested most illuminated. We are aware you have an interest in him. He shall be removed from Elder Sheekara and placed under my tutelage. Our people have told us he is bound for your Court under armed escort. We would ask his release.” Direct and to the point, as was Foinotai's nature. Ayanyi enjoyed dealing with the woman for that reason, especially given the current affair that was unfolding.

  “As it is, most revered Elder, we’re unsure what the future of the boy will be. We agree he needs better tutelage than he is currently receiving. Regardless of his trappings, he is still nothing more than an adherent. He has not completed the rituals of the Orders and has not been made a novice-aspirant as far as we’re aware. Though he wears a band with the sapphire of Resolution, we have been informed he has yet to be dedicated to an Order, which means he is still a subject of the Court.”

  “Oh, the most illuminated is a crafty one. I have always admired that trait in you. However, the adherent has been raised to the rank of apprentice-acolyte by Elder Sheekara of Resolution and has been allowed to wear the sapphire on his armband. Thus, he is the responsibility of the Council, to be monitored and taught as we deem acceptable, within the laws set down by the Song of the Great Sun Anuu. If he has broken those laws, he
is our burden to bear.” Iksa had shown the Court where the factions stood, and what the rules of engagement were.

  Ayanyi allowed a rare smile. She graciously stood, hearing the Court do the same. “Most revered Elders, we offer you hospitality. Take comfort as you see fit. The Brass Guard has been sent to retrieve the boy. Once he is here, we may discuss with him what course of action needs be taken. The Court would enable the right of advisor in your proceedings. We are interested to see how this unfolds.”

  Foinotai bowed curtly and Iksa smiled and nodded, his wispy hair following his bow like smoke from a thin flame. The two found seats among the Court and dutifully waited for permission to sit. Kabonapa however, bowed but remained where he stood.

  Ayanyi looked at the solid Elder of the Pillars, as unmoving as the sacred relics he cared for. “We gave you leave to be seated. Is there a reason why you disregard our order?”

  The stalwart man leaned forward on his massive staff. “I fear Elder Sheekara may attempt something rash. I would ask the most illuminated if I could stand by her side as protection.”

  Ayanyi had won him and the Order of Pillars to her cause long ago, and for that reason, she would allow him this lapse in protocol. “We would be honored to have you at our side Elder.” She opened her hand to the right of her throne and invited the man to take the position.

  The room fell into silence as Kabonapa made his way to her right. It was like watching a mountain move.

  She sat, and the Court did the same. The guarded conversation began behind raised hands. The sacred courier entered the room, did his obedience and waited. The room fell silent.

  “Rise and have my confidence,” Ayanyi said, far more congenially than earlier.

  The sacred courier came forward and stood to her left, leaning in to speak softly.

  “Finyaka has arrived most illuminated.”

  “Excellent. Send him in.” The game would soon be won.

  Finyaka wondered what he was walking into. He stood in the great receiving hall of the palace surrounded by, to the best of his knowledge, nine of the Brass Guard. There was tension between Atsubu and her two men, and the six that intercepted them. It was in the way they watched each other, like ghost hounds on the hunt, eyes ever on the prey.

  Finyaka and the Brass Guard under Atsubu had been traveling across the city, toward the eastern quarter, in hopes of reaching Sheekara's apartments when the small band had been intercepted by the much larger group of Brass Guard, none of whom Finyaka could see. The captain and her two men were unhappy, to say the least.

  He heard the sacred courier of the Court to his left, “Finyaka, the most illuminated will have your presence.”

  One of the soldiers he couldn’t see, gently led him to the great hall.

  Finyaka was far calmer now than the last time he had met the Queen. He entered the throne room three steps and performed the genuflections as instructed by the sacred courier.

  “Approach. We would converse with you,” the Queen snapped.

  Finyaka noted the powerful auras of three of the Elders, two were among the Court, but the third stood by the Queen. Amaya was also among the Court. Finyaka found that made him happy.

  He was led to the edge of the dais, knelt and waited, making sure to keep his eyes cast downward.

  “We see you in the Light. Rise, and take heed. It has been brought to our attention that your Radiance has expanded. It seems you created quite the predicament at the Hall of Knowledge. One that needs some explanation. Would you be so kind as to enlighten us?”

  He clasped his hands behind his back and drew himself to his full height. “I created water. It evolved from my frustration and my desire to succeed. It had been blocked by the taint that had touched me, most likely from my brother. That taint made me act irrationally. I have since burnt that taint from my being most illuminated.” The Queen probed him with her Radiance, he knew she would be surprised to find him so calm.

  “You admit to having the taint?” the Queen demanded.

  “I had the taint, most illuminated. It has been destroyed by the Radiant Flame of the Great Sun.” He allowed his calm to flow with his words.

  “Your powers have evolved further?” She sat upright and clasped the arms of the throne.

  “If it pleases the most illuminated, I will show the Court.” He took a knee and held his arms out before him.

  He saw her aura disappear behind the guards as they shielded her. The Elder of Pillars aura brightened as he gathered his Radiance.

  “Proceed.” It was a simple command.

  Reaching into the calmness that was his Faith in the Great Sun he concentrated and released his Radiance. A brilliant golden flame burst to life in his outstretched hands, shimmering with the same aspects as his aura. Those that showed traces of the taint shied from the Light of that flame. He lowered his hands and the fire vanished.

  “We are most impressed. We have never seen a flame so radiant. Still, you have admitted to being touched by the taint. How do we know it is not within you still?” The mistrust among those within the Court was so strong.

  Finyaka made the sign of the Great Sun and concentrated. As he had with the ghost dog alpha so long ago, he reached out with his Radiance and found the Queen. She gasped as their minds joined, as he allowed her to look within him, to see the golden aura that permeated every aspect of his being.

  Does the most illuminated believe me now?

  How, how can you do this?

  I am the embodiment of the Great Sun. I am the messenger of the Light. I have come to remove the Darkness that would destroy the three bands.

  Finyaka disconnected himself from the Queen but continued to concentrate. He could feel the turmoil in the Queen as she struggled with what had just transpired. He could feel the emotions of those present in the Court. Anyone that had been touched by the taint seemed transfixed with fear. He had shown them the truth of the Light.

  “As miraculous as this is. Your actions still need to be addressed.” Ayanyi had regained her composure. “Not only did you damage artifacts of the Seven Peoples, but you assaulted a noble heir and a learned scholar of the Hall of Knowledge.”

  “I have, most illuminated, and I place myself at the mercy of the Court.” He took a knee and placed his hands upon the back of his neck. “They had asked me to create water. I focused everything I could into my Radiance and when it finally released, I was unable to control that power. It was never my intention to hurt anyone.” The taint had almost taken him then. Had shown itself to him at that moment.

  “Intent is not the issue; the results of your actions are. You could have killed my daughter. If you had, we would have no choice but to have you executed. Are we making ourselves clear?”

  Finyaka’s arms fell to his side. Grief washed over him. Once again, he had come close to killing someone.

  “Thankfully, by the Great Sun’s Light, no one was killed, and the mage-priests of the Hall were able to restore the artifacts. Still, you have committed a crime and a disciplinary action is warranted.”

  His actions had repercussions. He would accept whatever punishment the Queen named.

  “I stand before the most illuminated, guilty as charged.”

  “As Queen of the Seven Peoples, I proclaim —”

  The doors to the Court burst open with the force of an unholy gale, flinging the guards before them across the marble floor. Finyaka turned to see Sheekara in the open doorway, his aura writhing like a venomous snake, flanked by a personal honor guard and Doki, the Elder of Aspirations. The Darkness was thick on all of them.

  The Queen tensed as she drew in her Radiance. “How dare you interrupt our proceedings.” She snapped.

  The Elder mage-priest laughed and pointed his ebony staff at Finyaka. “The apprentice-acolyte belongs to me. He is mine to judge as I see fit!” Sheekara entered the chamber, his guards fanning out and drawing their weapons. The two Brass Guard that had been flung aside hurried to their feet, drawing weapons as they did so.
r />   The Queen’s aura flared brightly as she confronted her nemesis. “You have no right to burst into our Court and demand anything. Guards remove them.”

  The dozen Brass Guards of the throne room rushed forward weapons drawn. There was another blast of air as Sheekara sang the Song of Air. Metal scraped against the marble floor as the guards were flung aside like rag dolls. Finyaka faced Sheekara.

  “This charade ends now! I have watched as the Council has groveled before your impudence. We shall bow no longer. I claim the throne as mine!” The mage-priest thundered, thrusting his staff into the air. The Darkness pulsated and overwhelmed Sheekara's aura. The same Darkness Finyaka had seen in his brother. It twisted and undulated about the mage-priest, some of its tendrils reached out to touch Sheekara's men as another tendril embedded itself into Elder Doki. Finyaka watched in horror as it began consuming the man. Still more tendrils were seeping out to find allies among the Court.

  “What are you doing man!” Iksa began the Song of Air.

  Sheekara pointed the staff toward Iksa and with the Song of Fire immolated the Elder of Erudite in a pyre of black oily flame.

  Finyaka reached for his calm and directed his golden flame at Iksa. The two flames collided in a shower of incandescent sparks as Finyaka’s golden flame defused the black flame, leaving the Elder of Erudites singed and wide-eyed.

  “I will not allow you to harm anyone else,” Finyaka called forth the golden flame and surrounded himself in its glory as he levitated into the air.

  All chaos broke loose.

  There was the din of swordplay. The auras of the other Elders flared with intensity. Doki, her aura now the sickly black of one who had been consumed by the Darkness, had engaged Foinotai in an elemental melodic engagement of metal and fire. The members of the Court were fleeing to save their lives. Pandemonium reigned.

  Sheekara’s aura was completely engulfed in the Darkness. It had seeped into every part of the mage-priest’s being. With the quickness of thought, five black tendrils burst from the end of Sheekara’s staff. One tackled Finyaka. His flame flared and held it at bay as he pushed back a full stride. The Darkness which now utilized Sheekara was far more powerful than Nahrem had ever been. The other four flew past him. He heard grunts and a gasp. Finyaka knew they had struck the Queen and her guards. Using what little Radiance he could spare he reached with his mind to ascertain the state of those behind him.


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