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Savage Prince: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Royal Falls Elite Book 1)

Page 12

by Kristin Buoni

  Jesus. What was it about this girl?

  She’d been the subject of my obsession for a long time, but only because I wanted retribution. So why was I so physically drawn to her now? How could I possibly want to fuck her as much as I wanted to destroy her?

  With a savage grunt, I hit the punching bag so hard my knuckles almost broke.

  The sharp pain did nothing to lessen my desire.

  Sighing with annoyance, I wiped the sweat from my forehead and headed into the bathroom attached to the gym. There was only one way to stop this.

  I turned the shower on full blast and stepped inside, pressing one hand against the tiled wall to steady myself. My other hand moved between my legs, and my breath burst from my lungs in heaving grunts as I began to stroke myself. I closed my eyes, picturing Laney’s mouth wrapped around my cock, sucking and licking me like I so desperately craved. Everything about that girl screamed danger and darkness, but I couldn’t stop.

  It wasn’t right. It wasn’t fair. How could such a cruel bitch make my body react like this? Why did she have to be so fucking beautiful?

  You know you want this, she told me in my mind, stunning face turning up to gaze at me. You can’t stop it. If you could, why are you so hard right now? Why are you thinking about me?

  “Fuck!” I ground out, jerking myself harder as sparks of sensation zapped through me.

  This was dangerous. I was slipping fast, losing my grip on reality, all because Laney’s perfect exterior hid her monstrous nature so well. My desire for her had taken root like a poisonous plant, and it was growing every day, creeping through my system, dark vines winding around my guts, my lungs, my brain.

  I had to stop. Now.

  I tried to trick my mind by picturing last night again, pretending to be happy when I saw Laney’s panic-stricken gaze resting on my face. I even forced a smile as I imagined her running off the stage, tears splashing down her face.

  I came with a shudder, spurting into the drain. Then I hit the wall with a frustrated groan. It didn’t work. My craving for Laney hadn’t dried up with the climax, and now I felt guiltier and emptier than ever before.

  Last night was supposed to be a win for me, but I didn’t feel triumphant at all.

  In fact, I felt like I’d already lost.



  By some miracle, I made it through the next several days at RFA without too much drama or embarrassment.

  It seemed that Trina and Adam were right last Friday night—as long as the Princes or their loyalists weren’t around, people mostly ignored me. It wasn’t nice to be treated as if I were completely invisible, but it was still much better than the alternative.

  I was also able to go to the cafeteria for breakfast and dinner again, seeing as the only other people there that early or late in the day were boarders who didn’t seem to care too much about academy politics. I still had to eat lunch in my dorm, but at least I didn’t have to go there for all three meals of the day anymore. That was progress, I guess.

  Having said that, things still weren’t great for me at RFA. In the halls, the Prince’s loyal minions hurled abuse at me every time we crossed paths. They also frequently shoved me and shoulder-checked me, smugly claiming it was accidental, and I often heard them whispering in corners as I passed, dreaming up awful new rumors about me. Last I heard, I was a bulimic heroin-addicted hooker with a seventy-year-old pimp.

  I was trying to get through it all as best as I could. Like Trina and Adam said, the more I ignored it, the more bored they’d get, and the more likely it was they’d finally give up and stop harassing me.

  The bell rang, signifying the day’s last period, and my stomach dropped. It was Thursday, which meant I had my chemistry class without Trina. Worse, Hunter and two of his minions had transferred into the class. During the last lesson, one of the minions sat at the workbench right across from me and ‘accidentally’ splashed me with colorful experiment dyes so that my crisp white blouse was ruined.

  As usual, Hunter never actually lifted a finger to bully me, but he didn’t stop it from happening either. He fully condoned it. He also spent half our chem class periods glaring daggers at me, as if I’d magically fly out the window and smash onto the stones below if he simply stared hard enough.

  Today’s class was no different.

  I ignored him as much as I could, but it wasn’t easy. Especially when he happened to be so gorgeous. Sometimes his dark hair would flop in his face as he leaned over his papers, making my stomach clench for some inexplicable reason, and when he listened to Professor Fox explaining things up at the front of the class, he’d always bite his lip with concentration. If he wasn’t such an asshole, I’d think it was a perfect mix of sexy and adorable.

  The last bell of the day finally rang, and my shoulders slumped with relief. Now I wouldn’t have to face Hunter again till tomorrow’s lab class.

  “Remember, everyone, I expect you to be studying this subject for at least forty-five minutes a day,” Professor Fox said, lifting a palm to keep us in the room until he was done. “You’ve got a big test coming up in two weeks, and I expect you to be prepared. And speaking of the test, a few of you have asked me if you can take it a few days earlier due to a school club event that’s occurring during our Friday chem slot. I don’t see how this would give you any advantage, so I’m going to allow it. If you want to take it early, just email me to let me know. The early test will happen in your free period on Wednesday the 25th. All right?”

  Everyone murmured their assent, and Professor Fox finally waved us out of the room.

  I trudged down the hall toward my locker, keeping my head down in the hope no one would notice me and bother me. Unfortunately, Talia was heading in the opposite direction with Grace, Letitia and Jessica, and she spotted me right away.

  She popped some cherry-flavored gum out of her mouth and stuck it right on my blazer as she passed. “Oops! I thought it was a trash can,” she said in a syrupy-sweet voice.

  “Easy mistake to make,” Jessica added, smiling a little too widely. She looked like a bitchy shark. “It totally looks like one, right?”

  Apparently I was no longer a human. I was an ‘it’. Great.

  I kept walking, refusing to say a word.

  “Not so brave without your friends, are you, Virgin?” Talia yelled behind me.

  She wasn’t wrong. When I had Trina and Adam by my side, I felt a lot safer in these halls. Unfortunately, they both had different extracurricular activities after school on Thursdays, so right now I was stuck by myself.

  When I made it to my locker, my shoulders tensed up. Chris Hewittson was leaning against the one next to it, one eyebrow cocked.

  “Hey, Collins,” he said, leaning close to me as I put my books away.

  I sighed and rolled my eyes. “Just get it over with,” I said.

  He crooked a brow. “Get what over with?”

  “Calling me a trashy slut, or a junkie, or a virgin. Go ahead. Just hurry up. I have to get to rowing practice, so I don’t have much time.”

  He drew back, eyes flashing with confusion. “Uh… I didn’t come over here for that. I actually just came to remind you about this.”

  He held out a flyer. I gingerly took it, half-expecting it to suddenly catch on fire in my hands.

  It was an invitation to his Friday the 13th party at the lake tomorrow evening. The invitation featured a picture of Jason Voorhees from the horror film franchise, along with a note telling attendees to dress accordingly and bring drinks. Lots of drinks.

  I raised a brow and looked up at Chris. “Are you serious?”

  He grinned and nodded. “Yeah. You told me you were coming when I asked you last week, so I figured I better make sure you know all the details,” he said. “You don’t have to dress up, by the way. But I would like to see you in a slutty camp counselor outfit.”

  I glanced around us. “Are you even allowed to be talking to me right now?” I asked.

  “Why wouldn’t I

  “Because I’ve been blacklisted for almost two weeks now,” I said, folding my arms. “Won’t Hunter hang you, draw and quarter you, and burn you at the stake if he sees you chatting to me?”

  Chris chuckled, running one hand through his hair. “Hunter and I have been friends since we were kids. He probably wouldn’t be happy to see me with you, but he wouldn’t hurt me.”

  “Okay, but you are friends. Best friends. So why aren’t you going along with his blacklist?”

  He shrugged. “I don’t always agree with him. Doesn’t mean we have to stop hanging out or being friends,” he said. “Anyway, are you gonna come tomorrow night?”

  I chewed on my bottom lip. Even though Chris was one of the Princes, I’d noticed that he seemed to have his own thing going on most of the time. He wasn’t constantly hanging off Hunter’s lapels, like Asher or Elijah, and he wasn’t with the rest of them at last week’s humiliating charity gala either.

  Still, it wasn’t a good idea to attract attention by showing up at his lake party. Everyone would be there, and as usual, I would be a target.

  “No thanks,” I said, handing the invitation back to him.

  He refused to take it. “C’mon. It’ll be fun! Bonfire and beers by the lake. What’s not to love about that?”

  “How are you even allowed to have a party at the campus lake?” I asked. Before he could respond, I groaned. “Wait, let me guess. Sanders lets you do whatever you want because you’re from one of the founding families.”

  Chris winked. “Got it in one.”

  I let out a short huff. “Well, I can’t come. Sorry.”

  “Why not?” He leaned closer again.

  “You know why,” I said. “Your friends would probably attach weights to my legs and drown me in the lake.”

  “I won’t let them bother you. Besides, everyone will be too busy drinking and partying to care about you.”

  “As nice as that sounds,” I said, voice laced with sarcasm, “I still can’t come. I’m not falling for that trick again.”

  “What trick?”

  “The whole ‘oh, don’t worry, everyone will leave you alone’ trick. Didn’t exactly work out for me last time.”

  His face softened. “Yeah, I heard about the charity gala. Talia can be a real bitch.”

  “It wasn’t just Talia. It was everyone.”

  Chris blew out a breath and straightened his shoulders. “Look, come or don’t come. It’s up to you,” he said. “But I hope you know by now that I’m not like the others. I’ve never done anything to you, and when I say I’ll make sure nothing happens to you at the party, I mean it. No bullshit. It’ll just be drinks and good vibes.”

  I bit my lip again. “I don’t know,” I said reluctantly. “That’s nice and all, if you aren’t lying, but… I don’t know if I can risk it.”

  “Okay. I get it.” He held up his palms in defeat. “But promise me you’ll think about it, at least. Could be good for you to get out and loosen up a bit.”


  “Oh, also….” He leaned in one last time, lips ghosting over my ear. “It would be really hot to see you stick it to everyone by showing up like you don’t give a fuck what they think. I love a girl with balls.”

  “Good to know,” I said, nodding slowly. “Unfortunately, I’m not equipped with the right stuff.”

  “You know what I mean,” he said, chuckling again. “Anyway, I’m serious. It would be hilarious to see their faces when you show up. Plus it’s extra fun to mess with Hunter, because he’s just so fucking serious all the time.”

  “If you really want to mess with him, we could use my idea from before,” I replied.

  Chris arched his brows. “The one with the weights?”

  “Yup. You wouldn’t mind tossing him in the lake for me, would you?”

  He laughed again. “Sure, we can give it a try.”

  All of a sudden, I realized I was smiling. I was even flirting… sort of. With one of the Princes, no less.

  “You know what?” I said. “I think I actually will come tomorrow. I can bring my friends, right?”

  “Yeah, of course.”

  “Great.” My smile grew wider.

  I wasn’t actually interested in Chris, even though he was gorgeous, but I was interested in pissing off Hunter. Throwing back a little of his shade.

  If he saw me show up at the party without a care in the world and openly flirt with his sexy friend, he’d probably lose his freaking mind.

  Perhaps it was a little cruel to use Chris in such a way, but he didn’t seem to care. In fact, he practically suggested it a moment ago.

  “So I’ll see you tomorrow?” he asked.

  I nodded. “Yup. See you then.”

  He winked and sauntered away.

  Still smiling from the surprisingly-positive interaction, I grabbed my gym bag from my locker and headed out of Royal Hall, toward the boathouse by the lake.

  It was a gorgeous afternoon. The sky was blue, and the distant national park trees shimmered bronze and gold over the mountains. The lake water was a deep blue-green, and the strip of white sand next to it glittered like diamond dust in the bright sunlight.

  Hillside stairs led all the way down to the boathouse, and a large dock stretched out into the water from the front of it. Some of the rowing club members were already there, getting ready.

  Even though I’d only been rowing for two weeks, I felt like I’d been doing it forever. In the first week, Coach Reilly and some of the other club members showed me everything I needed to know—proper rowing form, breathing techniques, the anatomy of the boats and other necessary equipment—and when I was finally allowed to try it on my own in a single scull, I took to it like a duck to water. Apparently I was a natural.

  We practiced almost every morning before class, rising at the crack of dawn, and on Thursday afternoons we had our official club meetings. This week, we were sorting out the different competitive classes for the term—some would be put into the individual racing group, while others would be assigned to eight-person teams with a coxswain so they could compete in varsity competitions.

  I hoped I’d be put into the individual class. While I enjoyed rowing in the bigger shells with the others, I preferred doing it alone. It felt so freeing to be out there on the water, in control of my own little boat.

  On the far side of the boatshed, there was a bathroom and changeroom for all club members. I went inside and put my bag down on a bench by the wall, and then I pulled out my rowing clothes—tight spandex top and shorts as a base layer, fleece jacket to keep me warm out on the water, a knit beanie, and a pair of running shoes.

  After changing in one of the small cubicles on the other side of the room, I returned to my bag to put my other clothes away. My forehead creased in a frown as I looked down at it. I could’ve sworn I left it zipped all the way up before heading off to change, but now it was sitting there half-open.

  I glanced over at Tracey, one of the other senior girls in the club. “Hey, did you see anyone touching my bag?” I asked.

  Her brows knitted. “No, but I only just came in. Is something wrong?”

  “It’s probably nothing,” I replied, waving a hand. “I just thought I left it zipped up, that’s all.”

  “Is anything missing?”

  I rummaged through it. Everything seemed to be there… except my keycard.

  “My card is gone,” I said with a frown. “I had it in this front pocket, and now it’s empty.”

  Coach Reilly blew a whistle outside, and Tracey shrugged. “It might’ve fallen into another pocket,” she said, heading for the door. “Look for it later. We have to go.”

  She was probably right. After all, nothing else was missing.

  Ten minutes later, the whole club was out on the shore, huddling up as Coach Reilly went through the team assignments. The sun had gone behind a cloud, and a chilly wind was blowing through the area.

  “Collins, I’m putting you in the beginner-le
vel individual racing group for now,” he finally said, looking over at me.

  I smiled. Yes!

  “You’re showing a lot of promise, though, so if you do well enough, I’ll move you up to intermediate later in the term.”

  “Thanks, Coach.”

  He clapped his hands together. “All right, everyone. Time to grab your stuff and get in the water! You know what to do!”

  The different classes hurriedly broke off into their own little groups. My beginner-level single scull group headed over to the shore by a small dock east of the main boatshed dock. Our practice area ran between that and yet another small dock even farther east.

  I concentrated on my breathing as I propelled myself through the water moments later, powering past the others in my group. When I turned my head to the shore for a couple of seconds, I could see one of Reilly’s assistants watching me with an approving smile on her face.

  I kept going, pushing against the water as hard as I could. My muscles strained and ached, but not in a bad way. It was the good kind of pain that let you know you were getting a great workout.

  A moment later, I caught a glimpse of someone else on the shore out of the corner of my eye. I glanced to the right and realized it was Hunter. He was standing near the assistant coach, staring right at me.

  My breaths started coming in faster and larger puffs, and fear crept over me like a thousand little insects under my skin. I wouldn’t be surprised if he was about to lob a grenade into my shell.

  He didn’t do anything, though. He just stood there watching me until practice was over. By that stage, my fear had blended with all the exercise endorphins pumping through my veins, so as I trudged onto the shore, holding my equipment over my shoulder, I actually felt courageous enough to try to speak to him.

  What was the worst he could do?

  I stopped near him and took a deep breath. Slowly, very slowly, I met his eyes. “What are you doing here, Hunter?” I asked. “Are you joining the rowing club, or are you just here to be a creep?”

  He didn’t respond. He just stared at me, eyes clouding over with unfamiliar emotion.


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