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Mountain Misfits MC: Complete Box Set

Page 32

by Voss, Deja

  “Don’t you go telling anyone now,” she scolds. “I want to be there when you do.”

  “And don’t you go putting any clothes on when you get out of the shower. I’m gonna need you naked when I get back.”

  Maybe today didn’t go exactly how I planned.

  Maybe today went NOTHING like I planned.

  I’m thinking that’s not such a bad thing. Our “fucking anniversary” has already ended up being one of the greatest days of my life, thanks to a bag of plastic pee sticks. Now it’s time for me to hold up my end of the deal. I sprint from the bathroom, out the front door and into my truck. Our engagement party might not be the big event that I had in mind, but reality is; I don’t care who’s there for it. It’s always been about the two of us and our love for each other. And now, there’s another amazing part of the equation too. I just gotta keep my mouth shut.

  When I arrive at the clubhouse, everyone’s kind of milling around.

  “Did you do it yet?” Olive asks.

  “You think if I did it I’d be down here by myself?” I laugh.

  “Probably,” Brooks teases. “Maybe it was the kick in the ass she needed to realize she should run away now while she still can.”

  “She’s not going anywhere, you asshole,” Olive says. “She’s easy. As long as he keeps her fed and fucked, he’s good for life. And as her best friend, I’m allowed to say that.”

  “Speaking of, where’s Trixie?”

  “You gonna ask her for some bedroom tips?” Brooks jabs.

  “No, I’m gonna ask her for some lasagna.”

  “I got you covered,” Trixie says, barreling from the kitchen with a silver pan in her hand. “Eunice’s famous recipe.”

  “Good luck, man,” Brooks says to me, patting me on the back. “If she says no, tell her she knows where to find me if she needs some consoling.”

  “Don’t think I’m gonna let you keep hitting on my wife,” I warn him.

  “She’s not your wife yet. I’m just having fun watching you squirm while I still can.”

  “Hey, Gavin,” Trixie says with a wink. “You’re glowing.”

  “Yeah, he totally knows,” Olive laughs.

  “Knows what?” Brooks whines. “Are you pregnant?” he asks, patting at my stomach.

  “I’m getting out of here.”

  I rush from the house, lasagna in tow, my heart beating through my chest. It’s time to show Sloan I’m more than ready to spend the rest of my life with her.


  It’s really not like him to get so uptight about a change in plans. Maybe he’s upset about his father. Maybe he’s having a bad day. Maybe it’s just my hormones and I’m being extra sensitive.

  Right now, though, I just want him to get back here and ravish me. I know that’s not my hormones talking. Everything about him turns me on. I lay back on the bed, staring at the ceiling. The moonlight shines through the windows, lighting up the room. As I wait for the sound of truck tires, I run my hands up my thighs, the tops slick with anticipation of what the rest of this night is going to bring.

  I hear his heavy footsteps on the steps and I trace my hands up my sides, cupping my breasts with my hands, twisting my nipples until they are perky little nubs.

  He’s standing in the doorway, out of breath, his hands on his knees.

  “What the hell, Sloan,” he laughs. “Did you get started without me?”

  “What was I supposed to do?” I tease, running my fingers from my breasts down to my stomach until I’m cupping my folds, my wetness coating my fingertips. My eyes never leave his. I smile deviously, throwing my head back and gasping.

  “You’re so fucking sexy, Sloan,” he growls.

  “Are you gonna come over here? Or do you have more errands to run?” I circle my clit, rubbing my throbbing bud with increasing pressure.

  “There is one more thing.” He smiles. “Here,” he says, whipping something out of his pocket and tossing it on the bed next to me.

  “This is how you’re going to do this?” I laugh as I open up the box. I know exactly what it is, and of course I’m going to say yes. The elegant gold ring has a single pear cut diamond. It’s so simple, but so perfect. Just like the naked man currently kissing my thighs.

  “You’re not even going to ask me?” I ask, clamping my legs shut.

  “Fine,” he says, parting my thighs with his warm calloused hands. “Sloan, will you let me be the only man who gets to lick your pussy, ‘til death do us part?”

  “Yes,” I squeal as he buries his head in between my legs, tracing my lower lips with his tongue. His beard tickles my most intimate places as he blows his hot breath into my moist pussy. What do I care if he can’t ask the most basic question of all time like a normal person? He knows how to make me scream, and as he pokes his tongue deeper and deeper into my hole, working my clit with his thumb, I explode onto his face, moaning in bliss.

  “Get up here and fuck me,” I beg.

  “Gladly,” he growls. “God, you make me so hard, future Mrs. Boden, mother of my child.”

  It sends chills down my spine when he says it that way. That, and the fact that he’s kissing on my neck, his thick cock inching its way to my still-throbbing pussy.

  “I hope you know that just because I’m making you an honest woman doesn’t mean I’m going to stop pounding you like a dirty girl,” he says, pressing his lips to mine as he grabs my hair in his fist.

  “I certainly hope not,” I gasp. Every time he slides into me, it feels like the first time. I have to spread my legs wide to take him all in, and before long, he’s drilling into me with that primal need, tugging my hair harder, until I am a screaming, writhing, cumming mess. Feeling his warm explosion inside me as he groans in my ear drives me crazy to this day.

  I know I’ll never get tired of that.

  “I love you so much,” he pants, planting kisses all over my face. “You are the only woman I will ever love like this for all eternity. You are the only one, Sloan.”

  He rolls over and kisses my belly and I jump from the tickle of his beard, my body still on fire with passion. “And you too,” he says into my belly button. “Whoever you are.”

  “Where are you going?” I ask as he jumps up and rushes from the room. I follow him down the hallway, down the big open stairway and into the kitchen, trying to keep up.

  “One more thing,” he says, heading for the oven. I already know what it is by the smell filling the house. That’s my man, wearing nothing but a pair of oven mitts, wielding a pan of pasta. “Happy fucking anniversary, Sloan.”

  I can’t stop laughing. “I’ll get the forks.”


  “You know you can share her with us?” Olive teases. “We’re not going to try and kidnap her.” It’s our first day home from the hospital, and everyone has been showing up in droves to stop by and see the newest heir to the Mountain Misfit throne.

  “I don’t know,” Trixie laughs. “I might not be able to control myself.” She holds her finger out and Evie reaches for it. “I think my biological clock just started ticking again. This is one cute fucking baby.”

  Everyone’s been busting my balls since we brought Evie home from the hospital.

  I can’t explain it. I thought my love for Sloan was the strongest I’d ever felt, that I would ever feel, but this is a totally different story. Ever since I laid eyes on her, I can’t put her down. I can’t keep my hands off my beautiful wife-to-be and I can’t keep my arms off my perfect daughter. It’s like the second I stop touching them, I feel like this is all going to go away, that I don’t deserve this, that something or someone is going to try and take this away from me.

  It makes me feel so complete, being able to protect them and provide for them.

  “How are you feeling, beautiful?” Olive asks Sloan.

  “Tired and fat,” she sighs from the couch. “It feels good to be home, though. And it was totally worth it.”

  I personally think she’s prettier than ever. Wat
ching her body change as Evie grew inside her was fascinating to me. We were really fortunate with how smoothly her pregnancy went.

  Rosie has grown to the size of a miniature pony, and she’s about as obsessed with Evie as I am. She follows us around everywhere, wagging her tail, watching our baby’s every move with fascination. Every time she even lets out a little cry or coo, she comes sprinting to make sure everything is ok.

  “Do you even get to hold your child, Sloan?” Trixie laughs.

  “As long as he doesn’t start lactating, I’ve got the competitive edge in that department. You know I wouldn’t want it any other way, though. How many women get this lucky?” She sighs. “Why don’t you let the girls play with her for a little bit, though, Gav?”

  “Yeah, Gav!” Brooks says from the living room doorway. “Come out and play with us! Your other children are starting to feel neglected.”

  It has been awhile since I went out with the guys. I’ve never felt like I was missing out on anything this whole time, spending as much time as possible around the house, but the open road is definitely calling my name. We only have a few excellent months of riding weather here, and before I know it, the summer will be over.

  I kiss Evie on the forehead and assure her I’ll be back soon before I pass her off to Sloan.

  “You sure you don’t mind?” I ask her.

  “Go on, Gavin. We’ll be perfectly fine here. Go have some fun,” she encourages. God, she’s so perfect. Even though her face looks weary, her eyes are young and radiant. I know she’s going to be an amazing mother just by the way she loves me.

  “You’re awesome.” I sneak a quick kiss and head out into the midday sun.

  Lined up in my driveway is my whole crew, motorcycles rumbling and ready to go. They cheer as I appear on the porch.

  “Oh elusive one!” Heat calls out. “How’s it feel to be a dad?”

  Honestly, it feels like nothing else in the world that I could even describe.

  “Scary as hell,” I laugh. “She’s not leaving the house until she’s at least thirty-five.”

  “Now you know how those poor old guys felt when you showed up at their houses to pick up their daughters on your bike.”

  “Over my dead body,” I tell him. The thought of Evie running around with a guy like me gives me anxiety. “The only bike she’s allowed to ever get on will have a pink basket and a bell.”

  “You ready to ride, old man?” Brooks asks, tossing me my helmet. “Sloan made me promise you’d wear this.”

  “I think she kinda likes having me around,” I say, smiling.

  “It’s too bad,” he laughs. “I have a thing for single moms.”

  “You better watch your mouth, asshole.”

  “Hey, you’re not married yet. I’m still allowed.”

  I need to fix that problem real fast, and I totally will. But right now, I’m perfectly ok with just being us. I fire up my motorcycle, letting the engine wake up before sliding on my helmet.

  “Lead the way, boss!” Clutch says, and just like that, we’re getting in formation just like the good old days.

  Only now, it’s the good new days. I feel like I’m getting away with something. The summer sun is beating down on my back, my men are by my side, and my favorite girls are safe at home waiting for me to return.

  The End

  Fifteen Years Ago


  I know I’m supposed to be strong today. My brother Gavin made me promise. I’m standing in the doorway of Brooks’s bedroom, watching him toss and turn, watching him cling to his pillow, his sleeping face unable to put on the tough guy smile that he’s always hiding behind.

  My heart is broken for him. By him. The guy who always looked after me growing up. The guy who never made me feel like I was just the annoying kid sister that got in the way. It’s the one-year anniversary of the death of his father, and Gavin and I decided we’d be there for him from the moment he woke up. He’s our best friend and it’s the least we can do.

  I don’t know what I’m thinking, watching him like this. Everything in me tells me to run away, to go downstairs in the kitchen and help Gavin make pancakes, but I can’t leave him like this. I crawl into bed with Brooks, the little boy who had to become a man way too quickly, and curl up next to him on top of the covers.

  His blue eyes snap open and he shakes his head, startled. “Shit, Esther,” he mutters. “You scared me.”

  “Sorry,” I whisper. “Go back to sleep.”

  He smiles and throws his arm over my body, hugging me like a beloved teddy bear until he’s snoring in my ear. I stare up at the ceiling, not really sure how to feel right now. We might only be a year apart in age, but ever since his father died, he had to grow up really fast. He’s not the boy I’ve had a crush on my whole life. He’s a man now.

  He might have just graduated high school with my brother, but he has his own house, the house he and his father lived in. Sure, everyone in the club pitches in and looks after him, makes sure he has food to eat and that the electric bill gets paid, but I can’t imagine having to be as responsible as he’s been. Every day, at 7:05 a.m. sharp, he’s waiting outside my house, honking the horn on his truck, making sure Gavin and I are up and ready for school. At night, he works on bikes for the other guys in the club.

  The girls at our school think my brother and Brooks are gods. They’re constantly surrounded by pretty chicks, and I know some of the girls who I hang out with are only pretending to be friends with me so they can be around those two. I’ve learned to get used to it. It’s not like a lot of girls are allowed to hang out at my place, anyway. Their parents know who I am, where I live, and that I was born into the Mountain Misfits Motorcycle Club. I can pretend all I want that I’m a normal teenager, but I’ve definitely seen some shit.

  The girls want nothing more than to be all over Gavin and Brooks, but the guys my age, they won’t come anywhere near me. Any guy that even asks me for homework advice has to get through those two first, and I don’t blame them for not wanting to risk their necks. It sucks. It sucks so badly. Especially now that I’m almost eighteen. I want what every girl my age wants. I want to feel love. I want to kiss boys.

  Well, I want to kiss a boy.

  A man.

  A man who I’m lying in bed with, all innocent like we’re just two best buds.

  I don’t know how much longer I can live this lie.

  * * *


  It’s supposed to be a hard day for me. It’s the one-year anniversary of my dad’s supposed suicide, and every day I find myself with more questions than answers. I don’t know how Esther got in my bed, but by the way she’s laying on top of my comforter fully clothed, at least I can breathe easy knowing I didn’t go and fuck up another good thing I have going for me. One of the only good things I have going for me.

  Sure, I have my motorcycle club. I have the house I grew up in. I make pretty good money doing runs for the club and working on bikes, and now that it’s summer, I can start working on my father’s moonshine stills he left behind. I even have a high school diploma. But now, Gavin’s leaving for college and I don’t have a clue where the hell I fit into this world anymore. I’m supposed to be a man now, a real patched-in Mountain Misfit.

  Esther and I stand on the ledge of the cliffs. It’s a giant rock formation the guys and I like to go to. There’s a ravine at the bottom, perfect for swimming in. She’s barefoot, her string bikini doing no favors in terms of hiding the fact that she’s not a little girl anymore. She’s not the kid sister Gavin and I used to chase around with garden snakes until we made her cry, not the little girl we’d throw mud at or kick out of our treehouse.

  She’s beautiful, her red hair flowing down her shoulders, exotic green eyes that look like they can see right through you. Sure, she’s got an awesome body, but the thing that does it for me the most are the freckles on her shoulders. Something so innocent and weird, but when I look at them, I feel like I get lost in them, like they’re
something that were put there just for me.

  It’s dangerous knowing she’s about to be eighteen. That’s just one less thing holding me back from ruining what we have going. Hell, probably ruining mine and Gavin’s friendship if he knew how I felt about his little sister. Her father would definitely kill me, like I think he killed my father.

  “Are you gonna jump or what, you chicken shits?” Gavin shouts from the water below.

  “You don’t have to,” I tell her. She’s gripping my hand to the point her knuckles are white. We’ve been here a million times over the years, but never once has she jumped. “We can just walk the trail down.”

  “I’m gonna do it, I’m gonna do it, I’m gonna do it,” she’s chanting over and over again. I don’t know if she is trying to convince me or trying to convince herself. She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. “Count me down, Brooks,” she finally says, steadily, sturdily, assuredly.

  I count to three and we throw ourselves off the cliff, falling forever, crashing into the cool water below. I open my eyes under the water and she’s just hanging there, motionless, not even trying to surface, just holding her breath with her eyes squeezed shut, slowly drifting upwards.

  “That was amazing,” she finally screams, gasping for air as she treads towards me, splashing around without a care. “I feel like a new person!” It’s the prettiest thing I’ve ever seen. The way she’s looking at me like I’m the only person in the whole wide world, like our life is some sort of big inside joke and only the two of us get it, it was only made for the two of us, and the reality just hit us both over the head.

  Gavin swims towards us, and for the first time ever, I realize I don’t care if he goes off to college in the fall. I’m going to be ok. We’re going to be ok. I wish he would go away right now. But instead, he’s grabbing his sister by the hair, shoving her underwater while she screams and thrashes, and they’re kicking and fighting like typical siblings.


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