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Black Hollow: One Man's Curse

Page 3

by Jennifer Wedmore

  Raven followed her in and looked around, the place looked like a typical Italian restaurant. The hostess drew her attention and Raven gasped. “Crap Alizon, how many zombies live in Black Hollow?”

  Alizon rubbed her hand down Raven’s arm, “Come on there's a table available for us, I will answer that question in a moment.”

  Raven stared at the hostess as she led them to a table, and only glanced around when out of the corner of her eye she saw something silver. She stopped moving and spun in a 360. Every staff member was a zombie. She gasped and just kept spinning around. All these people affected by one man's curse. All knew their fate but moved around working and living each day as if nothing else mattered. With that kind of death sentence, could she have done the same?

  A hand grabbed her elbow and stopped her spinning “Come with me to my office, we need to talk.”

  It took a moment to realize Derrick was leading her out of the dining room. “Oh Derrick, I... I... don’t know what to say.” Raven hung her head and followed along, she didn’t dare look anyone in the eye. She was afraid of the anger, hate, or loathing she was sure she would see there. If these people knew who she was, they would not take kindly to her presence.

  Derrick opened a door and gestured for her to enter, then walked in and closed the door. “Please sit, we need to talk, and I need to apologize.”

  “Why would you apologize to me? My ancestor has caused you and your centuries of pain. Our loss of magic is nothing compared to what you go through.”

  “That may be true,” Derrick walked over to a chair in front of his desk and sat. “but I was wrong to take it out on you. You had nothing to do with the curse. I wasn’t prepared to have a living reminder of it.”

  Raven walked over to the seat next to Derrick and plopped down in it. “Can we start over?” She bit her lip as she waited for him to reply. She stuck her hand out “Hello, my name is Raven Burroughs. An ancestor of mine cursed your ancestor. I am here to end this curse for both our families. I need your help, for centuries both sides have tried and failed. Maybe we can only do this if we work together.”

  Derrick reached out and put his hand in hers and gave it a light squeeze. “Hi, I’m Derrick Ainsworth, some asshole cursed my family to age slowly and lose all humanity. Together I think we can find the cure to the curse and fix my family and your magic.”

  They smiled and stared into each other’s eyes until a knock sounded at the door and Stephen stuck his head inside. “Hey boss, restaurants closed. Seraphine said to tell you she would see you both later. Alizon asked me to pass a message along too.”

  Derrick glanced over at Stephen “what’s her message?” Stephen fidgeted in the doorway. “Um, she said to tell Raven, she was going on the prowl.”

  Raven choked out a laugh, “Thank you for letting me know.”

  Derrick glanced at her then back to Stephen “Well that was interesting. Is the whole family here? I want to start the meeting and introduce Raven to everyone.”

  Stephen wore a reserved smile when he looked at Raven, and she knew he was aware of who she was. At least he wasn’t yelling at her yet. “Yeah, they are waiting in the dining room, we will do clean up afterwards. I wanted to get this over with as soon as possible.”


  “Come on Raven, the family deserves to know who you are and what we are going to do. Maybe someone will have heard family lore that will help us find some answers.” Derrick got up from his chair and held his hand out for Raven to take. When she placed her hand in his, he gently pulled her to her feet. He could feel she was trembling slightly, so he tugged her closer and whispered. “I won’t let anyone hurt you, don’t worry.”

  Derrick walked out of the office, still holding Raven’s hand. Stephen trailed behind them and then walked past them to sit in a chair at one of the tables. Derrick walked right in front of everyone and brought Raven with him. “Hey everyone, thanks for coming out on short notice.” Derrick looked around at his family. He smiled at his Mom and Dad, and nodded to cousins, second cousins and so on. They had a rather large family, they could marry humans, but their children would be born silver and therefore suffer the same zombie curse.

  Raven shifted next to him and it brought his attention back to the reason they were standing there. “Before I start, I need you all to remain calm. Please let us explain everything before anyone says anything.” Raven tried to pull her hand out of his, but he wasn’t letting her go. They were a team now and his family needed to see that.

  “It’s common knowledge the curse is hitting us younger and younger. Great Uncle Horace should have had another hundred years or more before it kicked in.” Derrick looked at his dad who was only fifty years younger than Horace. He couldn’t bear to think about him wasting away and being locked up. “We have all searched and searched for a cure, for a reason why this happened. We might finally have a way to end this.” Derrick turned to Raven and smiled at her. “This is Raven Burroughs.”

  Out of the corner of his eye he saw his dad stand up and take a step towards them. Others in the family started muttering to each other. Some may have recognized her name, others curious about his father’s reaction. “Dad, please let us explain. Just sit down for a minute.”

  Raven’s hand flew to her mouth and she gasped, “Derrick how old is your father?” Derrick didn’t answer just nodded his head. He couldn’t bring himself to say how close he was to the cursed age.

  “Dad, everyone else. Yes, she is a descendant of Malachi Burroughs, the Wizard who cursed our family line.” This statement made everyone start talking at once, some yelling, some cursing and a few stared speechless. “Quiet down and let me finish talking.”

  Derrick squeezed Raven’s hand again, “You can’t blame Raven for what her ancestor did. She came to Black Hollow to work in the library in the hopes of finding a cure to the curse.”

  From the back of the group a voice called out “Why would she do that? Why try to fix it now, why did they wait centuries to end it?”

  Raven stepped forward “Why none of my family ever reached out to you... I don’t know. I didn’t think about it either, I had no idea you were here. I only knew Black Hollow had the most extensive library of any Paranormal place, I figured I could find something here. As for why now…” Raven glanced at the floor and then back at Derrick. He stepped up behind her and put his hands on her shoulders. He hoped she understood she had his support.

  “When Malachai cursed your ancestor, it rebounded and stripped my family of magic too. We became complacent over the years and stopped trying to fix it. I guess out of sight out of mind was our way of avoiding what was done to you all. I had no idea how the curse actually affected you, or that is was starting earlier. I will go back to my family and find out if anyone knew, I promise you that. I also promise you I will find with Derrick’s help a way to end this curse for all of us.”

  Derrick’s father stood up again and walked towards Raven, Derrick moved to stand next to her and took her hand. His dad glanced down and then back up to their faces. “I’m sorry I reacted before thinking. You did not cause this curse, and you shouldn’t have to hold the burden to find a cure for either of the families. As the oldest Ainsworth, still sane, I offer you all our support and help. Each day we will take turns meeting at the library and offer whatever assistance you need.”


  Raven could barely keep from breaking down into sobs. Never before had she thought about this family, to be face to face with them now and see what her ancestor had done. How could they be friendly to her? Work hand in hand with her? Derrick held her hand, offered support when he should be shunning her. She couldn’t understand at all. Her family would never have offered support or help to another, not even to help them end this curse. They didn’t care if they got their magic back, they were content to live as humans. Raven had been the only one who felt like a piece of her was missing, she searched for a way to fix it, to fill the hole. But never once did she think about the other people affe
cted. The cure was for her, she felt like a selfish person.

  “Did you get checked into the B and B for tonight?” Raven turned her head to look at Derrick, “Better actually, I have a fully furnished apartment across from the library. I am actually going to my apartment now, it’s been a very long and eventful day.”

  “Is it okay if I walk you back?” Raven really wanted to say yes, to prolong her time with Derrick but she had something to do and it was best if she did it alone.

  “Thank you, I would love that, but I need to make a call to some family members and find out what I can. I need to be prepared before everyone descends on the library tomorrow.” As it was, they were expecting her help, but she hadn’t even looked at the library in any detail. She wasn’t positive where any of the books were!

  She walked towards the door of the restaurant and turned around to glance at the room one last time. She watched as the family embraced each other, talked, some laughed, all had a look of hope and happiness around them. They were so different than her family, they couldn’t stand to be in the same room with each other. They rarely ever talked, and each lived as if there was no one else around them. It made her sad, maybe reaching out and taking the first step would help fix them.

  With a sad smile Raven walked out of the restaurant and pulled out her cell phone. It had been a few months since she spoke with her parents but maybe they would be a good place to start this conversation. She dialed and waited, after seven rings it went to voicemail. Hey Mom, Dad. Just wanted to let you know I moved into Black Hollow. Everything's great so far, I will send you my address later just in case you want it. I know I didn’t tell you I was coming but I wanted to find a way to end this curse and get our magic back. If you could call me back, I have a few questions and I was hoping you could help me. If you know of any family members who know anything about Malachi, please tell them to call me. I love you.

  Raven hung up and sighed. She didn’t expect to hear from them, they never returned her calls. She wasn’t sure why she kept trying to get through to them. They didn’t care about her, magic or anything beyond their snobby friends and pretending to be wealthy socialites. Some days she swore she was adopted. Raven put her phone in her pocket and looked around the town, she was next to the Magical Delights Bakery. The smells coming from inside were making her drool, maybe she could stop in and see what they had for breakfast, it was too late to go to the grocery store tonight.

  She opened the door and walked inside as if in a trance, the smells were calling to her. The shop was quaint, not very large but colorful pink and purples were the color palate of choice apparently. Those colors should have been overpowering but it worked in the bakery. “Good evening, can I help you find something?” Raven turned to the counter where one of the most beautiful women she had ever seen stood with a stunning smile.

  “Um hi, I am new to Black Hollow, I was walking by and smelled the most delicious scents. I thought I would see what you had I could take home for breakfast tomorrow.” Raven was thrilled she didn’t stumble or stutter through that introduction. The employee just smiled and grabbed a box and started adding stuff to it. Raven didn't know what to say so she just watched with a perplexed look on her face.

  A moment later her phone dinged, it was the notification for a text. Raven pulled it out of her pocket and checked to see who it was from. It showed the number for a distant cousin that she had never actually met only heard of mentioned once or twice before.

  Hey cousin, heard through some bizarre family grapevine you were looking into the family curse and needed any information or books we had that could help. I am sending you the information I have on Malachi and a book I think will help. Please send your address asap and I will overnight it.

  Hot damn, this might be the break they need to find the curse or more about it. If cousin Addie had information on Malachi, that would be amazing!

  “Welcome to Black Hollow, I put an assortment of items in the box for you. Free of charge, our way of saying hi, we hope you come back and see us soon.”

  Raven was speechless, was this what it was like living in a town of Paranormals? Instant acceptance, friends and feeling like you were home? “Thank you, I can’t tell you how much this means to me. If these taste an eighth as good as they smell I will definitely be back soon.”

  Raven walked out of the bakery cradling her box of goodies and couldn’t shake the smile. Her day started off bad and just kept getting better. Finding a new friend in Alizon, a furnished and paid for apartment, acceptance by the one family who should reject her, DERRICK and now free baked goods. Nothing could top this day.

  Raven continued walking home looking around at the people and creatures as they walked around town. Everyone seemed so happy and friendly, they waved at each other and talked. She got to the corner to turn towards the library and her apartment and stopped, she was too wound up to sleep and it was too late to go anywhere but the bar. She could go to the library to check it out and get a feel for the place, where the books are and maybe have some ready to go through tomorrow.

  With that plan in mind, she turned the corner and walked to the library. Shit, what if it’s locked, I didn’t get a key from Seraphine. Maybe the ghosts will let me in and help me out. She got to the doors and tugged, she was surprised to find they opened easily.

  Just inside the doors floated Matthew and Reginald. “Good evening Ravenna, what brings you by so late this night?”

  “Hello boys, I was to keyed up to sleep and thought I could get a head start on pulling information for the Ainsworth family and myself to start going through tomorrow. I have a question though, are the library doors always unlocked?”

  Reginald smiled “They aren’t locked because we protect this library, there is no need for anything more.”

  Raven thought that was cryptic statement but let it slide. “Ok…”

  He continued talking, “Go home, rest and when you come in tomorrow, I promise we will have a pile of books for everyone to go through. We will even try to keep Jessup from pulling too many pranks.”

  Raven was speechless. “Thank you, that would be fantastic!” She waved and turned to head back to her apartment. The ghosts knew the library better than anyone, with their help they might have a chance.


  Derrick woke up to moans from Uncle Horace, he was deteriorating fast, but this gave him the extra motivation to get up and search until they found a way to end this. He couldn’t lose any more family members. Noise from downstairs started to trickle into his apartment, perk of being the acting owner of The Rotten Meatball, he got to live close so if there was an emergency, he could just rush downstairs.

  It was too early to set up for the lunch crowd, so Derrick dressed quickly. He wasn’t sure what was going on, but he needed to find out. He ran down the steps, pulling on his shoes as he went, he burst through the door leading to the restaurant and stopped in his tracks.

  “You always were a late riser.” His mom laughed and wrapped her arm around his dad. ‘Good morning, son. We gathered the troops, let’s get over to the library and see what we can unearth today.”

  Derrick was momentarily speechless, he knew last night they said they would help but he hadn’t expected the whole family to turn up the first day. They were going to make quite a show walking down the street.

  “Okay, to the library we go. I hope Raven is prepared for this much help!” Derrick chuckled and led the way out of the restaurant.

  They hadn’t gotten far before a voice called out “Damn, I need my sunglasses, you all are giving quite the shine this morning.”

  “Not much gets by you does it Sebastian, I guess that's why you’re the Chief of Police.” Derrick called back, shaking his head. The Chief was a damn comedian. Stephen moved up next to Derrick and bumped his shoulder.

  “Some of us shine a bit brighter than others of course.” Stephen opened his mouth and Derrick quickly cut him off. “If you sign that damn song one more time, I will gag you.” Steph
en fell a few steps back and under his breath mumbled “Shine bright like a diamond.”

  Stephen just couldn’t help himself, that song called to his shiny soul. Zombies were born bright silver and as they aged the color dimmed to a grey. Stephen claimed he would never be dull… Derrick wasn’t sure if he meant skin color or personality. He had a feeling it was both though.

  When they reached the library, they filed inside one by one and stood there. Derrick could see Raven across the room talking to the ghosts. She was gesturing around and laughing. Something got her attention and she spun around.

  “Well you said the whole family, I just didn’t think you meant literally! Come on over, these gentleman” she waved her hand at the ghosts behind her, “helped compile books for us to go through. They set up stacks on each table, if we divide ourselves among them it will go faster.”

  Derrick watched as his family walked around and picked tables to sit at. They didn’t hesitate or ask questions, they just dove in and started reading. Raven walked over to him and stopped in front of him. She peeked up at him from under his lashes, “Hi.”

  Derrick grinned down at her, “hey.”

  From across the room Stephen groaned and lightly tapped his head on the table. Derrick rolled his eyes and ignored him. Raven must have realized what was going on, because she stepped back a bit awkwardly, “I have notebooks and pens if anyone needs them to take notes. I found them in the office when I was looking around this morning.”

  “You did a lot of work before we got here, did you sleep at all last night?”

  Raven walked towards the check-out desk and the pile of notebooks he could see sitting there. “I actually slept fantastic, the apartment is perfect. Reggie, Matt and Jessup got the books together for us. They have been a huge help.”

  Derrick looked around confused. Who the hell were Reggie, Matt and Jessup? “Um, that’s great... But who is that?”


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