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Black Hollow: One Man's Curse

Page 7

by Jennifer Wedmore

  “Oh, well see the Burroughs didn’t lose their magic. Malachi left and took me with him, he could no longer trust his family after they helped the Ainsworth’s. When I was fourteen, he passed away but not before showing me how to harness all the family magic for myself and erasing any memory of them having it after the curse was cast. It was then easy to let everyone think they lost it because the curse rebounded. With all that magic, I can stay young forever. I just erase the family’s memories after a while and no one is any wiser.”

  Derrick stared at this woman, she was insane. She said it so conversationally like it was nothing big and didn’t hurt so many people. “What did you do to my uncle?”


  “That was my fun, when I got word that Raven was coming to Black Hollow, I knew she would find you all here. I of course have kept tabs on you for years. I have worked for so long to make you all pay for what you did to my parents. For keeping them separated, for killing my mother.”

  Raven couldn’t believe what Addie was saying, it was apparently in the thirteen years that she lived with her father, he brainwashed her. Maybe living so long helped cement her insanity or maybe taking in all that magic for so long corrupted her. Raven didn’t know but she wanted all the answers before they figured out a way to get rid of her.

  “So, you sent me the book? Is it even Malachi’s journal?” Raven was starting to put things together in her head but there were still so many questions. Starting with what was Seraphine and Alizon doing in the corner?

  Addie walked around the perimeter of the area they all stood in, no one wanted her behind them, so it was like a game with everyone moving when she did.

  “Of course not, like I would give you anything of my father’s. You don’t deserve it, none of you do. I created that false book to give you hope, and then take it away. I knew of Seraphine, you can’t have been around as long as I have and not. I hoped she would help you decipher it and when it was cast... It would just make the curse stronger and faster.” As she said the last part she glanced over at Derrick’s Dad. Raven turned to see what she was looking at and gasped. “What did you do to him?” Raven couldn’t control the anguish in her voice as she looked at him.

  Derrick was staring at her, so he didn’t see it right away, Raven watched him glance over at his dad and yell out. Raven didn’t think she would ever forget the devastation on his face just then.

  Addie laughed “I did say the curse got stronger and, faster didn’t I? So that means they will be affected that much sooner. I guess dad over there is just the next person in line to suffer. Of course, by suffer I mean everyone. It’s really the perfect curse.”

  Raven watched as Derrick’s father slumped to the floor, he was sweating and gasping for air. Was he dying? Did she mutate the curse or is this how it always started? Raven looked around at the others, Stephen had been so quiet during this she almost forget he was in the room still. He stood over his uncle and cried, nothing he could do. Seraphine and Alizon stood in the corner, watching Horace. Maybe keeping him held in place so long required both of them. Behind Addie, Raven saw Jessup hovering. He moved toward the table she had been sitting at when Derrick first arrived. Something about him drew her attention and she couldn’t look away.

  He pointed at the book A Grand History. Raven didn’t understand what he was trying to tell her, she glanced back to Seraphine for help. She looked up and smiled, nodding her head. There was something in that book she needed, but how could she focus on what she read with Derrick’s dad dying, Horace straining to get free and her crazy cousin watching it all?

  Raven tried to tune everything and everyone out, in her head she went over what she read. The origins of magic… Great so she knew how Addie got her magic, how did that help? Magic was neither good or bad but depended on the person who wielded it. But if this magic came from a long line of good magic users and she was using it for evil… would that mean she could take it and use it for good as her ancestors had? It wasn’t like this was new magic, right? Old magic was good or evil, regardless of how she got it. It was being used for many years. Raven hoped this was what Jessup had been trying to tell her.

  But how did she get the magic away from her? Raven felt someone move to stand next to her and grasp her hand, she turned her head and looked at Alizon. “Raven, repeat after me.”

  “What once you took as yours, but belong to others, I take away.

  What once you took against others knowledge, I take away.

  What once you took and changed, I give back to those who deserve it.

  What once you lost, I give back to you tenfold.”

  Raven repeated the chant, getting louder and louder until Addie heard her and whipped around. “What are you doing little girl? You think you can take away my magic? You think you are stronger than I am? Not even with the help of your little Salem witch.” Addie stopped talking as Seraphine walked up on the other side of Raven and took her other hand.

  Raven glanced at Seraphine and smiled, together they would be able to end this curse and free both their families. Together the three of them chanted and Addie’s step faltered. Derrick was watching them, and he dragged himself to his feet and walked over. He stopped behind Raven and put his hands on her shoulders and joined in the chant.

  Raven was having trouble chanting, the love she felt for these people was causing her to tear up. Stephen watched them for a minute and then walked over to stand next to Derrick. Raven felt his hands join Derrick’s on her shoulder. His voice joined the chant and Raven watched as Derrick’s dad slowly got to his feet. He wasn’t sweating anymore; his color was better too. Derrick paused in his chant and whispered, “Dad”, his dad walked over to the other side of Derrick and placed his hand on Raven’s shoulder near Derrick’s. His voice joined in on the chant.

  After saying it three more times, Raven gasped and dropped to her knees. Derrick yelled and leaned down to her, “What happened? Are you okay?” Raven didn’t know what to say but she felt a blast of something hit her in the chest. She looked up to where Addie was standing but nothing was left except a pile of ash.

  Raven gasped “What happened?” Derrick pulled her to her feet and wrapped his arms around her.

  “That was time catching up with her, she played with something no one has the right to change. The curse was broken because of love, well that and a combination of powerful witches. The Ainsworth and Burroughs family united to end the curse and gave the spell the last bit of push it needed. Alizon, I and of course you, Raven needed that little extra.” Seraphine smiled and walked over to Horace. “If I am not mistaken It’s time to release Horace from his ropes and welcome him back.”

  Derrick let go of Raven and took a step towards his uncle. “You mean he’s cured too?” Stephen and Derrick’s dad rushed to stand in front of Horace.

  “Yes, he’s back to the way he should be.” Seraphine smiled and walked over to Raven, “If I am not mistaken you have gotten your powers back. You will need someone to teach you how to use them.”

  Raven gaped at Seraphine, “Um, was that what I felt? What about my family did they get them to?” Raven grasped Alizon hand, she hadn’t moved away, and Raven needed a connection just then.

  “Yes, they did, but they have to be unlocked. Some will not want to do it and others will choose to go on their own journey to do it. Either way it’s not on you to deal with it. I will put the word out that witches are needed to help and any of your family who is interested will be contacted.” Seraphine smiled and walked out of the library.

  “Alizon I know you are the only witch in town, would it be okay if I stayed? Would you help me and be my mentor?”

  Raven looked into Alizon’s eye and waited. She could feel that she was asking something Alizon may not want to give but she hoped her friend would agree.

  “For you, I will help. But, it’s just you and I got it?” Alizon smiled and hugged Raven.


  “Tonight’s the annual Black Hollow tree light
ing ceremony, would you accompany me to see it?” Derrick waited for Raven to respond, he knew she wouldn’t say no because she didn’t want to be with him. But she spent so much time learning her magic and working in the library that they didn’t get to see each other often.

  “I would love to, I’m curious how a town like Black Hollow celebrates Christmas and there is no one I would rather spend it with than you.” Raven leaned in and kissed him chastely.

  Derrick growled, “Have you given it anymore thought?”

  Raven leaned back and looked up at Derrick “Are you asking me to move in with you again? What kind of woman do you think I am?”

  Derrick closed his eyes and shook his head “That is a loaded question, you are a witch and the love of my life. Now move in with me and make me the happiest zombie you have ever met.”

  “You are the love of my life, I thank Seraphine every day for offering me this job and bringing me to Black Hollow. I found so much more than I ever expected, love, friendship and family. What more could a witch ask for?” Raven rested her head on Derrick’s chest and sighed.

  “I could ask for you all to get out of my kitchen, so I can start dinner. I would like to go see the tree lighting too you know. Nowhere else can you see pumpkins on a Christmas tree. I love this town!” Stephen flicked a towel at them and shooed them out of the kitchens of The Rotten Meatball.

  They walked out laughing at Stephen’s antics. One day he would find his forever and Derrick was going to give him hell. “Yes, Derrick.”

  Derrick whooped and lifted Raven into his arms and spun her around. The staff started clapping and yelling. “Nephew, may I be the first to congratulate you both?” Derrick set Raven down and turned to his Uncle Horace, “Of course.”

  “Who would have thought one man’s curse could lead to so much good. Anyways, I actually came to give you something Derrick, but it seems appropriate to give it to the both of you.” Horace pulled a ring box out of his pocket. “This was my wedding band, and the love of my life’s. With everything you did for me, I wanted you to have them. I have no kids to pass them onto and they deserved to see love again.” Raven started crying and Derrick felt tears sting his eyes. “We would be honored to wear them.” Raven nodded and hugged Horace.

  “You do realize Raven, you just agreed to marry me using Horace’s rings?” Derrick couldn’t wipe the smile of his face.

  “I do.” Raven smiled back.

  The Black Hollow Series

  The town of Black Hollow has many more stories to tell. Please visit the website and join the Facebook group to know when the next story is releasing.

  Books in the Black Hollow Series

  (In order by Publication Date)

  Loving the Monster Within (Prequel)

  by Cassidy K. O’Connor

  Reviving Love by Cassidy K. O’Connor

  Silver Linings by Sheri Lyn

  Finding Her Fire by Gracen Miller

  About the Author

  Jennifer Wedmore is a native of Florida, a wife, mom of three and now an author. Her journey in writing started with a bit of good-natured peer pressure. Growing up her goal was to be known as eccentric and she hopes that is evident in her stories. Why choose one genre when she can play in several?

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  Other Books by Jennifer

  Paranormal Romance

  Save A Horse

  Dystopian Romance

  Wish Us Luck

  Contemporary Romance

  Working with Scrooge

  Sexy in Black

  Love one of the businesses in Black Hollow?

  Merchandise is now available!




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